BEI: Investor Perempuan Terus Meningkat

  • 5 months ago
Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mencatat, jumlah investor perempuan di tanah air terus mengalami kenaikan. Bahkan saat ini, jumlahnya sudah sepertiga dari total investor pasar modal di tanah air.


00:00 Bursa Efek Indonesia recorded the number of female investors in the country continue to rise
00:05 Even now the number is already three times the total of capital market investors in the country
00:10 In the title of Kartini Pasar Modal as a celebration of Kartini Day which fell on April 21
00:20 Director of Finance, SMEs and the General Bursa Efek Indonesia Rista Rusta mentioned
00:25 The number of female capital market investors continues to increase
00:29 Until now the total is 38% of the total capital market investors which is 12.5 million people
00:36 Even the value of the investment from this group of women reached 320 trillion rupiah
00:41 Now the number of capital market investors is 12.5 million
00:47 38% of it is women
00:50 So it's quite a lot but it must be increased again
00:54 Because women are the ones who manage and manage the family's finances
01:00 And usually women are more careful with their finances when they are not married yet
01:07 The high number of female investors is called RISA
01:11 Proves that women are now starting to like investment in the capital market
01:15 Such as stocks, bonds, bonds, credit cards, and various other types of investment
01:20 She added that this is not separated from the role of R.A. Kartini who defends women
01:25 By fighting for gender equality and equitable education
01:29 From Jakarta, I am Aydex Channel
01:33 You
01:35 [MUSIC]
