Soir infos (20:00) - 05/05/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 05/05/2024


00:00You are on Mediain TV, welcome to this edition, here are the titles.
00:17The closure of the works of the 15th Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Banjul.
00:23The final declaration underlines the strategic importance of the initiative of His Majesty
00:28Seloura Mohamed VI for the Atlantic African States.
00:33In the case of the war in Gaza, the recent hope of a truce between Israel and Hamas has weakened in recent days.
00:41The delegation of negotiators of Hamas is preparing to leave for Doha.
00:45The meeting with the Egyptian mediation in Cairo on a truce project has come to an end.
00:52The Chadians are called to the polls on Monday to elect their president.
00:57General Mahamad Idris Debitno and Prime Minister Sukhse Masra, both candidates,
01:02have promised each other to win the presidential election from the first round.
01:11The 15th Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Banjul in the Republic of Gambia
01:18salutes the initiatives of the Kingdom of Morocco on the regional and multilateral levels.
01:23The final statement sanctioning the work of this summit,
01:27in particular, praised the efforts made by the Kingdom to bring the points of view of the Libyan protagonists closer.
01:33The details below.
01:37The OCI Summit salutes the initiatives of Morocco on the regional and multilateral levels.
01:43The role of the Kingdom has been saluted for its mediation between the Libyan protagonists
01:47in the context of a series of meetings held in Morocco
01:50in order to advance the process of a political solution
01:53in accordance with the agreement of Sreirac concluded in 2015
01:56to achieve the political regulations provided.
01:59On the other hand, the OCI Summit also saluted the declaration of Rabat
02:03adopted at the end of the High-Level Ministerial Conference on Intermediate-Income Countries in February 2024
02:09which called for the consolidation of the participation of these countries in world governance
02:14and to promote the Group of Friends of Intermediate-Income Countries
02:17to become an official government platform for dialogue,
02:20awareness and coordination on development issues.
02:24The Summit also congratulated the efforts made by the Kingdom in the fight against terrorism,
02:30saluting in this regard the choice of Morocco by the United Nations as a partner
02:35to host the UN Office for the Fight Against Terrorism and Training in Africa.
02:40At the same time, the Bonjoul Summit saluted the Moroccan experience
02:44in the field of the fight against terrorism
02:46through the Presidency of the Group of Reflections of the World Coalition to Defeat Daesh in Africa
02:51and the organization by the Kingdom of a meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
02:55of the World Coalition against Daesh in Marrakech on May 11, 2022.
02:59In the field of migration, the OCI Summit saluted the pioneering role of His Majesty King Mohammed VI
03:04as a champion of migratory issues at the African level
03:07and the pursuit by the Kingdom of Morocco to fully play its role as a leader country
03:12in the implementation of the World Pact on Migration.
03:15On another record, the Summit congratulated the election of the Kingdom
03:19at the head of the Council of Human Rights of the United Nations for the year 2024
03:23in recognition by the international community of its role in defense
03:27of the central issues of human rights.
03:30It also saluted the declaration of Marrakech
03:32from the First International Seminar of Implementation,
03:35Elaboration of the Reports and Follow-up in the Domain of Human Rights
03:38held in Marrakech in December 2022.
03:41Likewise, the OCI Summit congratulated the technical support provided by the Kingdom of Morocco
03:46to increase agricultural capacity and strengthen food security in many regions of the world.
03:51The Bonjoul Summit also saluted the obtainment by the Kingdom of Morocco
03:55of the status of Sectorial Dialogue Partner
03:58with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
04:01which sees the crowning of the process of the dynamic of partnerships
04:04between Morocco and Southeast Asian countries.
04:07It also congratulated the pioneering role of the Mohammed VI Center
04:10for the Dialogue of Civilizations in the Chilean city of Coquimbo
04:14as a bridge of civilizational communication between the Islamic world
04:18and the Atlantic countries of Africa and Latin America in particular.
04:21The 15th Conference at the OCI Summit saluted the resolution proposed by Morocco
04:26and adopted unanimously by the General Assembly of the United Nations on July 25, 2023
04:32on the fight against the discourse of hatred,
04:34promotion of inter-religious, intercultural dialogue and tolerance.
04:39On the other hand, the final statement allowed the registration by Morocco
04:42of the Malhoun Heritage on the list of the Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Humanity
04:47during the 18th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Preservation
04:51of the Immaterial Cultural Heritage of UNESCO held in Botswana in November 2023
04:56and which wants an international recognition of the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco
05:00to protect and enhance the material and immaterial cultural heritage
05:05bringing to 14 the total number of cultural assets
05:08registered on the list of the world's immaterial heritage of UNESCO.
05:14Know that the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation underlines
05:18its total rejection of separatist plans aimed at reaching state sovereignty.
05:24According to the final statement of this summit,
05:27separatist entities constitute a threat to political and security stability
05:32in several regions, including in the African continent.
05:36The member countries of the OCI are called to adopt a global and integrated approach
05:41to strengthen efforts in the fight against the propagation factors
05:45of extremism, terrorism and separatism.
05:52The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Regional Cooperation and Burkina Faso
05:57of Caramoco-Jean-Marie-Traoré
05:59saluted the African-Atlantic initiative launched by His Majesty
06:03Laurent-Mohamed VI in favor of the States of the Sahel.
06:06In a statement to the press at the end of his interview on Saturday
06:09in Banjoul with the head of Moroccan diplomacy, Nasser Bourita,
06:13Minister Bourkinabé said that his enclaved country
06:16welcomed favorably this royal initiative,
06:19allowing the country of the Sahel to have access to the Atlantic Ocean.
06:23He said that Burkina is interested in more than one title by this royal initiative.
06:31In Banjoul, Nasser Bourita multiplied the interviews
06:34on the eve of the summit of the Islamic Conference.
06:37The head of Moroccan diplomacy met with the heads of Azerbaijani, Turkish and Sudanese diplomacy
06:44as well as with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Regional Cooperation and Burkina Faso.
06:50Nasser Bourita also had a meeting on Saturday with Salem Almalik,
06:54Director General of the Organization of the Islamic World for Education, Sciences and Culture,
07:00with whom he signed the Modifying Annex of the Settlement Agreement
07:06between the ICCO and the government of Morocco.
07:12The thematic exhibitions organized by the Beyt Melkhoz Agency
07:17on the eve of the conference were well-received by the participating delegations.
07:22These included the exhibition of products of Palestinian origin,
07:26products of terroir, crafts, jewellery and embroidery reflecting the Mardessi and Palestinian identity.
07:34The Agency also organized an exhibition of products derived from the olive tree,
07:38under the theme of the Olive Tree of Peace.
07:45About the Middle East, a meeting at the Cairo on a project of TREV
07:49associated with the liberation of hostages in the Gaza Strip was completed this Sunday,
07:54without progress, while Israel and Hamas remain inflexible after 7 months of war.
08:00Discussions must however continue in Qatar, the main mediator country,
08:05where the head of US intelligence is expected.
08:09The summary of the situation with Suhail Jalil.
08:15Speeches that stagnate.
08:17While Hamas is currently negotiating a truce in the conflict with Israel,
08:21the two parties continue to camp on their positions,
08:24leaving little hope in view of a possible agreement.
08:27Hamas negotiates a truce by taking a break in hostilities
08:31and an exchange of Palestinian prisoners against the hostages removed.
08:34For his part, the head of the Israeli government
08:37never ceases to proclaim his intention to carry out a terrestrial offensive on Arafat,
08:42which he considers to be the last great bastion of Hamas in the Palestinian territory.
08:47It will be a huge victory for Hamas, for Iraq.
08:50Throughout the negotiations, Israel has shown its willingness to go far,
08:54a long way that has been described by US Secretary of State Blinken and others
08:58as extraordinarily generous.
09:00But while Israel showed this will, Hamas remained camped on its positions
09:05and at the head of its claims, withdraw all our forces from the Gaza Strip
09:09and end the war and leave Hamas intact.
09:12The State of Israel cannot accept this.
09:16The Israeli army has again bombed the city of Gaza this Sunday,
09:21as well as the center and south of the territory,
09:24notably in Khan Younes and Arafat,
09:26helping to kill several members of Hamas.
09:31We are receiving worrying signals
09:33indicating that Hamas does not intend to accept any agreement with us.
09:37Our response will be an operation in Arafat and throughout the Gaza Strip.
09:41It will occur in the near future.
09:46In addition, a first round of discussions took place on Saturday in Cairo
09:50in the presence of a delegation of Hamas,
09:52led by Khalil al-Hayya and representatives of the mediating countries,
09:56namely Qatar, Egypt and the United States.
09:58Israel was absent from the discussions.
10:01Hamas, which left Cairo in the direction of Doha,
10:04insists on these demands,
10:06a total cessation of Israeli aggression and the withdrawal of Tzahal,
10:09conditions rejected by Israel,
10:11which considers Hamas as a terrorist organization,
10:14as well as the United States and the European Union,
10:17and which has sworn to destroy the movement after the attack on October 7.
10:23The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced this Sunday
10:26a new report of 34,683 deaths in the Gaza Strip
10:31since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas.
10:34In 24 hours, at least 29 additional deaths have been reported,
10:39according to this report of 78,018 injured in nearly seven months of war.
10:49The student movement against Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip
10:53in retaliation for the attack on Hamas continues in the world on October 7.
10:58Since April 17, a wave of mobilization for Gaza has spread
11:02on American campuses in about forty universities from east to west,
11:06evoking protests against the Vietnam War.
11:10A total of nearly 2,000 people have been arrested,
11:13according to a report established by several American media.
11:16In recent days, the police have proceeded
11:19to a series of military dismantling of pro-Palestinian camps,
11:23such as at the University of New York on Friday,
11:26at the request of the establishment.
11:31On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment
11:34of diplomatic relations between Beijing and Paris,
11:37Xi Jinping arrived today in the French capital for a state visit.
11:42This is the third visit of the Chinese president to the Hexagon
11:46since his arrival in power in 2013.
11:49Younes Benzineb has the details.
11:53This is his first European tour since 2019.
11:56The Chinese president arrives in France.
11:59Xi Jinping, who has just celebrated the 60th anniversary
12:02of diplomatic relations between France and China,
12:04will meet his counterpart Emmanuel Macron,
12:06who met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
12:10at the discussion table for commercial reciprocity
12:13and the search for a resolution of the war in Ukraine.
12:16According to observers,
12:18France intends to ask China to support the Olympic team
12:22for all conflicts on the occasion of the Paris Games this summer.
12:26Paris wants a minimum to ensure that Beijing,
12:29the main ally of Moscow, does not switch to a clear support
12:32for its war effort against Kiev.
12:34Monday, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,
12:38will join the Franco-Chinese duo at the Elysee
12:41for a session that should allow to raise the different trade,
12:45according to the French press.
12:47Emmanuel Macron recognizes that Europeans are not unanimous
12:51on the strategy adopted.
12:53Some actors still see in China
12:55essentially a market for debouches,
12:58while it exports massively to Europe.
13:00The French president pleads to be much more realistic
13:03in defending the interests and obtaining reciprocity.
13:07In Beijing, these measures, considered protectionist, are going well.
13:11Chinese authorities have launched their own anti-subvention investigation
13:15targeting certain French products.
13:17After the visit of the State in France,
13:19Xi Jinping will go to Serbia and Hungary,
13:22two countries close to Moscow.
13:27Chad is about to elect its president on Monday.
13:30General Mahamad Idris, Debi Hiteno,
13:33and Prime Minister Sukhse Masra,
13:35both candidates have promised each other
13:38to win this presidential election from the first round.
13:41They spoke in front of thousands of supporters
13:45in the capital, Jamena, for their last meeting.
13:49The two men will also be opposed to eight other candidates,
13:52including one woman.
13:57American diplomacy accuses Rwanda
14:00of being at the origin of a murderous bombing
14:03on a camp in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Friday.
14:07This statement was rejected by Kigali.
14:10At least nine people were killed
14:12and dozens injured in the attack
14:14on the outskirts of Goma,
14:16in the midst of fighting against the government forces
14:19of the M23 rebel movement supported by Rwanda.
14:25The Federal Council of Adepts of the Malian Tijaniyya Tariqa
14:29held its second congress,
14:31to which Morocco was invited,
14:33an opportunity to recall the religious ties
14:36between the two countries,
14:38which share this Islam of tolerance and justice.
14:41Report by our correspondent, Mohamed Dagnoko.
14:44Placed under the sign of the contribution of the Tijaniyya
14:47to social cohesion and peace in Mali,
14:50this second congress allowed us to focus
14:53on the achievements of the adepts
14:55and to recall the contribution of Morocco
14:58in the dynamism of this religious current in Mali.
15:01Mohamed Siss, who has the Gare and the Benis,
15:04his turn has arrived today.
15:07In 2011, he sent his Minister of Islamic Affairs,
15:12Ahmed Tawfiq, with a strong delegation
15:15and descendants of Sheikh Ahmed Tijani,
15:18who came to Mali.
15:20At that time, on June 17,
15:22we created the National Commission of Adepts of Tijaniyya in Mali.
15:29Sheikh Ahmed Tijani, founder of the Tijaniyya Tariqa,
15:32buried in Fez, Morocco,
15:34is the symbol of the religious fraternity
15:37that exists between Mali and Morocco.
15:41I would like to convey to you
15:44the request of His Majesty the King,
15:47Amir al-Moumini,
15:49may God assist him,
15:52and to all our sisters,
15:55our Tijani brothers,
15:58and all the Sufis of the Republic of Mali.
16:05The Minister of Adepts reassured us
16:08of the perpetuation of these fraternal ties
16:11as long as this current,
16:13which today constitutes a bridge, exists.
16:16This spiritual and ancient bridge
16:18remains renewed all the time.
16:21Every time we have Adepts of Tijaniyya with Mali,
16:24Morocco must be sure and remain
16:27that this fraternal and spiritual bridge
16:29will always remain.
16:31Rewards have been awarded to people
16:34who distinguished themselves in the vulgarization
16:37and vulgarization of Tijaniyya Tariqa in Mali.
16:41In Morocco, in this period of water stress,
16:44facilitating the supply of water
16:47to the inhabitants of rural areas
16:49becomes a crucial issue.
16:51To deal with this, the region of Casablanca-States
16:54has just launched three projects
16:56aimed at providing drinking water
16:58to several dwarfs of the city of Ben Slimane.
17:01Let's see this in this report by Maj Amel
17:03with the story of Younes Ben Zineb.
17:06In the province of Ben Slimane,
17:08more precisely in the communes of Sidi Btach,
17:10Mlila and Tnin Twala,
17:12the supply of drinking water
17:14is at the heart of development projects.
17:16Three infrastructure projects
17:18have been launched by the Regional Agency
17:20for the Implementation of Projects
17:22of the Casablanca-States Region.
17:24Their main objective is to reduce
17:26territorial and social disparities
17:28in rural areas.
17:33The first project concerns
17:35the construction of an urban space
17:37in the commune of Sidi Btach.
17:39The other two projects aim
17:41to provide drinking water
17:43to several dwarfs.
17:45They are part of a partnership
17:47and financing convention
17:49with the Ministry of the Interior
17:51aimed at linking a number of dwarfs
17:53to drinking water in the region.
17:57Specifically, the first project
17:59concerns the implementation
18:01of a drinking water supply channel
18:03in the commune of Mlila and Tnin Twala
18:05from the treatment station of Tmsna.
18:07The second project concerns
18:09the supply of drinking water
18:11for the commune of Sidi Btach
18:13thanks to the construction of 32 km
18:15of water distribution channels
18:17and 12 reservoirs.
18:19The third project includes
18:21the coating of roads
18:23and paving work
18:25over a length of 1.3 km
18:27in addition to the construction
18:29of rainwater drainage channels.
18:33The implementation
18:35of these infrastructure projects
18:37requires a total financial envelope
18:39estimated at more than 57 million dirhams.
18:43These projects aim
18:45to improve the living conditions
18:47of the inhabitants of these dwarfs
18:49and will have a significant impact
18:51on the populations of the communes
18:53targeted in the province of Ben Slimane.
18:57The drinking water supply
18:59in these areas is carried out
19:01thanks to the construction
19:03of a drinking water reservoir
19:05located in the commune of Fdalat
19:07in the province of Ben Slimane.
19:11In Morocco, a wave of heat
19:13and a level of orange vigilance
19:15is expected from Tuesday to Friday
19:17in several provinces
19:19with temperatures varying
19:21between 40 and 44 degrees.
19:23The increase in mercury
19:25is expected in the provinces
19:27of Assazag, Smara, Bojdour,
19:29Oued Deheb and Aousserde.