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Man, nerds get all the best guests! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the guest stars and celebrity cameos that made the biggest bang on “The Big Bang Theory”.


00:00 "He's just gonna say hi or really what's gonna happen so just let me talk and-"
00:03 "Yeah."
00:05 Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the guest stars and celebrity
00:11 cameos that made the biggest bang on The Big Bang Theory.
00:15 "Great. Another fainter."
00:17 Number 30. Eliza Dushku.
00:22 When an FBI agent came to interview Leonard in season four,
00:26 he made a joke about expecting Mulder but getting Scully.
00:29 "I was expecting Mulder. Glad to see I got Scully. Mulder and Scully. X-Files."
00:38 Now while it wasn't actually Gillian Anderson playing the FBI agent,
00:42 his point that she was a smart and attractive female agent still held true for Eliza Dushku.
00:47 Rather than seeking out vampires as she did during her turn on Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
00:51 Dushku spent her time on The Big Bang Theory seeking background information on Howard
00:55 Wolowitz as part of his security clearance for a project with the Department of Defense.
00:59 This includes FBI Special Agent Angela Page asking Leonard, Raj and Sheldon about Howard,
01:05 and you can imagine how well that goes.
01:07 "Thank you, Dr. Cooper. I think I have all I need."
01:10 "Good. I was afraid you were going to fixate on that Mars Rover incident."
01:15 Number 29. Octavia Spencer.
01:19 Octavia Spencer had her breakthrough in 2011's The Help,
01:23 a role that saw her take home the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.
01:27 However, three years prior to The Help, Spencer had helped Sheldon get his learner's permit.
01:33 "Excuse me, but I have some concerns about these questions."
01:35 "Look at that sign up there."
01:38 "Yes?"
01:40 "Does it say, 'I give a damn'?"
01:42 At the Department of Motor Vehicles, Spencer was the lucky employee who had to deal with Sheldon
01:48 and his questioning of the testing material. And by "helped" Sheldon get his learner's permit,
01:53 we are of course referring to her stamping his test in order to just get rid of him.
01:58 "Here's your learner's permit. Go away."
02:00 "But I'm not done. I have many additional concerns about these questions."
02:06 "Don't make me climb over this counter."
02:07 At least she didn't bake him a pie.
02:10 Number 28. Rick Fox.
02:12 Given how athletically inclined the Big Bang Gang all were, except for Penny of course,
02:17 you may not have expected or even noticed a cameo from a professional athlete.
02:22 But there was one. Rick Fox is a former NBA player who played with the Boston Celtics in the 90s
02:27 and earned three championship rings during his time with the Los Angeles Lakers in the early aughts.
02:32 But in season four of The Big Bang Theory, he didn't play an athlete.
02:37 "Nice to meet you."
02:37 "Hi. Ow, why?"
02:39 "You're a lucky man. Bernie's a great gal."
02:44 Instead, Fox showed up at a science conference they all attended as Glenn,
02:48 Bernadette's ex-college professor and ex-boyfriend.
02:51 His height and good looks send Howard reeling with intimidation and self-doubt.
02:56 Unable to keep his insecurities over Glenn to himself,
02:59 he also quickly lands in hot water with Bernie.
03:02 "Are you saying you don't think I'm hot enough to go out with a guy like Glenn?"
03:06 "No, no, I'm saying exactly the opposite."
03:09 "I'm too hot to go out with a guy like Glenn?"
03:13 "Yeah, let's go with that."
03:14 We all know about Charlie Sheen's personal issues and his very,
03:21 very vocal exit from Two and a Half Men in 2011.
03:24 However, in 2008, Sheen was one of the highest paid stars on one of TV's highest rated shows.
03:30 "It's like regular texting, but, you know, dirty. You see? That's not a smiley face."
03:35 This is a fact that made his Big Bang cameo in season two very funny.
03:40 As Raj sits around bragging about being in People magazine,
03:44 Sheen is there to knock him down a peg, telling him to...
03:47 "Call me when you're on the cover."
03:49 Years later, Sheen would bash the Big Bang theory, calling it words like stupid and worse.
03:56 But we're gonna chalk that up to his hate-filled feud with the creator of both those sitcoms,
04:00 Chuck Lorre. And regardless of what he thinks, it was still a great cameo moment.
04:09 "Winning."
04:11 You'd have thought that Christopher Lloyd might have showed up in season eight when the guys
04:17 were trying to explain the time travel logic behind Back to the Future Part II.
04:21 "The timeline in which 1955 Biff gets the almanac is also the timeline in which 1955 Biff never gets
04:28 the almanac, and not just never gets, never have, never hasn't."
04:32 But alas, no. It wasn't until season 10 that Lloyd made his cameo on the show,
04:37 and he didn't play himself. Instead, Lloyd appears as Theodore, a man to whom Sheldon
04:43 sublets his room as revenge against Leonard during their dividing up of the apartment.
04:47 He even provides some unappreciated advice regarding Sheldon and Leonard's feud,
04:51 and compliments the painting of Amy and Penny.
04:54 "I'm sure at some point we won't even notice it's there."
04:57 "Yeah, you'd think that, but after a while it starts showing up in your dreams."
05:00 "I think it brings the room together."
05:05 25. Danica McKellar
05:07 With a reported IQ of 154, Danica McKellar must have felt right at home on a show about geniuses.
05:14 However, she didn't actually need to put her super math skills to work in order to
05:18 play Abby on the season three episode The Psychic Vortex.
05:21 "How do you do? Rajesh Ramayan Kudrapalli. Call me Raj."
05:25 "Hey Raj, where are you from?"
05:27 "The mysterious subcontinent of India."
05:29 For that, she just had to fall for Raj's accent and suave game.
05:33 And that she did.
05:35 So much so that by the second date, they were making out on the sofa chair like a couple of
05:39 teenagers while Sheldon admirably performed his wingman duties with Abby's friend Martha.
05:44 "Well, it's late."
05:46 "Uh-huh."
05:47 "Time for bed."
05:48 "Okay."
05:50 "Goodnight, beauty human."
05:55 24. Nathan Fillion
05:58 Nathan Fillion played himself on The Big Bang Theory in a season eight episode.
06:02 Well, actually, he played himself pretending to not be himself when Raj and Leonard walked
06:07 over to him and asked him if he was Nathan Fillion.
06:09 "Oh, uh, I think you made a mistake. I'm not an actor."
06:12 "Don't say that. I mean, you're not Dame Judi Dench, but you're pretty great."
06:17 Eventually, he does admit to them that he is, in fact, who they think he is.
06:21 Although at that point, Raj isn't sure if he believes him.
06:24 The back and forth is great, and Fillion seems to have a whole lot of fun playing
06:27 a sitcom version of himself.
06:29 "How about a picture with a guy who looks like Nathan Fillion,
06:32 but a little more annoyed than Nathan Fillion usually is?"
06:34 "What do you think?"
06:38 "That's good enough for Facebook."
06:41 23. Brent Spiner
06:44 It might have been somewhat surprising to see Sheldon dressed up as Data for the guy's
06:47 expedition to the Bakersfield Comic-Con, given that just a season earlier, he'd declared the
06:52 man who originated the role of Data his mortal enemy.
06:55 "How is that a fight pose?"
06:56 "Mr. Data's weapon is his mind."
07:00 "I'm wielding it."
07:01 In season 5, the guys get invited to a party at Will Wheaton's house.
07:05 At that point, Wheaton was Sheldon's mortal enemy, and he refused to go and was quite
07:10 angry at Leonard for wanting to. His attitude changed, though, when he found out that Brent
07:14 Spiner was going to be there. But events at the party ended up transferring mortal enemy
07:18 status from Wheaton to Spiner.
07:21 "From this moment on, you are my mortal enemy."
07:23 "Don't worry, it doesn't take up a whole lot of your time."
07:27 22. Neil deGrasse Tyson
07:29 Neil deGrasse Tyson made a couple of appearances on the show, and his relationship with Raj was
07:34 quite different in both cases. In season 4, they're on obviously friendly terms as Raj
07:39 introduces him to Sheldon.
07:41 "But I actually didn't demote Pluto. That was a vote of the International Astronomical Union."
07:45 "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas."
07:49 If Raj had any jealousy towards Tyson at that moment, he kept it hidden.
07:54 Skip to season 12, and Raj gets asked to do a local news piece. However, when he finds out
08:00 that they asked Tyson first, his green-eyed jealousy monster comes out live on air. After
08:05 reading a negative tweet about him post-broadcast, Raj dives into an ill-advised Twitter feud with
08:10 the famous astrophysicist. It's a feud that does not go his way, as Tyson gives him a good
08:16 deGrasse kickin'.
08:17 "Whoa, that was fun. Let's see who else needs a deGrasse kickin'."
08:24 After Raj and Anu broke up in one of the last episodes of the series, it looked like he was
08:32 gonna have to go stag to Sheldon and Amy's Nobel Prize ceremony. But as luck would have it,
08:36 he ended up sitting next to Sarah Michelle Gellar on the plane.
08:39 "What about her?"
08:40 "Is this her?"
08:42 "Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"
08:46 "Shh! Be cool!"
08:47 Now, we're not sure how he convinced her to go to the ceremony with him, but he did it.
08:53 So, rather than going solo, he went with Buffy. Talk about an upgrade! Though the Vampire Slayer
08:59 did make sure to point out that this was not a date, it didn't seem to dampen Raj's mood too much.
09:04 "This isn't a date."
09:05 "Yeah, I know."
09:06 "Then why are you holding my hand?"
09:08 Long before the Big Bang Theory was mixing science and comedy, Bill Nye had perfected
09:16 the formula. Turns out, Professor Proton predated the self-proclaimed science guy,
09:20 at least within this sitcom's universe. When Sheldon's childhood idol seeks out Leonard
09:24 instead of him for a peer review, he attempts to make them both envious by enlisting another
09:29 TV scientist. Enter a blindsided Bill Nye, who thought Sheldon wanted him to do a guest lecture.
09:35 "He said I'd be speaking to a class."
09:37 "No, I said you were teaching someone a lesson. Now let's go."
09:41 Despite being more famous, Nye is starstruck to be in the presence of Professor Proton,
09:47 who doesn't reciprocate with the same enthusiasm. It's too bad Bill didn't stick around to help with
09:51 the nano-vacuum tubes. He does know a thing or two about atmospheric pressure.
09:55 Summer Glau
09:57 "Is that who I think it is?"
09:59 "It can't be. What would Summer Glau be doing riding the train?"
10:02 "Maybe John Connor's aboard and she's protecting him from an evil Terminator."
10:06 In addition to the Sarah Connor chronicles, Summer Glau rose to popularity playing River
10:12 on the tragically short-lived Firefly. That cult show was notoriously aired out of order,
10:17 premiering with the second episode, "The Train Job." So we guess it's fitting that the gang
10:23 encounters Glau on a train. With the exception of Sheldon, each guy tries striking up a conversation
10:28 with her. Raj is the first to muster the courage, stealing Howard's pickup line.
10:33 "It's hot in here. Must be summer."
10:35 "That's cute."
10:38 "Really, I just made it up."
10:41 Howard gets his chance after Raj realizes he hasn't been drinking his cool juice.
10:45 While Summer kind of dug Raj, Howard is an easy swipe left. As for Leonard, timing isn't on his
10:52 side. But we imagine Glau would rather talk to him than hear more about Howard's disturbing dreams.
10:57 Buzz Aldrin
11:00 Upon returning from the International Space Station, Howard makes a habit of reminding
11:04 everyone that he is an astronaut. Howard doesn't realize just how obnoxious he's being until Raj
11:10 sends him a video of a certain astronaut named Buzz. No, not Lightyear.
11:15 "Are you talking about when he thought he was real?"
11:17 Despite being one of the first individuals to walk on the moon,
11:24 Aldrin still finds the time to pass out candy on Halloween. Then again, that's probably because
11:30 Aldrin will take any opportunity to brag about his space exploits. He does so by using conveniently
11:36 named treats as a segue. "Here you go. It's a Milky Way. The Milky Way's a galaxy in space."
11:45 We're surprised Aldrin didn't break out a packet of Starburst. As if gloating isn't bad enough,
11:50 Aldrin makes fun of a kid for being less accomplished than him. Should've gone to
11:54 Jim Lovell's house. 17. Steve Wozniak
11:57 "Is that Steve Wozniak?" "I think it is. The great and powerful Woz."
12:04 Considering much of this show's humor revolves around tech, it was only a matter of time until
12:09 Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak dropped by. The gang encounters the great and powerful Woz at
12:14 the Cheesecake Factory. Sheldon, who's decided to live his life through a mobile virtual presence
12:19 device, can't resist saying hello. "You're my 15th favorite technological visionary."
12:25 "Only 15th?" Wozniak is impressed with Sheldon's robot,
12:30 and even offers to sign his 1977 Apple II. "You know, if you had it here, I'd autograph it for
12:35 you. Don't move for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how the buses are running."
12:41 Sheldon rushes to deliver the computer to his 15th favorite technological visionary,
12:47 but sadly, trips going down the stairs. "I'm coming."
12:51 The Apple II breaks and Sheldon hurts his ankle. The cameo may have been brief,
12:59 but it was unexpected, funny, memorable, and an excuse to hear Soft Kitty.
13:04 Despite being a TV legend, Bob Newhart had never won an Emmy until he appeared on The Big Bang
13:25 Theory. In 2013, he took home a well-deserved Outstanding Guest Actor award for his performance
13:31 as Arthur Jeffries, also known as Professor Proton. "Thank you, Sheldon, that was very nice."
13:38 "Want me to sing it again?" "No."
13:39 The former host of a science TV show, Arthur is taken aback when Sheldon and Leonard hire him to
13:48 perform at their apartment. Although he's reluctant, Arthur evolves into something of a
13:52 father figure for Sheldon. The character might have passed away towards the end of Season 7,
13:57 but he still occasionally appeared in Sheldon's dreams as a Jedi Master.
14:01 "Oh, this is weird. Most of my robes open in the back."
14:09 Arthur offers sage-like advice, which is only made funnier by Newhart's trademark
14:14 deadpan delivery. "Where are you going?"
14:18 "I don't know, but hopefully somewhere I can wear pants."
14:22 This Star Trek The Next Generation actor has made a few fun cameos over the years.
14:36 First, when Sheldon invites Burton to a party, he actually shows up. Of course,
14:40 he immediately leaves upon seeing the state of things. "Oh, I don't think so."
14:47 Thankfully, Burton would later return as a guest on Sheldon's online video series,
14:51 Fun With Flags, only to be criticized by Amy. "This guy is worse than Wil Wheaton."
14:56 In Season 8, Sheldon invites Burton back, and Burton accepts, albeit with one condition.
15:04 "Thank you, Sheldon. Now, remember our deal." "You do this, I delete your contact information."
15:10 "While?" "While you watch me do it."
15:15 "Great." Sheldon then proceeds to show him his George Washington Carver impersonation,
15:19 and later asks Burton to dress as a swastika. "How do you feel about dressing up like a swastika?"
15:25 Between Sheldon and Troy from Community, LaVar should probably stop
15:32 meeting his biggest fans, however hilarious the results may be. "I'm LaVar Burton."
15:43 "Hello." "Captain on the bridge! Captain on the bridge!"
15:49 It took almost 12 years, but Captain James T. Kirk himself finally made an appearance. He's
15:56 introduced to Sheldon through a mutual friend, Wil Wheaton, who we will discuss in greater detail
16:01 later. While Sheldon has met no shortage of sci-fi icons over the years, he isn't prepared
16:06 to make first contact with the Captain. Being in Shatner's presence stirs up so many emotions
16:10 that Sheldon throws up all over him. Meh, at least he didn't break Shatner's tooth.
16:15 "Oh, my tooth! You broke my tooth!" Shatner is just one of Wheaton's famous friends,
16:24 as the two are part of a Dungeons & Dragons group with Kevin Smith, Joe Manganiello,
16:29 and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Having two generations of Star Trek actors together is one thing,
16:34 but the episode went all out with this impressive lineup.
16:37 Number 13. George Takei. "Oh, my! Can I help?"
16:40 Another Star Trek alumnus, George Takei unexpectedly pops up in Howard's fantasy.
16:48 Although Howard's sexual orientation is briefly questioned, Takei and Katie Sackhoff help him
16:53 to realize that it's ex-girlfriend Bernadette he truly harbors feelings for. "She's leaving
16:58 because you really want to be with me." After Howard wins Bernie back, Takei and Sackhoff
17:03 resurface. Sackhoff tells Howard to make the move, but Takei advises him to take things slowly. And
17:09 despite being interested in men, Takei seemingly knows a thing or two about romancing the ladies.
17:14 "A lady wants to be wooed. Courted slowly." "How would you know?" "I read."
17:25 We gotta say that platonically speaking, Takei and Sackhoff have some serious chemistry.
17:31 Any chance of them getting their own spin-off? That's a series sure to have audiences saying,
17:36 "Oh, my!" "Told you."
17:38 Number 12. Billy Bob Thornton. Most of the familiar faces on this list star as themselves.
17:46 Like Bob Newhart though, Billy Bob Thornton got to create a wholly original character.
17:51 Thornton mentioned in an interview that he was a fan of the show, paving the way for a surprise
17:55 guest spot. Of course, you'd think that a group of fanboys would notice the resemblance between
17:59 Thornton's character and the NASA guy from Armageddon. "That wasn't a joke." "All right."
18:11 Thornton plays Dr. Oliver Lorvis, an awkward doctor who misreads Penny's flirtations.
18:18 The episode takes some surprisingly dark turns as Lorvis traps the guys in a basement to win
18:24 over Penny, only to spontaneously fall for Amy and then Bernadette. We've seen Thornton play
18:30 creepy characters before, but Lorvis strikes a unique balance of pathetic, dorky, and strangely
18:36 sympathetic. "You gotta see what you're doing is a little creepy." "You sound just like Sigourney
18:41 Weaver when I followed her into a restroom." Number 11. Adam West. Batman didn't show for
18:49 Sheldon's sixth birthday, but the series booked the real deal for episode 200. In one of his final
18:55 TV appearances, Adam West is hired for Sheldon's big day. As the guys engage in a debate over who
19:00 the definitive Dark Knight is, West gives his two cents. While he champions Michael Keaton,
19:07 almost every option is considered. Kristen Bale, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, and even Lego Batman.
19:13 "Even my poodles know Bale's overrated." Wait, where's the Kevin Conroy love? Anyway, in terms
19:20 of who's the funniest Batman, West puts himself at the top. West also takes pride in knowing that he
19:26 didn't need any kind of muscle suit. "Batman finally came to your party." "Happy birthday,
19:31 Sherman." The Batman legend wishes Sherman/Sheldon a happy birthday, but we wish West could have
19:39 come back for his bachelor party. Number 10. Will Wheaton. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Will
19:46 Wheaton, the green goblin to my Spider-Man." Of all the Star Trek actors that have appeared on
19:52 the show, Will Wheaton has got to be the most memorable. This is largely due to his ongoing
19:57 rivalry with Sheldon. Wheaton became Sheldon's mortal enemy after he missed a sci-fi convention
20:02 in 1995. "Mesa think that very funny." "Well, Yusa can go think that at the back of the line."
20:11 Sheldon's hatred for Wheaton only grows stronger after he tricks him into losing a card game.
20:16 "I call my mime on Nana, and she's going to be very happy to hear that my small rock
20:23 kills your enchanted bunny." Becoming one of the show's funniest recurring antagonists,
20:28 Wheaton would go on to troll Sheldon for the next couple of years. He finally makes peace,
20:33 however, by giving him a Wesley Crusher action figure. "To Sheldon, sorry this took so long.
20:39 Your friend Will Wheaton." Since then, Wheaton has continued to show his friendly side.
20:45 Just don't tell him that Star Wars is better than Star Trek. "Star Trek stinks!" "Yeah,
20:50 live long and suck it!" Number 9. Katie Sackhoff. "You're looking lovely as always."
20:57 "Oh, yeah. Thanks, Howard." Before joining forces with Takei in the aforementioned episode,
21:03 this Battlestar Galactica actress served as Howard's fantasy. Although for a fantasy,
21:08 she was pretty effective at shooting him down. Appearing in Howard's bathtub, Sackhoff not only
21:13 acts as a great comedic foil for Howard, but also, despite being make-believe, serves as a real voice
21:19 of reason. "The point is, you've got a wonderful girl in your life and you're ignoring her in order
21:23 to spend your nights in the bathtub with a mental image and a washcloth." She tells the lonely fan
21:29 boy that he needs to stop dreaming about fictional characters and acknowledge the real girl in his
21:34 life. As if that's not enough to kill the mood, Mrs. Wolowitz interrupts and causes Katie to
21:39 disappear. Frack! "What are you doing in there?" "I'm taking a bath!" "I hope that's all you're
21:46 doing! We share that tub!" Number 8. Mark Hamill
21:51 "I'm gonna need a minute." "That's Mark Hamill!"
22:04 No offense to Wil Wheaton, but we can't think of a more legendary sci-fi icon than Mark Hamill
22:11 to officiate Sheldon and Amy's wedding. After finding Hamill's lost dog, Howard books Luke
22:16 Skywalker himself. And no, the Star Wars actor sadly does not have a dog named Bark Hamill in
22:22 real life. Still, it's appropriate that Howard is the common link here, as actor Simon Helberg has
22:27 known Hamill since age nine. He went to school with his son Nathan Hamill, who designed the
22:32 awesome t-shirt Mark wears in the episode. What is that symbol anyway? Mickey Mouse with vampire
22:37 fangs? In any case, the wedding inevitably turns into a Q&A session, but Hamill eventually unites
22:43 the bride and groom in matrimony. "And by the power vested in me, by even you can perform
22:49 weddings dot com, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Number 7.
22:58 Leonard Nimoy Ever since season one, fans have wondered if Leonard Nimoy would beam down for a
23:03 guest spot. Mr. Spock made his long-awaited appearance during season five, in toy form.
23:09 "Down here on your desk." "Spock?" "I need to speak with you." While only a voiceover cameo,
23:21 Nimoy is nonetheless cleverly utilized. Besides, Sheldon couldn't get too close to the real Nimoy
23:26 due to the restraining order. "This is going to look great hanging next to my restraining order
23:31 from Leonard Nimoy." A Spock action figure serves as both the devil and angel on Sheldon's shoulders,
23:37 albeit in his dreams. First, Spock tempts Sheldon to play with his transporter toy.
23:42 After breaking the vintage collectible, Sheldon swaps it with Leonard's. Small Spock isn't done
23:47 with Sheldon though, transporting him to Planet Vulcan for a lesson in honesty. Although it's
23:52 unfortunate that Nimoy never appears on screen, seeing Sheldon talk to a toy is arguably funnier.
23:58 "Whose house is this?" "Carrie Fisher. And she's a little crazy, so get ready to run."
24:06 Hitting the town with James Earl Jones, Sheldon arrives at Carrie Fisher's house.
24:12 Ringing her doorbell, Jones and Sheldon make a run for it. Armed with a bat, Fisher answers
24:17 the door to find nobody there. It's clearly not the first time he's pulled this routine.
24:22 "It's not funny anymore, James!" "Then why am I laughing?"
24:29 Now, the idea of Darth Vader ding-dong-ditching Princess Leia is downright hilarious. But what
24:37 makes this moment especially noteworthy, however, is that Fisher and Jones had astonishingly never
24:43 met before. While they both had key roles in Star Wars, Fisher performed on a set,
24:48 while Jones recorded all his lines in a sound booth. Leave it to Sheldon to finally bring two
24:53 sci-fi legends together. "As they were approaching each other, Carrie said, 'Dad!' Which was
25:00 hilarious because Darth is her father in Star Wars."
25:03 In a classic screwball setup, Penny has an opportunity to meet Bill Gates, but can't bring
25:11 anyone along. After Leonard, Raj, and Howard figure out where Gates is staying, they decide
25:15 to instigate a chance encounter. This is actually the second time that the teary-eyed Leonard has
25:20 met the Microsoft co-founder, although it takes Gates a moment to remember him. "Oh, now I remember.
25:25 Would you like a tissue? How about a hug? How about a tissue?"
25:33 Matters get complicated, however, after Penny tells Leonard that he can meet Gates, forcing
25:39 him to play sick. This ruse blows up in Leonard's face when he winds up on a video call with Penny
25:45 and Gates. "Wait, I know you." "No, you don't." Leonard winds up owing apologies to both Penny
25:53 and Sheldon, having given the latter the wrong address. He also probably owes Bill Gates a new
25:58 tie. Number four, Elon Musk. Being an aerospace engineer and a former astronaut, Howard has always
26:05 looked up to Elon Musk. "You gotta be kidding me." "Sorry?" "You're Elon Musk." "I am?"
26:13 He likely didn't picture their first meeting in a soup kitchen doing dishes, however.
26:21 Then again, the SpaceX founder is an eccentric fellow. Volunteering on Thanksgiving,
26:25 Musk turns out to be a humble person. Although Howard fakes his charitable nature,
26:30 the two do form a bond over space travel. And pumpkin pie that somebody else already nibbled on.
26:36 Honestly, we could imagine the real Elon Musk doing all of this. We don't know if Elon ever
26:41 got back to Howard about going to Mars, but he should at least bring Sheldon aboard.
26:45 He has been stealing notes from young Sheldon's old notebook, after all.
26:48 "Elon, the CNN reporter's here to talk to you." "Hang on."
26:55 "Send him in?" Number three, Stan Lee. "This is Stan Lee's front door." Anyone who's seen a
27:02 Marvel movie knows that Stan Lee was no stranger to epic cameos. There's only one word to describe
27:08 his cameo on The Big Bang Theory, however, and that's Excelsior. "To my friend, Leonard,
27:15 from Stan Lee, Excelsior." Sheldon isn't at all pleased when he misses an opportunity to
27:22 meet Stan the Man. So, with some help from Penny, Sheldon finds Lee's house. Answering the door in
27:28 a Fantastic Four bathrobe, the comic book legend feels understandably that his personal space has
27:33 been invaded. "And you thought you'd just come over to my house uninvited?" "You said we were
27:39 invited." "Well, no, no, I said I'm inviting you to come with me to Stan Lee's house."
27:43 Beyond irritated, Lee sarcastically invites them to come inside. And Sheldon, as oblivious to social
27:50 cues as ever, accepts. Instead of an autograph, he goes home with a restraining order, which is
27:57 pretty cool, too. "I saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining
28:02 order." "Sweet." Number two, James Earl Jones. "Let me guess, you like Star Wars." On any given
28:16 occasion, Sheldon Cooper is easily the most unpredictable person in the room. After crossing
28:21 paths with James Earl Jones, though, Sheldon suddenly becomes the stableman. "I have one thing
28:27 to say to people like you. I like Star Wars, too." At first feigning annoyance, Jones quickly takes
28:37 a liking to Sheldon. Bonding over their mutual love of Star Wars, Jones takes Sheldon to a
28:43 carnival, a karaoke bar, and a spa. "And this is the perfect end to a perfect night."
28:48 "Okay." Even Sheldon is mystified by Jones' eccentric behavior and eventually grows weary
28:56 of the iconic actor's attention. Before seeing this episode, we never would have pegged Jones
29:01 as a party animal either. But now we'll never look at Darth Vader the same way again, that's for sure.
29:07 "That was a lot of fun." Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell
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29:19 or all of them. If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.
29:24 Number one, Stephen Hawking. "What does Sheldon Cooper and the black hole have in common?
29:33 They're both such." It is called the Big Bang Theory after all, so it should come as little
29:39 surprise that for series co-creator Bill Prady, Stephen Hawking was always a dream guest star.
29:45 In season five, however, it became a reality when Sheldon got to meet the world's most famous
29:50 theoretical physicist. "Professor Hawking, it's an honor and a privilege to meet you, sir."
30:00 "I know." While Hawking is happy to meet Sheldon, he does point out an embarrassing
30:07 error in his thesis. "You made an arithmetic mistake on page two.
30:11 It was quite a boner." Adopting a hilarious on-screen persona across a few episodes, Hawking
30:21 proved to be a skilled, albeit kind-hearted troll, feigning having a big ego and mocking Sheldon,
30:27 but also taking the time to wish him a happy birthday. Turns out he's not only seriously
30:31 brilliant, but seriously funny too. "Happy birthday, dear Sheldon." "Professor Hawking,
30:38 if you just give us one second, we'll light the candles and we can all sing together."
30:41 "I was crushing it, but all right." Do you have a favorite Big Bang cameo? Let us know in the
30:48 comments. "You really think it's helpful to change the subject, Wyatt?" "Just trying to make this a
30:53 happy trip, dear." "Well, quit it!" Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip
30:58 from Ms. Mojo, and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
