‘Can I Count On You To Work With Me On This?’: Brian Babin Asks Bill Nelson About NASA Funding

  • 4 months ago
During a House Science, Space & Technology Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) questioned NASA Administrator Bill Nelson about their budget request.

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00:00 Ladies time has expired the chair now turns to the gentleman Texas mr. Babin for five minutes, sir
00:05 Thank you. Mr. Chairman and mr. Administrator. Good to see you and
00:08 I
00:10 Really liked your analogy about the bathtub a while ago
00:12 After a few decades, you know, I guess all of us have a little residue in there. I just need a little bit more in mind
00:20 But thank you so very much. Amen
00:24 For what you're doing and your inspiration and I say that very very sincerely
00:30 Talking about stem and the excitement and the inspiration that NASA and stills in our youth
00:38 To go forward to create these wizards, so it's very exciting. Thank you. I'd like to start
00:46 by
00:49 Keeping priority programs talking about this on track and submitting a FY 25 budget request
00:56 That largely complies with the fiscal responsibility
00:59 Act that the president signed in May and as we work on the FY 25 request
01:05 We we also have to finalize the FY 24 budget
01:09 I'd like to work with you to ensure that NASA remains on track
01:13 Despite the challenging budget environment that we find ourselves in now as you work with appropriators to finalize the 24
01:21 Spending plan. I'd like to call your attention to a few priorities of mine
01:26 To maintain existing funding levels within the space operations budget
01:31 Congress provided you with a great deal of latitude and we hope that you were
01:35 Able to use this in a way to use this funding appropriated for space operations
01:41 And I want to make sure that we're all on the same page
01:44 while the final 24 appropriations for NASA space operations is
01:50 46.7 million below
01:53 FFY 23 levels the 24 requests included 180 million
01:58 for the deorbital vehicle the USD V for ISS
02:03 The original schedule for awarding a contract for USD V has slipped several times
02:09 Under even the current plan to award a contract this summer. NASA could be challenged to
02:15 allocate funding for USD V within
02:17 FY 24 based on current schedules and I believe that within this given timeline NASA could maintain
02:25 current ISS operations at
02:27 23 23 rates
02:30 It's critical now more than ever to maintain the full functionality of the International Space Station that mr
02:36 Weber had had mentioned in his questioning and support our current crew and
02:41 Cargo missions because of the amazing things that are going there. I was a health care professional myself and your story about
02:48 cancer and
02:51 creating drugs and
02:53 Things up in zero G are very very fascinating
02:56 I was pleased to see you mentioned on Capitol Hill two weeks ago the necessity of keeping the ISS fully operational until
03:05 We have a follow-on CLD
03:07 It's critical that we maintain our presence in Leo
03:10 For the very reason that he brought up a while ago
03:14 the Qing Gong
03:17 Chinese
03:20 Craft is up there as we speak and so many mr. Administrator
03:25 I know that you don't have this information at your fingertips right now
03:28 But will you provide us with the following information as soon as possible so that we can understand the full
03:35 range of options that NASA has an implementing the 24 appropriation so that ISS
03:41 Program can continue to return the great science and advanced
03:46 Exploration that's been coming back number one the amount of funding obligated for the US DV in 24
03:53 Number two an updated schedule for the award of the contract for US TV
03:59 Number three a list of full-time equivalents and work year equivalent personnel
04:05 for the ISS program for each fiscal quarter for the last five years and
04:11 number four workforce costs and contractor rates associated with the ISS program including
04:18 contractors over the last five years and
04:21 last number five workforce costs and contractor rates
04:26 Planned for the ISS program over the next five years. Mr. Administrator. I stand ready to work with you
04:33 You're a joy to work with I've always appreciated you and the great work you've done
04:38 In your capacity as our administrator
04:41 But we need to ensure that NASA has the necessary workforce and funding to enable the continued success
04:51 Amazing success 22 years of the International Space Station
04:54 Can I count on you to work with me on this? Of course
04:59 And I can tell you that the first question that you ask
05:03 In the 24 budget there is a hundred and eighty million dollars
05:09 for the starting of a US
05:13 deorbit vehicle
05:16 Which I am begging the Congress
05:20 in the next emergency
05:22 appropriations bill
05:24 The one that will address Guam and the typhoon
05:28 For the Department of Defense as well as NASA that you include within that in the argument that I made earlier
05:35 in the hearing
05:38 That that is an emergency because we don't know what President Putin's going to be doing right and therefore we cannot count
05:47 That we will have the cooperation all the way through the next six years in
05:52 order to be able to
05:55 deorbit the station
05:57 safely in
05:59 to
06:00 Most of it will burn up
06:02 But the big chunks that are left to put them safely in the graveyard in the Southern Pacific Ocean
06:10 and
06:12 We we desperately
06:16 Request
06:17 that that hundred and eighty million and the rest of the six-year total funding of a billion and a half
06:24 for the US deorbit vehicle
06:28 Be put in the emergency
06:31 Supplemental appropriations to understand very very clearly. Thank you. Mr. Time is expired
