Midi infos - 29/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 29/04/2024


00:00We are still together on Mediain TV. Thank you for staying loyal to us. Here are the titles of your newspaper.
00:19Salary increase, tax reduction on income, increase of SMIC in Morocco after several years of negotiations in the framework of the social dialogue.
00:27The government and the various trade unions have reached an agreement. We will talk about it in a moment.
00:34In Spain, Pedro Sanchez decides to stay in power. The Spanish Prime Minister had threatened to resign after the opening of a preliminary investigation for influence and corruption trafficking against his wife.
00:49Anthony Blinken arrived today in Saudi Arabia, the first step of a tour in the Middle East to discuss a truce between Israel and Hamas.
00:57The US Secretary of State will then go to Jordan and Israel.
01:06In Morocco, after several rounds of negotiations in the framework of the social dialogue, the government and the various trade unions have reached an agreement.
01:14Today, the text provides for an increase of 1,000 dirhams, divided into two sections, for all officials except health personnel, national education and higher education.
01:27At the same time, officials and employees of the private sector will benefit from an indirect increase, with a reduction of 1 point on income tax, which will go from 38% to 37%.
01:41This is not all. The minimum wage should also increase by 10%.
01:45As for the retirement reform, the government and the trade unions believe that it is ineluctable, but it takes a little more time to negotiate the turn.
01:57After the opening of a preliminary investigation for influence and corruption trafficking against his wife, Pedro Sanchez had threatened to resign.
02:06For the Spanish Prime Minister, this is not worth it.
02:10In his long-awaited speech, he announced that he would remain in power.
02:16Pedro Sanchez denounced, I quote, a campaign of destabilization orchestrated by the right-wing opposition.
02:24We were expecting a show, a beautiful game, but in the end, as usual, the two teams did not face each other.
02:33And it is the rebirth of Berkan, congratulated by the Royal Moroccan Football Federation, which goes to the final of the CAF Cup after a second win on green carpet.
02:45Welcome to Morocco. The players of the ESM in Algiers refused yesterday to play against Berkani, wearing their flocked jersey of the complete map of Morocco.
02:54In the end, the rebirth of Berkan will face the Egyptian club of Zamalek.
03:02Since April 1, in order to ensure the access of Moroccan foreigners living abroad to consular quality services,
03:10appointment and booking systems have been generalized.
03:14The implementation of this device translates the high solicitude of which His Majesty the King Mohamed VI
03:20surrounds the members of the Moroccan community established abroad to improve their conditions of welcome in diplomatic and consular missions.
03:29This system also allows the reduction of waiting time, as well as a better quality of welcome and service.
03:40A round of applause for the 16th edition of the Moroccan Agricultural International Fair, an event crowned with success with record numbers.
03:50This year, the SIAM registered more than 2 million visitors, with the participation of more than 70 countries exhibiting at the event,
03:59which is, according to the Moroccan Minister of Agriculture, once again affirmed as the essential meeting point of the agricultural sector in Africa.
04:07It is one of the most significant events in the field on the international scene.
04:13Let's listen together to Kamal Hidane, SIAM's interim commissioner.
04:27This 16th edition saw the participation of 2,500 exhibitors from 70 countries,
04:3345 foreign delegations, including 22 ministers, as well as international organizations such as the African Union, the European Union and the FAO.
04:44This event has attracted more than a million visitors so far,
04:49thus confirming its role as an essential platform for agriculture on an international and continental scale.
04:59I am particularly proud to highlight the launch of our new digital pole,
05:05which was added this year to 11 existing poles,
05:09marking a significant step towards the modernization and digitization of our agriculture.
05:16On an area of 12.4 hectares, this edition includes 1,500 exhibitors,
05:23including more than 500 cooperatives and more than 200 farmers,
05:27thus demonstrating the richness and diversity of the offer presented.
05:33The pole produced by Terroir is notably distinguished by its extension.
05:38It extends over 16,000 square meters and houses more than 500 stones.
05:42This pole has been highlighted by the group of producers, including those affected by the drought in El House.
05:51In terms of knowledge and innovation, the SIAM has organized about forty conferences,
05:58with enriching discussions on major topics such as climate change,
06:05the digitization of agriculture and the importance of agricultural research for sustainability.
06:12Despite Washington's opposition, Israel intends to carry out a land offensive on AFA,
06:19targeting the latest hours of intense strikes in Tehran.
06:23At this time, a delegation from Hamas is discussing with representatives of Egypt and Qatar
06:29a proposal for a strike associated with the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip.
06:37In parallel to these negotiations, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken
06:41arrived in Saudi Arabia today during a new tour in the Middle East
06:45to promote a strike after almost seven months of war in the Palestinian territory.
06:50This tour will also take place in Israel and Jordan.
06:56In this context, marked by a continuous deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza,
07:02the International Committee of the Red Cross estimates that it has no intention of replacing the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees,
07:10a right that is the subject of critical criticism from Israel,
07:16but also from US elected officials, who blame it for being too close,
07:21or even colluding with Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip.
07:27After a clear reform of the constitution rejected by the opposition,
07:32which denounces a process aimed at keeping President Fornia Sinbe in power,
07:36the Togolese have started voting this morning to elect regional deputies and councillors.
07:42With a novelty, the president will be elected for a four-year renewable mandate,
07:47once by the deputies and no longer directly by the voters.
07:51The head of the winning party of these legislatives will be appointed to this new function,
07:57and if the party in power unites and wins these legislatives,
08:00President Fornia Sinbe could still keep the keys to the palace.
08:07On election day in South Africa, more than 27 million voters are called to the polls to renew the parliament,
08:14which will then appoint the next president of the decisive general elections for the ANC,
08:21in power for 30 years.
08:22The South African president, leaving Syria in 1971,
08:25puts his hand on the head of the state if the ANC, its historical party, manages to get an honorable score.
08:36Let's go to Senegal, where the Association of Archivist and Documentary Librarians
08:42went to two prisons in the capital with boxes full of books for the detainees.
08:47Let's listen to Marème Adjop and Moussa Nair.
08:51The Senegalese Association of Archivist and Documentary Librarians, ASBAD,
08:56intends, through this donation, to promote the book in a prison environment,
09:01a way to allow pensioners of these detention centers to travel in time, in space, thanks to reading.
09:09The book is irreplaceable. You know, reading motivates. Reading gives experience.
09:19Reading allows the individual to escape, but reading gives knowledge.
09:24And even the pleasure of reading, it saves the man.
09:28You can be a prisoner physically, but you can exercise your thoughts, your freedom of expression.
09:35But only the book can be the means, the tool that allows you to escape and travel.
09:41The initiative is encouraged by the penitentiary agents.
09:45They assume the act as a kind of reinsertion of the detainees.
09:50The prison is a miniature world. There are all social classes in the prison.
09:57The library is a part of the social reinsertion of the detainees.
10:04It allows the detainees to fight against the lawlessness and to acquire knowledge.
10:11There were many people who were there. Maybe they didn't have time to read.
10:17So if you bring them books, they will have time to read, to acquire knowledge, and above all to travel, as you say.
10:26The Association of Librarians took advantage of the tribune to call on the government to create a national library.
10:35Senegal is a country of great men, the country of Saint-Gaure, the country of Cheikh Antajou.
10:41It was a great pleasure to find a national library in this country.
10:51This is what we want, this is what we recommend.
10:54Last time, we had a problem with the documentary fund of President Leopold Sédar Senghoun.
10:59Imagine if we had this great library here in Senegal. I don't think there would be any problem.
11:04So it's time to set up the National Library of Senegal.
11:08This book donation in the prisons of Dakar, the Senegalese capital, is a first for the Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentarists of Senegal.
11:18Its members plan to continue this action.
11:23We stay in Senegal. On the spot, many young people are struggling to get a job.
11:27These graduates, for the most part, denounce the too selective and tight recruitment criteria.
11:33In this report by Jeunesse Mouhaha and Sanousi Sané, they explain what their daily life is like.
11:41Nowadays, the requirements of recruiters and managers of human resources are more and more selective.
11:49These young people have been confronted in their search for employment.
11:53From a point of view, they are justified in the case where they meet the needs of the recruiter,
11:59but they can also be discriminatory, so that they are used against people who need to be recruited.
12:07So it is essential that the recruitment criteria are fair and transparent and meet the needs of the recruiter.
12:19These criteria can range from the number of years of experience to the age required for the position to be granted.
12:23These recruitment requirements often have quite complex issues.
12:27In relation to the criteria, there are the years of experience.
12:31This is the most pressing problem for people looking for a job, whether it is an internship.
12:39You will find jobs that will ask for 3 years of experience, 4 years, 5 or even 8 years of experience.
12:45For a student who is just starting out, if you ask him for 5 years of experience, he will have his 5 years.
12:53For human resources professionals, their recruitment criteria are explained.
12:57We are lucky to recruit for partners who are outside of humanism,
13:03i.e. entities with which we have been in a relationship for a few years.
13:08This means that every time we have to recruit for these kinds of profiles, we have to respect certain criteria.
13:16These criteria come from these partners, who allow us to sort out every time we have a request that we post on our different digital platforms.
13:26Today, we cannot say that we are looking for a guardian who has a master's level.
13:33This does not make sense because the guardian may not need this level to do this job.
13:39On the other hand, when we say that we want to have a financier,
13:45in any case, we are committed to this comfort, but in relation to what a financier must have as a background to do a job within a company.
13:55In the professional environment, recruiters are often looking for the best profile for employment.
14:01This is also a way to filter the fanciful or adventurous candidacy.
14:05This is why there are so many requirements from human resources professionals.
14:10Welcome back to the Kingdom, where Tangier continues to vibrate with the rhythm of the festivities of the International Day of Jazz.
14:17Since Friday, the melomans have been in the city of Detroit,
14:21where great names continue to relate to each other on stage,
14:24an event that highlights the jazz heritage of the city, as well as the cultural links between the different continents.
14:31And in the guest of the editorial, Ilhan Berada, received Ernesto Oton Fernandez,
14:42Undersecretary General for Culture at UNESCO.
14:47The UNESCO Director is back on the reasons for the choice of the city of Tangier
14:52as the High City of the International Day of Jazz.
14:57Together we listen to them.
14:58I imagine that it was not an easy choice to designate Tangier as the High City of the International Day of Jazz 2024.
15:09I would say yes and no, in the sense that there were other cities that offered themselves.
15:14But indeed, you mentioned Gnawa, which for us at UNESCO is an extraordinary thing,
15:22since when it was inscribed on the list of intangible heritage,
15:26for UNESCO it is a pride to know that it is this fusion between different cultures
15:32that gave birth to this cultural expression, which is now rooted in the Moroccan people
15:44and which represents a unique thing in the world.
15:47And it is this universal, unique value that makes it.
15:50Indeed, it was a difficult choice because there were other cities that also had very good options,
15:56but it had to be done here.
15:58And we are very proud that it is the first time that we are holding this event on the African continent
16:03and that it is here in Tangier.
16:06Ernesto Oton Fernandez, Undersecretary General for Culture at UNESCO,
16:10is also back on the idea of ​​creating an International Day of Jazz.
16:14Together we listen to him.
16:16So I would like us to come back to this International Day of Jazz Day
16:22and bring it a little closer to the Moroccan public, to the public of Median TV.
16:26Can you summarize for us how the idea of ​​the creation of the Jazz Day came about
16:32and why does jazz facilitate this fusion of peoples, of musicians,
16:38around a single and unique musical genre, which is jazz?
16:45The story is quite simple.
16:47UNESCO has what we call the Ambassadors of Goodwill,
16:51who are people recognized in different fields, education, culture, science,
16:56and who represent the organization in an honorary way.
17:02And when in 2011 it was chosen, selected,
17:09Harry Hancock, who is still one of the greatest living jazz musicians today,
17:15his first proposition was,
17:18why wouldn't we have an International Day of Jazz?
17:23Because we have days of music, of heritage.
17:26And so, supported by 17 UNESCO member states,
17:31it was proposed to the Executive Council of our organization,
17:35and it was confirmed during the General Conference.
17:38And since then, we have been celebrating this day every year.
17:45We stay in the kingdom where the workshop of the Palace of Culture of the Foundation Forum of Asila
17:50hosted the 6th edition of the Asila Spring Workshop for the Arts,
17:57a session that saw the participation of 13 Moroccan artists from Bahrain and Great Britain.
18:04Hayat Ziani tells us about it in this story of Chema Fikri.
18:10Claps for the 6th edition of the residence of artists in Asila.
18:14The session supervised by the artist Abdelkader Malihi
18:18allowed the professionals of plastic art and lithography
18:21to share their experiences as well as their techniques,
18:24each of them bringing his touch of creativity and originality.
18:28We are always happy to receive painters, artists,
18:32whether they are from Asila, Morocco or abroad.
18:38And we work, everyone works in their own way.
18:43It is also a way of sharing our techniques, our ideas.
18:52And as you can see, at the end of each residence, we exhibit our productions.
19:00Rabbi Hayat aims to offer artists a common space of creation
19:04while reflecting their free identity,
19:06regardless of the technique used, the inspiration and the tools used.
19:10The paintings of the different participating artists
19:13show a good dose of creativity, quite contemporary.
19:17As for my work inside the workshop,
19:19I worked on the techniques that I always used.
19:24During this workshop, I used my usual techniques.
19:27I work with paper, but also with wool.
19:30This painting behind me is about Moroccan and African identity.
19:34I worked on this work, which is based on the Moroccan and African identity.
19:44As a reminder, the Asila Plastic Arts Spring Festival was launched in the spring of 2016.
19:49Since then, the workshop has had a remarkable participation
19:52of artists from Morocco, Bahrain, Spain, Italy, France and Great Britain.
19:57The works of these artistic workshops are crowned by collective exhibitions
20:01presented at the gallery of the Hassan II Centre for international meetings in Asila.
20:07This is the end of this newspaper. Thank you for following it.
20:09The information continues on Median TV and Median TV Africa.
20:14Median TV and Median TV Africa