‘Who’s Chartering The Midnight Flights?’: Andy Harris Grills ICE Director On Relocation Of Migrants

  • 6 months ago
During a House Appropriations Committee hearing earlier this month, Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) questioned ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner about 287(g).

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00:00 >> Recognize the floor is yours.
00:01 >> Well, I want to thank the chair very much
00:03 for that consideration.
00:04 Hi. Thank you very much for appearing before the subcommittee
00:10 and for doing an important job.
00:12 First question I'm going to ask you is about the 287(g) program
00:16 because the secretary somehow didn't know whether
00:19 or not there are more or less, you know,
00:21 local jurisdictions who are part of the 287.
00:26 He didn't know whether there's a trend
00:27 in decreasing or increasing.
00:29 Maybe you know.
00:29 I mean, I thought the secretary should know that,
00:31 but maybe you know.
00:32 What's the trend in 287(g) cooperation?
00:35 >> Well, good afternoon.
00:37 I thank you for having me.
00:38 It's been under review and on hold since early '21,
00:41 so there's been no new agreements since the end of '20.
00:45 >> Right. How many have been ended since then?
00:49 >> The most recent -- I have to take that as a get back
00:52 to see how many have ended in those three years,
00:54 but the latest ending was at the end of '23, I believe.
00:58 >> Right. So when the secretary came
01:00 and he said he's doing everything he can
01:02 to keep our communities safe, I take it
01:07 that it was this administration
01:08 that basically ended the program.
01:10 >> It's been on hold since --
01:12 >> It's been on hold since -- so I don't understand.
01:16 Can you explain to me how that protects communities
01:18 by suspending new agreements under the 287(g)?
01:21 >> No, sir.
01:23 >> Okay. I didn't think you could
01:24 because it's intuitively obvious to anybody who thinks about it
01:27 that obviously if you care about protecting communities,
01:29 287(g) is a valuable tool, and this administration doesn't want
01:33 to use a valuable tool.
01:34 Okay. I get it.
01:35 I think the secretary should have known that, but --
01:37 >> It's like a slice of bread.
01:40 >> Look, I don't get it.
01:42 Anyway, in your -- the ERO part of the --
01:46 I had a question because it said in your testimony here
01:50 that commercial and charter flight services continue
01:52 to increase.
01:53 Now, why is that?
01:55 My impression was that we are not deporting as many people.
01:58 Well, we deport -- we might --
01:59 it's about the same number, I guess.
02:01 So are these the flights that transport people
02:04 into the interior from the border?
02:06 >> No, sir.
02:07 No, these are decompression flights moving people
02:10 from one part of the border to another.
02:13 These are not interior flights.
02:14 We haven't ever removed anyone to the interior.
02:18 >> Okay. So that's another agency --
02:20 another branch of the agency does that, interior flights.
02:23 >> No, I'm not aware --
02:23 >> Chartering the midnight flights.
02:25 That's all I want to know.
02:26 >> It's not us.
02:27 >> Okay, good.
02:27 Good. Because we can't even get answers about, you know,
02:30 when these midnight flights arrive, you know,
02:32 notification that they're sending them
02:34 into your district, things like this that a member
02:36 of Congress probably ought to know.
02:37 So you're decompressing to other detention facilities,
02:41 to other processing facilities when you're --
02:44 you know, when we were down at Del Rio, I mean,
02:46 we were there a couple weeks after that,
02:48 8,000 people in one day.
02:50 So are you -- what's the decompression?
02:52 Is it for people who have already gone
02:53 through the CBP process?
02:55 What's the -- what's the decompression?
02:57 >> Yeah, it could be a little bit of above.
02:58 So like if Arizona is seeing surges, as an example,
03:02 and they're getting overrun,
03:03 they just don't have the capacity there to deal with that,
03:05 we may help with CBP and move those individuals
03:09 through decompression maybe into Texas or, you know,
03:12 other parts of the border.
03:13 So back and forth and move individual
03:15 around the different detention centers or areas
03:17 where we can have more capacity to deal with the numbers.
03:20 >> Okay. And I imagine as these numbers increased
03:23 in the last fiscal year of people who are, you know,
03:28 who need to be processed,
03:29 that's the reason why these flights, I guess, have gone up.
03:32 I imagine, is that right?
03:33 >> That's correct.
03:33 >> Okay.
03:34 >> That's correct.
03:35 >> Last brief period of time I have,
03:38 I'm going to discuss a problem in Maryland
03:40 because there are counties in Maryland
03:43 like Montgomery County just to the north of here
03:46 where the county executive strangely claims
03:48 that they are not a sanctuary county.
03:50 But according to a story of February 28th,
03:53 ICE has issued 119 detainers in fiscal year 2024 in the county
03:59 and ICE says none of those have been honored.
04:02 Is that true to the best of your knowledge?
04:04 In Montgomery County, Maryland,
04:06 ICE has correctly issued 119 detainers
04:09 and none have been honored as of February?
04:12 >> That specifically, I don't know.
04:14 I will have to get--
04:15 >> If you could get back to me and confirm whether that's true
04:18 or not because, you know, I'm reading in a press report
04:20 and goodness knows you can't always trust a press report.
04:24 But that being said, there were two fairly high profile cases
04:28 in Montgomery County where detainers were issued,
04:30 where in one case the detainee was subsequently arrested
04:35 for being part of a murder of a two-year-old, as I recall,
04:39 and then another one with another violent crime.
04:44 And fortunately, because I just looked at the ICE website,
04:48 I think it might even be today or yesterday,
04:51 there was a press release about how ICE has in fact,
04:55 despite the best efforts of Montgomery County
04:58 to let this person prey upon Marylanders,
05:02 ICE has arrested that Salvadoran and detained them.
05:06 So congratulations for doing it despite the best efforts of some
05:10 of our-- and I'll put in air quotes, "leaders in Maryland"
05:16 who continue to make these jurisdictions,
05:19 who brag about these jurisdictions,
05:20 the sanctuary's jurisdictions and turn a blind eye
05:24 to the crime problem that you
05:26 and your agency are trying to solve.
05:29 So thank you very much for your service.
05:31 I yield back.
05:31 >> Thank you.
05:34 The chair now recognizes the--
