IHSG Sesi I Menguat di Level 7.150

  • 4 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup di zona hijau pada perdagangan sesi pertama, Senin (6/5/2024). Indeks menguat 0,23% atau 16,17 poin ke level 7.150.

Siang ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 11,35 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp5,52 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 647.657 kali. Adapun, sebanyak 267 saham harganya naik, 270 saham harganya turun dan 225 saham lain harganya stagnan.


00:00We have an update from the IHSG's price index.
00:05The IHSG's price index was at 0.23%, or 16 points, at 7,150.
00:17The IHSG's price index has maintained its strength since the opening at 9 o'clock this morning.
00:24The current exchange rate is at 16,017, which is 0.1% stronger than the U.S. dollar.
00:33Next, let's take a look at the top gainers, top losers, and sectoral movements.
00:39The top gainers are BBRI, which rose 0.864%.
00:45Bank Mandiri rose 1.63%.
00:48GOTO rose 4.55%.
00:51AMME rose 1.28%.
00:54The top losers are Telkom, which fell 3.16%.
00:58ATLA fell 18.37%.
01:02BBCA fell 0.25%.
01:05And BBNI still fell 0.21%.
01:09From sectoral movements, properties rose almost 2%.
01:13Stocks rose 1.26%.
01:16Technology rose 1.2%.
01:18And primary consumption also rose 0.96%.
01:22The majority of sectoral movements followed the IHSG's movements, which also moved in positive areas.