新古毛补选 | 火箭催谷华裔投票率之战 若低于这个水平恐丢失新古毛?

  • 4 months ago
▌热点 X 八点最热报 ▌ 如果华裔投票率低于这个水平,那么行动党要保住新古毛议席,就有难度?


完整影片 https://bit.ly/3wev4VS

#新古毛 #新古毛补选 #彭小桃 #国盟 #希盟
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频


00:00For the MCA, their influence is very negligible, not only nationally but in KKB.
00:05So for them not going down to the ground, it won't affect that much
00:10because DAP has a solid support from the non-Malay voters.
00:14MCA also has very limited influence in KKB.
00:18So the good news for the DAP is that this is really a fight over
00:22how many percent of the Chinese vote they can retain and make sure they come back
00:27and also what is the percentage of Indian votes they can retain
00:30plus whether they can get some Malay votes.
00:32But I think the danger for the DAP is that if they don't do it properly,
00:36if the fallout, for example, if the turnout is less than 50% among the Chinese,
00:42then I think they'll be in trouble.
00:44If the Chinese turnout is more than 60-70%, then DAP should be able to win the seat.
