"I printed my bad review on a t-shirt - but there's a serious message behind it."

  • 4 months ago
A waitress who got her one-star review printed on a t-shirt said her viral moment had opened a conversation about the "disrespectful" treatment of hospitality workers.

Daniella Claeys, 24, printed a one-star review she got while working at a restaurant, onto a t-shirt.

Daniella, who has worked in hospitality for over ten years, got the review in November 2023 and got the t-shirt printed in December to cheer herself up.

The review came online after she had asked a family with a crying baby to sit outside to prevent disrupting the staff and other diners.

The scathing review read: 'We will never be back!!! At this restaurant the staff made us feel so uncomfortable a waitress named Dani suggested the manager to seat us outside on the cold when our baby cried because she had headache, she didn't bother to hide her discomfort and looked at us like we were rubbish we obviously left the restaurant straight away.

"Very not family-friendly atmosphere in there don't bother to go with kids'."

After sharing her t-shirt on TikTok, the waitress, who lives in Dalston, east London, saw herself inundated with hundreds of likes and comments.

While some were critical, many supported her decision - and shared times they had been negatively reviewed in their hospitality roles.

She said: "The response was wild.

"Lots of people related - there were so many other stories in the comments.

"I don't hold it against the woman who left the review, I didn't mean to make her uncomfortable.

"But making the t-shirt was a way to take back a bit of power - when as the server, you're told 'the customer is always right'.

"You should be able to find a bit of humour when things don't go right."

In a follow-up video, she explained that she was suffering from a migraine, causing her to be sensitive to loud noises, such as children screaming.

This led to her suggesting the family sit outside - which led to the review naming her, and accusing the restaurant of being "not very family friendly".

Daniella, who posts under @dandanthexanman, said: "I know, I slipped up."

She explained that at the time, the review resulted in her crying and having a meeting with her manager.

She feared the review would result in her being fired, although that didn't happen.

She said: "I think there’s been so much power over the use of online reviews, people sometimes don't understand the severity.

"Because she named me, the review is now mine. It impacted my life in a way I don't think she would have realised.

"The margin for error in such a customer-facing role is so small, that if someone feels it's not absolutely 100%, the hard work and effort is taken for granted."

Daniella said the unplanned viral moment has opened the floor to a discussion around the treatment of hospitality workers - and how hard the role can be.

She said: "It's difficult to meet the standard, when service is an even just little bit off, I've been berated, yelled at, subjected to combative situations.

"I'm just one person. I can be doing 20,000 steps a day, I'm exhausted and still serving.

"I have done up to 14-hour shifts and can probably serve up to 200 in one shift."

Daniella feels the role is often "under-respected as a career" - and it's "not regarded as a high-skilled job".

She said: "There's just not enough conversation being had towards hospitality workers.

"Often when you go to receptionists at hospitals, it says you can't be disrespectful to staff or you’ll be removed.

"But there's nothing of the sort in hospitality - and people are ready to express themselves in quite a rude way when things don't go perfectly.

"Feeling like you're being disrespected and underappreciated all shift takes its toll.

"We're told the customer is always right - but the fact is, we're all humans and there are two sides to a story.

"Even if the server is in the wrong, things go wrong all the time for everyone, you're allowed to make mistakes.

"If I've been a customer I haven't always had the best service, they still served me - it's a privilege to be served.

"What needs to change is a level of understanding and respect and more gratitude for when things do go right."


00:00 I woke up this morning, I'm on Unilad, Daily Mail, New York Post, Wales News as well, all because of this t-shirt baby.
00:07 Okay, so a little while back, let me imagine, a little while back, it's like we're on FaceTime, I got a one-star review.
00:12 I'm a waitress by the way, I'm a waitress, um and I got a one-star review. I will put what she put here, hold on.
00:18 Pause me darling, take a minute, read that review.
00:21 Give you your time, give you your time.
00:26 Fingers on lips. So I got given this one-star review and I was devastated because like,
00:31 I really didn't realise I was being that bad. I had a super bad day and the child was screaming.
00:38 Uh baby, baby, a lot. If you've ever worked in hospitality, I swear to God, you slip up one time,
00:44 it is over. Do you know how many times like I've cried after a hospitality shift? And I've been
00:48 waitressing for 10 years. Um I started off as a KP and then head waitress now, um I actually quit my
00:54 job but that's, baby, that is a different story, stay tuned for that. Anyway, I had a family in,
00:58 the big family that was in on a Sunday, I had a cold, I had a migraine, I came in anyway, I had an
01:05 optical migraine, I came in because I didn't want to let the team down, I was taking lots of tablets.
01:09 Let me just give you an update, they're not to know that, it's not their job to know that, okay.
01:14 How I got this is by being overworked and by being very sick actually but still coming in because I
01:23 just, I have to pay rent at the end of the day and so I came in and listen, the child was doing
01:31 what children do and it was having a little bit of a tantrum and screaming a lot. When you've got an
01:37 optical migraine, when you're a bit sick, you are so noise sensitive and I'm not, baby, I'm not gonna
01:43 hold you. I was uncomfortable, I was uncomfortable, 100%. It was probably visible, yeah, I know,
01:52 I know, I slipped up, I did that really crazy thing and I fucking slipped up, like I don't ever
01:58 want to make anyone feel uncomfortable in my time as being this waitress because I'm here to look
02:02 after you and if I make you feel like you're not being looked after or that you are not welcome,
02:07 I'm not doing my job right. However, baby, however, I was sick and your child was screaming a lot and
02:17 I come from a family of seven, I get that's what kids do and so I said to my manager, I was like,
02:23 should we ask them to maybe like go to the terrace? We have a heated terrace outside that a lot of
02:30 families go to or like they'll go around the kitchen with the child just to sort of distract
02:34 them from the from those super huge emotions that they're feeling but she thought that I was trying
02:40 to tell her to get out and so yeah, she walked out and I, like as she was walking out, she's like,
02:49 don't worry, we're leaving, we're leaving. I was like, what? And she's like, yeah, yeah, yeah,
02:52 yeah, like we're leaving and I think she could see my discomfort but also, baby, customers were
02:56 looking at me as if I should sort out the issue because it was my section and so there's a lot,
03:04 there's a lot to play in this. All of that to say, One Star Review, in the flesh and so she wrote in
03:15 an email and she wrote a review naming me, naming me, okay? And if you name me, well, now this
03:22 information is mine and there's a t-shirt that is here, okay? I'm also going to sell t-shirts
03:30 with the One Star Review so let me know if you want that link and I will message you personally
03:35 with that link but anyway, anyway, the review came through. I thought I was gonna get fired,
03:39 I didn't and she's like, we will never be back, we will never, she was so rude and maybe I might
03:45 have been rude but the child was screaming a lot and like I had a, I had a bad moment, 100%
03:52 and this is what I'm saying when it comes to hostility, like, rarely, rarely are we offered
03:59 any grace or any understanding when it comes to just having an off kill today. It is so customer
04:04 facing, it is so, oh, it just, it takes so much energy to be 100% and I pride myself on my work,
04:13 baby, I've got enough Five Star Reviews to speak for me and enough years in the game to speak for
04:18 me but when it came to that review, it broke me because I don't, I don't want to make people feel
04:23 that way but I understand, people can make mistakes. I fucked up the other day really hard,
04:27 like super hard and a customer threatened me and then threw two pounds in my face,
04:34 that's a different story, let me know if you want to hear about that. I've got so many stories
04:37 about hospitality but just when it comes to a little bit of grace, I know that like, hospitality
04:44 is such a demanding job and it can take so much from you but rarely is it actually respected. It's
04:52 looked as like a lower, a lower job and I never understood why. I've been in the game for 10
04:58 years and people don't think it's a hard job, it is a hard job, like it's very difficult to do right
05:03 and if you get it wrong one time, you might get a motherfucking t-shirt out of it, baby.
05:07 But yeah, I'm in the New York Post, I'm in all this different stuff and I'm excited and I just
05:14 thought I'd explain a little bit and I might make a YouTube video but I just thought I'd explain it
