Petersfield Town Crier Faye Thompson gives Royal Proclamation

  • 4 months ago
Petersfield Town Crier surprised shoppers on a rainy Bank Holiday Monday by giving a Royal Proclamation to mark the first anniversary of the Coronation of King Charles III. She was accompanied by husband and deputy town crier, Martin, and "Mr Petersfield" David Weeks for the midday announcement in Rams Walk. Listen to what she said! Recording by Jo Gray of Shine Radio.
00:00 [Bell ringing]
00:03 Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!
00:12 On this day, the 6th of May in the year 2024,
00:19 let us celebrate the first anniversary of the glorious coronation
00:26 by true and venerable tradition of Charles Philip Arthur George,
00:32 our right and proper liege, Lord Charles III,
00:37 King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
00:41 and of his other realms and territories,
00:44 Head of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith.
00:49 Likewise, celebrate this first anniversary of the glorious coronation of Her Majesty the Queen Camilla.
01:00 Each and every steadfast subject is entreated to respectfully and jubilantly honour this anniversary.
01:10 And let us all reaffirm the hope that our King Charles and our Queen Camilla
01:19 enjoy a lasting, successful and healthy reign for many years to come.
01:27 God Save the King!
01:31 God Save the King!
01:33 Thank you!
01:35 [Applause]
