Baby Just say yes (2)

  • 4 months ago
00:00 Yes. Oh, uh, okay. Thank you. Yeah, I'll look into that. Thanks.
00:10 Um, my dad is having a secret meeting with a board member named Ronald Keller.
00:17 Yeah, I know Keller. It's a running joke of the business that he never shows up twice with the same secretary.
00:23 We have to dig deeper into this guy to figure something up with him.
00:26 Look, I know you want to handle this on your own, but my men are very connected and well trained.
00:32 They can get you all the info you need.
00:34 Victoria, I know this is important to you. Just let me help.
00:41 Alright. Thank you.
00:43 Don't thank me yet.
00:46 [Music]
00:57 So I asked everyone around and I tried to get backstage too, but they wouldn't let me.
01:02 But I think I know someone that...
01:04 Ugh, I need to get out of my chair now.
01:06 Don't push your lucks, sis.
01:08 Take your two million and scram or you're going to end up jobless and broke.
01:12 Move or I'll push you off myself.
01:14 One, two, five.
01:18 [Music]
01:23 I thought I could start this meeting.
01:25 I've gone over the reports the last few years and we're doing well, but not enough.
01:30 Who made you the queen of everything?
01:32 You know, we've been making decisions in these chairs since you were in middle school.
01:36 Ronald's right. Why don't you let the grown-ups handle the business?
01:40 You go play with your toys.
01:42 The company's not evolving. We're going to be eliminated by the market in no time.
01:47 In the folders you'll find my five-year plan as the new CEO.
01:51 Hold your horses, Victoria. You may think you're CEO, but we all have a say in this.
01:56 I hereby propose a vote of no confidence against Victoria Branson.
02:02 I second the motion. She's clearly unfit for the position.
02:08 [Music]
02:18 She's clearly unfit for the position.
02:20 Unfit for the position. I'm glad you mentioned that, Ronald Keller.
02:24 [Music]
02:32 Ronald Keller, you're under arrest for sexual assault, harassment.
02:39 What? I haven't done anything, I'm innocent.
02:42 I did a thorough background check on you. Ten female employees in your division left last year.
02:47 Two were fired without reason and eight resigned.
02:49 You don't expect me to find that to be a coincidence, do you, Mr. Keller?
02:52 You're afraid? Bitch. That's enough. Come on.
02:58 This is all Victoria's scheme, people. Don't let it scare you.
03:03 If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about.
03:07 And those who agree to naming me as the new CEO, please raise your hands.
03:17 Thank you for your trust. I won't let you down.
03:21 You two pack your stuff and get out of my company.
03:23 Sneaky bitch. You set us up.
03:26 Stinky. You're the one that bribed Mr. Keller to side with you and you thought I wouldn't find out?
03:36 Leave or I'll call security.
03:44 Mark my words. This is not over.
03:48 See you never, sis.
03:53 Well, how are you feeling? Your first day as official CEO of the company?
03:58 Starving.
03:59 Perfect timing then.
04:07 Wow. This looks delicious.
04:12 You made this all by yourself?
04:15 Yeah. You'll find I'm full of surprises, Victoria Branson.
04:33 Hey.
04:35 What's wrong?
04:36 It's just, ever since my mom died, you're the first person to take care of me.
04:43 My mom would have to take care of you for the rest of your life.
04:46 How does that sound?
04:49 It sounds wonderful.
04:59 I have a surprise for you.
05:15 I know we're already married, but I wanted to give you a proper proposal.
05:22 Victoria Branson, every day I think of my lucky stars that I met you.
05:28 So I'm in love with you.
05:31 Will you marry me?
05:35 Yes, of course I'll marry you.
05:43 For our honeymoon, I may have bought an island.
05:48 What?
05:49 Yeah.
05:50 Once construction is complete, we can go. We can snorkel, jet ski, watch the sunrise from our boat.
05:58 Hey, that sounds wonderful, but I can't swim.
06:04 One step at a time.
06:11 Dominate.
06:17 Teddy, why is this a surprise?
06:22 This is a very bad idea, Teddy.
06:24 Hey, come on. You'll be alright. I'll be right here. Come on, just take the leap.
06:36 Hey.
06:38 Hey, Victoria. Don't you trust me?
06:41 Hey.
06:43 I will be right here and I promise I will not let you sink.
06:51 I told you I'll never let anything bad happen to you.
06:55 This might sound crazy, but I've never felt safer.
07:01 Wow. You're very welcome.
07:08 I can't let that bitch get away with this, Edmund. You've got to do something.
07:18 Can't you see I'm thinking?
07:24 Victoria has the company. There's only one way to compete with her.
07:29 Remember the Lloyd banquet two days from now?
07:34 We can get Theodore Lloyd to notice you are back in the game.
07:38 But there are only so many girls at the banquet.
07:40 How are we ever going to get his attention?
07:43 There is one way.
07:46 At every Lloyd party, there's an open bidding on the first dance.
07:50 The gentlemen make a bid and invite a lady to dance.
07:53 It's the highlight of the party, and the couple with the highest bid starts the dance.
07:58 The money goes to the Lloyd Charity Foundation.
08:00 So what you're saying is, if someone makes the highest bid to dance with me,
08:05 I'll be the spotlight of the whole banquet?
08:08 So are we paying someone to make the bid?
08:11 Well, that was my plan, until Victoria ruined it.
08:15 Now we can't get our hands on the company money.
08:18 Don't worry about that, Dad. I got it.
08:24 Paul, it's me.
08:26 Aren't you always saying that you want to restart those projects with the Lloyds?
08:30 I have a plan to make Theodore Lloyd notice us.
08:40 Well, I am starving.
08:43 After last night, all the swimming, and especially the night after the swimming.
08:50 Good thing I made you a plate.
08:52 Good thing.
08:55 So, I got you an appointment with Helen Jones.
09:03 Helen Jones? Like the stylist?
09:08 Even celebrities have to wait six months to get an appointment with her.
09:11 Well, I guess it's a good thing me and Helen are old friends.
09:15 You are going to be the most beautiful woman at the banquet.
09:19 You might even sneak in a first dance with you.
09:28 Seriously, this is such an honor, Miss Jones.
09:31 I heard all the music artists were literally fighting over you for the Grammys.
09:34 Call me Helen.
09:36 And please, don't worry about it. Teddy and I go way back.
09:40 Besides, you're so pretty, I want to style you for free.
09:43 Thank you, Helen.
09:45 Just you wait, Victoria. All eyes will be on you tomorrow.
09:51 Victoria? What are you doing here?
09:55 Do you know these people, Victoria?
09:57 I wish I could say no.
09:58 Miss Jones, my girlfriend and I, we're your big fans.
10:02 She needs a stylist.
10:03 I'm sorry, sir, but my time is all reserved for Miss Branson until tomorrow night.
10:08 How can you even afford Helen Jones?
10:12 Is this how you're spending the company money as CEO?
10:15 Victoria, name your price. Just to back off. You know I can pay you.
10:21 I'm here for Helen's talent. That's priceless and not for sale.
10:26 You wouldn't know about that.
10:28 You wouldn't know.
10:29 I've made my decision. I'm only selling one person tomorrow night.
10:33 I've made my decision. I'm only selling one person tomorrow night.
10:41 And that person is Victoria.
10:43 What? Are you deaf? Paul is offering you more money.
10:48 I don't want money. I want someone who understands and respects my work.
10:52 Besides, your face doesn't fit my personal taste.
10:58 You'll regret this, bitch.
11:00 Come on, Paul. Let's go. We don't need her.
11:03 Sir, I've been in this business quite a while and I can tell you with confidence that that girl is using you.
11:11 I would leave her before it's too late.
11:15 Thank you for standing up for me.
11:21 Likewise. Not like those snobs.
11:24 I can see why Teddy cares so much for me.
11:27 You know, he tripled my rate to get me here and flew me out on his private jet.
11:32 What? He did?
11:35 Maybe I shouldn't have told you that.
11:37 Afternoon, ladies. I brought you some sugar.
11:41 What are we talking about?
11:43 Nothing. I'll let you two talk and I'll be in the back with my sugar.
11:49 Uh, thank you.
11:51 I guess I'll get you another one.
11:55 Hey, how much did this appointment cost?
12:00 What are you going to get at Victoria? Nothing's too much for you, alright? I just want to make you happy.
12:06 And when are you going to get it? I'm already happy.
12:10 Should I like to?
12:12 Wait, I'm taking my makeup off.
12:16 I don't care about that.
12:19 Nothing is going to get in the way of me kissing my wife.
12:23 I'm kissing my wife.
12:25 I can't believe that bitch. She's been walking all over us. We need to put a stop to this.
12:37 I don't know, Beth.
12:39 You should talk to her, Paul. She'll listen to you. You guys were together for five years. She must still have feelings for you.
12:45 Even so, how do you plan to do it?
12:48 Fighting over for a little afternoon tea and ketchup?
12:52 Leave that to me, Paul.
12:54 Hello?
13:12 Come to the Royal Hotel, room 306 if you want to know the truth behind your mother's death.
13:18 Who is this?
13:20 [Growling]
13:25 Are you sure she'll come?
13:44 She'll show up. I promise.
13:48 Victoria won't be happy seeing me. I'll be in the room next door.
13:52 She still cares about you, Paul. I know she does.
13:56 [Growling]
13:59 I still got you.
14:17 [Growling]
14:20 You came.
14:41 I didn't think you would.
14:45 Paul, was that you on the phone?
14:48 Okay, you have me now.
14:53 What do you know about my mom's death?
14:57 I don't know what you're talking about.
15:00 But...
15:02 I should tell you that I slept with a lady before you.
15:08 Sylvia, you can marry me. It's a fortune that I have you right now.
15:13 You hate your head, Paul Cox. I'm not in love with you and I never will be.
15:18 Get away from me!
15:30 I still want you. And I know you still want me.
15:34 You're drunk. Let go of me. Paul!
15:42 I'm gonna fucking kill you.
15:44 No, Kate! He's been drugged.
15:47 Are you okay?
15:54 I'm so sorry. I never should have let you come here alone.
15:58 I know it wasn't right.
16:00 Beth must have drugged him. She's behind all this.
16:03 You mean what she said about your mom?
16:05 She's not smart enough to come up with beat like that. She knows something.
16:08 Okay. We'll find out the truth tomorrow. After the banquet. I promise.
16:13 Did you drug me?
16:27 I did, Paul. But it was just to try to mend your relationship with Victoria.
16:33 It hurt me so much more than you. Trust me.
16:37 Yes, sir. I've been in this business quite a while and I can tell you with confidence that that girl is using you.
16:44 I would leave her before it's too late.
16:47 Trust you? You've been using me this whole time?
16:51 If I lose Paul now, he won't help me with the first dance at the banquet tonight. I can't let that happen.
16:56 I've always been true to you, Paul. If you don't believe me, then I might as well die right now.
17:01 Are you crazy?
17:04 You believe me now, right?
17:07 Of course.
17:09 That's Victoria Branson. She just sold her mother's company.
17:27 She's so pretty. Look at that dress.
17:32 I think I forgot my invitation.
17:35 Oh my god, Victoria! Are you trying to sneak into the party?
17:44 Um, I'm allowed two guests. Why don't you just come in?
17:49 No! Paul, we're here to meet Theodore Lloyd. What if she's not here?
17:53 I'm not here to meet Theodore Lloyd. I'm here to meet Victoria.
17:57 Why don't you just come in? No! Paul, we're here to meet Theodore Lloyd. What if she sabotages our chances?
18:03 Relax. I'd rather die than ask for help from the two of you.
18:07 Good. Then turn around and crawl home to your hillbilly husband.
18:11 Hillbilly?
18:13 Hillbilly?
18:23 You're not talking about me, Ms. Branson.
18:27 Are you Paul?
18:29 I'm here now. It's all inside.
18:32 They didn't even show their invitation!
18:40 Shh! We're not too early to watch.
18:43 Sam and Victoria's husband was really hot.
18:47 Such an upgrade from that ex-fiancee.
18:50 [music]
18:52 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the annual Lloyd Banquet.
19:05 As per tradition, we'll begin the evening with the famous first dance bidding.
19:10 I bid $30,000 for a dance with Bethany Branson.
19:14 $50,000. I would rather bid for $50,000.
19:17 Oof, I didn't know Beth was so popular.
19:20 She's good at braining herself on your pay, Don.
19:22 $200,000 for Ms. Bethany Branson's first dance.
19:27 $200,000! That's the highest bidding we've ever had!
19:31 Is there another gentleman who would like to make another bid?
19:34 Yes. Right here.
19:36 $1,000,000 for Ms. Victoria Branson's first dance.
19:43 The gentleman bids $1,000,000 for his beautiful date.
19:46 Sir, would you like to make a counteroffer?
19:48 Paul, don't let them steal our thunder.
19:51 Think about the future collaborations for the boys.
19:54 $2,000,000 for Ms. Bethany Branson's first dance.
20:02 $2,000,000!
20:04 [music]
20:06 $2,000,000 for Ms. Bethany Branson's first dance.
20:10 $2,000,000 for Ms. Bethany Branson's first dance.
20:14 That's Victoria Branson's ex-fiance.
20:17 I heard he saved her sister from drowning and left her.
20:21 $2,000,000!
20:23 Is there other offers? Going once? Going twice?
20:27 $10,000,000 for Victoria Branson's dance.
20:30 [music]
20:36 The gentleman bids $10,000,000.
20:40 Going once.
20:41 Paul, do something!
20:43 Going twice.
20:44 Ms. Victoria Branson, we can't lose this one.
20:47 Sold to the man and his beautiful date.
20:50 [applause]
20:52 Sir, Mrs. Branson, the dance floor is yours.
21:03 [music]
21:06 My grandma's going to introduce me in a minute, so I should go get ready.
21:27 Okay, go. I'll wait for you.
21:29 [music]
21:32 I wouldn't get carried away, sis.
21:37 They're about to announce the young CEO, Theodore Lloyd.
21:40 Wait until he's wrapped around my fingers.
21:42 Won't be laughing for long.
21:44 Oh, you're going to seduce Theodore Lloyd?
21:47 Is he your boyfriend?
21:48 No, but he's your plan?
21:49 Plan? What plan?
21:51 Don't listen to her, Paul.
21:53 [music]
21:54 May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen?
21:56 Our generous host tonight, Mr. Ewan Lloyd, would like to say a few words.
22:00 [applause]
22:02 Ladies and gentlemen, Victoria Treshaven, she's...
22:08 The founder of the Lloyd Corporation?
22:11 That's how Victoria got all that money.
22:15 By crawling into this old man's bed.
22:17 Well, tell Theodore Lloyd he's not going to stay for that kind of shit.
22:21 This is the end of you, Victoria.
22:23 Thank you for coming today.
22:26 As you all know, my grandson has been abroad for years.
22:31 He's been in the family business and he's starting his own firm, TL Tech.
22:37 TL Tech's like a top 50 global company.
22:40 I was made that in less than a year. I didn't know he was the founder.
22:43 Comes from the richest family and owns his own business?
22:47 Theodore Lloyd, I will win you over.
22:50 Please join me in welcoming home our new CEO, my grandson, Theodore Lloyd.
22:59 [applause]
23:02 Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Theodore Lloyd.
23:08 It's been great meeting you all here today.
23:10 Is this him?
23:11 No.
23:12 No.
23:13 That's impossible.
23:17 On my family's behalf, I'd like to thank you for all the continued support over all the years.
23:22 I'm excited to see what the future holds for us.
23:25 So that's Theodore Lloyd. No wonder he bit $10 million.
23:29 And he's so handsome.
23:31 All this time, she's married to Theodore Lloyd. Now we're done. Everything's ruined.
23:37 Says who?
23:38 I'm going to tell the Lloyds what she did and they're going to kick her ass out onto the curb.
23:41 What are you talking about?
23:43 Go find him.
23:45 And now I'd like to introduce you to the most important person in my life.
23:51 My wife, Victoria Branson.
23:54 [applause]
23:57 Victoria, you are the kindest, strongest person I know.
24:07 And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
24:14 I object.
24:15 Paul, don't do this.
24:22 I know what I'm doing.
24:23 You don't know what kind of person Victoria is, do you Teddy?
24:27 I know my wife.
24:29 I don't need the opinion of someone like you, Paul.
24:32 Security, get him out of here.
24:35 No, it's okay.
24:36 Let him talk.
24:38 I have nothing to hide.
24:40 Go ahead, Paul. Let's hear it.
24:42 So after you left our company, you used your connections to sabotage whatever business plans we might have.
24:48 You don't owe them any explanation. Just let it go.
24:54 I can take their insults, but I don't want them throwing dirt on your family name.
24:59 I never sabotaged Paul Cox's company.
25:03 The Lloyds ended their partnership with Paul Cox because his designer stole my sketches.
25:09 That's a lie.
25:10 Beth didn't steal a damn thing.
25:11 The press still has my original design, and the plagiarism lawsuit is ongoing.
25:16 Are you saying the press, the lawyers, and the judges are all liars?
25:20 So what? You still put Robert Keller in jail.
25:24 Yes, I did put Keller in jail for committing sexual assault and harassment.
25:30 Unlike my father and my stepsister, I won't stand silent when the women in my company are abused.
25:36 My mother, Sylvia Branson, started this company and left it to me.
25:41 This is my company, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep rats like you out of it.
25:47 How dare you?
25:48 Come on, Paul. Let's go.
25:50 You don't move. I'm not done.
25:53 Victoria, why are you doing this to me? I'm your sister.
26:01 What about when you were in bed with my fiancé and pushed me in the pool at my engagement party where we sisters then, Beth?
26:09 Okay, now I'm done.
26:13 Security, throw him out of here.
26:16 And I want everyone to hear this.
26:21 Paul Cox, Bethany Branson, and her family are no longer welcomed by the Lloyds.
26:26 Do business with them, and you lose them with me.
26:31 I could have taken care of it. You don't have to rub salt in your wounds like that.
26:36 I'm okay. Your family's reputation is more important than anything.
26:39 Thank you, but next time, just let me protect you.
26:45 I don't want to see you get hurt again.
26:58 You said Victoria framed you.
27:00 You said that she threw Keller in jail.
27:02 You said that she pushed you in the pool.
27:04 I've trusted you this whole time, you've been lying to my face.
27:07 I've trusted you this whole time, you've been lying to my face.
27:15 Paul, I love you.
27:20 I really need to leave.
27:24 [Music]
27:26 Shorty.
27:39 Sorry.
27:46 I was a fool when I tried to trust you, Beth.
27:50 Paul, we were together for five years, and you left just like that.
27:54 I'm not gonna freaking be for that.
27:57 Were you pleased?
27:59 I thought I told you to leave her alone.
28:03 I just want to apologize.
28:05 And well, you had your chance to give her what she deserves and treat her right.
28:09 You blew it.
28:10 Now get the hell out of my way.
28:13 I'm taking my wife home.
28:16 [Music]
28:18 Hey, how did it go?
28:30 Did Theodore Lloyd come over after the first dance?
28:34 Tell us what happened.
28:37 What happened?
28:39 Paul dumped me.
28:41 And Victoria's husband turned out to be Theodore Lloyd.
28:44 That's what happened.
28:45 It's all over.
28:47 What do we do now, Edmund?
28:51 Don't worry.
28:54 I have an idea.
28:56 Victoria, come home.
29:04 I'll give you the papers to your mother's cabinet.
29:13 Can you take me to the Branson Mansion?
29:15 Are you sure?
29:17 I'm a Lloyd now. You don't want to touch me.
29:19 Alright, fine.
29:22 I'm coming with you.
29:23 Take us to the Branson Mansion.
29:28 Where's my stuff, Dad?
29:35 My apologies.
29:37 This kid has no manners when she's in a mood.
29:40 Yeah, well.
29:41 I happen to like her that way.
29:43 Isn't that sweet?
29:46 Come on, let's go talk to my son.
29:48 It's okay, Daddy. I'll be fine.
29:52 Stop wasting my time, Dad.
30:04 Just give me my papers and I'll leave.
30:06 Not so fast.
30:08 I'll give you what you want.
30:10 Under one condition.
30:13 Divorce Theodore Lloyd.
30:16 What?
30:22 You heard me.
30:23 Divorce Lloyd and I'll have Mary Beth.
30:25 Or I'll set your precious cabin on fire.
30:28 No, you won't.
30:31 Because that's the last card you have up your sleeve.
30:34 Forget about this so-called condition.
30:37 It's not happening.
30:38 Where are the papers?
30:48 I'll find another way to get it. Let's go.
30:49 Wait, Victoria.
30:51 I know you and Beth are in on this.
30:54 Tell her to wake up from this fucking daydream!
30:57 I knew it wouldn't work.
31:03 What was Dad thinking?
31:04 Who would give up Theodore Lloyd for a stupid shack?
31:07 Your Dad failed because he was too soft with that woman.
31:10 It's time we stepped in.
31:12 Mom, are you saying...
31:15 Yes.
31:16 It's time we got rid of that bitch once and for all.
31:19 Just like I got rid of your mother.
31:22 How you doing?
31:33 Better.
31:34 I'm home with you.
31:35 I can't believe my Dad wanted me to divorce you.
31:38 I can't believe he wanted me to marry Beth.
31:40 It's crazy.
31:43 Can I be honest with you?
31:45 I kind of like seeing you get angry.
31:49 You really care about me.
31:51 Of course I do.
31:53 You're my husband.
31:55 You're the only thing that matters.
32:01 You promise you'll never leave me?
32:03 I promise.
32:05 I'm not going anywhere.
32:08 [Music]
32:11 [Music]
32:14 [Music]
32:16 [Music]
32:42 [Music]
32:44 Teddy.
32:57 Paul.
32:58 Paul?
32:59 Why do you have Victoria's phone?
33:00 There's no time to explain that.
33:01 Victoria's been kidnapped.
33:10 Finally.
33:11 I was starting to worry you'd never wake up.
33:13 What do you want Karen?
33:15 You know what I want Victoria.
33:17 I want you dead.
33:21 Why are you here?
33:26 Did you plan this?
33:27 I'm going to give you one chance to tell me the truth.
33:29 I just wanted to see her.
33:31 I've done a lot of bad things with Victoria but I won't do this.
33:39 Hello?
33:40 Officer, we have a lead.
33:42 I just sent you the address.
33:43 You want to help?
33:46 Keep my body warm?
33:47 Take care of this dress.
33:49 I'm leaving Victoria.
33:56 Wait for me.
33:57 You won't get away with this.
34:00 No.
34:02 That's what your mother said 52 years ago in this very room.
34:06 You didn't kill my mother when my mother died of kidney failure.
34:10 It's amazing what the little poison can do.
34:13 Now you can drink this or I can shove it down your throat.
34:19 Make your choice Victoria.
34:22 I'm coming!
34:25 You're stubborn.
34:29 I'm like your mother.
34:34 Do you know how I got her to drink the poison?
34:38 I told her if she didn't drink it, I'd take it to you.
34:45 You'll go to hell for this.
34:47 Maybe.
34:49 But she'll go first.
34:51 Teddy, watch out!
35:03 Teddy!
35:04 No, Teddy!
35:11 You're not hurting him.
35:12 I'm scared.
35:16 I don't know what I would do if something happened to him.
35:20 I'm sorry.
35:21 How's he doing?
35:36 The doctor says he'll be fine.
35:40 Valen told me what happened.
35:44 She called Teddy.
35:46 Thank you.
35:48 You're welcome.
35:50 You're welcome.
35:52 You're welcome.
35:54 You're welcome.
35:56 You're welcome.
35:57 You're welcome.
35:59 You're welcome.
36:01 You're welcome.
36:03 You're welcome.
36:05 You're welcome.