Biden Mercilessly Mocks Trump At White House Correspondents' Dinner | Full Speech

  • 5 months ago
President Biden delivers remarks to the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

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00:00 (Applause.)
00:16 Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:17 (Applause.)
00:20 If you think your Irish grandparents are wondering --
00:23 (laughter)
00:25 -- my great, great grandparents who came here in 1846
00:29 and were, "What the hell's going on?"
00:31 (Laughter.)
00:32 I want to thank you for the warm welcome.
00:34 But please, not so loud.
00:37 (Laughter.)
00:39 Donald was listening.
00:40 (Laughter.)
00:42 Sleepy Don.
00:43 (Laughter.)
00:45 I kind of like that. I may use that again.
00:47 (Laughter.)
00:49 Kelly O'Donnell, President of the White House
00:51 Correspondents Association, thank you for having me.
00:54 (Applause.)
00:55 Thank you, sir.
00:56 Kelly O., let's be honest, you're way too young to be President.
01:01 (Laughter.)
01:04 It's been a year since I delivered this speech,
01:07 and my wife, Jill, who's with me tonight,
01:09 was worried how I'd do.
01:11 I told her, "Don't worry. Just like riding a bike."
01:14 She said, "That's what I'm worried about."
01:16 (Laughter.)
01:20 Of course, the 2024 election is in full swing.
01:24 And yes, age is an issue.
01:27 I'm a grown man running against a six-year-old.
01:32 (Laughter and applause.)
01:36 While I feel great -- I really feel great --
01:39 I'm campaigning all over the country --
01:43 Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina.
01:45 I've always done well in the original 13 colonies.
01:48 (Laughter.)
01:52 And speaking of history, did you hear what Donald just said
01:55 about the major Civil War battle?
01:57 Quote, "Gettysburg, wow."
02:02 (Laughter.)
02:07 Trump's speech was so embarrassing,
02:09 the Statue of Robert E. Lee surrendered again.
02:11 (Laughter.)
02:14 But look, age is the only thing we have in common.
02:20 My Vice President actually endorses me.
02:22 (Laughter and applause.)
02:32 I had a great stretch since the State of the Union.
02:34 But Donald has had a few tough days lately.
02:38 You might call it "stormy weather."
02:40 (Laughter.)
02:44 What the hell?
02:46 (Laughter.)
02:48 Trump is so desperate, he started reading those Bibles
02:51 he's selling.
02:52 (Laughter.)
02:54 Then he got to the First Commandment.
02:56 "You shall have no other gods before me."
02:59 That's when he put it down and said,
03:01 "This book is not for me."
03:03 (Laughter.)
03:05 Look, being here is a reminder that folks think
03:10 what's going on in Congress is political theater.
03:12 That's not true.
03:15 The Congress or theater that have thrown out
03:17 Lauren Boebert a long time ago.
03:18 (Laughter and applause.)
03:24 Now, to all my friends in the press and Fox News --
03:29 (laughter)
03:32 -- some of you complain that I don't take
03:34 enough of your questions.
03:36 No comment.
03:39 (Laughter.)
03:40 Of course, the New York Times issued a statement
03:43 blasting me for, quote,
03:45 "active and effectively avoiding independent journalists."
03:48 Hey, if that's what it takes to get the New York Times
03:51 to say I'm active and effective, I'm for it.
03:53 (Laughter and applause.)
03:55 It's okay.
03:57 I have higher standards.
04:03 I do interviews with strong, independent journalists
04:07 who millions of people actually listen to, like Howard Stern.
04:11 (Laughter.)
04:13 And I know you're looking around and saying,
04:15 "This guy has been doing this for 50 years.
04:17 He's had his moment. Give him some --
04:20 give him someone else a chance."
04:22 To say that, I say, "Lauren, ignore the critics."
04:26 (Laughter and applause.)
04:27 Ignore the critics.
04:29 Lauren is a great friend who's had eight comedians play me
04:33 over the years on Saturday Night Live -- eight.
04:36 And who the hell says I'm not a real job creator?
04:38 (Laughter.)
04:42 Look, Lauren's had even more comedians
04:44 and actors joke about me,
04:45 like the funny guy in "Weekend Update," Michael Che.
04:50 (Laughter and applause.)
04:53 He's hilarious.
04:54 Scarlett Johansson, you did such an incredible job
05:00 in your state-of-the-art rebuttal
05:02 that you should be "Weekend" -- do "Weekend Update."
05:05 (Laughter.)
05:07 Clearly, you're -- you're the funny one in the family.
05:10 (Laughter.)
05:12 Look, folks, on a serious note, in addition to marrying up,
05:16 Colin and I have another thing in common.
05:18 (Laughter.)
05:20 We both find strength in family.
05:22 I got to spend some time with his family
05:23 yesterday in the Oval Office.
05:26 Colin's dad was a high school teacher in Staten Island,
05:28 and his mom is an incredible woman --
05:30 a family of firefighters, was chief medical officer
05:33 in New York City Fire Department on 9/11.
05:37 As a doctor, she rushed to ground zero,
05:40 risking her own life,
05:43 treating and saving fellow first responders.
05:45 Rushing into danger for others
05:48 is my definition of patriotism and heroism.
05:50 (Applause.)
05:59 And so is what all of you do when you report truth over lies.
06:05 That's why I want to close the night with my genuine thanks
06:07 to the free press.
06:09 There are some who call you the enemy of the people.
06:13 That's wrong and it's dangerous.
06:16 You literally risk your lives doing your job.
06:20 (Applause.)
06:21 You do.
06:23 Covering everything from natural disasters to pandemics to wars
06:28 and so much more.
06:30 And some of your colleagues have given their lives,
06:33 and many have suffered grievous injuries.
06:35 Other reporters have lost their freedom.
06:38 Journalism is clearly not a crime --
06:41 not here, not there, not anywhere in the world.
06:43 (Applause.)
06:48 And Putin should release Evan and all suit immediately.
06:51 (Applause.)
06:53 Just we're doing everything we can.
06:55 (Applause.)
06:57 We're doing everything we can to bring home journalists --
07:00 fellow journalists -- Austin and all Americans,
07:02 like Paul Well, you know,
07:05 who were wrongfully detained all around the world.
07:07 And I give you my word as a Biden,
07:09 we're not going to give up until we get them home --
07:11 all of them, all of them.
07:13 (Applause.)
07:19 On the third anniversary of January 6th,
07:21 I went to Valley Forge and I said,
07:23 "The most urgent question of our time
07:26 is whether democracy is still --
07:28 is still the sacred cause of America."
07:32 That is the question
07:34 the American people must answer this year.
07:36 And you, the prefects, play a critical role
07:39 in making sure the American people have the information
07:42 they need to make an informed decision.
07:44 A defeated former President has made no secret
07:47 of his attack on our democracy.
07:49 He said he wants to be a dictator on day one,
07:52 and so much more.
07:54 He tells supporters he is their revenge and retribution.
07:58 When in God's name have you ever heard of another President
08:00 say something like that?
08:02 And he promised a bloodbath when he loses again.
08:05 We have to take this seriously.
08:08 Eight years ago, you could have written off
08:11 it as just "Trump talk," but no longer --
08:14 not after January 6th.
08:16 I'm sincerely not asking of you to take sides,
08:20 but I'm asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment.
08:23 Move past the horse race numbers and the gotcha moments
08:29 and the distractions, the sideshows that have come
08:32 to dominate and sensationalize our --
08:34 sensationalize our politics,
08:35 and focus on what's actually at stake.
08:38 And I think, in your hearts, you know what's at stake.
08:41 The stakes couldn't be higher.
08:42 Every single one of us has roles to play --
08:45 a serious role to play in making sure democracy endures --
08:49 American democracy.
08:51 I have more of my role, but with all due respect, so do you.
08:54 In the age of disinformation, credible information,
08:59 that people can trust, is more important than ever.
09:02 And that makes you -- and I mean this from the bottom of my heart
09:04 -- makes you more important than ever.
09:06 So, tonight, I'd like to make a toast.
09:09 To a free press, to an informed citizenry,
09:16 to an America where freedom and democracy endure,
09:20 God bless America.
09:22 (Applause.)
09:27 Now, I'm going to turn it over to Kelly.
09:31 None of you here are from a real comedian.
09:34 (Laughter.)
09:35 I think I know what I'm in for. You know, Colin Jost
09:37 has taken aim at me before with his jokes.
09:39 >> The Press: Oh, I'm sure. Are you ready?
09:41 >> The President: Like saying, after winning the South Carolina
09:44 primary, Biden barely edged out his closest rival -- time.
09:48 (Laughter.)
09:52 Colin, when I win,
09:55 I'm going to have a whole hell of a lot of time.
09:57 (Laughter.)
09:58 And I'm going to be watching, pal.
09:59 (Laughter.)
10:01 Kelly, back to you.
10:02 (Applause.)
10:09 Thank you.
10:11 (Applause.)
