Top 10 Most Memorable Seinfeld Girlfriends

  • 5 months ago
How did they get so many dates? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at notable girlfriends that dated Jerry Seinfeld’s character on his classic sitcom.


00:00 "I'm not stupid. I'm looking in that drawer, there's no can opener."
00:03 "Did I say you were stupid?"
00:05 "Well, wouldn't I have to be?"
00:07 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're looking at notable girlfriends that dated Jerry Seinfeld's
00:12 character on his classic sitcom. We won't be including George's girlfriend Susan Ross for
00:16 this list.
00:17 "Boy, am I glad to see you."
00:18 "You're expecting someone else?"
00:20 "You never know."
00:21 Number 10. Beth Luckner.
00:24 "Jerry, I'm sorry to bother you, but you always said that you'd be there for me."
00:27 "Well, what's wrong?"
00:28 "I'm thinking of leaving Arnie."
00:30 "Talk to me."
00:31 There have been a lot of recognizable faces that have filtered in and out of the Seinfeld
00:35 universe as paramours of Jerry. Deborah Messing was one of those faces, portraying Beth Luckner
00:40 in two episodes.
00:41 "Well, wherever you are, I appreciate it."
00:44 One from season seven and another from season eight.
00:46 "Hey, what do you call a doctor who fails out of med school?"
00:50 "What?"
00:51 "A dentist."
00:51 Luckner dates Jerry in this latter episode, memorably titled "The Yada Yada," and the two
00:57 seem to be getting on pretty well. That is, of course, until Luckner's inner feelings about
01:01 certain types of people come out while the pair is attending a wedding.
01:04 "Not to mention the blacks and the Jews."
01:05 Jerry immediately dumps Beth when he learns of these feelings.
01:10 "Where's Beth?"
01:11 "She went out to get her head shaved."
01:12 Messing would go on to star in her own classic sitcom, Will & Grace.
01:16 "I love you."
01:17 "Love you."
01:17 Number nine. Sue Ellen Mischke.
01:20 "Hi, Elaine."
01:22 The character of Sue Ellen Mischke is something of an outlier on this list,
01:26 since although she did connect with Jerry, she has more of a relationship with Elaine.
01:30 "Hi."
01:31 "Oh, great."
01:33 This relationship, negative though it may be,
01:35 is so strong in fact that Elaine considers Sue Ellen to be her nemesis.
01:39 Much is made early on over Mischke's refusal to wear a bra.
01:44 "It doesn't fit."
01:45 As well as her connection to the O. Henry candy bar empire.
01:48 It's this combination of Jerry, Elaine, and Sue Ellen Mischke's romantic lives that ends up
01:53 causing her exit from the series as well, when it's revealed that Elaine
01:56 once had a relationship with Sue Ellen's fiance.
01:59 "You slept with the groom?"
02:01 Number eight. Rachel Goldstein.
02:11 "We better not."
02:12 Let's be honest, most girlfriend characters on Seinfeld were usually plot devices for an episode
02:18 and rarely stayed on for more than a couple of appearances at best.
02:21 This is why Rachel Goldstein stands out from the pack, since the character,
02:25 played by Melanie Smith, appeared in no less than four, count 'em, four episodes on the series.
02:30 We realize that Jerry is known for loving him and leaving him,
02:35 but Rachel feels like something different, something steady.
02:37 "The train was so crowded I had to sit in a seat facing the wrong way."
02:40 "No, I like that. It's like going back in time."
02:42 They famously make out during a screening of Schindler's List,
02:45 and it's Goldstein who accidentally catches George's shrinkage.
02:49 "Oh my god."
02:51 Jerry may not have been bummed out to see her go,
02:53 admitting that things usually even out for him, but we certainly were.
02:57 "Well, I don't think we should see each other anymore."
02:59 "Oh, that's okay."
03:00 Number seven. Meryl.
03:03 "You know, you're falling way behind on the 'I love you's."
03:05 The Seinfeld writers may not have cared enough about Meryl to give her a last name
03:09 during her one-and-done appearance on the show, but we'll never forget her.
03:12 "You bring your own syrup?"
03:13 "Got to. You got a lot to learn about pancakes."
03:16 Sure, this may be thanks to the fact that Meryl was played by Courtney freaking Cox,
03:19 but her appearance on the episode titled "The Wife" also makes us laugh every time.
03:24 Meryl's insistence at referring to herself as Jerry's spouse in order to receive a laundry
03:29 discount is hilarious, as is the couple's running tally of how many "I love you's" they've shared.
03:34 "I love you."
03:34 "Love you."
03:35 For our money, we think Meryl should have stuck around for a few more episodes.
03:38 What do you think?
03:39 "What happened to us, Jerry?"
03:41 Number six. Gwen.
03:42 "Hi, I'm Jerry."
03:43 "Hi."
03:44 "You might not know it to look at me, but I can run really, really fast."
03:48 The character of Gwen was another Seinfeld girlfriend without a last name,
03:52 but she actually made up for it by having another face.
03:54 "Hi."
03:55 Or at least, that's how George refers to her.
03:57 "What?"
03:58 A two-face who looks great in certain lights, but less attractive in others.
04:02 "I could go either way."
04:03 "You're telling me."
04:06 We admit that this plot device feels a bit dated in today's more body-positive climate,
04:11 but Seinfeld is such an irreverent show that it never feels truly mean-spirited.
04:15 Instead, this comedy of errors focuses more on Jerry and Gwen meeting at Monks all the time,
04:20 you know, for the lighting.
04:21 "Now this is a good-looking boot."
04:22 As well as how Gwen appears unrecognizable to Kramer.
04:26 It's sublimely silly stuff.
04:28 "Gwen, how did you know I was here?"
04:31 "Kramer told me."
04:32 "Another Festivus miracle!"
04:34 Number five. Laura the lip reader.
04:36 "What are you, deaf?"
04:37 "Bingo!"
04:39 Marlee Matlin is many things.
04:41 An advocate and champion for representation of the deaf community.
04:45 An acclaimed and Academy Award-winning actress.
04:47 An all-time beauty.
04:50 She's also one of the many women who've dated Jerry Seinfeld,
04:53 albeit briefly, in the episode titled, you guessed it, 'The Lip Reader'.
04:57 "That couple is breaking up."
04:58 "They're breaking up? How do you know?"
05:03 "She reads lips."
05:04 "What are they saying now?"
05:07 Matlin portrayed a tennis lines woman that dated Jerry,
05:10 who was impressed by her ability to read lips.
05:12 "It's not a novelty act, George, that you hire out for weddings and bar mitzvahs."
05:18 This initial appreciation quickly turns to paranoia, however.
05:21 And it isn't long before Jerry dumps Laura the lip reader
05:24 and moves on to greener pastures.
05:26 "Thus ends the great ball made experiment."
05:30 Boo, Jerry.
05:31 Number four. Marla Penny.
05:33 "Well, let me tell you what I see."
05:34 "Please, and be brutal. I have no closet sensitivity."
05:37 "Are you very fussy about your pants?"
05:41 "I don't think I am."
05:42 Actress Jane Leaves initially made her mark with brief appearances on
05:45 the Benny Hill Show and Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
05:48 Her talent and beauty eventually led her from her native England to America,
05:52 where she stopped off at Seinfeld before nabbing her own recurring sitcom role on Frasier.
05:57 "Are you going to want to leave after it's over? You know, if we have sex."
06:01 "What? Leave? Where? Why?"
06:04 Leaves' character of Marla Penny was a virgin when she met Jerry.
06:08 "I'm a virgin."
06:11 But soon left the comedian after finding out about his, ahem, contest with his friends.
06:16 Penny would later shack up with John F. Kennedy Jr., of all people,
06:19 and even returned for the divisive series finale.
06:22 "Maybe I should be going."
06:24 Number three. Dolores.
06:26 "Signs smell?"
06:27 "Yeah."
06:28 It's one of the most memorable running gags in Seinfeld history.
06:31 "Dolores!"
06:32 As well as perhaps the greatest final freeze frame to boot.
06:36 On the one hand, it's sort of insulting that Jerry is actually dating Dolores,
06:39 but can't even be bothered to remember her first name.
06:42 "You don't know my name, do you?"
06:43 "Yes, I do."
06:46 "What is it?"
06:48 "It rhymes with a female body part."
06:51 "What is it?"
06:53 "Mulva?"
06:56 Spoiler alert, she doesn't have a last name.
07:00 Then again, the joy is in the journey, as the gang attempts to jog Jerry's memory,
07:04 knowing only that Dolores' name rhymes with a certain part of the female anatomy.
07:08 "I don't know the name of this woman in the bathroom."
07:10 "So when she comes out, you introduce yourself, and then she'll be forced to say her name."
07:14 The episode runs through a lot of proposed names,
07:17 from Mulva to Bovary to Celeste and Gipple.
07:20 "Gipple?"
07:20 "Loliola?"
07:27 But it's only at the finale where Jerry screams out his girlfriend's name
07:30 from his apartment window.
07:32 "Oh! Oh!"
07:33 "Dolores!"
07:37 "Dolores!"
07:38 Number 2 - Jeannie Steinman
07:41 It was the character of Jeannie Steinman that initially led to Jerry Seinfeld
07:47 actually proposing marriage.
07:49 "Will you marry me?"
07:50 After the former saves the comic from being hit by a car.
07:53 "God, you saved my life."
07:54 "Won't there be some kind of reward for that?"
07:56 Jerry is head over heels about Jeannie,
07:59 noticing that they share the same initials, as well as many of the same interests.
08:03 However, this looming gray cloud of self-loathing eventually comes over Jerry
08:07 when he realizes that he simply can't be with a person who's exactly like him.
08:11 "I hate you!"
08:12 There's honestly a lot to unpack when it comes to the dissolution of the pair's engagement,
08:18 but we absolutely loved seeing Janine Garofalo on this show.
08:22 Before we unveil our top pick, here are some honorable mentions.
08:26 Jillian - her manhands end up a deal breaker.
08:29 "You have a little something on your face."
08:31 "I can get it."
08:32 "No, no, no, no, you're missing it. It's higher."
08:36 Sheila - is Schmoopy the best or worst pet name?
08:40 "Hi Schmoopy!"
08:41 "No, you're Schmoopy!"
08:42 "You're Schmoopy!"
08:43 "Darling."
08:44 Lois - Jerry can't stop the Superman references.
08:47 "Ready to go, Lois?"
08:48 "Boy, you sure like to say my name, don't you?"
08:52 Sergeant Kathy Tierney - doesn't like Jerry's act and takes no guff.
08:56 "All right, let me ask you now, when someone is lying,
08:58 is it true that their pants are actually on fire?"
09:01 "If I can't get it, I'm sorry."
09:05 "If I could tell you, the famous faces that have been up here."
09:07 "Get out."
09:08 Jane - Elaine refuses to spare a square for Jane.
09:12 "She wouldn't stop. Help me, help me. She was insane."
09:17 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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09:33 Number 1 - Sidra Holland
09:35 "Hi, Jerry."
09:36 "Oh, hi, Sidra."
09:37 The success of Seinfeld allowed for a number of its jokes and gags to enter the public
09:41 consciousness. However, most of them were uttered by the core gang of Jerry, Elaine,
09:46 Kramer or George.
09:47 "It's like finding out Mickey Mantle corked his butt."
09:49 Terry Hatcher's Sidra Holland was a pleasant and notable outlier to this trend,
09:53 uttering one of the sitcom's most famous lines full stop.
09:57 The bulk of Sidra Holland's screen time is associated with her breasts.
10:00 "Whoa, doctor."
10:03 Specifically, the question of whether they're natural or surgically enhanced.
10:06 "You've dated women with nose jobs, what's the difference?"
10:09 "You don't touch the nose."
10:11 Sidra and Jerry's relationship is off and on during this episode.
10:15 But it's Holland that ultimately has the last laugh when she reveals to Jerry,
10:19 "They're real and they're spectacular."
10:22 What's your favorite episode of Seinfeld? Let us know in the comments.
10:27 "I'm Donna Chen."
10:28 "What do you mean?"
10:32 "I mean, I'm Donna Chang."
10:34 "You're Donna Chang?"
10:36 "Did you think I was Chinese?"
10:38 "Oh, no, what, you mean because of the Chang?"
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10:51 [Music]