Presse monde - 29/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 29/04/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:05 [French]
00:08 [French]
00:11 of Mali's "vain wood" struck by the law of silence. I read in Courrier International magazine
00:18 "despite denunciations and national and international legislations, this precious wood never ceases to be slaughtered in Mali, where it is exported to China."
00:28 Referring to the Malian Press, the magazine indicates that this tree with yellow flowers and whose peak is 40 meters high,
00:36 is seized by the furniture and perfume manufacturers. In Mali, the exploitation, not to mention the looting of this precious wood,
00:45 began sporadically around 2012, according to a report from the American Environmental Survey Agency.
00:52 It increased in 2014-2015 when neighboring countries began fighting illegal trade, reports the local press.
01:02 In February 2022, 157 containers of 27 tons of "vain wood" from Bamako were intercepted at the port of Lome in Togo.
01:13 They had passed through Dakar and a few months later, in August, 124 containers of Malian "vain wood" were seized in Dakar, the magazine specifies.
01:25 The file also points to the difficulties of local communities or associative actors to have a say in the chapter.
01:32 Direction to Europe, where organized crime is a major threat to the interior security of the European Union.
01:41 According to the newspaper Le Monde, which had access to confidential elements of the European Police Cooperation Agency,
01:49 several hundred criminal groups are organized among them according to the standards of a true multinational.
01:56 The panorama of the 821 most threatening criminal organizations in Europe, established by Europol, the European Police Cooperation Agency,
02:07 turns out to be ice cold. Unlike other states like Italy or the Netherlands,
02:12 the Netherlands and France do not really appear as the backbone of tentacular organizations,
02:18 rather as a target for drug import chains or itinerant drug dealers.
02:25 But according to the same source, if the criminal networks, made up only of French members, operate mainly on the territory,
02:32 they also extend thanks to connections with more than 15 other countries, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain,
02:41 of which the European Union and the United Arab Emirates expose Europol.
02:46 Far from the European Union, in the United States, as disaffection for higher education is accentuated,
02:53 professional training recruits more underlines the American press.
02:59 "America needs plumbers and Generation Z, "says The Wall Street Journal,
03:05 while first-cycle enrollments in American universities have fallen for a decade.
03:13 Schools that train in manual jobs have registered a strong increase in interest, especially since the coronavirus pandemic.
03:21 In a survey conducted last year among high school students and students by the Jobber software company,
03:28 75% said they were interested in schools offering paid training on the ground, reports The Wall Street Journal.
03:38 "The cost of higher education in the United States, which continues to increase, is not for nothing,"
03:44 many Generation Z youth say they have no choice but to give up college.
03:51 The United States is not only missing plumbers, but also welders, mechanics, heaters and electricians,
03:59 and in all these professions, the persistent shortage of specialized workers and craftsmen has significantly increased wages.
04:07 In the United States, the spectrum of the ban on TikTok, Hant, creators and PME, quotes the Montreal Journal.
04:16 The journal recounts the story of many content creators worried about Washington banning their favorite app.
04:24 "It's my job, full time," says a Chicago resident. "It took me four years to get to this level,
04:31 where I can meet my needs and those of my family."
04:35 Washington adopted a text this week that forces the Chinese firm Baitidance to sell TikTok
04:42 within a 12-month period, otherwise the social network will be banned.
04:46 This would have a devastating effect on 7 million companies,
04:51 according to the popular video app "Fun" used by 170 million Americans.
04:59 Many American elected officials already accuse the network of allowing China to spy on users.
05:06 We come to the end of our edition today.
05:08 Thank you for following this excellent follow-up to the programs on Medium.
05:12 (upbeat music)
05:14 (upbeat music)