轰外媒没查证消息来源 安华否认6月取消汽油津贴

  • 4 months ago
新闻报报看 | 首相安华否认外媒报导指,政府要在6月取消汽油津贴!安华说,政府如果确定要推动政策,肯定不会偷偷摸摸,一定会正式对外公布。他还批评,媒体不要只是把道听途说来的消息写成报导出街,因为这种负面新闻是不道德、不健康的现象。(主播:庄文杰、黄宇恒)


00:00In the past few days, a lot of foreign media have dug up news reports from their own informants.
00:05The United Nations government is preparing to implement targeted fuel subsidies in June.
00:11It is to revoke the fuel subsidies for some groups.
00:14At this moment, a lot of political figures jumped in to discuss this topic.
00:18If the government cancels the subsidies now,
00:21then the domestic inflation will be crazy.
00:24But Prime Minister Anhua denied the foreign media's report when he was interviewed today.
00:28He said that there is no need to revoke the fuel subsidies in June.
00:32He said that if the government is determined to implement a certain policy,
00:34it will not do it secretly.
00:36It will officially announce it to the public.
00:39Anhua also criticized that the media should not just report the news from the public.
00:44Because this kind of behavior is irresponsible, unhealthy, and immoral.
00:48Anhua was very angry with the news that some foreign media did not verify the source of the news.
00:55He described that these foreign media have been accusing him of participating in the discussion of building a casino in Rofo Forest City recently.
01:03There is also a matter of revoking the fuel subsidies from June.
01:07The result attracted the attention of the whole country.
01:09Anhua clarified that he has never discussed at any level
01:13to build a casino in the forest city to save investment.
01:16And he also said that the cabinet has not yet discussed
01:19the specific time to implement targeted fuel subsidies.
01:23But the media is very good at digging into these materials and hype them into a hot topic.
01:28In fact, Anhua believes that this is not the principle of freedom of the press.
01:31Because the news must also have a reliable source.
01:34Don't create social chaos.
01:36According to Anhua, some foreign media accused him of participating in the discussion of building a casino in Rofo Forest City.
01:44This matter was recently provoked in the election of Xing Gumao.
01:47The first-party propaganda director Amor Fadri, who is a candidate for the Xueli topic, caught the pain.
01:53During the election, he was also in Anhua.
01:56He said yesterday that Anhua was not going to deal with the news
01:59that he participated in the discussion of building a casino in Rofo Forest City.
02:03Why hasn't there been any action so far?
02:06He ridiculed Anhua and only talked about it.
02:09It's not like he's really going to take action.
02:12Amor Fadri believes that the news about building a casino in Rofo Forest City
02:16is related to the Wang family.
02:19Therefore, the KMT believes that the government should immediately send a protest letter to Bloomberg.
02:24Ask Bloomberg to withdraw the article to protect the Wang family's integrity.
02:27At the same time, it should also blame Bloomberg for not educating.
02:31Amor Fadri gave Anhua a very practical suggestion.
02:36He said, if the government wants to send this protest letter to Bloomberg,
02:40it doesn't have to be so troublesome to send the letter to the United States.
02:43He said, does Bloomberg have an office in KL?
02:48Anhua, if you really want to file a complaint,
02:49you can express your request in Malaysia.
