Was Shreyas Talpade Victim Of Covid-19 Vaccine Side-Effect?

  • 4 months ago
Actor Shreyas Talpade, known for his versatility in Hindi cinema, is shooting multiple big projects. Following a heart attack, he's more health vigilant. In a chat with senior journalist Bharati S Pradhan, he questions Covid-19 vaccine side effects, lacking of concrete proof but still raising concerns.


00:00 I do not smoke, I am not really a regular drinker
00:04 A lot of these incidents, right?
00:06 I mean people working out and suddenly something happening
00:09 Playing and something happening
00:11 Or a normal person who is taking good care of himself
00:13 Still, there's something or the other happening with him
00:15 Then what could be the other reason?
00:17 I would want to find out what exactly the vaccine has done with us
00:27 Shreyas, so nice to see you, it's heartening to see you hale and hearty
00:31 Thank you, thank you so much
00:33 I mean you really gave us a scare
00:35 Yeah, even I was scared actually
00:37 I gave myself also a big scare
00:40 It was quite unfortunate
00:41 Not expected at all
00:45 Because we keep feeling that we are taking adequate precautions
00:50 Diet controls and exercises and everything
00:54 But you never know
00:56 You never know what goes wrong when
00:59 Apparently there are some theories which attribute this to the vaccine as well
01:05 Yes, I was coming to that because very recently we have been reading about this
01:10 Astrazeneca
01:11 And we have been hearing a lot of these incidents, right?
01:14 I mean people working out and suddenly something happening
01:16 Playing and something happening
01:18 Or a normal person who is taking good care of himself
01:21 Still, there's something or the other happening with him
01:23 Then what could be the other reason?
01:24 Because I do not smoke, I am not really a regular drinker
01:28 It's probably once in a month or something like that
01:30 To maybe 30-60 ml that's it
01:33 And no tobacco, no nothing
01:36 Yes, cholesterol was slightly on the higher side
01:39 But that I am told is pretty normal you know in these times
01:43 And of course I was taking some medication for that as well
01:45 So that had also come down reasonably
01:47 So if all the factors, no diabetes, no blood pressure
01:50 Then what could be the reason?
01:52 And you have always been fit, I have never known you to be roly poly
01:56 Yeah, exactly, I mean not that I love food
01:59 But not that I am going all out and eating all sorts of junk food or anything like that
02:05 So we have been as careful as possible
02:08 So in spite of that if this happens then there is some other reason attached
02:12 That's what you feel?
02:14 I think so, I mean I will not negate the theory
02:17 I feel yes, because it is only after that that you know
02:21 There is a certain amount after the whole vaccination of COVID
02:26 Is when I started experiencing unknowingly little bit of fatigue
02:31 And tiredness and things like that
02:33 So there has to be some amount of truth in that right
02:38 I mean we completely cannot negate that theory
02:41 So maybe it is COVID or the vaccine I don't know what
02:44 But yeah there is something which is associated post that
02:50 Because it was only after that that I started experiencing
02:53 So you mean to say when you got that sudden, it was a heart attack wasn't it?
02:57 Yeah, and then I went into an arrest as well
03:00 Oh you went into an arrest as well, ok
03:03 Can you just take me down through that? I know it is not a very happy thing to go down
03:07 No, so I mean I started experiencing fatigue for some time
03:11 I got myself checked over and over again, ECGs and 2D echos and things like that
03:17 And those apparently showed no signs of any caution as such
03:22 So they were normal is what I was told
03:24 And then I was shooting for them, we were shooting continuously for a film
03:29 And travelling and shooting and so I was not you know
03:33 Getting adequate rest for the last month or so
03:37 But I was shooting for Welcome and that evening it was a pretty hectic kind of a shot
03:46 So which kind of went on for around 8-10 minutes where everybody was you know
03:50 You were swinging and getting down in water and jumping and getting wet and all sorts of things
03:55 And immediately post the shot is when I started feeling some amount of discomfort
04:00 Which is very unusual, I never felt anything like this before in my life
04:04 So I went to the van, I changed my clothes because they were wet
04:07 So I somehow changed my clothes
04:09 I just you know lied down on the bed in the van for a little while
04:14 And my staff was like "Sir do you want a coffee, what is happening?"
04:17 So I was not able to tell them also
04:19 I got in the car, I said I called up Dipti and we are supposed to go somewhere
04:23 I said let's cancel it, I am not keeping well
04:25 So I went home, I checked the blood pressure, it was on the higher side
04:29 And I called up the doctor and he said "Are you breathless?"
04:34 So I said I can breathe but I am just uncomfortable
04:37 I don't know what exactly is happening, I am not able to lie down, not sleep, nothing
04:41 So Dipti finally said "Nothing doing, let's go to the hospital, let's get yourself checked and then we will see"
04:47 So we got in the car again and on the way to the hospital is when I went into an arrest
04:53 So then Dipti got out of the car, she called people, some people recognized her, me
04:59 They came, they got me out and they took me immediately to the hospital
05:02 That's when they gave me CPR, that didn't work
05:05 So then they gave me the shocks
05:08 And that's when they revived me
05:11 And immediately the cardiologist came and he did angiography
05:16 And he said there are two blocks, one is 99% and the other is 100%
05:20 And they performed the stenting surgery, angioplasty
05:27 And yeah that's what
05:30 Terrible, I mean it was very scary actually
05:33 It was quite scary and so sudden that you are not expecting anything like this
05:37 But it's very unfortunate because we genuinely don't know what we have taken inside our bodies
05:45 We have just gone with the flow, trusted the companies
05:50 But apparently, because I never heard these kind of incidents happening before COVID
05:55 We never heard this, immediately after COVID is when we started getting all these stories and videos of people
06:02 Just falling while playing and for no apparent reason
06:06 So it's pretty scary
06:09 So are you exploring the idea of going further into this vaccine
06:15 I would want to find out what exactly the vaccine has done with us
06:19 I would definitely want to find out, whether it is COVID or the vaccine again I am not too sure
06:24 But you know till the time I don't have enough proof with me
06:27 It's pointless to make any kind of statement on that
06:29 But nevertheless I would like to at least explore what it has done to our bodies
06:35 Right, right
06:36 That's right
06:37 [Music]
