• last year
▌热点 X 八点最热报 ▌公务员最近获得“大糖果”调薪13%,必定要增加效率拿出绩效,否则会掉入通胀的恶性循环?

完整影片 https://bit.ly/44uYeN9

#公务员 #公务员调薪 #安华 #八点最热报
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频


00:00 If inflation is required, we will ask for a raise.
00:03 If we raise the interest rate, we will buy some non-essential goods.
00:07 This is a vicious cycle.
00:10 If we raise the interest rate based on efficiency increase,
00:16 it will not be a vicious cycle.
00:19 It will lead to the rapid development of our enterprise
00:21 and the economic effect.
00:24 This is not a vicious cycle.
00:26 I think the entire Malaysian civil servants
00:29 should be able to raise the interest rate based on efficiency.
00:33 Otherwise, our RMB10 billion investment
00:37 will be wasted.
00:39 If the civil servants are efficient,
00:41 we will ask for a raise.
00:43 Why?
00:44 If they are efficient,
00:45 they will be able to use a lot of things
00:47 and will be able to keep their business going.
00:49 This way, foreign investors
00:51 will think that the Malaysian business environment is quite good.
00:55 Also, domestic investors
00:57 will keep their domestic direct investment in Malaysia.
01:01 Many things in Malaysia are very efficient.
01:04 I think this is the result.
01:08 (electronic music)
01:11 you
