00:00I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother George. This is Mommy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig.
00:46It is very cold outside. Peppa and George must wear their hats and scarves and gloves.
00:59Come on, George!
01:01Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow.
01:06Peppa and George love making footprints in the snow.
01:16Oh dear!
01:23It's not funny.
01:33George, let's play snowballs.
01:40Peppa has made a snowball.
01:46Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.
01:51George, come back, you little piggy!
02:07Peppa and George are playing in the snow.
02:16Oh dear! Maybe this game is getting a little too rough.
02:21Sorry, George.
02:25George, let's build a snowman.
02:31Peppa and George are making a snowman.
02:34First they make the body.
02:36George, this is the snowman's body.
02:40Now they make the snowman's head.
02:45Now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth.
02:52George has found some sticks for the snowman's arms.
02:56Peppa has found some stones for the snowman's eyes and mouth.
03:01This is his face.
03:02Now the snowman needs a nose.
03:07Peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman's nose.
03:13The snowman looks very happy, but maybe he is a bit cold.
03:18The snowman needs some clothes to keep him warm.
03:26Peppa and George are making a snowman.
03:29George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm.
03:35The snowman is wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.
03:42Mummy, Daddy, come and look!
03:48Mummy Pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves.
03:52That is the best way to keep the snowman warm.
03:58That is the best snowman I have ever seen.
04:06Daddy Pig looks quite cold.
04:09He isn't wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.
04:14Daddy, why aren't you wearing your hat and scarf and gloves?
04:19I don't know where they are.
04:22I can't find them anywhere.
04:24I think I know where Daddy's hat, scarf and gloves are.
04:28They are on the snowman.
04:58Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada