‘মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষার্থীদের ফোনের প্রয়োজন নেই’, বললেন রামকৃষ্ণ মিশনের প্রধান শিক্ষক

  • 4 months ago
‘মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষার্থীদের ফোনের প্রয়োজন নেই’, বললেন রামকৃষ্ণ মিশনের প্রধান শিক্ষক



00:00The name of Narendrapur Ramkrishnan Mission is always fluttering in the middle class of the middle and upper middle exams.
00:07The result of the middle exam of the last year, 2024, was a disappointing result.
00:13Possibly, this school is the best in the middle class.
00:17Out of the first 10 students in the middle class, 6 of them are from this school.
00:21Possibly, the grades of this school have exceeded 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th places.
00:27Possibly, two of them are in 9th place.
00:30These two students are from Narendrapur Ramkrishnan Mission.
00:34What is the reason for such a success every year?
00:37What is the reason for such a success every year?
00:40After hearing this, Mridu has come.
00:42The head teacher, Swami Ishtesh Anand.
00:45Now this success has brought joy to his face.
00:49The reason for the increase in grades is the best.
00:52This is known by Master Mosai.
00:55Now is the age of smartphones.
00:57Since childhood, children have been given smartphones by their parents.
01:02But Narendrapur Ramkrishnan Mission is strongly opposed to this.
01:06This has to be done according to the needs of the students of this school.
01:09No smartphone is given to the students.
01:12There is no need for the phones of the middle exams.
01:15Did you know this, Mridu?
01:18The head teacher.
01:20In some cases, it is necessary to have an internet connection to study in Akhadash Dadastrani.
01:26At that time, they use the internet on the computer.
01:29The main reason for the success of not using a phone is the head teacher.
01:35He said.
01:36We are happy with the success.
01:38We have a group of good students.
01:40They can also do it.
01:41It would be nice if they also rank.
01:43However, there will be less places in the exams.
01:46Some will be less successful.
01:48All together, we are very happy with the success of the students.
01:52What about RASAYAN?
01:54I say this almost every time.
01:56RASAYAN is different from other schools in Narendrapur.
01:59It is a completely compulsory school.
02:01Students study from here.
02:04So, the students can easily come to other students.
02:08When the teachers need it, they can get help from them.
02:13And the biggest thing in Narendrapur is
02:15It is a place of meditation.
02:17It helps students to get along with others.
02:21The reason why I say this again and again is
02:26We do not have a mobile phone in our hands.
02:31There is a need for a mobile phone in the 21st century.
02:34It is definitely a necessary thing.
02:36But in the life of a student,
02:37If a 16-18-year-old student has an Android phone or a smartphone,
02:41It creates a lot of distractions.
02:44But we do not have that facility in the students.
02:47So, the students are determined to study and get along with others.
02:50And it is a facility for everyone to help each other.
02:56That is why we are all successful.
02:58Because of the work of our kitchen,
03:00Our teachers, those who have seen the hostel,
03:02Mentors, and all the sanyasi maharajas who are there,
03:05With everyone's effort, this success comes to us every time.
03:09Do you study to work in a physical and mental way?
03:13In general, we try to develop physically, mentally,
03:16Intellectually and culturally.
03:19We try to develop physically.
03:22From the 5th grade to the 10th grade, almost every student.
03:25And the interesting thing is that
03:27The students go to the playground even if they have a serious exam.
03:31That is, they play regularly,
03:33Get up in the morning and do physical exercise, PT, yoga,
03:37And go to the prayer hall together in the morning and evening.
03:40All the students are like a big family.
03:43So, all the members of this family help each other.
03:47So, success comes every time.
03:49I think this is it.
03:50How is the use of the internet?
03:52There are many online classes.
03:55We try to provide the internet connection to the students
03:59In addition to their mobile phones.
04:04Until the 10th grade, that situation has not been created.
04:07There is no need for that.
04:09In the case of 11th and 12th grade, there is a need for that.
04:12We try to take the permission of each of our students
04:15As per the needs of the students.
04:17So that the students can use it.
04:19Have you done any physical work for the students?
04:22Do you give them food in front of the market?
04:24Have you done any physical work for the students?
04:27Yes, we have done physical work.
04:29Yes, definitely.
04:30If you do independent study, routine, everything,
04:33You will definitely succeed.
04:35There is no doubt about this.
04:38In the first 10 students of the state,
04:40There are 6 students from this school.
04:43In the 3rd place, there is Nairit Ranjan Pal.
04:47His score is 691.
04:50In the 6th place, there is Alif Gain.
04:52His score is 680.
04:55In the 7th place, there is Alekha Maiti.
04:58Her score is 687.
05:01In the 9th place, there are two students.
05:03Ritup Ratanath and Ritik Dutta.
05:06Their score is 685.
05:09In the 10th place, there is Shubhra Kanti Jan.
05:13Her score is 684.
05:19Bureau report, One India Bangla.
