Gold Fundamental Analysis #Gold #XAUUSD #Goldfather #GoldfatherChannel #TraderNasPad #TFLIndonesia

  • 5 bulan yang lalu
Gold Fundamental Analysis #Gold #XAUUSD #Goldfather #GoldfatherChannel #TraderNasPad #TFLIndonesia

Gold reaches this level amid US interest rate cut bets and Middle East tensions

Global gold prices fell slightly during these moments of trading, today, Tuesday, as this coincides with an increase in bets that the US Central Bank will reduce interest rates later this year and an increase in demand for bullion as a safe haven in light of the ambiguity of the ceasefire in Gaza.

“Gold has been slowly building a base over the past week to show that demand is hovering around $2,280,” said Matt Simpson, chief analyst at City Index. “The Federal Reserve continues to build momentum around the next move that will potentially cut interest rates.”
Harga emas global sedikit turun selama sesi perdagangan ini, hari ini, Selasa, seiring dengan meningkatnya spekulasi bahwa Bank Sentral AS akan memangkas suku bunga lebih lanjut tahun ini dan peningkatan permintaan untuk emas batangan sebagai tempat perlindungan aman mengingat ketidakpastian gencatan senjata di Gaza.

"Emas telah secara perlahan membangun dasar selama seminggu terakhir untuk menunjukkan bahwa permintaan berada di sekitar $2.280," kata Matt Simpson, analis utama di City Index. "Federal Reserve terus membangun momentum di sekitar langkah berikutnya yang potensial untuk memotong suku bunga."
