• last year
We love a good video game adaptation! Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 20 best shows based on video games. Beware of minor spoilers ahead.


00:00 "Rule two, you don't tell anyone about your condition."
00:04 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 best shows based
00:11 on video games.
00:12 "We're done here."
00:13 "We haven't even scratched the surface."
00:15 Adaptations based on novels like The Witcher won't be included this time around.
00:20 Beware of minor spoilers ahead.
00:23 Number 20.
00:24 The Cuphead Show.
00:26 "Cuphead?
00:27 Mugman?"
00:28 "Yes, Elder Kettle."
00:29 "Today, you two are in for a real treat."
00:33 "Really?"
00:34 It was clear the creative team had done their homework when this animated show debuted.
00:39 Cuphead, Mugman, and more were brought to life with the classic rubber hose animation
00:44 style that the games were known for.
00:46 The show also mirrored its source material by having fantastic music that got your toes
00:51 tapping.
00:52 And despite looking innocent on the surface, the episodes weren't afraid to get dark.
00:57 While the show managed to capture the spirit of the game, critics felt like it didn't
01:02 add enough to the unique world.
01:04 The short episodes were knocked for emphasizing laughs instead of deeper narratives.
01:08 Although the show wasn't flawless, the Cuphead show still had enough 1930s moxie to draw
01:14 viewers in for a while.
01:16 "What an amazing day.
01:17 We rode rides."
01:18 "And you over-deviled your soul?"
01:20 Number 19.
01:22 Twisted Metal.
01:22 "I want to hire you."
01:23 "To do what, exactly?"
01:26 "What you do best.
01:27 Pick up a package.
01:29 Bring it back."
01:29 "It can't be that simple."
01:33 Since the games were fueled by pitch-black humor, that same tone was brought to its wild
01:38 TV adaptation.
01:39 Throughout the show, we follow John Doe's journey across a post-apocalyptic world full
01:44 of dangerous enemies and wild cards.
01:47 Almost all of his interactions alternate between being hilarious and grim.
01:51 While the tone always kept us on our toes, the colorful cast of characters drew us further
01:57 into this ruined world.
01:59 The show also made sure to include plenty of vehicular carnage to mimic its gasoline-covered
02:04 roots.
02:05 Additionally, the portrayal of iconic characters like Sweet Tooth was praised.
02:09 While critics didn't race to give the show top marks, enough fans tuned in to give Twisted
02:14 Metal another high-octane season.
02:16 "It's going to be a tournament.
02:19 The first of its kind, where the best drivers from all across the country, from all walks
02:25 of life, are going to be invited to compete."
02:28 Number 18.
02:29 The Super Mario Bros.
02:30 Super Show.
02:31 "It says right here that you two are the best plumbers in Brooklyn and quite possibly
02:36 the world."
02:36 "Yes, we hope that is absolutely true."
02:42 To say that this variety show was a little odd would be a Bowser-sized understatement.
02:48 During each episode, we'd see live-action versions of the Mario Bros. deal with plumbing-related
02:53 issues.
02:54 Each installment also featured cartoon shorts that showcased characters from the Mushroom
02:58 Kingdom and Hyrule.
03:00 The resulting blend of live-action comedy and animated adventure gave us a truly unique
03:05 video game adaptation.
03:07 While Mario and Luigi aren't the most three-dimensional characters, the duo is so charming that we
03:13 couldn't help but root for them.
03:14 We also loved getting to see our favorite video game icons go on animated journeys outside
03:19 our consoles.
03:20 Every time we revisit the show, we're filled with warm feelings and plenty of nostalgia.
03:26 "Take one step, and then again, let's do the Mario all together now!"
03:31 Number 17.
03:33 F-Zero GP Legend.
03:39 After nearly dying in a horrific car crash, a detective named Ryu is revived in a futuristic
03:45 world 150 years later.
03:48 Shortly after waking up, he's pulled into a world of vicious criminals and high-speed
03:52 driving.
03:53 The premise paved the way for a series full of pulse-pounding races between high-tech
03:58 cars.
03:59 Ryu also developed a fire-forged bond with the legendary Captain Falcon himself.
04:04 Although the show wasn't fully shown to western audiences, it got a full 51-episode
04:09 run in other territories.
04:11 The complex story is full of great twists and slick animation.
04:15 Any fan of the F-Zero series should definitely give the show a shot to get some adrenaline-fueled
04:20 thrills.
04:21 Number 16.
04:27 Ace Attorney.
04:29 "This is a homicide case.
04:30 Not many people would take one on for their first trial."
04:33 "I know what I'm getting myself into, boss.
04:36 But I had to take it, because I owe it to him."
04:39 If you like court procedurals but want a break from the usual formula, then this law-themed
04:44 anime is for you.
04:46 The series focuses on up-and-coming attorney Phoenix Wright as he works to protect the
04:50 innocent from persecution.
04:52 Instead of having him simply stand and present the facts, the show breaks up the legal jargon
04:57 with energetic animation and over-the-top reactions.
05:01 We also get great recreations of unforgettable moments from the games.
05:05 Although the inconsistent animation divided viewers, the series still managed to adapt
05:10 an impressive amount of story with two seasons.
05:13 We certainly didn't object to the amount of Ace Attorney we got to see before the show
05:17 came to a close.
05:18 Number 15.
05:24 Mega Man N.T. Warrior.
05:26 "Rise and shine, Lan."
05:28 "Who are you?"
05:30 "I'm Mega Man, nice to meet you."
05:32 While there have been more than a few versions of the Blue Bomber over the years, this anime
05:38 series focused on the character that lived in the Battle Network games.
05:41 In this universe, Mega Man is a digital creation known as a Net Navi.
05:46 He and his human partner Lan work together to overcome their rivals and enemies.
05:51 Like the game series, the show's Mega Man uses battle chips to gain weapons and alter
05:56 his body.
05:57 This mechanic ensured that each fight was full of variety.
06:00 Outside of the fun battles, the detailed plot lines and well-thought-out themes made
06:05 N.T. Warrior stand out.
06:07 The great writing and action impressed longtime fans and franchise newcomers alike.
06:12 We're glad that this Mega Man interpretation was brought online.
06:15 Number 14.
06:21 Dragon's Dogma.
06:22 "You brave man, do you hate me?"
06:28 At the start of this grim fantasy series, a man named Ethan was living happily with
06:34 his wife and comrades.
06:36 But everything changed when a sinister dragon appeared, killed everyone he loved, and stole
06:41 his heart.
06:42 Ethan's dramatic encounter with the beast drove him to do whatever it took to slay
06:46 his sworn enemy.
06:47 Before confronting his ultimate nemesis, Ethan kept us entertained by fighting all kinds
06:52 of monsters.
06:54 He and his pawn combating evil while using many of the same techniques seen in the original
06:59 game.
06:59 Admittedly, the heavy tone of the show may not be for everyone.
07:03 But those willing to give it a shot will find a haunting tale of a fantasy world whose
07:08 residents struggle not to succumb to darkness.
07:12 "I'll admit I was wrong.
07:14 Please, don't kill me."
07:17 "I'll let the people of the city decide whether to kill you or not."
07:21 Number 13.
07:22 Earthworm Jim.
07:24 In October of 1994, a game called Earthworm Jim was released for both the Super Nintendo
07:29 and Sega Genesis.
07:31 It proved a major success and work immediately began on a television adaptation.
07:35 "Earthworm Jim, he's such a groovy guy.
07:38 Earthworm Jim, he rockets through the sky.
07:41 Cruisin' through the universe, havin' lots of fun."
07:44 Airing on Kids WB between September 1995 and December 1996, Earthworm Jim was positively
07:51 received by fans and critics alike, who noted its distinct style similar to that of its
07:56 source material.
07:57 That stems from the involvement of Doug TenNapel, who also created the video game.
08:01 "I've come to rescue the princess.
08:04 Evildoers, prepare to be horribly mutilated."
08:09 Various aspects of the show, including the original characters, were also integrated
08:14 into future entries of the series.
08:16 It's a great companion to a fantastic series of video games.
08:20 "Oh, groovy!
08:22 You're the best sidekick yet.
08:23 Turns his eyelids inside out, boy.
08:25 It's a gift."
08:27 Number 12.
08:28 Sonic the Hedgehog.
08:30 Everyone knows Sonic.
08:31 He's one of the most iconic video game characters of all time.
08:35 But did you know that he had two TV series airing around the same time?
08:39 The more light-hearted Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog aired over 60 episodes through
08:43 1993, following what was a much darker Sonic the Hedgehog lovingly nicknamed "Sat AM"
08:55 by its small cult fanbase.
09:04 While it may seem a little dated today, this still serves as a lovingly crafted Saturday
09:09 morning cartoon that is far more mature and thematic than one would expect from a Sonic
09:14 TV show.
09:15 It took the Sonic trappings and crafted a universal and engaging story out of them,
09:20 creating one of the best video game TV shows in the process.
09:23 Number 11.
09:32 Kirby.
09:33 Right Back At Ya.
09:34 Never mind the goofy title.
09:36 Kirby Right Back At Ya is a surprisingly great and surprisingly deep Saturday morning anime.
09:42 This series originally ran in Japan between 2001 and 2003, and it aired in North America
09:55 between 2002 and 2006.
09:58 Like all great cartoons, the show works as both children's and adult entertainment.
10:03 While it's primarily aimed at children, adults can certainly appreciate various aspects of
10:08 its production, including the animation, battle sequences, social satire, and allegorical
10:14 stories.
10:14 One certainly doesn't need to be a devoted Kirby fan to enjoy this delightful anime.
10:28 "I'll have the Chateau Briand for two for my entree, and I'll start off with some snails."
10:32 "Ugh, don't have snails, they take too long."
10:34 Number 10.
10:35 Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?
10:38 This is a very popular game show that aired for five seasons and nearly 300 episodes throughout
10:44 the early 90s.
10:45 It was created in response to a Nat Geo survey in which it was revealed that a quarter of
10:57 Americans couldn't locate the Pacific Ocean on a map.
11:01 The show saw 10- to 14-year-old children competing in various geography-related competitions
11:06 in order to locate Carmen Sandiego somewhere in the world.
11:09 It was a monumental ratings and critical success, winning five Daytime Emmys for Outstanding Art
11:21 Direction and taking home the 1992 Peabody Award.
11:25 Who knew education could be so much fun?
11:27 Number 9.
11:33 Persona 4 - The Animation The Persona series of video games are incredibly
11:38 popular, but this particular anime is based on the PlayStation 2's Persona 4.
11:43 "Her...
11:45 So...
11:47 Not..."
11:49 Released back in 2008, the game received very strong reviews owing largely to its imaginative
12:01 storytelling.
12:02 The adaptation revolves around a teenager named Yu Narukami and his friends, who get
12:07 involved in a mysterious murder case.
12:09 They also discover a bizarre TV world and a unique power called Persona.
12:13 It may only appeal to die-hard fans of the Persona series, but those who have played
12:24 and loved the games will find more than enough to enjoy here.
12:38 The Sonic shows never seem to last very long, but they leave behind indelible legacies.
12:44 This is the fifth TV show to be based on the Sonic IP, but the first to be completely
12:49 computer-generated.
12:50 The result is a visually wondrous piece of television, and by far the most visually
13:04 appealing Sonic program.
13:05 "Hey!
13:06 What did Obliterator Bot ever do to you?"
13:08 "Other than try to obliterate you."
13:10 It also comes complete with a surprising amount of violence and some important themes,
13:15 including concepts of gender equality.
13:17 It was even nominated for a Teen Choice Award in 2017, including its more mature and
13:23 intelligent audience.
13:24 This is far more than just another kid's show.
13:32 Number 7.
13:33 Cyberpunk - Edge Runners "Just give me a chance."
13:37 "A chance, huh?
13:38 What kind?"
13:39 "Easy.
13:41 You take me out on a job."
13:42 In a future where people can enhance their bodies with implants overnight, corporations
13:47 and criminals fight for power and influence.
13:50 After the young David Martinez becomes a part of this contentious world, he fights to claw
13:55 his way up before his enemies can knock him down.
13:58 But the abundance of tech he uses to get stronger slowly causes him to lose his mind.
14:03 The series does an excellent job at raising serious questions about society's reliance
14:07 on technology.
14:08 "You need to chill, chum.
14:10 Unless you want a strict diet of immunoblockers."
14:13 "I'm doing just fine, doc.
14:15 Better than fine, actually.
14:16 It's like I feel better in metal than in my own skin."
14:21 Additionally, the show is full of fleshed-out characters that each follow their own complex
14:26 moral guidelines.
14:28 And when the show's not making us think, it keeps us glued to the screen with gorgeous
14:32 and gruesome fight scenes.
14:34 Cyberpunk Edge Runners definitely did justice to its source material.
14:39 Number 6.
14:41 Fallout
14:42 "Ma'am, this moldaver broke into my vault, took my dad, and killed him."
14:47 "And I'm telling you, you're gonna go through a whole lot worse if you stay around here."
14:51 Around 200 years after a worldwide nuclear war, a woman named Lucy is forced to emerge
14:57 from the safety of an underground vault and cross a post-apocalyptic hellscape to save
15:02 her father.
15:03 During her journey, she teams up with a wannabe knight in shining armor and does her best
15:08 to avoid a gun-slinging ghoul.
15:10 All three characters are brought to life with incredible acting performances.
15:14 Although they all live in an incredibly bleak world, the series is full of laugh-out-loud
15:20 scenes and lines.
15:21 While the show could have adapted a singular game narrative, it went the extra mile by
15:25 adding new characters, concepts, and conflicts.
15:29 The resulting show felt familiar to fans of the franchise and contained plenty of surprises
15:35 that kept everyone hooked.
15:36 "Do you want to come live with me in my vault?"
15:38 "Yeah."
15:42 Number 5.
15:44 Castlevania
15:45 Serving as one of the crowning achievements for Netflix, Castlevania is a superb television
15:50 series that richly expands the lore of its IP.
15:54 "What do you mean, no?
15:55 That woman was the only reason on Earth for me to tolerate human life!"
16:03 The series is based primarily on Castlevania III, Dracula's Curse, although it also adopts
16:08 elements of both Curse of Darkness and Symphony of the Night.
16:13 "No!"
16:13 The story primarily concerns a vengeful Count Dracula declaring war on the citizens of Wallachia.
16:25 The series is richly told and superbly animated, offering up some of the most gorgeous and
16:31 disgusting visuals in modern animation.
16:33 It's aimed squarely at mature audiences, proving that animation remains a legitimate
16:38 form of adult storytelling.
16:40 "No!"
16:40 Number 4.
16:50 Fate/Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works
16:54 This is yet another short-lived but critically adored anime based on a popular Japanese video
16:59 game.
16:59 "Are you worthy to be my master?"
17:03 It's primarily adapted from the Unlimited Blade Works storyline of the adult visual
17:07 novel Fate/Stay Night.
17:09 And it concerns a magical battle for the Holy Grail involving reincarnated historical figures.
17:15 The show comes complete with brand new scenes and some expanded lore, and it was subjected
17:20 to some crazy hype owing to the popularity of the source visual novel.
17:24 "So that's how it is."
17:25 The adaptation proved a resounding success thanks to its gorgeous animation and rich
17:35 character work.
17:36 It's worth watching for the animation alone, as this may be one of the most beautiful animes
17:41 ever produced.
17:42 Number 3.
17:52 Arcane - The Rebel
17:53 "We make ourselves a problem for Piltover, and they will send the enforcers."
17:58 "So?
17:59 Why answer to them?
18:00 These are our streets.
18:01 Someone should remind them about it."
18:02 "You're not hearing me."
18:04 Instead of trying to recreate the arena combat of League of Legends, this adaptation explored
18:09 the world of its source material through the eyes of a few compelling characters.
18:14 Since we were so invested in the stories of V, Silco, Jinx, and many more, we didn't
18:19 care what side of the normal spectrum they fell onto.
18:22 We simply wanted to see what happened to them next.
18:25 Outside of outstanding character work, the incredible animation and stellar action scenes
18:30 helped put Arcane in a league of its own.
18:33 Not only did it break viewership records, but the series also earned an Emmy during
18:39 its first season.
18:40 We have a feeling that Arcane will go down in history as a legendary show.
18:44 Number 2.
18:54 The Last of Us
18:55 "Rule three.
18:55 You do what I say when I say it.
18:57 We clear?"
18:58 "Yes."
19:00 "Repeat it."
19:00 "What you say goes."
19:05 A decade after a post-apocalyptic video game blew players away, the television adaptation
19:10 of the story took the world by storm.
19:13 Set in a world where a fungal infection turned humans into monsters, the show follows the
19:18 jaded Joel escorting an immune girl named Ellie.
19:22 Viewers praised Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey, respectively, for their nuanced portrayals
19:28 of the main characters.
19:29 The show also received acclaim for deviating from the narrative to create riveting new
19:33 storylines.
19:35 While fans debated if every scene translated perfectly to live action, the series received
19:40 universal praise for its makeup, tone, and production design.
19:44 Its numerous accolades have earned The Last of Us the reputation of being the best live
19:50 action video game TV adaptation yet.
19:52 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
20:01 about our latest videos.
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20:10 Number 1.
20:13 Pokemon
20:14 This anime has transcended its video game source, becoming one of the most popular and
20:19 beloved franchises of all time.
20:21 The success of this program cannot be overstated.
20:24 It has aired over a thousand episodes since its inception in April of 1997, over one year
20:35 after the Japanese release of Pokemon Red and Blue.
20:38 Both the show and the video games complement each other wonderfully, with each essentially
20:43 serving as an advertisement for the other, creating a perpetual loop of popularity and
20:47 relevance.
20:49 Go, Pikachu!
20:51 Pikachu!
20:55 Full power!
20:57 Now!
20:57 Do giga-bull havoc!
20:59 Let's go!
21:01 The show also helped popularize anime in both the North American and European markets.
21:07 It remains incredibly popular to this day, proving that Pokemon is one of those once-in-a-lifetime
21:13 pop culture extravaganzas.
21:15 Pikachu!
21:19 What's your favorite video game adaptation on TV?
21:26 Shout it out in the comments!
21:27 You're a good person for not shooting me with that gun!
21:30 It was really no problem.
21:32 Bye!
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21:42 See you later, guys!
21:45 [outro music]