• 6 months ago
00:00Right Lucy, last night you were named Fundraiser of the Year at the Moray Barnshire Heroes Awards, how do you feel about that?
00:07It's a bit surreal but very honoured.
00:11And you've raised more than £300,000 over the last 10 years so there's been a big team behind you hasn't there?
00:17Yeah and there's been family, friends and the community if I'm honest.
00:24And everyone on Facebook who follows my story and donates and keeps me going really.
00:32You weren't able to be at the awards but how do you feel?
00:35There was a great big round of applause when the award got handed over and presented.
00:40So how do you feel about people voting for you?
00:43It feels very surreal, I'm just glad I missed it.
00:48Well everybody's thinking about you and it's well deserved and obviously you're going to keep on fundraising.
00:54Oh yeah, you can't stop me.
00:57Well congratulations, brilliant, well done.
01:00Thank you.