00:00¡Crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen, crimen
00:30In 1949, George Orwell had a vision of the future. Today, that vision is still a best-selling novel and his prophecy remains as terrifying as ever.
00:57If you want a vision of the future, Winston, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.
01:06A future where freedom becomes slavery, where privacy is forbidden, the past forgotten, and where living people simply vanish. Yet one man and one woman dare to love.
01:24Can you get Sunday afternoon off? Yes. Take this. Everyone knows. The thing that is in Rome 101 is the worst thing in the world. We can't get inside you. We can't get to your heart.
01:39John Hurt, Susanna Hamilton, Cyril Cusack and Richard Burton in the crowning role of his career.
01:50What are your true feelings towards Big Brother? I hate him. You must love him. It's not enough to obey him. You must love him.
02:00The film of the book of the year. George Orwell's 1984.
02:20The film of the book of the year. George Orwell's 1984.