Excited about potential Wyatt Family reunion at Backlash? Dive into the QR codes mystery and latest WWE rumors! #WWE #Backlash #BrayWyatt #WyattFamily #UncleHowdy #DexterLumis #ErickRowan #NikkiCross #JoeGacy #AlexaBliss
00:00 Will we get the Wyatt 6 at Backlash?
00:03 The QR codes that have been flashed on TV a la Bray Wyatt's return more than a year
00:08 ago have everyone talking.
00:11 The code UDENJ51A suggests Uncle Howdy, the U, Dexter Loomis, the D, Eric Rowan, the E
00:23 before he re-signed a new deal with WWE, Nikki Cross, the N, Joe Gacy, the J, and Alexa Bliss,
00:33 the A.
00:34 The latest barcode that flashed on WWE NXT pointed to France, where Backlash is taking
00:40 place.
00:42 With Eric Rowan recently signing a new deal, Uncle Howdy's prominent role that was already
00:46 on television, this kind of sets the stage for a Wyatt family revival.
00:51 Wouldn't you support it?