• 5 months ago
"Pata nahi kidhar se utha liye ghise pite muhawre...," CJP got angry over commission report
00:00 How can they give individual responsibility to a politician like Mr. Rana Sinhaullah?
00:07 He's not a bureaucrat.
00:09 He doesn't get paid out of the public exchequer.
00:12 [In Hindi]
00:13 Sir, page 145 and from paragraph 9 onwards.
00:34 Paragraph?
00:40 The type written on page 45 and the handwritten on 146.
00:56 So paragraph 10 and then 11 onwards.
00:59 10 is a general statement.
01:01 The government...
01:02 The recommendations start from page 143.
01:03 Yes, they start from page 143.
01:04 Now let's see what profound statements are made in these recommendations.
01:10 The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the supreme law.
01:15 Profound statement.
01:16 Demarcating affairs of functioning of all organs of the state and rights and duties
01:21 of the state and citizens.
01:24 All laws, rules and policies have to be in conformity with this basic document.
01:29 Constitution being a social contract binds people with the state.
01:33 Therefore, imperatives of the constitution should be followed for a public order in the
01:36 country.
01:37 Now this is a recommendation.
01:41 This is a statement that should be given to class 5 children, which is being filed in
01:48 the Supreme Court.
01:49 Next, please.
01:50 Trichotomy of power is the basic feature of the constitution regulating the functioning
01:55 of each organ of the state within its own orbit.
01:59 Governance of public order is the exclusive domain of the executive.
02:02 Therefore, it is required to be left to the executive to be dealt with.
02:06 Dabbling by other organs in others areas may be avoided.
02:11 Profound.
02:12 Three, governance and law are interlinked.
02:16 Article 4 of the constitution of Pakistan unequivocally emphasizes that all acts of
02:24 the functionaries should be in accordance with law.
02:27 Importantly, all functionaries of the state derive authority from a provision of the constitution
02:32 or law and rules framed there under.
02:35 Therefore cannot deprive any citizen of his or her vested rights, save in accordance with
02:39 law.
02:40 It is therefore essential that functionaries of the state must bear this aspect in mind
02:45 while exercising authority.
02:47 It is high time all understood the supremacy of the constitution and to be out of words,
02:53 they need to maintain equilibrium as enshrined in the constitution of Pakistan through collective
02:59 wisdom.
03:00 Four.
03:01 Be out of the woods.
03:04 Which woods?
03:06 The woods of the constitution?
03:07 Four, sir.
03:08 Rule of law is one of the guiding principles of good governance.
03:13 Tragically, rule of law is missing, thus leading to poor governance negating the constitution
03:19 amid claims to uphold the rule of law.
03:23 This cannot be ensured by mere lip service, but courage of conviction and working within
03:28 the orbit of the constitution with no extra constitutional role to any functionary of
03:33 the state.
03:34 Therefore, all must operate within the boundaries set by the law.
03:38 Five.
03:39 Terrorism is an aggravated form of organized crime to achieve political objectives.
03:46 Therefore has to be dealt with like any other organized crime.
03:51 Laws and policies to combat organized crime are very clear.
03:54 Zero tolerance is the policy.
03:56 With anti-terrorism laws and policies in hand, one fails to understand what stops the state
04:02 operators to take decisive action.
04:05 In this context, the role of the law enforcing agencies at federal level and provincial levels
04:12 are all well defined.
04:13 All have to act in unison without blame game.
04:16 They have to understand that they all sail in the same boat.
04:20 In case the boat sinks, all on board will also be drowned.
04:24 Unfortunately, both the federal and provincial governments are evasive, trying to wash their
04:29 hands off by passing the buck to each other.
04:31 The only buck that has been passed by the members of the commission.
04:36 More so the government of Punjab.
04:38 They must act promptly under the constitution, anti-terrorism act 1997, anti-money laundering
04:45 act, prevention of electronic crimes act, the actions in aid of civil power regulation
04:50 2011 and national action plan as a team to counter terrorism and to maintain public order.
04:56 Six, there is a need to understand that militant groups pursuing a grand objective of imposing
05:01 their own model of Sharia use all tactics, including terrorism and negotiations to achieve
05:07 their ultimate goal.
05:08 Reared in transitional, transnational ideology, they seek inspiration from the existing role
05:14 models.
05:15 They now openly vow to continue the struggle for the establishment of their own model through
05:20 violence.
05:21 Unfortunately, the government, as always, is only trying a quick fix rather than addressing
05:26 the root cause.
05:27 Such a tendency has never worked in the past and will not work in the future.
05:31 [In Hindi] This sounds like an article in a newspaper, not a job assigned to a commission.
05:43 I've headed many commissions, quite a commission.
05:46 [In Hindi] So they were housed in, I believe, Ministry of Interior, I think.
06:14 [In Hindi] So, I was there.
06:43 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:45 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:46 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:47 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:48 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:49 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:50 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:51 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:52 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:53 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:54 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:55 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:56 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:57 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:58 [In Hindi] I was there.
06:59 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:00 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:01 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:02 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:03 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:04 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:05 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:06 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:07 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:08 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:09 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:10 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:11 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:12 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:13 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:14 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:15 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:16 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:17 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:18 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:19 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:20 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:21 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:22 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:23 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:24 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:25 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:26 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:27 [In Hindi] I was there.
07:29 Very good.
07:30 Come to seven.
07:35 bad day.
