Jamie Raskin Drops The Hammer On Big Oil’s ‘Pattern Of Lying’: ‘Set The Country Back Decades’

  • 4 months ago
During a Senate Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) testified about the oil industry’s deception and lack of accountability for their involvement in climate change.

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00:00 And I now turn to our first panel, which features just one witness, a very distinguished one.
00:06 Congressman Jamie Raskin needs no introduction.
00:09 Representing Maryland's 8th Congressional District in the House of Representatives,
00:13 Congressman Raskin serves as the ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability.
00:18 During the 117th Congress, Representative Raskin served as Chairman of the Subcommittee
00:22 on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of the House Oversight Committee.
00:26 He was also a member of the Judiciary Committee, the Committee on House Administration, the
00:30 Rules Committee, the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, and the Select Committee
00:36 to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.
00:41 Prior to his election to the House, Congressman Raskin was a constitutional law professor
00:44 at American University Washington College of Law for over 25 years, co-founding and
00:49 directing the LLM Program on Law and Government.
00:53 Mr. Raskin, thank you very much for taking time for your busy day to be here.
00:57 You may proceed for 10 minutes.
00:58 Well, and thank you, Chairman Whitehouse, and thank you, Senator Grassley, for your
01:03 remarks and distinguished members of the committee.
01:06 In 2019, we called a hearing in House Oversight on what the oil and gas companies knew about
01:12 climate change and when they knew it.
01:16 Industry scientists and experts testified that the companies knew the burning of fossil
01:20 fuels caused climate change as early as 1959, the year the first Barbie doll appeared in
01:27 the United States, the year that Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union.
01:31 By the 1960s, before Neil Armstrong even walked on the moon, the science of global warming
01:37 was well understood by big oil.
01:41 Instead of telling the world about the perils of global warming and changing their business
01:45 model, the companies deliberately suppressed relevant scientific findings for decades and
01:50 then challenged and dismissed urgent calls by scientists to take climate change seriously.
01:57 Instead of acting like Paul Revere and sounding the alarm about climate change, they acted
02:02 like Maleficent the Evil Fairy in Sleeping Beauty and cursed everyone to try to go to
02:07 sleep for 100 years.
02:09 As the experts told us, big oil's pattern of lying and cover-up set the country back
02:14 decades in our ability to seriously address the problem.
02:19 For three years, the House Oversight Committee has investigated big oil's six decades of
02:24 climate deception.
02:26 On September 16, 2021, we sent investigative letters to Exxon, BP, Shell, Chevron, the
02:33 American Petroleum Institute, and the Chamber of Commerce.
02:37 Just yesterday, with your committee, we released our final report.
02:41 Your investigation uncovered compelling evidence of aggressive industry deceit, which continued
02:48 long after big oil gave up on its outright climate denialism.
02:53 The joint report and documents we discovered show how time and again the biggest oil and
02:59 gas companies have talked a good game for purposes of public consumption but have acted
03:08 in a completely reckless way to protect their long-term profits in the carbon industry.
03:15 Company officials admit the terrifying reality of their business model behind closed doors
03:20 but always manage to say something deceptive, false, and soothing to the public about climate
03:26 change.
03:27 Our investigation reveals big oil's denial, disinformation, and doublespeak, all to lull
03:33 the public into complacency about the enormous climate emergency we are in and the role that
03:39 big oil has played in bringing it about.
03:43 We learned the fossil fuel companies made public pledges to support the Paris Agreement
03:48 and achieve net zero emissions while internally recognizing that their actual practices would
03:54 never allow them to achieve these goals.
03:56 We found the company's PR tactics mutated from simply denying climate science to spreading
04:02 disinformation about the safety of natural gas and engaging in propaganda about their
04:08 commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
04:12 We learned they publicly broadcast and advertised their interest in low-carbon technologies
04:17 like carbon capture and algae-based biofuels while internally acknowledging that these
04:23 pie-in-the-sky technologies are expensive, difficult to scale, and simply not ready for
04:28 commercial development.
04:30 We consistently found that the oil and gas companies relied on trade associations like
04:35 the American Petroleum Institute and the Chamber of Commerce to spread misleading narratives
04:39 to the public and to lobby politically against effective climate solutions that they pretended
04:45 to favor.
04:47 We found they pumped $700 million into universities and academic research programs to influence
04:53 pro-natural gas studies and findings over renewable energy solutions.
04:59 The companies paid lip service to global environmental goals but dismissed them as basically meaningless
05:05 behind the scenes.
05:07 BP's website states that it supports the goals of the 2015 Paris Accord, but our investigation
05:14 uncovered an email revealing that BP trivialized the Paris Agreement, stating that "no one
05:20 is committed to anything other than to stay in the game."
05:23 So instead of BP choosing to take the actual steps needed to reduce its vast contribution
05:29 to carbon pollution, BP is instead "staying in the game" of fossil fuels and carbon pollution.
05:37 Spinning a fairy tale about their commitment to renewable energy, fossil fuel companies
05:41 have often advertised their commitment to low-carbon technologies, like Exxon's vaunted
05:47 algae biofuels program.
05:50 From 2009 to 2023, Exxon spent nearly half as much on advertising algae as a climate
05:56 solution as it spent on actually researching and developing it.
06:02 Our investigation revealed that Exxon's own employees raised concerns that the company's
06:07 beautiful ads might mistakenly imply that "the technology is live today."
06:14 But it was never live, and indeed Exxon ended up pulling up stakes on the whole project
06:19 before it ever produced any energy.
06:21 When you compare the actual investments in low-carbon technologies to the company's overall
06:26 expenditures, you see exactly what kind of priority this really is.
06:30 Shell, for example, spent just 11% of its total capital expenditures on lower-carbon
06:36 technologies, and Exxon and Chevron spent even less, at 6% and 4% respectively.
06:42 We learned all of these damning facts despite the company setting up huge roadblocks to
06:47 our investigation.
06:49 In response to the committee's initial letters in 2021, the company's only provided trivial
06:54 and publicly available documents, so we sent them subpoenas.
06:58 And even after being subpoenaed, the companies continued to block our investigation.
07:03 They heavily redacted or withheld entire documents based on erroneous privilege claims.
07:10 More than 4,000 documents came back to us substantially redacted.
07:14 They also used a "paper blizzard" tactic by producing hundreds of thousands of generic
07:20 and non-responsive documents, of the more than 280,000 produced, more than 125,000,
07:26 nearly half, were mass emails, newsletters, and other fluff documents.
07:31 If the companies had actually complied in good faith, who knows what else we might have
07:36 discovered.
07:37 During our probe, I've been struck by the parallels between Big Oil's aggressive denialism
07:42 about climate change and the tobacco industry's suppression of the truth about tobacco addiction
07:49 and the carcinogenic effects of smoking.
07:51 More than 20 years ago, the DOJ brought a precedent-shattering case against the cigarette
07:56 companies.
07:58 We learned about the massive, decades-long disinformation campaign waged by Big Tobacco,
08:04 and the companies were ordered to cease and desist their propaganda and to start telling
08:08 the truth.
08:10 Governments and people around the world mobilized the facts found to battle the tobacco industry
08:15 effectively for restitution and for investment in the public health.
08:19 As a result of holding the tobacco industry accountable to the truth, rates of cigarette
08:25 smoking in our country have plummeted, particularly among young people, and rates of cancer, emphysema,
08:32 and other lung diseases have fallen.
08:34 Since the tobacco master settlement in 1998, cigarette smoking among high schoolers has
08:38 fallen from 35% to less than 4% in 2021.
08:44 Just insisting upon the truth has saved millions of lives.
08:48 We're beginning to see comparable efforts to hold Big Oil accountable for its own industrial
08:52 sabotage of the truth and accountability.
08:55 State AGs across America, along with dozens of municipalities and tribal governments,
09:00 have brought lawsuits against the companies and their trade associations to recover huge
09:05 public damages allegedly caused by injuries made possible by their alleged deceptive trade
09:12 practices, fraud, public nuisance, and civil conspiracy, to name just a few causes of action
09:18 we've identified.
09:20 Every citizen in America, everyone on Earth, has a vested interest in addressing the climate
09:25 emergency.
09:26 Scientific research shows that the result of 1.5 Celsius degree of warming will be more
09:31 extreme heat waves, more massive flooding, record drought, recurring food scarcity, and
09:37 dramatic sea level rise.
09:39 My watery home state of Maryland, with more than 7,000 miles of ocean and bay coastline,
09:44 is strikingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and the rising sea.
09:48 Anne Arundel County, where our state capital is, faces potential damage of more than $4
09:53 billion to its public infrastructure if sea level rises by just five feet.
09:59 If we were to rebuild the seawall, which has been recommended to protect us from an anticipated
10:05 five foot rise in ocean levels, it would cost our state $27 billion.
10:12 How can we do that?
10:13 In his acclaimed book, Collapse, Jared Diamond studied the collapse of human societies in
10:18 history.
10:19 He identified five factors that precipitate collapse, three of which relate to the environment.
10:24 Climate change, environmental degradation, and the third, the political inability to
10:29 respond effectively to environmental threats.
10:32 Diamond says that a leading cause of a society's inability to respond to environmental emergency
10:37 is the capture of political and social power by a narrow subset of society which is committed
10:43 to its own power and profit rather than the common good of the whole society, and therefore
10:48 refuses to take the steps necessary for survival.
10:51 Fossil fuel companies publicly claim to be partners, if not leaders, in fashioning climate
10:56 solutions, but our investigation exposed that as a fraud.
11:00 Pacific Oil is not addressing the climate crisis, but profiting from it and using a
11:04 lot of its mammoth resources on continuing campaigns to insulate its carbon-based business
11:10 model.
11:11 For more than a half century, they've suppressed the truth about how carbon emissions destabilize
11:16 the climate and what we need to do to protect ourselves from calamity.
11:21 The era of denial and deceit must come to an end.
11:26 Thank you for your attention, Mr. Chairman.
11:28 Committee members, I yield back.
