• last year
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:35 CEO of Blueprint Design?
00:03:45 Chloe is just fine.
00:03:49 Ms. Harper is too formal.
00:03:51 Thank you.
00:03:53 Who was that just now?
00:03:55 Elena?
00:03:57 The CEO of Blueprint Design.
00:04:01 He mistook me as his fiance.
00:04:03 Blueprint Design? Isn't that--
00:04:05 Harper Design's biggest competitor, right?
00:04:08 Elena! Wait up!
00:04:21 Come on. I'm your grandfather, not a runner.
00:04:25 Oh, darling, don't let it get you down.
00:04:30 Adrian's worth your time.
00:04:32 Why didn't you tell him who you really are anyway?
00:04:35 What? Spill that I'm the heiress?
00:04:37 Granddaughter of Daniel Harper? Owner of the Harper Group?
00:04:41 Well, that wouldn't change anything.
00:04:43 He only cares about the money, not me.
00:04:45 Well, at least you see it now.
00:04:48 Hey, do you remember Lil' B? Vincent's grandson?
00:04:53 The boy who proposed to you with a grass ring when you were kids?
00:04:58 Vincent and I were--
00:05:00 We were very good.
00:05:02 Well, that was ages ago. How could you do that?
00:05:04 I told you ages ago.
00:05:06 The world design company was very good.
00:05:09 The world design company was very good.
00:05:12 It was very risky.
00:05:14 But it was great.
00:05:16 Harper Design's principles were very good.
00:05:19 It was very good.
00:05:21 But I never showed up.
00:05:24 I never showed up.
00:05:27 I never showed up.
00:05:28 I never showed up.
00:05:30 I never showed up.
00:05:32 I never showed up.
00:05:34 I never showed up.
00:05:36 I never showed up.
00:05:38 I never showed up.
00:05:40 I never showed up.
00:05:42 I never showed up.
00:05:44 I never showed up.
00:05:46 I never showed up.
00:05:48 I never showed up.
00:05:50 I never showed up.
00:05:52 I never showed up.
00:05:55 Because those people who see me as a friend,
00:05:59 when I'm in trouble, they give me money.
00:06:03 Those who have money are not stupid.
00:06:06 They don't waste money.
00:06:08 They see me as more important than money.
00:06:10 They help me when I'm in trouble.
00:06:12 And those who are friends,
00:06:15 they come to me when they have food.
00:06:17 They go to me when they have money.
00:06:19 Those people are my brothers.
00:06:21 Oh my God.
00:06:24 That's right, brothers.
00:06:25 Life is like that.
00:06:27 Life is not like life.
00:06:29 You live in society.
00:06:31 No one knows who is richer or poorer than who.
00:06:34 So don't be jealous of others.
00:06:37 Don't be jealous of others.
00:06:39 Those who are jealous of others are jealous of themselves.
00:06:43 Those who play with themselves but talk bad about others
00:06:46 are the ones who talk bad about themselves.
00:06:49 Don't play with those people.
00:06:52 They talk bad about others in front of you.
00:06:54 Sooner or later, they will talk bad about themselves in front of others.
00:06:58 Don't play with those people.
00:07:02 I'd much rather be the wife of the CEO at Blueprint Design.
00:07:06 You're our other new recruit today, right?
00:07:09 Are you a friend of Mrs. Bennet's?
00:07:11 Not really.
00:07:13 She's just a designer who was disqualified
00:07:17 from the Spectra Honor for ripping off my designs.
00:07:21 Okay, that's not true. Don't listen to her.
00:07:23 Seems like the company will hire anybody nowadays.
00:07:25 Some folks lacking talent resort to such tactics.
00:07:29 Are you scheming to make connections?
00:07:31 Madam, this way please.
00:07:33 You're too kind. Just call me Chloe.
00:07:35 You're too kind, but since you're the CEO's fiance,
00:07:38 Mrs. Bennet it is.
00:07:40 Why does Chloe get special treatment?
00:07:44 At least I didn't join Grandpa's company.
00:07:47 Then I'd be treated like that too.
00:07:49 You. Come with us.
00:07:55 [music]
00:07:56 Mrs. Bennet, right this way.
00:08:05 Where should I sit?
00:08:10 Just pick a spot.
00:08:12 Mr. Bennet, your fiance is here.
00:08:18 Good to see you, Chloe.
00:08:20 He seems familiar.
00:08:23 All right, as you all know, we at Blueprint Design
00:08:25 have an important collaboration coming up,
00:08:27 so I expect all of your design drafts on my desk
00:08:29 by tomorrow morning.
00:08:31 Here are your design materials.
00:08:33 Allison, please delegate the tasks.
00:08:35 Aren't you that girl that I almost ran over
00:08:38 the other day?
00:08:40 So that guy I bumped into was our CEO.
00:08:42 Oh, she's just that pesky little classmate
00:08:47 I was telling you about.
00:08:49 Just someone who stole Miss Bennet's work?
00:08:52 I didn't steal her work.
00:08:53 She stole my design drafts.
00:08:55 What's going on here?
00:08:57 She is the disgrace of the Ather Institute.
00:08:59 Ran to the school board claiming I stole her design drafts,
00:09:02 which led to her disqualification of the Spectrum.
00:09:05 You say what you want.
00:09:07 You've always had Adrian to bail you out.
00:09:09 Enough.
00:09:11 I'm not interested in your past grievances.
00:09:13 I expect both of you to have quality drafts
00:09:15 on my desk by tomorrow morning.
00:09:18 (music)
00:09:19 Anderson, I need you to look into the Spectra Awards
00:09:29 this year at the Ather Institute.
00:09:31 I need to know who won.
00:09:33 Let's get to the bottom of this.
00:09:35 Got it.
00:09:37 And that name that Elena mentioned, Adrian,
00:09:39 sounds familiar.
00:09:41 Want me to look into it?
00:09:43 Yes.
00:09:46 I think, above all,
00:09:47 Ben Harper Design could be our toughest competition
00:09:49 at this year's World Designer Contest.
00:09:51 (music)
00:09:53 All right.
00:09:57 You all heard Mr. Bennet's instructions.
00:09:59 By tomorrow's meeting, each of you needs to draft
00:10:01 a design proposal.
00:10:03 No need to stress, Mrs. Bennet, you're exempt.
00:10:05 These are the necessary materials.
00:10:07 Chloe will help distribute them.
00:10:09 (music)
00:10:11 Uh, here.
00:10:14 (music)
00:10:15 Elena will handle the rest.
00:10:20 (music)
00:10:22 I'll handle my part, but the rest is your responsibility.
00:10:25 Didn't Allison just clarify?
00:10:27 Mrs. Bennet oversees the entire project.
00:10:29 Her workload is substantial enough.
00:10:31 It's fine.
00:10:33 I just wonder how management
00:10:35 would feel about this insubordination.
00:10:38 It's all part of the job.
00:10:40 (music)
00:10:42 Since Chloe's in charge, I have to do what she says.
00:10:44 (music)
00:10:46 Here's a summary of this week's design proposals,
00:10:50 current necklace trends, as well as market research.
00:10:53 Not detailed enough.
00:10:55 Redo it.
00:10:57 But you didn't read it.
00:10:59 I stand by what I said.
00:11:01 (music)
00:11:03 I redid it with more data analysis and changes.
00:11:10 I redid it with more data analysis and charts.
00:11:12 Is that sufficient?
00:11:14 No, no.
00:11:16 (music)
00:11:18 Is there an issue?
00:11:20 It's a good effort.
00:11:22 Redo it.
00:11:24 Hold your ground, Elena,
00:11:26 or you'll find yourself relying on your grandfather's influence.
00:11:29 (music)
00:11:31 (crying)
00:11:37 (music)
00:11:38 Oh, thanks.
00:11:40 But someone already sent me the updated report,
00:11:42 so I don't need that anymore.
00:11:44 (music)
00:11:46 (phone ringing)
00:11:50 Having fun?
00:11:59 Yeah.
00:12:01 So sorry about putting you through all that
00:12:04 with the reports.
00:12:07 Chloe, do you have a score to settle with me?
00:12:09 Back in college,
00:12:11 you were the professor's favorite.
00:12:13 Designs were praised,
00:12:15 exhibitions were dominated by you.
00:12:17 I envied your popularity.
00:12:19 Everyone loved you.
00:12:22 Well, you could have had the same success as me.
00:12:25 Wasn't it you who set me down this path?
00:12:29 Whatever. I'm here for the World Designer Contest.
00:12:32 To help me win again?
00:12:35 I can't wait to see your latest design.
00:12:37 Not a chance.
00:12:39 We'll see.
00:12:42 (music)
00:12:44 That design is quite striking.
00:12:51 Sorry, you startled me.
00:12:53 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
00:12:55 Twilight romance.
00:12:59 I like it.
00:13:03 Just seemed fitting for dusk.
00:13:05 Had a sudden burst of inspiration.
00:13:08 You're quite talented.
00:13:10 Keep it up.
00:13:12 I'm eager to see your final draft in the morning.
00:13:14 Thank you.
00:13:16 See you tomorrow.
00:13:18 See you.
00:13:20 (whistling)
00:13:23 (whistling)
00:13:24 Well, well.
00:13:38 This design isn't half bad.
00:13:40 Oh, Elena.
00:13:43 Your design is mine now.
00:13:46 (music)
00:13:47 Everyone, bring your design drafts.
00:13:53 It's time for the meeting.
00:13:55 (music)
00:13:57 That's your design draft, Elena.
00:14:06 Where's my design?
00:14:13 (music)
00:14:14 Having trouble finding your draft, Elena?
00:14:17 Did you take my design?
00:14:19 Why would Mrs. Bennett need to take your design?
00:14:21 Elena, I understand you're stressed,
00:14:23 but these are not your designs.
00:14:25 This is my original work.
00:14:27 Alison, can I present first?
00:14:30 Certainly, Mrs. Bennett.
00:14:32 My design is called Twilight Romance.
00:14:37 What?
00:14:39 See any issues?
00:14:42 Twilight Romance is my design.
00:14:43 What's happening?
00:14:45 Isn't it obvious?
00:14:47 First my design vanishes, and now it miraculously reappears.
00:14:50 She stole it.
00:14:52 Absurd. You're claiming this is your design?
00:14:54 Can you prove it?
00:14:56 What seems to be the problem here?
00:15:00 Mr. Bennett, Elena is accusing Mrs. Bennett
00:15:03 of plagiarism and theft without proof.
00:15:05 Is this your design, Chloe?
00:15:11 Yes, they're mine.
00:15:12 Elena, while I did share my design concept with you,
00:15:17 liking it doesn't mean it's yours to claim.
00:15:20 Could it be that the design I saw last night
00:15:23 wasn't solely crafted by Elena?
00:15:25 If you're so sure that this is your design,
00:15:27 then prove it.
00:15:29 How did you come up with the name?
00:15:31 Certainly.
00:15:33 I began this design in the evening.
00:15:35 The allure and romance of a romantic night.
00:15:39 The allure and romance of twilight
00:15:41 made me think of love.
00:15:43 So I named it Twilight Romance.
00:15:46 Well articulated, Mrs. Bennett.
00:15:49 Isn't this Elena's design concept?
00:15:52 Anything further to add?
00:15:54 Impressive.
00:15:56 Thank you.
00:15:58 Elena, can I see your computer?
00:16:00 I'd like to take a closer look.
00:16:02 Sure. All of my design details and concepts are on here.
00:16:06 Elena, there's nothing here.
00:16:07 Well done, Chloe.
00:16:13 You covered your tracks this.
00:16:15 Elena, what are you insinuating?
00:16:17 This design was mine to begin with, wasn't it?
00:16:20 Chloe, why don't you walk me through
00:16:22 the details of the design process?
00:16:24 Why don't I just show you?
00:16:26 I'm not sure I can do that.
00:16:28 I'm not sure I can do that.
00:16:30 I'm not sure I can do that.
00:16:32 I'm not sure I can do that.
00:16:34 I'll just show you my laptop.
00:16:36 Here are my background research,
00:16:41 design concept, sketches, and prototype.
00:16:45 Is this sufficient?
00:16:47 Thank you.
00:16:49 You should consider a career in spying, Chloe,
00:16:53 given how good you are at stealing.
00:16:55 Elena, I've provided everything.
00:16:57 What more could you possibly want from me?
00:16:59 How is it that my design just happened
00:17:01 to appear on your computer?
00:17:03 Elena, Mrs. Bennett has been
00:17:04 very generous with you.
00:17:06 Don't humiliate yourself.
00:17:08 I witnessed Mrs. Bennett
00:17:10 finishing this design last night.
00:17:12 Don't worry, Mrs. Bennett. I got you.
00:17:14 You saw Chloe finish this design
00:17:16 last night here in the office?
00:17:18 Yes, sir.
00:17:20 She stayed late last night
00:17:23 to finalize the design.
00:17:25 Is that so?
00:17:27 It appears there may be something wrong
00:17:29 with Chloe's design.
00:17:32 She didn't leave the office yesterday,
00:17:33 yet now there's no evidence
00:17:35 to support her claim.
00:17:37 Elena, if you continue down this path,
00:17:41 you might jeopardize your spot
00:17:43 in the World Designer Contest.
00:17:45 Can someone who was disqualified
00:17:47 from Spectra due to plagiarism
00:17:49 even have the qualifications
00:17:51 for the World Designer Contest?
00:17:53 While she may meet the criteria,
00:17:55 the essence of the World Designer Contest
00:17:57 lies in skill and creativity,
00:17:59 neither of which she can demonstrate now.
00:18:01 The contest has nothing to do with you.
00:18:02 I alone will select which design
00:18:04 represents us in the contest.
00:18:06 Mr. Bennett, is there anyone
00:18:08 more suitable for the role than Mrs. Bennett?
00:18:10 Look at this impeccable design.
00:18:12 The spot for the contest
00:18:14 undoubtedly belongs to Chloe.
00:18:16 Absolutely. Regardless of Chloe's past
00:18:18 or her Spectra qualification,
00:18:20 this design is by far
00:18:22 the strongest contender for victory.
00:18:24 If Mrs. Bennett isn't chosen,
00:18:26 are you suggesting Elena should compete?
00:18:28 I will reveal which design
00:18:30 represents her in the contest.
00:18:31 You'll find out then.
00:18:33 She's so different from her childhood self.
00:18:38 Anderson?
00:18:40 I don't care if I represent
00:18:46 blueprint design or not.
00:18:48 I can still vie for Harper design.
00:18:50 But what about you?
00:18:52 Representing my grandfather's company
00:18:56 in the contest would be meaningless,
00:18:59 and I'm not going to win.
00:19:00 Hand over your design.
00:19:02 No. If you don't work for blueprint,
00:19:04 you have nowhere else to go.
00:19:06 That's enough. Chloe, just finish your presentation.
00:19:08 Did you just admit that this design is Mrs. Bennett's?
00:19:10 I didn't admit to anything.
00:19:12 I'm just tired of wasting time.
00:19:14 People like you don't belong at blueprint design.
00:19:16 Allison, there's no need to defend me.
00:19:18 Everyone makes mistakes.
00:19:20 Oh.
00:19:22 Mrs. Bennett, how generous of you.
00:19:24 You could at least say thank you.
00:19:26 Since I'm already well acquainted
00:19:28 with your company, I'll be leaving.
00:19:29 No thanks necessary.
00:19:31 You're welcome.
00:19:36 Shall we continue with the meeting?
00:19:40 Certainly, Mrs. Bennett.
00:19:42 Anderson, I need you to review
00:19:46 the surveillance footage in the office
00:19:48 from last night and this morning.
00:19:50 What's going on, sir?
00:19:52 Elena's design has gone missing,
00:19:54 so review the footage and find out what happened.
00:19:57 (footsteps)
00:19:58 I've reviewed the surveillance footage.
00:20:01 What's wrong? What did you find?
00:20:04 Are you sure you want to hear this?
00:20:07 Just tell me.
00:20:09 It appears Chloe was the one who took Elena's design.
00:20:14 What will you do now?
00:20:18 Last night I saw Elena's remarkable design,
00:20:20 and then this morning Chloe presented
00:20:22 the same exact design as her own.
00:20:25 It's a coincidence, but Chloe's
00:20:26 always been strong-willed.
00:20:28 And the surveillance footage is damning.
00:20:31 But things can be manipulated.
00:20:34 So are you going to support Elena?
00:20:36 I don't want to.
00:20:38 But we don't have concrete evidence.
00:20:40 Plus, Chloe is my fiancé and the granddaughter
00:20:42 of Daniel Harper, the richest man in the world,
00:20:44 which could make things awkward if I stand against her.
00:20:46 There's one more thing.
00:20:49 Yes?
00:20:51 Regarding the investigation into Spectra,
00:20:54 Chloe did indeed win the grand prize.
00:20:56 However, the professors at Aether Academy
00:20:59 have stated that the design style
00:21:01 of the winning entry closely resembles Elena's.
00:21:04 And Elena's family name is Harper, too.
00:21:08 What?
00:21:10 What will you do now?
00:21:14 Are you still going to marry Chloe?
00:21:16 I need to find Elena.
00:21:18 Tomorrow I'll have her present her design
00:21:20 as part of a collaboration between us
00:21:23 and Harper Design.
00:21:24 Her hard work can't go to waste.
00:21:26 I hope I'm not bothering you.
00:21:34 Do you want one?
00:21:36 No, no, it's okay. I don't smoke.
00:21:38 So, Anderson tells me that your last name is Harper.
00:21:43 Is there a problem?
00:21:45 No, I just think it's quite a coincidence
00:21:48 that you and my fiancé share the same last name.
00:21:52 Anyways, I came to give you this.
00:21:53 It's a copy of your design draft.
00:21:55 I don't understand.
00:22:00 Why are you doing this?
00:22:02 Because I value the truth.
00:22:04 It's a copy of your draft as well as surveillance footage
00:22:07 of Chloe plagiarizing your work.
00:22:09 And it's up to you whether or not you go public with it.
00:22:11 But Chloe's your fiancé. Are you sure about this?
00:22:13 Nevertheless, it is your choice to make.
00:22:15 I don't need it.
00:22:17 Just having my work back is enough to make me happy.
00:22:21 I saw your design.
00:22:23 The one that won the Spectra Awards.
00:22:26 You are incredibly talented.
00:22:29 But how did you know that was mine?
00:22:31 I had Anderson look into it.
00:22:35 So you believe that this is actually mine?
00:22:38 I believe in the truth.
00:22:40 Anyways, take your work.
00:22:43 Negotiate a collaboration with Harper Designs tomorrow.
00:22:46 Thank you.
00:22:49 [phone ringing]
00:22:50 [camera shutter]
00:22:53 What were you doing with Mr. Bennett?
00:22:57 It's none of your business.
00:22:59 [laughs]
00:23:01 None of my business?
00:23:03 Everyone in this little office calls me Mrs. Bennett.
00:23:06 Mr. Bennett would never fall for someone like you.
00:23:09 I don't care.
00:23:11 I'm just reminding you of your place.
00:23:13 Seriously, I had no idea Mr. Bennett had seen your design draft
00:23:17 last night.
00:23:18 Luckily everyone was on my side.
00:23:20 Is that why you're here?
00:23:22 To brag?
00:23:24 Of course not.
00:23:26 I genuinely want to thank you for such a design.
00:23:28 Looks like I'll be competing in the contest.
00:23:31 There's no need to thank me.
00:23:33 You did that all on your own.
00:23:35 Not planning on thanking me?
00:23:37 After all, I'm the reason you're still here and didn't get fired.
00:23:39 I am curious about that.
00:23:41 Why are you keeping me here?
00:23:44 I'm looking forward to you providing me with another spectacular design
00:23:47 for the World Designer Contest.
00:23:49 I already told you, that's not happening.
00:23:51 I won't let you go.
00:23:54 And you're welcome.
00:23:56 Adrian.
00:24:03 Tomorrow Elena is representing Blueprint Design in the meeting.
00:24:07 What do you want me to do?
00:24:09 I want you to ruin her.
00:24:12 Who's coordinating with Blueprint Design today?
00:24:14 It's Adrian. The head designer of Harper Group.
00:24:17 Adrian, why him?
00:24:20 What's wrong? Do you know him?
00:24:22 He's my ex. He's a total scumbag.
00:24:25 Yeah, he's had some scandals lately.
00:24:27 Reportedly harassing women and using connections to get into Harper Group.
00:24:32 Is there any risk for Elena dealing with him?
00:24:35 Here, give me your phone.
00:24:41 I've set my number for emergency calls.
00:24:43 If anything seems off, call me.
00:24:46 Elena! Long time no see.
00:24:51 I'm leading the collaboration between Blueprint Design and Harper Design.
00:24:55 Never expected you'd be involved in this project.
00:24:58 Have a seat.
00:25:09 You're even prettier since the last time I saw you.
00:25:11 Adrian, I am here representing Blueprint Design to discuss collaboration with Harper Design.
00:25:17 I know exactly why you're here.
00:25:21 Adrian, I am here to discuss project collaboration.
00:25:24 Can we get started with the design proposal?
00:25:26 Sure. Go ahead.
00:25:28 Our design proposal is called Twilight Romance.
00:25:36 We based the concept for this necklace on the mystery and romance of Twilight.
00:25:41 We used platinum as the main material, accented with sapphire and diamonds.
00:25:47 What are you doing?
00:25:49 It's just so hot in here.
00:25:51 You know, let's not rush through the design.
00:25:54 Let's just chat first.
00:25:57 What's wrong? Do you not trust me?
00:26:02 Have a drink.
00:26:05 This is not drinks.
00:26:06 Well, if you're not drinking, there's really nothing left to discuss.
00:26:10 Look at this. A multi-billion dollar contract.
00:26:14 I wonder what your consequences will be if you let that fall through.
00:26:17 What are you talking about?
00:26:21 It means you have to play ball.
00:26:23 This contract isn't something you can just walk away from.
00:26:26 How exactly do you expect me to cooperate?
00:26:31 It's all you have to do.
00:26:35 Strength is class of one.
00:26:36 Considering our past history, you do that, I'll make sure you're well compensated.
00:26:42 Adrian, you know that I'm allergic to alcohol. I can't drink that.
00:26:46 So are you unwilling to cooperate?
00:26:49 Or just nervous about what I might do otherwise?
00:26:54 Elena, what's happening?
00:26:58 What are you doing?
00:27:00 Charles!
00:27:03 Are you here for help?
00:27:04 Hey, give me that!
00:27:06 Damn it!
00:27:08 You really have no idea what you're doing, do you?
00:27:11 You are going to drink this wine whether you like it or not.
00:27:15 If only it's the Queen Dio's over at the weekend.
00:27:18 If you refuse, I'll have her fire you.
00:27:21 That's a good girl.
00:27:27 Are you satisfied now?
00:27:31 Can I get on with signing the contract?
00:27:33 As long as you can muster up the strength to pick up the pen and sign it.
00:27:38 What do you mean?
00:27:40 Dizzy?
00:27:47 Dizzy, this suits you.
00:27:49 What did you put in the wine?
00:27:51 Just something to add to the excitement.
00:27:55 You know, you were never this compliant before, but now it seems you're not quite as resistant.
00:28:01 You spiked the wine.
00:28:03 You set me up.
00:28:05 Where do you think you're going?
00:28:08 You're just as fiery as ever.
00:28:12 And I love taming disobedient women like you.
00:28:16 Why are you doing this to me?
00:28:19 I'm so sorry, Elena.
00:28:24 Chloe asked me to teach you a lesson.
00:28:26 Since you refused to design for her, I guess Twilight Romance will have to suffice for the World Designer Contest.
00:28:34 But first, how about a little bit of torture before we end things?
00:28:40 Let me go! Let me go!
00:28:44 Hey, hey, hey, listen, listen.
00:28:46 The more you struggle, the faster it's going to take effect.
00:28:50 I want to see you get out of my...
00:28:54 Adrian, stop. I will give you...
00:29:00 You couldn't possibly...
00:29:04 If you lay a finger on me, it is over for you.
00:29:13 Hey, hey.
00:29:14 Elena!
00:29:18 Who are you? Interrupting us? I'm speaking to you.
00:29:27 Keep quiet. You're in trouble.
00:29:29 I demand to know who you are.
00:29:31 You spiked the wine.
00:29:34 Who are you? Do you know who I am?
00:29:35 Adrian, I'm a designer at Harper Design.
00:29:38 You know who I am? You still hit me. Who the hell are you?
00:29:42 Charles Bennett, the CEO of Blueprint Design.
00:29:45 CEO? I didn't even care so much about that bitch's life.
00:29:49 Shut up.
00:29:51 I'm sorry.
00:29:54 I'm sorry.
00:29:56 I'm sorry.
00:29:58 I'm sorry.
00:30:01 Shut your mouth.
00:30:02 You jeopardized your whole collaboration with Harper Design.
00:30:07 For her.
00:30:09 You have the audacity. You do know who my fiancé is, right?
00:30:12 Chloe Harper?
00:30:14 Your fiancé?
00:30:17 Not just anyone.
00:30:20 What's so funny?
00:30:23 First off, Chloe's mine.
00:30:26 Secondly, she orchestrated this whole thing.
00:30:29 She would never do that.
00:30:31 Hey babe. How's Elena?
00:30:46 Did you handle everything as I asked?
00:30:48 Chloe.
00:30:50 I can't believe you did this.
00:30:53 Who are you? You are not Adrian.
00:30:55 You can't even recognize my voice.
00:30:58 That's it. Our engagement's over. We're done.
00:31:00 Hear that? Hear love?
00:31:04 It's nothing but a bunch of lies.
00:31:06 I have to end things with Chloe.
00:31:12 Are you certain?
00:31:14 She's a criminal. It's out of the question.
00:31:16 I can't believe that the heiress of Harper Design would stoop so low.
00:31:20 The heiress of the Harper Group?
00:31:24 So the real Mrs. Bennett is the one who's been using her?
00:31:27 The real Mrs. Bennett is the heiress of Harper Group?
00:31:29 It seems Chloe has more than one identity.
00:31:32 What should we do with this guy?
00:31:34 Call the police. He needs to be taken into custody.
00:31:37 You're awake.
00:31:53 You're awake.
00:31:54 Where am I?
00:32:05 You're in my place.
00:32:07 In my bedroom.
00:32:09 Do you remember what happened?
00:32:14 I vaguely recall you coming to my rescue.
00:32:18 Then everything goes dark.
00:32:22 Chloe orchestrated the whole thing.
00:32:24 Don't worry about it now. This won't be a new one.
00:32:27 Did I mess everything up?
00:32:31 Absolutely not.
00:32:33 This was not your fault.
00:32:38 Rule number one.
00:32:41 Never jeopardize your safety for business.
00:32:44 Your well-being comes first.
00:32:48 [coughing]
00:32:50 I think I might be falling for you.
00:32:58 Thanks.
00:33:02 Well, standing up for me today jeopardized your relationship with Chloe.
00:33:07 No. No, thanks.
00:33:12 But you two have been friends since you were kids.
00:33:16 There was a time when I really believed that our connection was genuine, but people change.
00:33:24 Yeah, people do change.
00:33:26 It's just that the one who changed your mind was me.
00:33:30 I was in a relationship like that once.
00:33:33 In the end, it changed too.
00:33:36 What would you do if you were in such a relationship, but you were the one who had the change of heart?
00:33:45 I...
00:33:46 Oh, no, never mind. I wouldn't expect you to understand.
00:33:49 Of course I understand.
00:33:51 I would follow my heart.
00:33:56 And choose the person that I love.
00:34:00 I should listen to my heart.
00:34:04 Why don't you get some rest? I'm gonna work on dinner.
00:34:08 Sure. Thanks.
00:34:10 Thanks.
00:34:11 What am I doing?
00:34:28 I need to call off the engagement with Chloe so I can be with Elena, even if it's just in name.
00:34:36 This is so embarrassing! I should follow my heart and call off the engagement.
00:34:40 I want to call off the engagement.
00:34:50 I'm calling off the engagement.
00:34:55 What? What?
00:34:57 Because she framed my employee and she's already involved with somebody else.
00:35:00 What? Who?
00:35:02 Adrienne, the head designer at Harper Design.
00:35:05 Are you serious?
00:35:06 Absolutely. I heard it first hand from Adrienne's phone.
00:35:09 She sabotaged our deal with Harper Design.
00:35:12 Alright, I'll find Daniel. We'll get to the bottom of this.
00:35:16 I need to call off the engagement.
00:35:19 Why?
00:35:21 Because I'm in love with someone else.
00:35:23 What? How could you do this?
00:35:25 I need to follow my heart. Things have changed.
00:35:32 Fine. I'll discuss it with Benson.
00:35:35 You messed up! Big time! You exposed both of us!
00:35:39 I can't guarantee I will ever be able to cover for you like that again.
00:35:42 How the hell was I supposed to know Charles was going to barge in like that?
00:35:45 I could have made this whole thing foolproof.
00:35:47 You didn't.
00:35:49 Well now, Charles wants to annul the engagement with the real Mrs. Bennett.
00:35:52 Great! So being the president's wife is completely useless now.
00:35:56 Not exactly.
00:35:59 Turns out, the real Mrs. Bennett and the true heiress are a group.
00:36:02 What?
00:36:06 So I guess there is some value in keeping up this facade.
00:36:13 But if I'm exposed as a fraud, we're both dead.
00:36:17 Daniel, what's going on? Does your granddaughter have a boyfriend?
00:36:24 Who?
00:36:27 I heard about Elena and someone from your company named Adrian.
00:36:30 That can't be right. She broke up with that guy ages ago.
00:36:36 Charles heard it himself on Adrian's phone.
00:36:39 He said that?
00:36:41 I can't believe she'd go back with Adrian.
00:36:46 I mean, that damn guy is a total asshole.
00:36:49 Charles also said she framed his employees and disrupted his contract.
00:36:56 I'm out. I'm completely in the dark here.
00:36:58 Doesn't sound like Elena at all.
00:37:00 Plus, isn't the contract solely between the two companies?
00:37:04 She wouldn't be involved enough to sabotage it.
00:37:07 Something's just not adding up.
00:37:10 Yeah, exactly my thoughts.
00:37:13 Something that doesn't meet the eye here.
00:37:16 What should we do?
00:37:18 We need to get those two together and find out what's really happening.
00:37:21 How do you propose we do that?
00:37:25 Isn't the contract still unsigned?
00:37:27 Tomorrow night, I am going to host a signing celebration at the headquarters of Harper Group.
00:37:39 Invite the staffs from both Blueprint Design and Harper Design.
00:37:43 I want to see who's really behind this sabotage.
00:37:50 Mr. Bennett, this is an invitation from the Harper Group.
00:37:53 From the Harper Group? An invitation for what?
00:37:55 It's an invitation to the signing ceremony for the jewelry design contract scheduled for tonight.
00:38:00 That's great. Take it.
00:38:03 But, sir, this invitation includes everyone in the entire company, including Chloe.
00:38:08 That's fine. I'll use the ceremony to announce the ending of our engagement.
00:38:14 Here's the invitation, miss.
00:38:15 Well, this is the invitation to the signing ceremony, right?
00:38:21 I've already got one.
00:38:24 But, miss, this is from your grandfather. This is specifically for the Harper Group bearers.
00:38:31 I see. I won't be needing it.
00:38:39 Miss, you might want to take the invitation just in case.
00:38:43 If Charles finds out who I am, will he react like Adrian, who values nothing but money and power?
00:38:49 Davis, I hope my identity remains a secret at the party tonight.
00:38:54 I'm not sure.
00:38:56 I'm sure it will.
00:38:58 I'm sure it will.
00:39:00 I'm sure it will.
00:39:02 I'm sure it will.
00:39:04 I'm sure it will.
00:39:07 I hope my identity remains a secret at the party tonight.
00:39:09 I'm still an employee of Blueprint Design, not Harper Design.
00:39:12 Don't worry. I'll start preparations on the contract signing ceremony.
00:39:17 Elena, there's something that I'd like to discuss with you after the signing ceremony tonight.
00:39:27 Once the engagement is called off, I can finally be with you.
00:39:31 Chloe!
00:39:36 [gasps]
00:39:37 You're the heiress of the Harper Group?
00:39:44 If Charles finds out I'm the Harper Group's heiress, it might jeopardize my position at Blueprint Design.
00:39:56 I can't reveal my identity to him yet.
00:39:59 Are you the real heiress?
00:40:02 That's not mine.
00:40:05 Since it's not yours, I'll take it.
00:40:07 How could it be yours? Excuse me.
00:40:10 This is mine.
00:40:12 But the invitation clearly fell at Elena's feet.
00:40:16 Is there a problem?
00:40:18 Didn't you know your fiancé is the heiress of the Harper Group?
00:40:22 Yes, I'm aware. I just wasn't sure.
00:40:25 I made a mistake.
00:40:28 I heard you made a mistake at the collaboration negotiation.
00:40:33 Be careful next time. Luck might not always be on your side.
00:40:37 Shall we?
00:40:39 Elena, I finally caught you.
00:40:51 Chloe!
00:40:56 Are you certain you want to attend the ceremony as the heiress of the Harper Group?
00:41:02 Yes.
00:41:03 This is an invitation from the Harper Group's heiress. Where did you get it?
00:41:09 That its origin isn't important.
00:41:12 Are you sure you want to go through with this?
00:41:14 You're assuming the identity of the granddaughter of this man of the world.
00:41:18 Don't worry, Dad. No one will uncover my identity at this event.
00:41:22 True. All I know is Daniel Harper won't be present.
00:41:25 And few have seen the real Miss Harper's face.
00:41:28 I'll need you to assist me at the party.
00:41:31 Did you handle everything as I instructed?
00:41:33 Of course. Twilight Romance will now represent Harper Design at the World Designer Contest.
00:41:38 Using this heiress identity will eliminate the Harper Group's biggest competitor at the contest.
00:41:45 Mr. Harper should appreciate my efforts.
00:41:59 Why is Elena here with President Bennett?
00:42:01 I don't know. Where did Mrs. Bennett disappear to?
00:42:04 Why is this woman cozying up to President Bennett?
00:42:06 I'm going to head inside and help with the ceremony. I'll see you at the banquet.
00:42:11 Whoever you are, after tonight, I will be by your side.
00:42:15 Anderson.
00:42:17 What on earth are you doing here? Have you no shame?
00:42:26 Well, why shouldn't I be here? Everyone in the company received an invitation.
00:42:29 Quit playing dumb. Mrs. Bennett filled us in already.
00:42:32 She claims that you ruined the collaboration with Harper Design.
00:42:35 Ruined? Well, you're quick to believe whatever Chloe says.
00:42:38 Mrs. Bennett has no motive to deceive us.
00:42:41 She said that you offended the head designer at Harper Design, leading to the cancellation of the collaboration.
00:42:46 If you're here to intimidate me, then you've picked the wrong target.
00:42:49 I'm not the one who sabotaged the collaboration.
00:42:53 You're saying that you're using Mrs. Bennett's design? We still have a shot at the partnership with Harper Design.
00:42:57 Firstly, I'm innocent in this debacle. Secondly, that design belongs to me.
00:43:03 Enough with the lies, Elena!
00:43:07 I am here, as your supervisor, to remind you that tonight is our final chance to sign the contract. Don't mess it up again.
00:43:13 I'm not the one who caused this mess. That design is mine.
00:43:16 Elena, enough with the lies!
00:43:21 Who gave you the right to strike me? You don't know the whole story. President Bennett was there. He knows the truth.
00:43:26 President Bennett at a contract negotiation? That's highly unlikely.
00:43:30 He's never accompanied any employee to such meetings, let alone you.
00:43:34 So why was he there with me that day?
00:43:37 Seems like Mr. Bennett has lost his senses associating with someone like you.
00:43:41 What are you talking about?
00:43:43 We all saw you arrive with President Bennett on your arm.
00:43:45 No, you've got it all wrong.
00:43:47 There's no need for explanations.
00:43:50 I'm just here to discuss some tactics.
00:43:51 That's been clear from day one.
00:43:53 I never resorted to any underhanded tactics, nor did I offend the designer at Harper Designs.
00:43:57 The cancellation of the collaboration wasn't my fault.
00:44:00 Not your fault?
00:44:03 Mrs. Bennett, you're here.
00:44:05 Wasn't it your actions that led to the cancellation of the collaboration?
00:44:09 You offended Adrian, the head designer of Harper Design.
00:44:18 You set me up. Adrian tried to drug me and assault me, and I was only defending myself.
00:44:22 President Bennett intervened to protect me.
00:44:24 Now you're making some serious accusations.
00:44:28 It's the truth.
00:44:30 Is it? I heard you were the one making passes at Adrian.
00:44:32 He tried to drug me. President Bennett can confirm it.
00:44:35 Mrs. Bennett, is she telling the truth?
00:44:37 I highly doubt Mrs. Bennett would lie about something this serious.
00:44:41 Of course it's all lies.
00:44:43 Adrian, what are you doing here?
00:44:45 You should be behind bars by now.
00:44:47 What on earth are you talking about, Elena?
00:44:49 I didn't do anything wrong. Why would I be in jail?
00:44:52 This is Adrian Ryder, the head designer of Harper Designs.
00:45:03 If Elena's accusations were true, then Adrian would be in custody.
00:45:12 But here he stands.
00:45:16 I always believed you were the one. I never thought you'd jump on something like this.
00:45:20 You're the one who deserves to be locked up.
00:45:26 The party is about to begin. Let's not waste any more of our time on her.
00:45:32 We should head in.
00:45:34 This is...
00:45:44 This is an invitation from Miss Harper. You're Miss Harper?
00:45:48 Chloe Harper. You're from the Harper family?
00:45:51 Oh my gosh! Mrs. Bennett is a Harper heiress!
00:45:57 Wait, Mrs. Bennett, did you steal the deal with Blueprint Design today?
00:46:01 There's no need to ask. After Elena offended Mr. Ryder, who else could salvage the deal but Harper heiress?
00:46:07 Lying on her.
00:46:13 I'll show you all who the real heiress is.
00:46:15 But why is Grandpa holding the signing ceremony again if the contract was supposed to be cancelled?
00:46:24 Whatever.
00:46:26 Something's definitely fishy here. I bet it's Chloe behind all of this.
00:46:33 Why did Charles want to call off the engagement?
00:46:42 There's something I'd like to discuss with you after the banquet.
00:46:44 Mr. Bard, everyone's here. Shall we begin?
00:46:49 Yes, sir.
00:46:51 Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? Good evening.
00:46:55 I'm Davis Bard. I'm secretary to Daniel Harper, owner of Harper Group.
00:46:59 I'm here to oversee the partnership negotiation between Harper and Blueprint Design.
00:47:04 Ah, Victor, as head of Harper Design, can you fill us in as to the status, please?
00:47:10 Adrian handled the collaboration discussion on behalf of Harper Design yesterday.
00:47:13 Yes, sir.
00:47:15 And so, where do we stand?
00:47:17 We terminated the collaboration. Charles here barged in and assaulted me.
00:47:20 That's not true. Adrian tried to drug my drink and assault me. President Bennett had to intervene to stop him.
00:47:25 And Chloe set the whole thing up. She's the heiress of the Harper family.
00:47:29 What did you just say?
00:47:36 Mr. Bard, I witnessed the incident as well. I never expected the heiress to be involved in such a situation.
00:47:41 What? Could there be some truth to what Elena claims?
00:47:46 How is that possible? Chloe is the president's wife, the wealthiest heiress. Why would she do something like that?
00:47:53 It seems Chloe has assumed the identity of the heiress. Can you explain any of this?
00:48:03 Mr. Bard, their accusations are unfounded.
00:48:07 The truth is, Mr. Bennett instructed Elena to present my design to Harper Design.
00:48:14 Adrian, my boyfriend and the head designer of the Harper group, recognized my work, leading to the cancellation of the collaboration.
00:48:24 That's the real story. People like you belong behind bars.
00:48:30 I'm certain I submitted the police evidence. I failed to comprehend why you're here.
00:48:35 Because the evidence you submitted was fabricated. I've done enough of that.
00:48:39 Mr. Bard, you can ask any of my colleagues. They all recognize Twilight Romance as my creation.
00:48:47 It's true.
00:48:51 Any further remarks?
00:48:53 I reviewed the company's surveillance footage. Chloe was caught stealing Elena's designs.
00:48:59 And?
00:49:00 Surveillance footage alone proves nothing. Operating Elena's computer and moving the mouse a few times mirrors suspicions.
00:49:07 Do you really think the police will find this evidence compelling?
00:49:11 I never thought you'd stoop this low, Chloe. Our engagement is done. Effective immediately, you are terminated from Blueprint Design.
00:49:18 What an idiot. Your fiancé is right beside you.
00:49:22 You still haven't figured it out, have you?
00:49:26 Charles, Adrian has been my boyfriend long before you showed up. I couldn't care less about this engagement.
00:49:33 My priority is securing a victory for Harper Design.
00:49:38 Twilight Romance will officially represent Harper Design at the World Designer Contest.
00:49:44 What?
00:49:46 So this was your plan all along?
00:49:50 I never thought Chloe would go to such lengths. I mean, deceiving President Bennett, betraying Blueprint Design, and to be romantically involved with Mr. Ryder.
00:49:57 Chloe is the heiress to the wealthiest man in the world. This hardly qualifies as betrayal.
00:50:01 But what should we do? Blueprint Design has no designs to submit to the design contest. Our reputation will be ruined.
00:50:08 Girl, if you're interested, I can secure you both a position at Harper Design. Consider your options carefully.
00:50:19 We accept.
00:50:21 So this is how you repay me? I hope you don't come to regret this decision.
00:50:26 Anderson, contact the committee. File a complaint against Harper Design for plagiarism and copyright infringement.
00:50:32 Oh, Charles, have you already forgotten who I am?
00:50:35 The committee rejected our complaint due to Chloe's Spectra Honor Guarantee. Challenging it would be defying authority.
00:50:44 (Sigh) Mr. Bard, if nothing else is unclear, this little drama should conclude.
00:50:51 Nothing's been cleared up. I'm still looking for an explanation as to the true identity of the heiress.
00:50:57 What are you implying?
00:51:05 Chloe, I know exactly who you are. The real heiress, the true heiress, wouldn't stoop to such actions.
00:51:18 What? Chloe isn't the real heiress?
00:51:20 Drugging someone? Does that sound like the behavior of becoming a heiress?
00:51:23 I've already explained everything. They attempted to steal my design, so Adrian intervened. It was all to protect the integrity of the Harper Group.
00:51:35 I'd like to hear what you have to say.
00:51:36 Adrian drugged my wine and President Bennett came to my rescue. Chloe called Adrian to inquire about my well-being.
00:51:45 Explain that.
00:51:47 I've already stated I had nothing to do with that. What more do you want me to explain?
00:51:52 You are not the true heiress. The genuine heiress wouldn't be involved in such behavior.
00:51:56 Could Elena be the rightful heir?
00:51:59 I'm not the heiress? Mr. Bard, it seems as if you've had the pleasure of meeting this true heiress before. Care to enlighten us?
00:52:15 I'm not at liberty to say.
00:52:18 You're not concerned about my heiress identity, are you? You're doing this for her, aren't you?
00:52:25 What do you mean?
00:52:28 Let's not play dumb, Mr. Bard. I didn't realize you were capable of such audacity at your age.
00:52:36 Or perhaps it was you who captivated Mr. Bard first.
00:52:42 Captivated? What nonsense.
00:52:44 What is going on?
00:52:46 Mr. Bard, I'm appalled that you would engage in such behavior at your age.
00:52:54 It seems as if sleeping with Mr. Bennet wasn't satisfying enough. Now you need another sugar daddy?
00:53:00 That is a baseless accusation. How dare you slander me like that?
00:53:03 Did I speak out of line? You wretched bitch.
00:53:07 You may slander me, but don't you dare talk about her like that.
00:53:12 How dare you strike me?
00:53:16 Are you alright, Chloe?
00:53:19 I'm no longer interested in working for the Harper Group. I am the heiress, after all.
00:53:25 You're revealing too much now, Mr. Bard. Your defense of Elena seems genuine. Could it be that there's truth to it?
00:53:32 Could it be that Mr. Bard and Elena are more than just friends?
00:53:36 Wait, is Elena Mr. Bard's mistress?
00:53:39 Okay, enough. I'm not involved with anyone. Davis just offered me a ride here.
00:53:44 Why did he do that?
00:53:45 It's been evident for so long. Now we can all see what kind of girl Elena truly is.
00:53:54 I think she used the same tactics to seduce Mr. Bard.
00:53:57 Absolutely. She's always been deceitful, seeking out the wealthy and powerful.
00:54:02 You're the one who's clinging to power. First you betray blueprint design for your own gains. Now you cozy up to this fake heiress for favor?
00:54:13 A fake heiress?
00:54:15 Do you even comprehend who you're speaking to? One call from her and you could be ousted from this industry permanently.
00:54:24 Believe me, I can make both you and this fake Miss Harper vanish from this industry today.
00:54:29 Madam, call Mr. Harper and resolve this matter with this troublemaker.
00:54:34 Yes, make the call. I'd like to see her try.
00:54:40 Miss Harper, make the call.
00:54:43 Make the call.
00:54:45 What's the matter? Are you too scared to make the call? Or do you not have the number? I thought you were the heiress.
00:54:52 I am the heiress.
00:54:54 Madam, just make the call. Don't waste any more time.
00:55:00 I'm sorry.
00:55:01 What is this?
00:55:15 What kind of bullies are these people to treat you like this?
00:55:18 It's fine. I'll handle it on my own. Just go.
00:55:20 Did Elena just call him grandpa?
00:55:23 Elena, why would you bring someone like that here?
00:55:27 This is a ceremony for the Harper Group.
00:55:30 Please just go, grandpa. I'll deal with this.
00:55:33 Go where?
00:55:35 Is your grandfather a maintenance man now?
00:55:39 Have you no shame?
00:55:42 You ruined the collaboration again today.
00:55:47 At least if you're fired, you can always follow in your grandfather's stinky footsteps.
00:55:54 I'm giving Elena everything I own.
00:56:02 Mr. Harper!
00:56:04 It's over. Everything's over. I'm finished.
00:56:08 Elena's the real heiress.
00:56:10 Mr. Harper.
00:56:12 Oh my god.
00:56:16 So Elena is the heiress. That means she's my fiancé.
00:56:19 Charles, how on earth did you mistake your fiancé?
00:56:22 Enough, Anderson. I'm feeling rather embarrassed at the moment.
00:56:25 I came dressed like this to avoid causing trouble for my granddaughter.
00:56:31 Who would have known?
00:56:33 Your biggest problem right now is her.
00:56:43 Didn't you just claim to be my heiress?
00:56:47 No. No, Mr. Harper. I didn't say that.
00:56:52 And I heard you recently assumed my granddaughter's identity,
00:57:00 which led to the breakup of cooperation between Blueprint Design and Harper Design.
00:57:06 I didn't. Mr. Harper.
00:57:09 I was only acting in the company's best interest.
00:57:13 You were acting only in your own interest.
00:57:17 Mr. Harper, please. Please. I didn't do it.
00:57:27 You have some nerve, kid.
00:57:30 It was her. She orchestrated everything.
00:57:38 Did you think I would let you off easy?
00:57:40 Elena, please. Please have mercy.
00:57:46 Do you think I've forgotten everything that you've done to me?
00:57:50 You... You embarrassed me in front of the entire Harper family.
00:58:05 Let's not forget how you begged for my help in the first place.
00:58:10 Mr. Harper is Chloe not the real heiress?
00:58:13 Is your granddaughter the true heiress?
00:58:15 Are you the heiress?
00:58:20 No. I'm not. I'm not the heiress of the Harper family. Okay?
00:58:31 Lying!
00:58:34 I am Daniel.
00:58:36 And there is only one heiress of the Harper family, and that is my granddaughter.
00:58:42 And anyone who mistreated her shall face severe consequences.
00:58:46 Chloe has been impersonating me, conspiring with Blueprint Design employees,
00:58:52 sabotaging collaborations, stealing others' work, even plotting with Adrian to harm me.
00:58:58 And she falsely accused me of having an affair with Mr. Bard.
00:59:02 How should we address this matter?
00:59:04 Oh, Ms. Harper, it's all my fault. Chloe instructed me to do it.
00:59:10 Please forgive us, Ms. Harper.
00:59:15 Elena, um, you've got it all wrong. I didn't do this.
00:59:22 Adrian did this!
00:59:25 That's a lie! You were the one who ordered this.
00:59:28 Enough!
00:59:31 Davis!
00:59:32 Victor, you may not have known this,
00:59:37 but Davis is not only my secretary, but butler to the Harper family.
00:59:41 Do you think we didn't know?
00:59:44 Mr. Harper, I beg for your mercy.
00:59:47 Chloe is Victor Harper's daughter, and he is the head of Harper Design.
00:59:54 Victor Harper here changed his name to Harper
00:59:59 and gave access to the Harper Group and collaborated with Chloe
01:00:02 to fake Eris' identity to torment Elena in Chappelle.
01:00:06 I placed you in charge of Harper Design because of your design talent.
01:00:11 But look at the state of things now. You brought down destruction on the company.
01:00:17 Mr. Harper, it's all my fault.
01:00:21 Okay.
01:00:25 Apologize to Elena, Charles, and the Blueprint Design staff.
01:00:30 I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
01:00:35 Mr. Harper, your daughter realizes her mistake. Please forgive us.
01:00:41 Why? She's been bullying my granddaughter. She should live to regret it.
01:00:49 Davis, remove them from Harper Design. Notify the industry and cut all ties with them.
01:00:56 Mr. Harper, have mercy!
01:00:58 You've let so much down. Escort them out, please.
01:01:03 Mr. Harper, you can't do this. I have to compete in the contest.
01:01:08 How dare you mention the contest? You stole my design.
01:01:11 Elena, you've got it all wrong. I was only trying to assist you.
01:01:17 You always have an excuse. But you stole my design, and I won't forgive you.
01:01:21 There's no place for you in this company. Keeping you on would be a waste of time and money.
01:01:26 Mr. Harper, please reconsider. I was only acting in the company's best interest.
01:01:33 Harper Design has no place for someone with your background of stealing designs.
01:01:38 I don't want to see you around my company any longer.
01:01:44 Understood. Get out, now.
01:01:47 Your design already has my signature on it. Since I won't win the contest, neither will you.
01:01:55 What about these two, sir?
01:01:58 The same. Out.
01:02:01 President Bennett, we were also victims of Chloe's scam.
01:02:04 Yes, Mr. President, we are innocent.
01:02:07 Yes.
01:02:10 They were also influenced by Chloe's deception. We should give them another chance.
01:02:13 But no more workplace bullying.
01:02:16 If Elena says so, so be it.
01:02:20 Looks like all the major problems are resolved. Let's go, ladies.
01:02:30 Elena.
01:02:33 What's the problem?
01:02:36 It's all right.
01:02:38 Be quiet.
01:02:39 Charles, now that you know everything, if there's anything that you want to say, then just say it.
01:02:53 So, it seems I could have had you from the start.
01:02:59 President Bennett?
01:03:02 Does she really not realize our connection? Or is she purposefully avoiding it?
01:03:07 Perhaps she's interested in somebody else.
01:03:09 If there's anything that you want to say, then just say it.
01:03:12 What am I to you?
01:03:16 You're my boss.
01:03:19 Anything else?
01:03:23 Should there be?
01:03:25 No.
01:03:31 Nothing.
01:03:32 He's acting so strangely. Why won't he talk about it? Maybe he doesn't like me that much.
01:03:41 That's why I thought I saw Elena. She initially had a charm to her.
01:03:52 I can't believe you mistook your own fiance.
01:03:57 What should I do now?
01:03:58 Why are you asking me? I'm not your fiance.
01:04:02 Didn't Mr. B. Bennett sign your marriage contract? Maybe you should talk to him.
01:04:10 What? Chloe pretended to be Elena and Charles got it wrong? I told him her name. How could he not know?
01:04:25 I told him her name. How could he mess it up?
01:04:27 I don't know, Vince. But she's my only granddaughter. Charlie's mix-up got her treated awfully bad.
01:04:35 Grandpa.
01:04:37 Mr. Harper.
01:04:39 Sit down. What are you doing here?
01:04:42 I'm trying to check if I'm angry with you.
01:04:45 There are two Miss Harpers here.
01:04:47 But I told him her name.
01:04:50 I know. And I went to go see Chloe or Elena. Whoever. I went to go see Miss Harper.
01:04:56 Who is Elena.
01:04:58 And I bumped into her and I didn't catch her name.
01:05:02 Don't you see the problem? There are two Miss Harpers here.
01:05:05 Why are there two Miss Harpers? Is one of them an evil twin? What's going on here? I'm baffled. One of them is your employee.
01:05:12 It's a long story, Vince.
01:05:17 I don't know what to do. I think I'm in love with Elena.
01:05:21 And I don't think she feels the same way.
01:05:25 I'll say this for you, kid. You do have a conscience.
01:05:31 I think I can assist you at this point. But if you want to pursue my granddaughter, you've got to do that yourself.
01:05:46 There's nothing more we can do here. Davis, let's go.
01:05:49 Miss Elena's top priority is the World Designer Contest.
01:05:55 Thank you, Mr. Bar.
01:05:58 Mr. Harper.
01:06:03 Good morning, sunshine.
01:06:06 Morning, Grandpa.
01:06:08 I thought I heard something about you wanting to call off an engagement.
01:06:16 Yes.
01:06:17 Hey, serious face. What's the matter?
01:06:21 Say that there's a man who seems interested in you, but hasn't expressed his interest.
01:06:28 Why do you think that is?
01:06:31 Depends on who it is?
01:06:33 My boss, Charles Bennett.
01:06:35 What's your impression of him?
01:06:39 He's too good to me. It's just hard to believe he was once engaged to someone like Chloe.
01:06:45 I still want to call off the engagement.
01:06:48 Of course, if you're sure about it.
01:06:50 Here's the marriage license. Tear it up. I won't object.
01:06:56 Just don't worry. Read it first.
01:07:08 Charles Bennett?
01:07:09 Charles Bennett's my fiancé?
01:07:14 That's why I said don't worry.
01:07:16 So I'm the one who's engaged to him.
01:07:20 I can't believe he didn't recognize me and tried to call off the engagement.
01:07:26 Is Elena home?
01:07:30 Tell him I'm not home.
01:07:32 She says she's not home.
01:07:36 She's not home.
01:07:37 Right this way, gentlemen.
01:07:43 Go get her, Tiger.
01:07:45 I'm here to settle some unfinished business.
01:07:52 Elena, my fiancé, is a wonderful person.
01:08:04 And it was my poor judgment that led to calling off the engagement.
01:08:08 Elena, our friendship means the world to me.
01:08:22 And I know we haven't seen each other in a decade.
01:08:25 Getting the chance to spend time with you these past few days.
01:08:31 You show me what a wonderful person you've grown into.
01:08:34 And before yesterday, due to circumstances and misunderstandings,
01:08:44 our relationship was purely platonic. And it was a great friendship.
01:08:49 It's all in the past now.
01:08:57 And I don't want to be just friends anymore.
01:09:01 Elena, I am madly in love with you.
01:09:08 And instead of talking about it, I'm just gonna make it happen.
01:09:16 Oh my god.
01:09:21 I love you.
01:09:23 And I owe you a proper deposal.
01:09:27 Are you serious?
01:09:28 Elena Harper, will you marry me?
01:09:33 Yes, of course.
01:09:35 Ahem. I'm thrilled you said yes.
01:09:50 Charlie, that was a great speech.
01:09:55 Indeed. Had he said that to me, I'd appreciate it.
01:09:58 This looks just like the ring you made for me when we were kids. Did you design this?
01:10:04 No, we did.
01:10:06 And I know the Twilight romance can no longer represent you in the World Designer Contest, but...
01:10:12 I believe that our love can overcome any obstacle.
01:10:17 (laughs)
01:10:43 The World Designer Grand Prize goes to...
01:10:46 Elena Harper and Charles Bennett from Blueprint Design!
01:10:50 (applause)
01:10:52 (applause)
01:10:54 (applause)
01:10:56 (claps)
01:10:58 ♪ Yeah, I'm in your ♪
