• last year
The Cat, also known as The 1000 Years Cat, is a 1992 Hong Kong science-fiction action film directed by Lam Ngai Kai (藍乃才), based on the novel Old Cat, an installment of the Wisely Series, by Ni Kuang (倪匡). Produced by Golden Harvest and Paragon Films, the film stars Waise Lee Chi-hung (李子雄), Christine Ng Wing-mei (伍詠薇), and Gloria Yip Wan-Yee (葉蘊儀). Its plot follows a trio of extraterrestrials, one of whom has the form of a cat, who team up with a novelist named Wisely to fight a malevolent alien that can possess humans.

A cat from outer space teams up with a young alien girl (Gloria) and her knight, along with an adventure novelist named Wisely (Waise), to fight a murderous alien that possesses people.


