Pemerintah Kejar Realisasi Investasi di Ibu Kota Nusantara

  • 4 months ago
Menteri Investasi/Kepala BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia yang menyebutkan, Presiden Joko Widodo akan segera membentuk Tim Percepatan Investasi di kawasan Ibu Kota Nusantara. Latar belakang pembentukan tim ini berdasarkan adanya keluhan yang disampaikan calon investor terkait dengan persyaratan dan mekanisme investasi di IKN kepada Presiden Joko Widodo.

Tim percepatan investasi IKN yang rencananya akan diumumkan bulan Juni mendatang ini, nantinya akan secara komprehensif melakukan koordinasi dengan seluruh stakeholder, baik kementerian terkait, pemerintah daerah, masyarakat adat dan investor yang akan masuk ke IKN.

Adapun, Kepala Otoritas Ibu Kota Nusantara Bambang Susantono saat acara Nusantara Fair 2024 di Jakarta mengungkapkan, target investasi di IKN pada 2024 mencapai Rp100 triliun. Nilai investasi tersebut mencakup pembangunan fasilitas publik yang telah dilakukan hingga saat ini, di antaranya 4 Rumah Sakit, 6 hotel dan 4 pusat perbelanjaan.


00:00Jokowi Dodo, President of Indonesia, has instructed to form an investment speed team in Nusantara
00:15This is related to a complaint from an investor about the procedure and the requirement of investment in the National Bank of Indonesia
00:25The team will be formed by the President
00:28Next month, the team will be announced for the investment speed team in the National Bank of Indonesia
00:34We are waiting for the team, because the team has been formed yesterday
00:39There, it will be comprehensive to coordinate with all stockholders
00:45Including the ministries related to regional governments, traditional communities, investors
00:55So we want it to be more comprehensive, not partial
00:59If it's partial, the strategy will be a bit slow
01:01But we will make a strong team
01:05So that the investors can understand the problem and how to solve it
01:14This is the statement of Minister Bahli Lahadalia that confirms that President Jokowi Dodo will form an investment speed team in Nusantara
01:24The background of this team is based on a complaint from an investor
01:28Related to the requirements and mechanism of investment in the National Bank of Indonesia to President Jokowi Dodo
01:33The investment speed team in the National Bank of Indonesia will be announced next June
01:37It will be comprehensive to coordinate with all stockholders
01:42Including the ministries related to regional governments, traditional communities, and investors who will enter the National Bank of Indonesia
01:48Meanwhile, the head of the Nusantara City Council, Bambang Susanto Dodo, at the Nusantara Forum 2024 event in Jakarta announced
01:57The target of investment in the National Bank of Indonesia in 2024 reached 100 trillion rupiah
02:02The value of the investment includes the development of public facilities that have been carried out so far
02:06Including 4 hospitals, 6 hotels, and 4 shopping centers
02:18Yes, Mr. Mirsa, to discuss our interesting topic today, the government is chasing the realization of investment in the National Bank of Indonesia
02:25We have been connected with Mr. Agung Wijaksono, he is the Deputy Minister of Finance and Investment of the National Bank of Indonesia
02:33Yes, hello, good morning, Mr. Agung
02:35Good morning, Mr. Prasetyo
02:37Good morning, Mr. Mirsa, NDX Channel
02:39Yes, thank you for the opportunity and we have also been connected with Mr. Yusuf Rendy Manilet
02:45He is an economist from KOR Indonesia
02:47Good morning, Mr. Yusuf
02:49Good morning, Mr. Prasetyo
02:51Okay, thank you for the opportunity, let's go straight to Mr. Agung
02:55Maybe it can be updated, what is the realization of investment in the National Bank of Indonesia?
02:59Because Mr. Balil has said earlier that President Jokowi has given instructions to form a team to accelerate investment in the National Bank of Indonesia
03:09Please, Mr. Agung
03:11So, if we talk about investment in the National Bank of Indonesia, today, from the 5 times of the ground breaking that has been done, almost 50 trillion have been invested in the National Bank of Indonesia
03:25Now, of course, what is important is how the continuation of these 50 trillion goes into the ground breaking and is developed
03:33Now, at this time, I update that the first time it was built and now it has reached 82% progress is the Nusantara Hotel
03:43So, if you ask, later it will be in KN, in addition to the apartment or hall for the ASN, where will the guests live?
03:53Now there will be a Nusantara Hotel that will be ready, the target is at 17 August
03:59Then there are also hospitals that have been built, of the four, two of them have reached a progress of 30%
04:07Both built by Kemenkes and one of them by Hermina Hospital
04:11Also others in the development progress of investment
04:17Now, of course, this is the point that was said earlier
04:20In order to make the input earlier realistic, this requires an acceleration process
04:26Now, this acceleration comes from both sides, both from the government and from the investors
04:32And Satgas was called the acceleration team, this is a Satgas
04:37Satgas that is formed is a continuation, actually Satgas is a continuation
04:43Previously, there was already a Satgas on the acceleration of investment and land processing, which was commissioned by Menko Marves, Mr. Luhut Bisar Panjaitan
04:50Tomorrow he will also come to IKN, I am currently in IKN
04:55And this time, Satgas will be led by the Minister of Investment, Mr. Bahlil Haddad
05:02Okay, now related to the complaint that was delivered by President Jokowi himself, how do you see it?
05:07Does this become a signal, is there a bit of a hindrance there or is there something else?
05:12Or was it because it had to be accelerated for ground breaking?
05:17So if the ground breaking has already been delivered, there are already five
05:21And this will be included in the sixth, in the near future
05:24So what is more important now is the realization after the ground breaking
05:30This is the main task of how this acceleration is done
05:36So the first key to this realization is the coordination between the investor and the government, with the IKN authorities
05:47In this case, we at the IKN authorities have formed an Investor Relation Unit, IRU
05:53This handles the relationship more intensely, this is in accordance with the direct direction of the President
05:59So that there are PICs who handle the relationship with the investors
06:02Then the second thing that is needed is the coordination between the government, between the ministries and institutions
06:10So here there is the role of the IKN authorities, there is the role of the Ministry of Finance related to tax incentives, interest payments, and so on
06:20There is the role of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing related to infrastructure for access to the location
06:27There is the role of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for the aspect of the law
06:33So, and of course the role of the BKPM, the Ministry of Investment, for example, registration through the OSSS
06:40Open Single Submission, all of these need to be coordinated more tightly, more integrated
06:46And this is the role of the IKN authorities
06:48Okay, that's it for the role of the IKN authorities, coordination and integration from various sectors and also across ministries and bodies as involved in the investment in the IKN
06:59We will try to review from Core Indonesia related to investment in the IKN
07:05As mentioned earlier, there is a need for acceleration with several potential investors
07:11What do you think? Is it in line with the expectations or not so far from the process of investment in the IKN, Mr. Yusuf?
07:21Thank you, Mr. Pras. So, if we look at the realisation of investment in the IKN, which was initially worried that it was not interesting for investors
07:31It turns out that if you look at the realisation, it is neglected
07:35And I think if we look at it from the beginning of the entry of investment from the private sector
07:41This is actually a kind of sending a signal that it turns out that investing in the IKN is prospective
07:49Not only seen from the government side, but there are already private investors
07:54Of course, if the private sector enters, it needs mature consideration to then invest in an area
08:04So I think if we talk about the realisation of investment, this is an achievement
08:09And this is also in line with what was said by Mr. Jokowi a few months ago
08:16Who said he would prioritize investment realisation from business operators in the country
08:23So I think this is an opportunity for investors to invest in the IKN itself
08:33Now, related to the existence of Satgas, I think Satgas is not a new item
08:41It means that before this, the task force had previously been formed for a certain purpose
08:48However, we also have to understand that the IKN needs coordination between ministries, institutions, both at the central and regional levels
09:01However, with the existence of Satgas, of course, the coordination pattern also increases
09:06What we expect is that the coordination pattern is not getting more complicated
09:10Because there is one additional silo from the coordination pattern
09:14The hope is that Satgas will be more binding from the government side when it comes to facing investors
09:24And also from the investor side when they are still in doubt about investing in the IKN
09:30So in my opinion, Satgas on the one hand can really bind related stakeholders
09:40However, don't forget that the addition of Satgas means the addition of coordination
09:45And of course, the hope is that with the addition of coordination, the process for investing in the IKN will not be longer
09:53I think the hope is like that with the addition of Satgas
09:56Becoming a correct strategy, in your opinion, is not the President's strategy
10:00And you see with the complaints that were delivered by President Jokowi himself from the investors
10:06Is there a bottleneck that needs to be broken or how?
10:10Yes, if we follow, actually there are 8 stages that must be faced by investors when they want to invest in the IKN
10:21Starting from there is an LOE, then there is a response letter, there is a feasibility study, LOE review, prioritization, confirmation letter, NDA, and so on
10:31So the process is long and if we look at the process, it involves various stakeholders
10:37Because many will be reviewed to ensure that the investment is in accordance with the IKN plan itself
10:46So because the process is long and involves various institutions
10:51So whether you like it or not, Satgas is expected to be able to maintain the process from the long process
10:59As I said earlier, there are about 8 stages of the process
11:02So with the existence of Satgas, in my opinion, later on the side of the investor when for example he is confused at a certain stage
11:11Then Satgas is the one who tries to find a solution
11:15Try to review whether the bottleneck can be solved and who is responsible
11:25For example, who is responsible for the confirmation letter
11:31Well, Satgas is the one who is expected to be able to do that
11:35What is expected by the investor so that even if there is a hindrance, the hindrance is not immediate
11:43So Satgas is a kind of accelerating the hindrance
11:49Okay, back to Mr. Agung, Mr. Agung, if we look at some of the stages, there are 8 stages that must be passed
11:54Then, is it with the presence of Satgas or the IKN investment acceleration team can be a solution?
12:01Then if we review, what is the implementation of the investment that has happened lately, Mr. Agung?
12:07So if we look at the 8 stages, it all starts from one door
12:14One door is from the IKN authority
12:17Investors enter one door through the IKN authority with a letter of intent
12:22And now there is an online platform called Investara
12:28Investara will process all the investment interests that are conveyed
12:35And this is included digitally, it is open, people can see, everyone can convey
12:42But of course it must be completed with the requirements that can ensure the worthiness of this investor
12:49Now, what is the role of Satgas later?
12:52These 8 stages, although the door is from the IKN authority
12:57But there are many things that are part of the interaction between the investor and the government
13:04So that the investor can adjust and ensure that the business plan is suitable for the needs of the IKN
13:12For example, when the investor wants to build an area where there is a golf course
13:19And the layout there, is it in accordance with this golf course?
13:25Or do you need to find another location?
13:29Or can there be adjustments to the basic layout plan that needs to go through the ministry?
13:37And this is the role of Satgas
13:38Or when the investor wants to invest, he wants to calculate the business worthiness of his investment
13:48And here he needs tax incentives
13:52Tax holiday, then tax incentives
13:56Now this also again requires the role of Satgas
14:00Why? Tax incentives, tax incentives are in the Ministry of Finance
14:04We know like tax
14:06For some time now, the role of the Ministry of Finance is very central
14:09Tax is also like that
14:11Investors will need a lot of incentives to be able to calculate the business worthiness
14:19This is where the role of Satgas will start
14:22One door, but then all these steps will be smoothened
14:28Will be facilitated by the role of Satgas
14:31Which provides access to ministries that support the investment plan
14:35Mr. Gung, will the presence of Satgas reduce the previous role of Satgas?
14:41Hold on, the answer we will find out in a moment
14:43Mr. Gung and also Mr. Soeb and Mr. Mirsa, we will be right back
14:46We will be right back
15:03You are still watching Market Review
15:05Next, we will bring you the data
15:07Related to the target of investment in Bukit Tanah Sentara in 2024
15:11It is expected to be Rp100 trillion
15:14Investments that are included in the budget
15:16And this consists of several buildings
15:19Some of them have already been built, as mentioned by Mr. Agung Wicaksono
15:23There are 4 units of hospitals, 6 units of hotels, and 6 units of shopping centers
15:27Next, the value of investment in the budget per year 2023
15:31There is already Rp47.5 trillion
15:33Which consists of the private sector Rp35.9 trillion
15:36The public sector Rp11.6 trillion
15:41Next, we look at the national investment realization
15:45In the first quarter of 2024, this is from the Ministry of Investment, BKPM
15:49There are Rp401.5 trillion
15:52There is a growth of around 9.85% quarterly
15:56And the annual growth is 22.1%
15:58And what are the five major sub-sectors of investment in the first quarter?
16:03We see there is the basic metal industry, metal goods, machinery and equipment
16:08Then transportation, warehouse and telecommunications
16:11Mining, housing, industrial areas and offices, as well as the food industry
16:17Let's continue the discussion with Mr. Agung Wicaksono
16:21In the field of mining and investment, the IKN authority
16:24And also Mr. Soefrendi Manilet, Indonesia's Penalty Core
16:27Okay, let's go back to Mr. Agung
16:29Mr. Agung, how about the team's expectations?
16:32Or the sub-sectors that will be formed later
16:35Which is expected to be a booster for investment in the IKN
16:40Will it reduce the previous sub-sectors?
16:43Or what is it like?
16:44You said earlier that there will be a new chain
16:46If there is a new sub-sector that will be formed
16:50Yes, don't worry for investors
16:52There is no new process
16:54Because everything is still one door through the IKN authority
16:57This sub-sector is not an addition
17:03But it became a booster
17:05And this booster continues the previous sub-sector
17:10Sub-sector of investment and land acquisition
17:13Led by Menko Marves, Mr. Luhut Binsar Panjaitan
17:18Now this sub-sector will be led by Minister of Investment, Bahli Lahadiyah
17:24But the door is still the IKN authority
17:27And this will be facilitated to reach the target of Rp. 100 trillion
17:30This Rp. 100 trillion is above, on top of
17:35What is called hospitals, hotels, etc.
17:37Everything is already on process
17:39It has reached almost Rp. 50 trillion
17:42To reach Rp. 100 trillion, we will pursue
17:45More from the scheme of cooperation between the government and the business body or KPBU
17:49Now this KPBU has many interests from foreign investors
17:53So we target in 2024
17:55This great interest from foreign investors
17:58Will start to materialize
18:01And we will be able to build the IKN ecosystem in 2024
18:06As a foundation for the future of the IKN
18:10Which will of course be continued by the new government
18:13Next in October
18:15So in August, we will hold a ceremony
18:18In September, the target is to change or shift
18:22The location of the government gradually
18:25In October, there will be a change of government
18:28And then the IKN will grow bigger
18:31Okay, Mr. Gunglan, how long does it actually take for investors
18:35To get permission
18:37Then start their investment activities in the IKN?
18:42Of course it depends on one sector that is chosen
18:45And the investment mechanism
18:48The investment mechanism with the KPBU scheme
18:51For example, this is the long one
18:54KPBU has a minimum process for 12 months
18:58Or not minimum
18:59Targeted for 12 months, it can be completed
19:02Why is it long enough?
19:03Because there is an aspect of feasibility study
19:07Which must be evaluated
19:09Together with the Ministry of Finance
19:11And then do the auction and so on
19:13But this is long because there is indeed a role
19:16The government also has to share risks
19:19So we have to be careful
19:21We choose and determine the investment partners
19:24However, for an investor who is a direct investment from private
19:28This can run fast
19:30As an example, the Lusantara Hotel
19:32Because it is worth it
19:34Business or
19:36The bonafide of significant companies
19:39So within less than 3 months
19:41From the arrival of interest to the ground breaking
19:43It can already be realized
19:45So this is very dependent
19:49Very dependent on how the process is chosen
19:53And the readiness of the investors
19:56We at the IKN authority
19:59Through the Investara scheme
20:01Open the door for everyone to enter their interest
20:05Then we have the investor relations unit
20:08Which will serve the investors
20:13And then supported by SADGAS
20:15Investment Acceleration
20:17Which prepares support from the aspect of coordination and regulation
20:21This will be a complete package
20:24The target will be able to accelerate the realization of investment
20:29Hopefully like the team that will be formed
20:31The news next month
20:33This is what happens from the central government, regional, traditional community
20:37Up to investor candidates
20:39What do you think about the contents of SADGAS?
20:45The contents of SADGAS are from the government
20:49Not involving others
20:51But SADGAS becomes
20:54If you play football
20:56He becomes a libero or a midfielder
20:59Maybe later
21:04The striker, Rafael Strik
21:07In front of the IKN authority
21:09But in the middle
21:11We need someone like Rizky Ridjo
21:14Like Nathan Coaon
21:18Who can back and forth
21:20Who can help the investor
21:24But he can also go back
21:26Check what ministries are not finished
21:28What are the obstacles
21:30So this is one team
21:32One team that makes Garuda Palace exist
21:37And not just the palace
21:39But the whole city
21:41Like Garuda Muda Kita
21:43Can perform extraordinarily
21:44Especially for the future
21:46Okay, let's go to Soefrendi
21:48See how optimistic
21:50With the formation of SADGAS Baru
21:52Which will be announced by the government next June
21:56Is there a point that needs to be emphasized
21:58If we talk about the priority scale
22:00The first action that will be done by SADGAS
22:04Yes, I think all this time
22:06Coordination is one of the expensive items in Indonesia
22:11And hopefully with the existence of SADGAS
22:14The price of coordination can be reduced as little as possible
22:18It has been explained in detail by Mr. Agung
22:21That the nature of SADGAS
22:23As a central hub with a vision
22:26To see what is needed
22:28What bottlenecks are obtained by investors
22:33When investing in the field
22:35I think that's it
22:36Then another point that we think needs to be highlighted
22:40Earlier, Mr. Agung also raised the issue of KPBU
22:42This is essential in our opinion
22:44Because since the beginning
22:46It has been told that
22:48The development of IKN will be very small
22:53So the portion of private financing
22:56Direct private investment
22:57Then joint investment in the form of KPBU
23:02Will be relatively larger
23:04For KPBU itself, of course we hope
23:07The portion of KPBU will be large
23:09Because we see that the need for IKN investment
23:13Will be around 400 trillion
23:17And the number is not small in our opinion
23:19So if we look at the KPBU scheme
23:22Which has been run so far
23:24For example, from the Palaparing project
23:26Then the other government projects
23:29So far, maybe it can be corrected later
23:31The number has not reached that level
23:34So the challenge is how to push
23:37I borrowed Mr. Agung's words
23:39To boost the investment scheme
23:42To be able to generate large-scale investment
23:46Because all this time
23:47The investment realization produced by KPBU
23:50Actually relatively
23:52If compared to the number of investment
23:54IKN is relatively small
23:55So the housework in our opinion
23:57The point is there
23:58And in my opinion
24:00I think the task of SASDAS is there
24:02To ensure
24:04For example, foreign investors
24:06Want to enter Indonesia
24:07And want to use the KPBU scheme
24:10That this KPBU scheme
24:11Then pull challenges
24:13Such as institutions and so on
24:15It's no longer a problem
24:17And convince investors
24:19To use the scheme
24:21Okay, that's the last one
24:22We go back to Mr. Agung
24:23Your optimism floor
24:24Earlier with SASDAS
24:25Then earlier
24:26Some points that need to be looked at
24:29KPBU means the party
24:30To national businessmen
24:32How about Mr. Agung?
24:34As a striker
24:35UIKN like that
24:37After the formation of the SASDAS team
24:40In the middle
24:41Who will supply the ball to the future?
24:45So it's true
24:46We are optimistic
24:48With the birth of SASDAS
24:50This investment acceleration
24:52Will make it more agile
24:54Make it more agile
24:56The role of the NAS team
24:58In the capital city of Nusantara
25:00All elements will work together
25:03Good from making policies
25:08Also as a striker
25:11Or as a server
25:13We serve
25:15And also the investors
25:17Who convey interest
25:20And we hope it's accurate
25:22Like the first throw
25:24Which is very accurate
25:26And with the accuracy
25:28Business worthiness
25:30Then also the company worthiness
25:32We can print a lot of investments
25:35Especially because
25:37This IKN is not to be completed
25:39In 2024
25:412024 is now
25:4380% development with APBN
25:45And the target will be completed
25:47The first stage of APBN
25:51And then
25:52To the future 2025 and so on
25:542021-2029 in the government
25:56President Prabowo Subianto
25:58Wapres Gibran Rekabuming
26:00This will continue
26:02And we attract more investment
26:06And this city will also grow
26:09Thank you
26:10Good, that's the hope and optimism
26:12From OIKN
26:13So related to the success of the investment
26:15And hopefully the target of investment of 100 million
26:17Can also be achieved like that
26:19Mr. Agung in 2024
26:21Thank you very much for your time
26:23And also the information that you have conveyed
26:25To this judge
26:26Mr. Agung Wijaksono and also Mr. Yusuf
26:28Randy Manilet
26:29Congratulations on continuing your activities again
26:31Salam sehat, thank you
26:33Salam sehat, thank you Mr. Pras
26:35Thank you Mr. Yusuf, thank you Mr. Agung
26:37Ladies and gentlemen, it's been an hour
26:39I accompanied you in the market review
26:41I am Prasetya Wibowo
26:42Along with the staff who are on duty
26:44Thank you and see you
27:01Thank you
