Choreographer Sahil Kumar found fame showcasing folk dances on TikTok, garnering more than 1.5 million followers, but his profile has been dormant since his last video four years ago, just before India's decision to ban the platform. "Our sources of income stopped, and our connections were affected," says the influencer, now gathering just under 94,000 people on Instagram.
00:00I have taken this video after a lot of thought.
00:29When tiktok was banned, the work was suddenly shut down.
00:33Now they are gone, we are gone.
00:35Because we are not getting work.
00:37And their poor people are left like this.
00:39So suddenly it happened that your income source is lost.
00:43Okay, your links are over.
00:45Because people contact you from there.
00:58Tiktok was a very good platform for everyone.
01:22The artist who is not able to pay.
01:26The artist who only knows his art.
01:29The people who are in the streets.
01:32There is a singer who asks for work.
01:37Those people also got a platform.
01:40That we will put our video.
01:42So that was heartbreaking for everyone.
01:45Motion is a very good thing.
01:47Why are you suffering?
01:49You know.
01:50And it is the same today.
01:52Let's live 24 hours a day.