Ty McLeod vs Dustin Long (02-03-2024) Full Fight

  • 4 months ago
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00:00 So here we go guys six rounds in the cruiserweight division. I so here we go
00:05 Dustin long is a promoter in
00:10 Tennessee
00:12 Time McCloud has fought on his card twice
00:15 They were supposed to fight three weeks ago, but the fight did not go through because time McCloud was the substitute for
00:26 Jake Paul who's fighting tonight Wow and and then so Justin Justin Long says I was gonna beat him before
00:33 I'm definitely gonna beat him now with the more time to train. So that was the backstory between these two guys
00:39 They know each other he fought on on on Dustin Long's
00:42 Cards before in Tennessee and have to fight against each other now the fighting gets it
00:46 They were supposed to fight three weeks ago, but that was a story. I just want to let everybody know. All right, so here we go
00:51 Round number one schedule for six rounds in the cruiser. I was so excited to say that story
00:56 We got
01:01 Chris join us for a few more to me
01:03 So tight time a cloud. He's ten and one nine by knockout, but my issue with him, which is not an issue
01:10 He shouldn't have an issue. He's fluctuated between weight classes for as low as middleweight now
01:16 He's up at cruiserweight. So I asked him about that. He said well, I don't want to fight lower
01:20 I'm just gonna fight here. You coming out very aggressive in the first round
01:23 I'm happy understand something if you can fight if you can punch a middleweight you can punch a cruiserweight
01:28 Do you put yeah, yeah, okay explain that please cuz I need to learn something
01:33 A middleweight that can punch can punch as a heavyweight, but you're going up from 160 you're going up 40 pounds
01:41 Okay, minimum minimum. Hold on James Tony
01:45 Right. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. But what I'm saying is they're natural punchers
01:52 We don't know if tie is that type of puncher? Yes, it looks good
01:55 Definitely gonna find out
02:00 But at 126 I was stretching guys that was way bigger
02:04 How big 40 pounds bigger cruiser heavy light heavy?
02:10 I'm not a 222 pound gal in the gym. I
02:14 Want to see what I want to see 200 to 222
02:17 So when you see a guy with a 10-in-one record 9 by knockout, you think he's a puncher
02:22 So I want to see if tie is really
02:24 That type of a puncher we're gonna find out we're gonna find out but you know what tides gonna be stronger
02:30 I mean, I take that back. He's gonna be quicker
02:32 Because he's lighter and used to be on his feel a bit more but this was a long time ago
02:36 So that he fought at middleweight. This is not like recently
02:38 You think his weight his body's adjusted to that weight I
02:43 Don't know debuted in 2017 one fight in 2023 one fight in 2024 not enough for me, but I'm not the fighter
02:50 Not much going on between both fighters
02:57 Still feel up a good left once I said that the good left hand by Ty McLeod. Yeah
03:03 Always opponents right hand
03:07 Again, he's looking right hook to the body
03:11 Obviously, he's doing he has the bigger man cornered
03:13 He's got
03:18 As he haven't heard I just put a tight defense
03:21 Which one is I don't think much landed good shot. Ty is the only one Oh good right hand by Dustin long
03:27 Ty won that round they tap each other's gloves going away in which here are the highlights frisco. Talk to me about it. I
03:37 Mean ties I you know stand and towering the police opponent
03:41 Nate what do you see? I see a lot of body hand I see a lot of I see a lot of body that Dustin was not
03:49 What time a cloud was not hitting just long standing a real tall with his hands up high
03:55 He should have went up top or bang bang right down to the body and once again, we are here
04:02 With two very very important individuals in the sport of Florida boxing
04:07 Christopher young referee of referees just getting being inducted into the Florida Boxing Hall of Fame in June and also
04:14 Florida Boxing Hall of Famer Damon Gonzalez. Thank you so much Chris for your time, man
04:19 How are you doing and you're doing doing double duty?
04:22 As being re-announced or I mean and commentating tonight here we go ladies and gentlemen with round number two
04:29 Scheduled for two six rounds in the cruiserweight division
04:32 Damon an honor to be here with you tonight
04:35 You're overseeing the main event and co-main event, but how are you liking the card so far? Thank you will thank you for having me
04:42 It's a great card so far. There's been really electric fights. You know Rios came out strong
04:48 We've seen some really competitive fights, and I'm really enjoying the show man
04:53 It's always a pleasure to be around you talk to you. You've been in the game so long now
04:57 Let's talk to me about time McLeod and Justin long. What are you seeing so far?
05:01 I know we're early in the fight, but what are you seeing so far in this fight? You know it's early on
05:07 McCloy's a good fighter
05:09 Throws his punches very straight, but you know it's a matter of where the punch lands
05:14 He has to position his feet right the land the right punch other than that
05:18 He's a really good fighter, and it's just a matter of time before he starts getting it going. It's still early on okay
05:24 You being the president of the NBA. What do you look at in fighters that you say okay?
05:30 They can fight for my title. They're worthy of fighting for an NBA title
05:34 You know the NBA boxing collaboration moves in the direction of the other sanctioned bodies
05:41 You know we like to to base it in the sport where every fighter gets an opportunity
05:45 Every fighter that demonstrates the the will and the heart of male and female that go in that ring and work
05:53 Extremely hard and what they do is very important to us is very important to us to
05:58 Keep that going and keep the ratings up where's these fighters get these opportunities early on in their career to build themselves
06:06 for bigger and better things of course
06:08 I'm gonna get right back to you in the day, so give me a second
06:11 We'll back to the action while we're still talking about that talking to Damon president of the NBA time is
06:17 slowly chipping away at
06:20 Dustin long letting his hands go putting combinations together good fight so far not much going on
06:27 But still a good fight Nate
06:29 Talk to me Justin long complains that he's getting hit in the back of the head backs himself into the ropes
06:34 I don't I tease off on him Nate talk to me
06:37 Justin long the top time is doing something this service by looking at his head if he is
06:43 He should be a he should be aiming for that that Chinese writing on his stomach
06:47 Oh, then he just hit him with a with a with a good left hook to the body. He should be going
06:53 He's too much head hunting. Yes. Yes
06:55 Yes, he is and this big guy can take it all night long and come back and break his back when he wants to
07:00 Frisco
07:04 Justin long is not backing up what he was what he said he was going to do still early in the fight
07:11 But what do you think he should be doing to eventually?
07:15 Overpower I live in Miami over here. I live in if he set up the angles
07:19 Little bit more pressure better
07:23 And that brings you to the end of round number two scheduled for six rounds in the heavyweight division
07:30 Between Dustin long and time of cloud Nate walk me through the highlights
07:34 I'm watching time of cloud do all the all this this really nice work upstairs with that big bodies long bodies there
07:41 He's not going there enough this night could be over now if you were going to the body. He's in a shell
07:46 punch around the shell
07:50 You know what
07:52 We did we saw him go go turtle hunt
07:55 Once you once you pull that pull that turtle shell off everything is inside of him now I
08:01 Hear what you're saying Nate and Frisco now. Why do fighters?
08:07 Knowing that the body is so susceptible. You know you can you can get a good knockout quick knockout
08:12 Why do fighters continue to head hunt every single time is that not an art that is that is taught to fighters that are coming?
08:19 Up no not today's fighters, and that's not they're not taught that and then you know remember stay here has a shell here
08:25 We go ladies and gentlemen round number three scheduled for six rounds in the cruiserweight division
08:30 Dustin long goes by the nickname all day and tie gods assassin McCloud
08:36 I
08:38 Watched in this sort of man stand outside Jack with a bigger man. I will have my head in his chest banging his body like a
08:47 drum
08:49 And you're talking about time time a cloud yeah, but you think he's doing well
08:54 He's winning around but the other guy ain't doing nothing, okay?
08:58 But I know you're talking about where he should be at, but do you think he still does good on the outside also?
09:02 No, yes, then do that much that well outside he fights his way in those a few shots
09:07 listen I
09:10 Am listening and also the listeners are listening to you with the guy like that's the long
09:14 That's long and imposes will this fight will be over for time a cloud Oh head clash
09:19 And Michael there's no blood
09:24 Even Christopher young perfect timing to bring you in there was a clear
09:31 Um a clash of heads, and this is you know you looking from the outside being a great referee
09:37 Should they have given Dustin long a timeout to the corners and and and see what the heck is go?
09:44 I'm excuse my language see what's going on with with Dustin long well only if there's any damage
09:49 It appears that you know damage and um try to keep the fight going and I believe mr.
09:54 DeJesus did a good job of doing so
09:57 Exactly I mean what you was gonna. Say oh yeah, oh, oh it was a business about his box head clashes happen
10:03 But are some intentional intentional no it wasn't
10:07 That is the voice of Christopher young like I said before of Florida boxing Hall of Famer eat the referee
10:15 Another head clash and now Michael DeJesus gives a timeout. I'm not gonna sit here and argue with me
10:25 Another head head clash
10:27 It's not he's not
10:29 First of all there's no reason that I think yep. There is blood there is blood from the head clash
10:33 left left eyebrow
10:37 Christian should my shouldn't Michael take that to look to be looked at by the doctor right now is not impairing his vision
10:43 I mean place we have a softball versus orthodox. No chances that that are happening
10:47 Yeah, and hopefully this won't be too impactful of the fight and hopefully the fight come to us and that's a conclusion
10:54 And it's a part about it is
10:56 Everybody's talking about the head class wise even close to the hitting with a very true. He's a big man
11:03 Push me walking a jab blood trickling down. I have some long left eyelid not impairing his vision just like referee
11:12 Christopher young just mentioned, but still something that we do have to look at moving forward in the fight
11:18 Why we gotta look at it? Well it might get even worse
11:22 And
11:24 Any point it is that Dustin long point at the cut and say this very effective is busy obviously
11:31 Dustin long he puts himself back to the road time McCloy
11:36 Unloading on Dustin long to bring us to the end of round number three
11:42 scheduled for six rounds in the cruiserweight division
11:46 Chris yes
11:50 I know I have to bring you in talk to me about the highlights talk to me about what you're seeing right now
11:54 Well, I saw Mike he had to call timeout
11:58 Trying to assist the fighter regarding the pituitary cut but the fight come you know between the fight and um
12:04 I come clouds coming in there trying to finish him off. He feel like he got a wounded arm duck in there
12:09 Why the referee Michael did not take that to the doctor to be looked at?
12:13 It was a severe enough
12:16 But he's been the doctor in now in between on the rounds to make sure that the cut
12:20 Not severe enough that it would cause him for the damage or
12:23 I say
12:26 No
12:29 Well, let's see I see when you see the cut
12:32 So right now the time might be called and doctors look at the cut right now
12:45 Time is being called yeah, my referee Michael de Jesus
12:48 He's going to see the doctor neutral corners and now calls the fighters back in time
12:54 quickly
12:57 Runs over to his opponent
13:00 Senses that his his opponent is ready to go Dustin all day long with the cut on his left eyebrow I
13:07 don't
13:13 Activate me when I sit all man allowing a short man to walk in you should send him through here
13:19 So why is that he's got to reach right?
13:21 He's got the height
13:22 Beating these and use it use it and and what I'm gonna say rest in peace of the legend of training Jimmy Williams
13:28 Yes
13:29 He would tell me draw a line or you'll hear it draw a line in the sand and make him cross and make him cross
13:33 And make you
13:35 Draw a line the same and make him cross
13:41 Hey, you should say eight make up Mac charging from real estate
13:44 D Jimmy Williams DJ will do one two by time the cloud
13:54 Now we've all been in there okay in the heat of the battle
14:06 Do some of these fighters do they like ah man? I'm not going to the body
14:10 They just focus on the head and continue to focus on the head is that something that I?
14:14 Don't know what's going on
14:17 Yeah, you're but no yeah, but that's destiny. That's the long. He's a tall guy you gotta take his body
14:22 Yeah, you have a lot of target. You know a
14:24 Lot of target. There's no way he would still be hanging around with me right here. I was swept for Eminem I
14:33 Need a translation I would be digging shots
14:35 I be digging shots underneath his elbows around the hips
14:39 He would be mad with me make you wouldn't even come off the body no if you were time a cloud no his body would
14:45 Be the same colors my gloves can you translate that for me? Yeah?
14:48 You know I totally understand this one this one. I got this one and Dustin long turns Southpaw
14:53 Trying to figure out a way to pierce tights the tile time of clouds defense. No he's trying to get to that I
15:02 Mean
15:04 If the cow was had what happened throughout with through a punch
15:07 And he keeps aggravated rather the the dice is gonna stop the fight
15:11 And I'm gonna tell you something long can't punch because he don't put no weight on his shots
15:14 Everything you throw his arm his record seven wins four losses two draws four knockouts out of the seven wins against who?
15:22 Great question, but it's still
15:25 For knockouts, I'm guessing that's that's my defense for Dustin all day long. Oh, no we get it we get it we get it
15:33 Do they know where you know good body shot good right hook by time a cloud?
15:39 Time a cloud is slapping and walking in slapping. We're down to our last 10 seconds of round number four time a cloud
15:47 Comfortably in our opinion ahead obviously our scorecards are unofficial
15:53 But you will agree with me both of you Frisco's
15:58 Nate and we can't ask Chris that question, but yes, you will agree with me. Yeah, they are comfortably ahead time a cloud
16:04 He's winning
16:06 And lazy uneventful
16:10 We're very pedestrian and pedestrian fight
16:13 But we do see skills in time a cloud. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna give you one
16:19 Does he does he turn his punches over no no he's slapping
16:25 Is he is he is he is your technical technical knees down walk no, but he's winning this fight
16:31 It's all about but that that's why my
16:33 At the top of this fight. I said I want to see because you see a 10 1 9 k.o.
16:39 Right you would say okay this guy could punch, but that's what I wanted to see yeah, and we haven't seen that
16:45 So we're going into round number four
16:49 I'm gonna take a guess round number four schedule for six rounds in the cruiserweight division excuse me
16:54 I apologize correction round number five scheduled for six rounds in the cruiserweight division
16:58 Dustin long all day versus Ty
17:01 God's assassin McCloud and my problem is he ain't jab one time yet, and you're talking about Justin ain't at one time
17:08 Yeah, he hasn't he hasn't any and he's got days. That's that's got that's his advantage. Yes. He's giving up
17:13 He's giving up the fight to this young man now by looking at him by looking at him Chris
17:18 I'm gonna ask you this question how tall do you think Justin all day long is five six five?
17:22 I'm gonna say six five six four. Yeah
17:24 So now remember what I said he's coming from a basketball background
17:30 That's that play a part and him not knowing what he has to do even though the most basic shot is a jab watch this
17:37 Oh good
17:39 Best cause for basketball basketball basketball basketball you have a point God you're absolutely right
17:46 You're absolutely so this has nothing to do with sport crossover
17:51 I mean, I'm just you know trying to figure out why he's not maybe the condition aspect of it a little bit, but that
17:57 Nobody hasn't he hasn't even started good combination now by Ty McCloud
18:02 Putting putting combinations together putting those are the punches together
18:06 These are all arm punches and a bitch slapping in I
18:12 Will repeat myself again Nate ten one nine by knockout. We're seeing I'm seeing I asked you the question
18:20 I posed the question I want to see what those nine knockouts are from where they can you see that record?
18:26 It was a good opponents. We're not going that deep into the rabbit hole. I'm not doing that right now
18:31 I don't have time for all that um
18:33 What can Dustin long?
18:36 Do to possibly change a up?
18:38 What's the jab exactly good good job good calling call the jab?
18:42 Well get the follow-up with the right combination
18:45 On the outside that's what he's gay missing. He's not doing it
18:50 He's just standing right in front of yeah time the cloud
18:53 There's a song by David weapon called statue of a fool
19:03 He does exactly what?
19:06 you're calling him a statue of a fool
19:08 Imagine it imagine that was to see imagine it was for the whole world to see a statue of a fool made out of gold
19:16 Image of a man let love slip through his hand, but there's still time left. There's still time left
19:22 We're not saying Dustin all day long is out of the fight all day long
19:26 Deal on cuz I think boxing
19:30 Anything's possible gentlemen yeah, it is well guess what but it ain't probable
19:35 Cuz he's not doing what he's supposed to be
19:39 Materialize the knockout that's what you're trying to say Nate it ain't gonna just happen
19:43 It's not just gonna happen who was gonna happen just a little good jab by time
19:46 You know time's gonna wake up what I go to fall and hit his face on the canvas on his own and that brings us
19:51 To the end of round number five one round left in a schedule six round
19:55 I don't know if he deserves to see Frisco talk to me about the highlights
19:59 Nate talk to me there's a talk about one guy's point another guy's watching that easy
20:08 That's that easy one can't wait put the pressure on right one one way traffic
20:13 Look, I'm a pussy through like nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen doesn't love I think I saw zero
20:21 I didn't I might have missed one
20:24 I'm just I'm just saying it's not even to do it. Are you disappointed in time?
20:31 Oh, yeah, I'm just totally disappointed and a man that height with that much reach and not using it and I do jealousy jealousy
20:37 Jealous of what?
20:40 I'm a giant
20:42 No, no, he's not taking advantage of you
20:47 I was got a guy next to natural talent with his height and he's reach advantage here
20:51 We go ladies and gentlemen with the sixth and final round
20:53 Dustin all day long if you're versus Ty God's
20:56 assassin McCloud
20:59 But then when he told the jab is trash. Oh good good right right hook to the body of time McCloud
21:07 And Dustin long opening up a little bit in the sixth and final round what is
21:12 And another headbutt
21:16 Wow
21:17 By time of clouds now look I'm gonna ask Christopher young and Nate and Frisco is it becoming Michael day, too?
21:25 Bell takes a point away from time McCloud and he's shy
21:31 For repeated head, but this is why I asked you guys the question is it on purpose don't matter is on purpose
21:38 He's warning okay, but then
21:40 Does it matter if it's on purpose?
21:42 Did you warn it tell us Chris is if it keeps happening over and over again?
21:46 Accidental or not you pin them to the fighter at a disadvantage, so you have to draw the line somewhere got it
21:53 He decided to grant a good point
21:55 And try to get his attention to stop yes, we're leading with your head Dustin long
22:02 Doing much much better, but it might be too little too late in this fight
22:08 I mean is opening up in this fight right now look at this one on his eyes on his right eye
22:12 Yeah, I think but those I think are more from that from the head bugs. Yeah on the right eye
22:17 Yeah on the right one the left eye on the left eye if we're looking from here
22:25 How I want to these nine knockouts I
22:27 Am okay now the fluctuation in weight. Do you think he should go down from cruiserweight?
22:33 I'm just asking you know a regular question you think this weight class is too heavy for me for him
22:37 Absolutely it is he's not he's not he's not as big as he should be
22:41 And I think he'd be stronger at that way great point, but what weight class are you talking about what we can't
22:47 You can take a look at 175 168
22:51 168 middleweight, I think I think he's a good-sized middleweight. Yeah
22:54 He's definitely not a heavyweight. He's not definitely not a good combination put together by time McLeod there ended with a short right hook
23:03 Time McLeod
23:10 Looking a little bit of love give me a good South Pole boxer that pivots to his right you would recall
23:17 Give me a minute
23:20 Marvin Hagley would not pivot give me a little bit of
23:22 Peace sweet people no Whitaker man great one of the better better chance looking like Marvin and Cornell stop yes, I agree I agree but I
23:31 Agree but I was going the same about as Christopher Young the way time McLeod was pivoting in that little sequence of
23:39 Events that was just happening and a bad thing
23:42 No frustration name calm down. Okay. I can't I can't I can't watch a guy that tall
23:50 It's aggravating
23:52 Frustrating it
23:54 Man, is that frustrating? Oh my god. I hear Doc Williams right now
23:58 Look at boy. Let me tell you something down to our last 10 seconds of the six and five
24:04 Doc Williams cover coming down next thing. Yes stupid
24:07 Gentlemen, it goes the distance between Dustin all day long and tie God's assassin
24:17 Wow, you know what this round is fight
24:19 so the judges
24:22 While we're just waiting for the decision. We have Joe where?
24:26 60 will go 60 and
24:30 Showing Richard. Those are the three judges 55 59 because he's not around for one point. Okay. Yeah you did
24:38 So, how are we seeing unanimous decision? Yeah for time McLeod?
24:42 Chris
24:43 That unanimous decision I like your scores
24:46 while we
24:49 Okay, um while we wait for
24:52 Bob Alexander to get the scorecards. Let me just give a shout out to our sponsors tonight. Le Hill biogenics, but like AT&T
25:00 DFC you financial Macintyre than a CDs and a lessee bakery and the NBA the National Boxing Association
25:08 Thank you so much for teaming up with the lessee promotions
25:11 Man so uh guys we are five five six fights in
25:16 Good card so halfway good match make halfway halfway. Yep. I'll say halfway yet. We have 12 about yeah
25:23 I love watching long fights like this. Oh my it's good. It's so fun
25:27 It's a gives us a lot to talk about makes our job easier
25:30 Yeah, well, we have fighters that are willing to fight and we got a material and put and put a lot on the line
25:36 Yeah, I love it. I love it
25:38 I'm gonna toss it to Florida Boxing Hall of Famer. Mr. Bob Alexander with the decision
25:44 Ladies and gentlemen before the decision, let's have a nice round of applause for both fighters, please
26:04 Ladies
26:06 And gentlemen from the Hilton downtown Tampa after six rounds of boxing we go to the scorecards
26:15 Judge shammy Shipman scores about
26:19 5855
26:22 judges Brayden Jackson and Joe Ware both scored about
26:26 5954 for the winner by unanimous decision
26:34 Ty
26:36 McCloud
26:38 I as expected a unanimous decision. I think it was a clear-cut. I do apologize because you know, I
26:46 Because of the point taken away point taken away otherwise over a 60, you know, I'm taking away
26:53 so good good good workman like
