St. Patrick's Day: The Sluagh Awakens Movie

  • 2 months ago
St. Patrick's Day: The Sluagh Awakens Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Cocky New York stock trader, Colin Tate and his wife Maeve seek to escape busy city life in the quiet countryside on St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Ignoring a grave warning from local bartender, Jack Mulligan the couple sets out to explore the trails of Devil’s Point. There they come in contact with the Sluagh, a demon of Irish folklore. After Colin loses his wife, at the hands of the Sluagh, he vows revenge. 7 years later Colin crosses paths with the nephew of Jack, Pierce Mulligan his girlfriend, Tara, and her sister Olivia when the Sluagh demons attack Devil’s Point. Together, Colin and the kids must do whatever they can to survive the night.

Eddie Lengyel

Roger Conners, Morgan Paige