]Hit and Sit Podcast - May 8th Wed, May 08, 2024 10:30 AM to 12:02 PM

  • 4 months ago
00:01:07yes the all blacks all black genesis one piece was my signature bat when I
00:01:11first came back
00:19:07yes the all blacks uh all black genesis one piece was my signature bat when i
00:19:10first came back um that was just quite amazing yes the all blacks uh all black
00:19:31yes the all blacks uh all black genesis one piece was my signature bat when i
00:19:35first came back um that was just quite amazing up until present the bats have
00:19:40just been top-notch they've been just at the top of the game we brought back
00:19:44that one piece genesis and it was like a light switch went off night and day it
00:19:49just it was just it was just it was just it was just it was just it was just
00:19:54at the top of the game we brought back that one piece genesis and it was like a
00:19:58light switch went off night and day it just it was such an amazing bat everybody
00:20:02jumped back on to Louisville Slugger knowing that the product they were
00:20:05getting were just going to be amazing and uh that was the start of what we have
00:20:08now which is just unreal bats
00:21:28to the hit and sit show episode 38 i'm your host steve robs from i-57 roofing
00:21:33beaches construction this morning we got a star-studded cast of tyler irvine his
00:21:39first baseman from roof x swings pierre also tournament mvp from texas legends
00:21:44tournament good morning tyler what's up fellas glad to be back hey welcome we
00:21:51also got joel sanchez sourced up from sports reach swings d marini joel how
00:21:56you doing this morning good what's up with you guys and as always dw from
00:22:03conference you triple s a.com uh jack of all trades for everything for us
00:22:08always uh doing great things for the conference dw how are you doing good
00:22:16all right dw i'm going to turn it over to you uh to go ahead and share uh
00:22:21thoughts of the tournaments that's taking place so far and uh we'll get
00:22:25started yeah bernie could share my screen i'm just going to give a quick
00:22:29rundown of the 2024 conference season so far uh these are the top four
00:22:38finishers in each tournament las vegas we had nitro circus knocking off lsr
00:22:43lsr gave him a nice run uh after nitro circus member had too many bats in the
00:22:49bucket in the winner's bracket final so they forfeited the game they dropped to
00:22:54the loser's bracket they ran the table double-dipped lsr but lsr gave him a
00:22:59gave him a good run as as maybe the top eight team early in the season then we
00:23:04went to the hall of fame classic duel on baseball fields where's mondo
00:23:09undefeated 12 and 0 uh and the only other team that well sunnies gave him a
00:23:16game in the in the first uh duel they went seven innings at least but
00:23:22rismando averaged 44.7 runs per seven innings think about that that is
00:23:29unbelievable uh they win both tournaments rufax did have two third
00:23:34place finishes you see lsr with another second place there uh for the top eight
00:23:41team at that event and then we went to texas 300 foot fields rufax went
00:23:48undefeated played seven innings in almost every game uh but they do come
00:23:53away with the win over i-57 roofing in both the winner's bracket final and the
00:23:58championship game straight play third sports reach fourth here's a picture of
00:24:03nitro circus after they won las vegas you see uh some elite players on that
00:24:10double a team philip washington chris grinder uh josh cardwell josh kirsten
00:24:17so then we go to the rismando picture of course they won both hall of fame
00:24:24duels uh although they don't lead the points because they've only played two
00:24:29tournaments they should leave the points after phoenix i'm guessing uh
00:24:34here's a picture of rufax wearing their competitive edge shirts uh at texas
00:24:41after they won and beat your team steve uh in the finals of the texas legends
00:24:48last week and real quick over on conferenceutralsa.com you have the
00:24:53computer rankings you can see rismando rufax uh sonny's third lsr fourth i-57
00:25:03down there in eighth where's the sports reach seventh place joelle on this panel
00:25:10here in the top eight in the computer rankings with uh rismando 5.7 if they
00:25:18if they were able to maintain that which i'm sure they can't 5.7 ranked for
00:25:25rismando's the highest ranking in the history of the computer rankings uh if
00:25:30you look at the points nitro circus has played every tournament so they lead
00:25:35the points they will be the number one seed uh for phoenix this week lsr has
00:25:41played every tournament you see i-57 roofing uh third uh you guys are off
00:25:47this week and then uh joelle sports reach down there in ninth and i think i
00:25:52have one more slide miss yeah i don't know if you can see this too well but
00:25:56this would be the world series bracket if we based it off the points today you
00:26:03can see it'd be a pretty wild bracket with rismando playing juno in the first
00:26:08round as the seven and ten seeds uh rufax down there as the four sports
00:26:14reaches the nine i-57 of course would have been the three so that's just fun
00:26:19to look at uh we'll take it back to you steve yeah no uh definitely a wild
00:26:27season so far uh month of april was brutal for a lot of teams with the way
00:26:32the conference schedule went but uh i think uh you know joelle i know you're
00:26:36not playing this weekend as well as us uh it's kind of nice to get just a
00:26:40little bit of time off to to recoup or whatnot so let's go ahead and start
00:26:45with uh all the panelists here i'll start with you tyler how's the start of
00:26:48season going for your team from your perspective and really how do you feel
00:26:53about yourself personally as a as a hitter and defensively so far this year
00:26:57compared to last year um as a team it's tough not to be really happy with what
00:27:03we've done i mean back-to-back thirds at the duel i mean i'm sure dw will agree
00:27:08you can get two top three finishes at the duel that's a good weekend would we
00:27:13have liked to at least been in a championship game sure but just didn't
00:27:17work out lost our first one of the second duel and that's always a tough
00:27:21game especially if you've not been in that position a lot where you play late
00:27:25on sunday and then roll right or late on friday and roll right into that second
00:27:29duel so we had a tough loss against bay area which is a is going to be a good
00:27:34team they'll knock some teams off you know every weekend they play and they'll
00:27:38make some good runs but what we did that saturday where we played six in a row
00:27:43and made it to sunday was huge for us it really set the set the tone that no
00:27:47matter what position we get in we can get out of and you know when you play
00:27:51joel you'll agree when we play you play a lot of games in a row and you get on a
00:27:55run the chemistry just starts to happen without even trying so that was a good
00:28:01weekend we worked our way into ulis and you know you were expected to win that
00:28:06one if you will but even expecting or should that's sometimes the hardest
00:28:11tournaments to win because your backs against the wall every game and i think
00:28:15that's a big reason why we played seven innings is we got everybody's best game
00:28:19that weekend and you know makes for fun baseball when you place it or fun fun
00:28:24softball when you play seven innings so uh as for me though defensively it has
00:28:30been a drastic change just the way they play defense the way they set up the way
00:28:34they like to move it's very different than the two pitchers i played with for
00:28:38the last three years you know so just a little bit of you know adjusting to
00:28:43their style of play and making sure that i fit their mold and because at the end
00:28:48of the day as a first baseman it doesn't matter like you're just there to take
00:28:53care of the infielders and try not to get in the way of anything and then
00:28:58hitting you know i've i felt good hitting i spent a lot of time hitting
00:29:02this offseason working on different swings and making sure that i'm ready
00:29:06for the smaller fields and then understanding my roles on the big fields
00:29:09with this team and i mean but it's been it's been a lot slower this year for me
00:29:14in the box this is i think year four or five total in the conference and i think
00:29:19this is the first year i've kind of felt myself just settle in a little bit and
00:29:23be a little more comfortable and have a plan when i failed a couple times and
00:29:27before i would fail you know one or two at bats miss my hole and next thing i
00:29:31know i'm one for five in a game and so just trying to eliminate those multiple
00:29:36outs per game because not only does it hurt the team but it hurts you mentally
00:29:40and you got to just try to minimize the damage you know one out can't turn into
00:29:45two two can't turn into four so on and so forth but overall man i mean i'd give
00:29:52us an a-minus from the first three tournaments but i'm excited to see what
00:29:57happens this weekend back on the big fields yeah i mean um one of the
00:30:03questions i had for you too just coming from competitor that had some previous
00:30:07years to that roof x dugout um do you feel like you had to take your game to
00:30:13another level just with how intense those guys are and everything else to
00:30:18make sure that you're at that level what goes through your mind before tournament
00:30:22or do they kind of have that through messenger and everything else to make
00:30:26sure everybody's kind of on the same page yeah i mean look those guys are
00:30:30naturally energized ready to play as soon as they step into the as soon as we get
00:30:35to bp we might have hit more bp in the first three tournaments than we hit all
00:30:40last year before games so matching them is absolutely impossible because that's
00:30:46just not how i've ever played baseball or softball i'm a real laid back have
00:30:51fun smile talk to people on the field like i've always just played better that
00:30:55way and you know those guys some of them are more intense some of them are in
00:31:01your face yelling and they want to win like i mean of course i want to win but
00:31:05just their their grid their tenacity is it's on display every game and i just
00:31:11play a much calmer game and i try not to leave that because when i leave that i
00:31:15usually don't play as well so not trying to match them because i would probably
00:31:20have a heart attack if i tried to match their energy and they just are on go
00:31:25mode a hundred percent of the time they stay on me about running the bases hard
00:31:29that first weekend at the duel and i was like guys i'm gonna run hard but i'm
00:31:33two hundred and sixty pounds like it just i don't move like y'all do but it's
00:31:40nice to have them it's nice to have them on sunday mornings and late and late in
00:31:44the weekend so yes always curious how you know i'm a big dugout guy so it's one
00:31:51of those things where if you got guys that are intense it tends to just bring
00:31:55out the best of your abilities in general so it was fun watching you guys
00:32:00together a couple games we played against you guys and seeing how all that
00:32:03works i definitely think it's a great fit and those were definitely some fun
00:32:09games so joel moving on to you same question how's the start of season gone
00:32:13for you guys how are you hitting it how do you feel it looks like you've
00:32:17actually looks like you've been in the gym quite a bit too bud just looking at
00:32:21your how you look physically out there as well stop i'm gonna take you
00:32:26everywhere stop that no the wife has me in some 5 a.m. spin class there you go
00:32:31that's my big secret so like but now for you i prepare because like i want to
00:32:37win i like taking this seriously i like being a part of this game this little
00:32:42community this thing this little circus if you will bro sports reach has been a
00:32:48breath of fresh air for me bro like everybody first of all like just i'm
00:32:54like you know i like to lean a little bit more towards the defense because
00:32:57like you know i like to get all the guys i like hitting you know hey go do your
00:33:00thing i just don't want to get out i look all around and i'm here like this
00:33:04is wonderful and then we haven't even like completely figured it out really
00:33:09we're just it's like a little melting pot not everybody's we don't we haven't
00:33:16even figured it out we got fourth place twice and then like when we have lost
00:33:21it's like you couldn't even pinpoint where you lost the game you know what i'm
00:33:26saying like usually like if you're bad teammates like which is one fun thing
00:33:30like you automatically point fingers and that is already toxic like no you
00:33:34shouldn't even be there but like when we look at the games and we look at it
00:33:37we're like how did we lose that and then we try to piece them together we're like
00:33:41oh snap it's a it's a it's a really interesting environment you know i'm
00:33:47saying like at first i always used to say stuff like like for instance mr.
00:33:52Irvine yo you guys got a double-a championship team and then you got last
00:33:56year's double-a championship team and then you guys win and i'm here like that
00:34:01could go really wrong and it hasn't it's wonderful it's like two little colts
00:34:06that drink the same kool-aid it's wonderful i like that and so you brought
00:34:11a couple of the sne boys with the precision boys and the sports reach boys
00:34:16and then you just put them all under god over here and then it's just like mike
00:34:21haney has been doing such a good job corralling all our personalities because
00:34:27like when you have me and dagmar over here and then you have austin andrews in
00:34:32the back i wish you guys sat next to each other and heard that conversation
00:34:37it's hysterical and then you know it just it only gets um i think i'm having
00:34:43fun i don't know i don't know if that's allowed to be said in the softball world
00:34:47like oh like i hear what you're saying ty like i like to chat you get the second
00:34:53i'll be like a great hit bro that's me that's how i roll i can't have you all
00:34:58like i hope you die twice like that's not my jam like i'm not sorry i'm gonna
00:35:04outdo you but i'm gonna tell you you're doing great you know so it's like the
00:35:08beginning of the season it's been it's been a lot better mentally speaking uh
00:35:14physically like bro is it once again it shows you that like oh i should have
00:35:18stretched more of my 20s blah blah blah like those things you know but hey man
00:35:23like so far it's been going pretty good so far it's all right we uh i want to
00:35:29disagree on one point that you made the people that you shouldn't have lost to
00:35:34listen everybody in the conference is really really really really good like lsr
00:35:41and bay area and beaches and every a team i think everybody's pretty straight
00:35:47across the board how many times do people gotta sleep on west point and lose
00:35:51the west point to be like wait a minute maybe they're like yo hey i think this
00:35:56year i'll say it again i said it last year but this year i mean a little more
00:35:59even if the major teams came into the double a world series i don't think they
00:36:03win it i think the competition is pretty hard yeah and you didn't build your team
00:36:08for that either right as a major team like 325 hardcore balls no thank you i'm
00:36:15good on that yeah man but no it's good it's going all right it's going all right
00:36:19for now we will we're piecing everything together everything is uh slowly meshing
00:36:25we're slowly meshing no you bring up a good point when it comes to uh the
00:36:31diversity between all the divisions i think the fact that there's less teams
00:36:35and teams were able to pick up some of the higher level guys across the board
00:36:39there's not a game that you could take off at all um or even an ending for that
00:36:44matter you got to be scoring every inning deep into theirs make a huge difference
00:36:49um you know to me i think i think the schedule this year too not to divulge too
00:36:55much but going from being on 300 foot fields to baseball sized fields and back
00:37:00and forth your team's got to take certain approaches and bp and everything else to
00:37:04prepare for that week in week out it's a definitely a different schedule than what
00:37:08we're used to in past years you know from that regard so um one question for you
00:37:13joelle when you guys went from i believe you had a really good placing your first
00:37:17duel and then the second duel coming out you know a lot of double a teams they
00:37:21didn't have a good door one way or the other reason for that were you guys just
00:37:26like you know a lot of guys just kind of like uh tired from carrying over or is
00:37:31that just the grind of being in a duel you know those are some of the questions
00:37:34that we're getting from fans i have all of my personalities here ready to answer
00:37:41different perspectives i'm going to try and give you like two or three number one
00:37:45when we started that second duel first of all we did really good in that first
00:37:49duel and i think that's a big deal because everybody's fresh i don't want to
00:37:53hear that you're tired you face me mano a mano toe to toe right then and there
00:37:58number two the era is crazy to play at the era is bananas and if you played
00:38:06there and if you don't agree with i'm saying you didn't play there like the
00:38:11wind the alligators the people stealing foul balls the wind the rain the parking
00:38:17the guy at the beginning having you scan your credit card you got to put your
00:38:21number hey can you get me hey what's going on yo that place is called crazy
00:38:27thank god the fields are so good the way they are how dare you i don't know my
00:38:32credit card number i know when i get that i'm gonna know it by the end of the
00:38:35weekend so then our first game on saturday we play west point and the wind
00:38:45is category like the trees behind the field was going to go this way like that
00:38:52so that means no one's pulling it and we lost by one or two it was a great game
00:38:58you hear west point we are proud of our team oh bro that hits you in the soul
00:39:04she does that on purpose hey i don't mind losing to them the way that we lost
00:39:08to them because like yo nick canfield was an old school boy of mine kendall
00:39:12freaking yo everybody there played a good game i'm not gonna knock him down we
00:39:15lost we lost and then the next day we come and we face lob i don't know if you
00:39:21guys saw that game but it was hysterical it had everything it had the jam shots
00:39:26it had the 8 a.m like oh snap nobody scored by the third inning there were
00:39:31home runs and warning track shots and the guy diving into the stop clock to
00:39:35get rockaball do well for the last time bro like i couldn't tell you i couldn't
00:39:40tell you how many banana sandwich things happened we went in fourth place to
00:39:44oh and two right of the gate and i was just like bro that's softball and what's
00:39:48funnier than that is that's not the worst i've done when i was two three years
00:39:54ago my first year we lost both duels oh and two on friday i didn't even make it
00:40:03to saturday like yo like it was what yo like is it bro it is what it is we just
00:40:09things just landed the other way we only lost by one run both games and like we
00:40:14scored like 30 plus runs in both so like the guys they have a little bit different
00:40:18person but the thing is like i put all the perspectives in there like you can't
00:40:22pinpoint places you can't like you know just different weird things happen weird
00:40:29weird things happen in something for instance this this past dallas i hit into
00:40:33my first double play in like two years i hit it to the center fielder and the
00:40:38center fielder throws it into my dugout hits jimmy ward on the shoulder and the
00:40:42guy goes runners out bro that bro weird things happen first one in four years
00:40:51you got to get those numbers up joel listen i'm i'm just trying not to get
00:40:56out ty just trying not to get out so tyler speaking of florida uh one of the
00:41:03questions that we got coming into this was hitting at a space coast stadium
00:41:07compared to 300 foot field especially somebody with your power like what's
00:41:11your what's your plate approach there like with that many home runs are you
00:41:15just looking to go gap or gone or it's all dependent on the wind obviously but
00:41:19yeah really like what what goes through your mind when you get in that box
00:41:23well let's just assume the impossible happens and there's no wind at space
00:41:27coast right you're just you're just zero no wind just total neutral conditions
00:41:34i mean for me it's it's gap or go it doesn't change much i unless you know we
00:41:40just go on a tear and hit 15 home runs in the first three innings i just have
00:41:45yet to see in four years there be a situation where it's not gap or go for me
00:41:51i mean my first two at bats with ptg back in 2018 2019 before we were even
00:41:57there's our first year as a conference team 2019 i mean we played on a field
00:42:02the wind was blowing straight in at like 40 miles an hour we were playing
00:42:06worsham when they were blue baby blue workman steer and no one my first two
00:42:14at bats i hit a home run and i'm like oh this is this this is easy and then the
00:42:19next two at bats i mean i hit them but just missed them and they were 10 feet
00:42:24short of the fence and i was like okay that was different but now it's it's
00:42:29simply gap or go all the time i mean even even with wind blowing in i mean i'm
00:42:33just i can't change that because the second you try to change that like when
00:42:38we had the bad batch of stadiums right guys had to start trying to play the game
00:42:43at the stadium and that is that is more difficult especially for me of course
00:42:48but i think a lot of guys would agree it is more difficult to play the game at
00:42:54the stadium than it is to just free swing and go gap or go because of how deep
00:42:59everybody is the holes are just not there they may look big but the next thing you
00:43:04know you're running down the baseline and it's not 65 feet anymore and you got
00:43:08you got jojo throwing you out from shallow left field and it's just like it
00:43:15takes away a lot of the game so pick that big hole in the infield and you're
00:43:19thinking gap or go right through that six hole or five hole whatever is open
00:43:24yeah i figured with you that that was pretty much the case so and really that's
00:43:29why you know most teams have you there for a reason for that too so i mean
00:43:33that's your job and everybody's got a different approach there i will say just
00:43:38from playing in florida this year i'm right there with you well depending on
00:43:42conditions man it's it's a night and day difference that's why i recommend to
00:43:46any team that's going to go get your team out there a day early get acclimated
00:43:51understand what's going on go from there those are kind of lessons learned we
00:43:55took from you know last year or whatnot and uh and really uh florida is just a
00:44:00different beast so uh yeah but dw any thoughts on the three tournaments from
00:44:05your end uh anything you want to share before we move on the next segment yeah
00:44:09i was just going to comment on like uh the teams that are fun to watch right
00:44:16uh judging by the views on the videos it's still rismando number one rismando
00:44:21had the team name in the andy purcell era in the 2000s 2010s and then of course
00:44:28helmer's group the laser vision group took over the rismando sponsorship so now
00:44:34you have so you have the name recognition from the 20 years they were the purcell
00:44:40rismando and then now you have the laser vision helmer group coming over that has
00:44:45their own popularity so rismando and their average in 44 runs a game in the
00:44:51baseball stadium which is crazy uh you put that together they're the most
00:44:56popular team right and and you can watch them this weekend on utrip let's say
00:45:02live.com uh next week on the condensed games more than likely and then the
00:45:07next week on the condensed games more than likely on youtube so but then roof
00:45:13x has become the second most popular uh you know they started as uh rock run uh
00:45:20they moved up they added some of the ohio players they added mooch and
00:45:25mclanahan last year they win the double a now they they merge sort of merge with
00:45:30the four guys from competitive edge and they add patrick center from uh chick
00:45:35fil a and all sudden they all those guys bring their own popularity to plus the roof
00:45:42x phenomenon uh so they're the second most popular team and then uh third third
00:45:49is mpt believe it or not juno athletics and then fourth is sunnies uh so you know
00:45:55i-57 sports reach team should should our fans should uh follow you guys as well
00:46:02you're fun to a lot of fun yeah especially if you like defense that seems to be one
00:46:07thing a lot of people like is defense so we like the square dance we don't i have
00:46:12to say from what i've seen texas legends and now to me the batted ball speeds are
00:46:19up way up and maybe joel can talk about that but texas legends the ball speeds
00:46:25were way up so there were times where infielders didn't look so great but i thought
00:46:30it was the best defensive tournament that we've had maybe in the last two years
00:46:36um so i just wanted to throw that in there
00:46:40well oh and steve i had one question for you that i get from people uh how
00:46:47are our sponsors names listed on a team how do you how do you go about doing it
00:46:55so the way we do it for us is it's based on money invested um you know some sponsors
00:47:01they they may have a way of like how they want to be listed or whatnot and they may
00:47:05come into play but it was pretty simple we do give love to everybody we have a shirt
00:47:11for each sponsor so i know the sponsors have a problem with that but we figured that that's
00:47:16probably the best way best way to do it and it's how we did it last year too so um but
00:47:22yeah um yeah going on your point by the way as far as defense i will say like in the games
00:47:28that we had in texas like mcclanahan made a couple plays against us for instance that
00:47:33were just out of his mind that i don't even know how he got the ball speed to first base
00:47:39after diving for a ball like that and i and i think the center fielders that's in the
00:47:43game right now you know you take double a yoder from rufus broom from i-50 there's so
00:47:49many good center fielders that i just think athletically it's there's never been a better
00:47:57group of athleticism across the board that i've seen in what probably the last two years
00:48:01specifically so um with that said um let's move right into it so teams that you guys
00:48:09have enjoyed watching or playing against i mean we'll start with you tyler like it's
00:48:12a fun topic people people put that out there they're they always like to get from a player's
00:48:17perspective who you enjoy maybe makes your game come up to another level as well but
00:48:22what's some of the teams that you've noticed that you've really not only enjoyed watching
00:48:27but really bring the best out of you well i'll start with who i've enjoyed watching
00:48:32this year and that's that's y'all man i-57 beaches y'all been just an absolute treat
00:48:38to watch this year i mean taking guys that it's it i won't say like person to person
00:48:45it matches up but like the general idea of what y'all have done is kind of like what
00:48:51we did our very first year is competitive edge as an a team right an island of misfit
00:48:55toys almost like three four years ago i didn't have a phone call in the offseason i had no
00:49:01team i was done from softball i was almost 30 i was told my wife i would be done if it
00:49:06just didn't make sense and then out of nowhere late november we pieced together this team
00:49:12of guys that nobody's essentially ever heard of and you know maybe one or two here or there
00:49:18that have made some noise and i just feel like y'all have that type of team where you
00:49:22got some guys that have been in the conference right that have made a good position on a
00:49:27good team before but never stuck and now you've pieced all of that together with some new
00:49:32guys and it's just y'all have a y'all have a team that a lot that can win a worlds because
00:49:40now a worlds plays like true 300 foot softball right i mean it's 325 foot fields right dw
00:49:48and you're using that hardcore and you run out of home runs quick you better be able
00:49:52to play defense and play the game in field middle and i think y'all do that really well
00:49:56and y'all score really quick and at no point this weekend when we played y'all in texas
00:50:01two weekends ago in those two games were y'all ever out of it every inning we had to come
00:50:07in and do our job every inning we had to answer back and if we didn't answer back luckily
00:50:12on sunday i think there was one inning where we didn't answer y'all and y'all didn't answer
00:50:16us but if y'all had come in and put up 10 or 12 we could have been looking at an if
00:50:20game so definitely enjoyed watching y'all this year playing against you and then sports
00:50:26reach i'll give them a shout out they're good every year but they may not show up one tournament
00:50:30but they may show up another and they can beat you i've lost the sports reach plenty
00:50:34of times and then i always love playing against res mondo i mean i just they're the best competition
00:50:43right i mean they're the best team in softball by far right now it seems like and they have
00:50:47been for a few years and even if they're not when you play them it just it means something
00:50:52you know you're getting to to me it's like it's a great baseline to see where you're
00:50:56at and where you stack up against the best in the world at it so i mean i always look
00:51:01forward to playing res mondo whether it's on small fields big fields ideally not on
00:51:05small fields because then i'm way closer to them hitting the softball and that's terrifying
00:51:10but other than that you can't beat a good game against res mondo with the lights on
00:51:15or even a sunday morning game against them but for sure those i don't think i left anybody
00:51:22out just off the top but if i think of someone i'll circle back i will say watching that
00:51:28straight play game with you guys oh wow yeah it will circle back straight play that's unfair
00:51:33of me i mean that team we taught we give nitro circus junk about being a double a team and
00:51:40not a major team which to me it doesn't matter it's irrelevant on that front but straight
00:51:46play you talk about some killers on that team that have just totally flown under the radar
00:51:52i've played with a handful of those guys and just watch out right i mean especially
00:51:59on smaller fields man what they did saturday night against us that was wild it was that
00:52:05game it's one of the best games i've i've ever watched it was so much fun yeah i told
00:52:10ms taveras that's yeah ms taveras i told him i said that's going to be tough to beat for
00:52:16game of the year just because of how early we ran out of home runs and how many runs
00:52:21we continued to score and the defense i mean the conditions were they were they were good
00:52:27i mean the turf was a little quick but it was tried and true softball it was that was
00:52:32a great game so yeah straight play i mean they've got to be one they've got to be everybody
00:52:39that watches softball he's got to be one of your favorites to win double a worlds right
00:52:42now you know especially after that i think the 325 will help them quite a bit but they
00:52:49have sneaky power too to where you know it wouldn't be shocking if they make a run in
00:52:54the major as well like i just think the double a division between the all six teams they're
00:53:00they're so low like classic glass even had some great games in texas to where you were
00:53:04like man i mean if things go on their way just a couple things here or there they're
00:53:09in the classic on big fields you put classic glass on big fields i mean that's it they're
00:53:16their problem against us in texas they couldn't they couldn't not hit it into the parking
00:53:22lot in texas i mean they were bouncing balls off that gas station against us i mean greg
00:53:26downing was like four for four in his first four at bats with four home runs i mean so
00:53:31you get that team on big fields they're definitely the margin between the major teams and the
00:53:38double a teams you know may usually be here but now we're that gap is closed a lot and
00:53:44the talent is just so much more diverse through the conference it just it's kind of a bummer
00:53:50i mean you know it is that because there's so few teams but it's kind of a bummer that
00:53:54we're not at that 34 38 team level because there's so many more guys in the softball
00:54:00world that are wanting to get into the conference that are really really good now of course
00:54:05there's a learning curve but i think there's a lot of guys out there that can do it and
00:54:10that's up to up to us as players whether we make that happen or not because sponsors are
00:54:15the key to this and how we treat sponsors and how we communicate with them and just
00:54:22you know not being too greedy about anything i'm just being thankful to play softball if
00:54:27we want sponsors to stay in the game we've got to treat them right and vice versa you
00:54:31know i mean sponsors to players as well and if we want these number of teams to grow it
00:54:37goes both ways so hopefully we can get more guys and more teams and more sponsors into
00:54:42the conference over the next few years and really show everybody what this game is and
00:54:48how talented a lot of guys are and this year is going to be exciting the content dw is
00:54:54going to have with these matchups and the youtube grab that it's going to get hopefully
00:55:00it can make some noise and make its way across the internet a little bit yeah so joel we'll
00:55:06kick it to you good points tyler especially when it comes to the sponsors i mean uh it
00:55:11seems to be a little bit of a problem in the last couple years and i think this year we're
00:55:15seeing the repercussions from that it's created a lot of great games but at the same time
00:55:20you know i think i think there's a lesson to be learned there so a great plug there
00:55:25for sure um joel uh over to you uh uh teams you've enjoyed playing against uh you know
00:55:33who you know what what do you find let's also add like from a player perspective who
00:55:37do you find to be underrated uh that a lot of folks don't talk about as well oh that
00:55:43last question there you go i want i want to highlight on that one because you got your
00:55:47typicals you got your typical people that who and are you obviously you got all right
00:55:53teams i would go with uh youtube right play against you guys it's fascinating like it's
00:56:00always who's gonna do what when where and at a million miles an hour so it's just like
00:56:06the yoders and then all of a sudden you guys got a miller too so it's like who's gonna
00:56:11hit where and beachies has perkin brothers and they look like they swing wiffle bats
00:56:17but they're all gonna hit you line drives right over the infield and you're gonna be
00:56:22like i'm gonna swing the boy hard but that's them swinging their heart but they get on
00:56:26so you can't complain and then you guys and then you guys with that straight play game
00:56:31you're down 18 now you're tied at 18 in a blink of an eye what what just happened i
00:56:40was just watching the first inning like yo it's wild it's wild what's happening uh classic
00:56:45glass yo kirkwood struck me out twice on four straight balls in that tournament that's embarrassing
00:56:52is how to admit but i'm man enough to admit it i don't know where i wasn't that but who
00:56:57throws four straight cookies like that no you'll get at least a walk every three at
00:57:01bats you don't understand yo everything happens like in in in such a right at you at a hundred
00:57:08miles an hour that you got to be prepared so obviously it's youtube but i'm fascinated
00:57:12by remando because like there's not one player there that's that's not that no one there's
00:57:20egotistical but everyone there is really high profile they are at the tippity top of
00:57:27the status totem pole everybody there how does phil matt look at bradley jones while
00:57:35bradley jones looks at papa mac and be like which one of us can hit it the furthest and
00:57:40then matusik enters the chat like what do you mean like what like that is such and then
00:57:46then you look at sonny's and you swear oh they could take them but then you add helmer
00:57:51helmer has this thing where how did you turn everett williams into a hustle machine how
00:57:57did you do that i've never seen that ever in the history of my softball career and that
00:58:01man played a phenomenal right field dropping balls running around cheering what like yo
00:58:06how did you get everybody to go towards the same goal and if you really watched the games
00:58:14there's somebody there that's like you know they're kind of high profile his name is uh
00:58:17greg connell that guy he was hitting it harder than everybody else he was smashing it looked
00:58:23like he was swinging a driver because his hands met that ball so fast and that ball
00:58:29disappeared so fast that it was like it makes you look internally it'd be like could i do
00:58:35that how long would it take me to do that then you gotta have your own chat and be like
00:58:39i'm on chapter 5 and he's on chapter 40 but one of those things but then you get to dallas
00:58:44and that is the great equalizer it's 300 there's there's nothing and like the turf don't get
00:58:52me wrong i'm not here to make excuses hit a couple grounders on turf hit a couple grounders
00:58:56on dirt there's a significant interesting little difference there like but then again
00:59:02you look at tyler dickens and you look at michael rainer and you look at bud discern
00:59:06and my favorite i found it very interesting to see zane miggs in right field can we all
00:59:12agree for like two seconds like maybe he could like say something to me but he's my favorite
00:59:16five man and like oh all these cats are just like bringing it wrong the ball when it was
00:59:22hitting the turf it was doing some type of ziggy like you saw a lot of great catches
00:59:27we also a lot of saw a lot of bonehead errors that you're like how did that cat that guy's
00:59:32really good how did he miss that you gotta pay attention pay attention like i'm telling
00:59:37you that turf does weird things every single turf is super different this dallas one and
00:59:42that viero one they're not the same dirt is dirt everywhere that's very interesting isn't
00:59:48it like a dirt is dirt everywhere i'm not gonna pick it better in maryland than i do
00:59:52with the smokies like you can go outside like no that doesn't happen but like you know how
00:59:59everything is falling in like that watching res mondo score 50 runs a game at some point
01:00:06you leave like the third inning you're like joel joel imagine imagine you just said you
01:00:12know you got bubba max staring at at uh phil matt phil matt staring at marsh burner jones
01:00:18bubba max hitting like ninth yeah
01:00:23ninth on res mondo tyler tyler they have nine or ten irvines in that lineup
01:00:30and then they got a couple jeremy fries sprinkled in there too i mean it's just they got athletes
01:00:35over there and it's i was just saying the only way you you cannot mess up you can't
01:00:42that that's it right i mean somebody god we're at the duel and somebody asked me how do you
01:00:47beat res mondo right and it's first off when you get in the dugout and you step on the
01:00:55field there can be zero intimidation factor like on you you just can't crumble to the
01:01:00fact that they're i mean they're all unbelievable softball players this that the other but you
01:01:07have to go out there you just have to play a high quality softball game you can't make
01:01:11errors you can't give them extra bats because you give you give res mondo one extra out
01:01:18an inning now you're playing two extra innings okay and if dw you know we're scoring what
01:01:2410 12 runs an inning eight runs an inning basically on the stadium you give them two
01:01:29extra two extra innings you're giving up 16 runs just one mistaken inning is going to
01:01:35cost you 16 more runs there are not many teams that can overcome a 16 run deficit to
01:01:42res mondo and travis clark in their defense because as good as they are at hitting they're
01:01:49just as good as defense because base that's been playing behind clark connie's been playing
01:01:54next to base at marshburn's been playing next to base at and now you got bubba back at third
01:01:59kp's been playing first for him for eight years however long i mean and then they're
01:02:04outfield you can you got briggs matusik like like it wasn't enough you had to go and get
01:02:12matusik so i mean you just you just have to play a really clean game and and just play
01:02:20your game too they got pinkham pinkham who's impossible to figure out and then you got
01:02:26you got the heathborns and you got daniel katie like yo that's a pretty good squad you
01:02:31got the steel lewis with the drive with the intensity and then you got jay mays that always
01:02:36does this thing and keeps it like i like you know what i'm saying like and then you got
01:02:39the premier lefty mr yates yo don't ever sleep on him he only has what eight major world
01:02:45series wins like that's wild like yo it's it's it i i like hey do some damage over there
01:02:55like i i think it gets resi you just have to stay loose and not overthink and just go
01:03:00up there and just you know do your you know to me you're the underdog in that game regardless
01:03:05you don't think you don't think of think too much find a hole hit it hope that you get
01:03:10an early lead and they somehow have a bad inning and that you play more than five innings
01:03:14that's your best shot so steve i think you play seven innings just that's your goal seven
01:03:21innings you hopefully you're the home team and something happens at the end where you
01:03:25make some plays or you get a double digit inning yeah so moving to udw um underrated
01:03:32players uh because you you've you've watched everybody so you kind of got a good grasp
01:03:37of what you see across the board you know with these guys being more focused on their
01:03:42end-to-end game what are you seeing across of guys that really stick out to you that
01:03:47that really necessarily haven't gotten a lot of love in past years but they're getting
01:03:51more opportunities now to be able to show that yeah the texas tournament kind of sticking
01:03:56in my mind right now and in the report i talked about uh acevedo from straight play he had
01:04:02that big uh saturday afternoon evening daniel harren uh kind of underrated he had a walkoff
01:04:10homer at the major last year for nitro circus this year in texas he had a game where he
01:04:17had uh 13 rbis two grand slams he's underrated defensively probably as an infielder uh and
01:04:25jay cathaway from your i-57 i think you know he showed what he could do there in texas
01:04:32uh he's he's been an up-and-coming player with true and and nitro circus the past two
01:04:38years and then i listed three other guys i just because they're jumping in my mind here
01:04:44dagmar pena uh underrated power with that guy he could play third base shortstop middle infield
01:04:52and then uh joey camp for from uh played with us and he i think it's his third year in the
01:04:59conference and then i want to give a shout out to tommy ball and the start lsrs had he's
01:05:06probably you know because he's been a sponsor people don't take him as seriously as a pitcher
01:05:15maybe but he pitched he pitched for a combat major team he pitched for a bofford double
01:05:21a team he's won some big games and this year he's been a workhorse on the mound for lsr
01:05:28so those are kind of my guys that jump out at me here to the first couple weeks yeah
01:05:34joey i really wanted to point out camper because i you know joel and i talked a lot about him
01:05:39this offseason uh he was a guy that was just like right there being able to put it all together
01:05:46and the things that you're seeing this year the triples the doubles the home runs i mean
01:05:51hell i want to say he's probably got an extra base hit on probably 70 of his abats already
01:05:58the kid is unreal and he's super super smart just from the limited conversations that i've had
01:06:04with him too so definitely a shout out to him from things that i've watched in that regard
01:06:10real quick to you guys it could just be a quick answer a lot of people i can't tell you like
01:06:16especially after the hall of fame duel we had a lot of folks that were come up saying this team
01:06:22should be bumped this team should be bumped uh me personally not a fan of midseason bumps at all
01:06:27i think if you're approved to start that way in the year i know rufex kind of went through this
01:06:32a couple years back when they were rock run um texas kind of settled that down a little bit
01:06:38with lsr going on too and and uh and even nitro not really finishing at the rate that they could
01:06:44be at are you a fan of midseason bumps or do you think that there's a need for that type of
01:06:49conversation at all just quick yes or no tyler i mean if you can't get it right at the beginning
01:06:57of the season don't backtrack just be better next year i mean it's their system and just stick to
01:07:05it and if you think it's a double a team at the beginning then it's a double a team all the way
01:07:09through i mean make your bed you gotta lay in it exactly like that and on the other end
01:07:18if you say that this is what they are don't be oh it's got too many runs like that's the name of the
01:07:26game like what's your deal like obviously i'm a little biased kind of happened to me you know
01:07:32but i've been watching it and i'm like yeah it doesn't benefit anybody any in any system ever
01:07:38because like exactly what happened at rock run i'm here like put a damper on that run you know
01:07:44like what i gotta not like well you're an officer giving out too many police tickets like what
01:07:50to me i think it just works more often than not the only team that kind of really sticks out to
01:07:54me from past years that you may have been able to say probably should have been double a to start
01:07:59the sni team they were they were unbelievable at world that year to where i was like uh you know
01:08:05maybe maybe maybe someone could be done there but they didn't have a good weekend leading up to it
01:08:10sometimes so i think it's just one of those things where if you approve it at the beginning of the
01:08:15year i think this is a problem with softball too like sometimes rules are in place and you know
01:08:23they can be convoluted in some ways and to me i think those are the things that need to be fixed
01:08:28not given a mid-season bump or anything like that so just kind of my take on it dw thoughts on that
01:08:34from your end yeah just like what tyler said if they're approved at the beginning and they don't
01:08:40change their roster that's then they shouldn't be bumped but there isn't a team that we just
01:08:46mentioned that didn't change their roster so so every time a roster move is made that opens up
01:08:53that team for reevaluation especially if they add a higher level experience player but there are
01:09:00times i thought nitro circus smash at sports the last uh smash of sports two years ago when they
01:09:06won the a nitro circus two years ago when they were in a uh there's been some teams that have
01:09:13really pushed the limits on the rosters but it seemed to they seem to allow that now so i guess
01:09:21you push until push as far as you can if you sign your team up as a major team you get an automatic
01:09:28bid to the major watch how many more major teams you have i mean yeah i mean that's that's a quick
01:09:37way to expedite things you know get rid of double a make it a and major and if you register as a
01:09:45major team you qualify for the major and then if you get 16 major teams then you say hey look we're
01:09:50going to do x amount of that large bid for a and b teams the talent is getting too good that's right
01:09:56i mean there's just too many guys too many guys now i remember at some point the double a that might
01:10:03have been a good idea i understand like in my first two years i was like i can see it there's the guys
01:10:07that are right there but not right there but now i'm really like yo like there's a reason that the
01:10:14guys you guys got to play hard even against the a teams you know like yo the talent is too good to
01:10:19be throwing some middleman some middle ground there to make everything awkward yeah i'm right there
01:10:26with you so let's go ahead and bring up the phoenix bracket and dig into what's coming up this weekend
01:10:31so as dw's bring that up um i believe there's 32 teams in it 12 being conference three major want to
01:10:39say or no four major uh three double a teams what is it 228 points up for grabs uh this tournament um
01:10:48as you guys could see looks like uh yeah sports reach is taking the weekend off along with us and lsr
01:10:55so it kind of opens up some points for some a teams there and double a teams as well um and really just
01:11:01kind of looking at the bracket really really top heavy bracket from what i could tell um and that
01:11:08brings up another point too like you're seeing the seeds really make a difference this year especially
01:11:13last couple tournaments because april was so overloaded at the beginning that's allowed some of the lower
01:11:19level teams to get a better a better seating whereas you got juno and sunnies are potentially going to
01:11:24match up in the second round so man i think of a team like us and then us in the third round i mean
01:11:30yeah yeah that's it's just crazy so a team like juno who's you know struggled up to this point i man
01:11:37and it's a it's one of those weekends where i it's going to be interesting to see what comes out of that
01:11:42between those matchups and falling into a loser bracket that's probably going to be pretty heavy as well
01:11:48so thoughts on who your picks are to win i mean i'll just start out i'm going to go really off the walls
01:11:57here as far as bull take i don't i don't think i'll put it this way i think roof x will be the only team
01:12:04that gives rosamundo five innings or more on the weekend be in the baseball field so that's my prediction
01:12:10i got resi winning and not playing more than a five inning game until the winter bracket final um
01:12:16and then i'll move on to let's start off with joel this time who do you got winning
01:12:22bro a baseball field like come on but like it's funny because we've also seen the other side
01:12:32where they're like they almost lose or they lose to somebody that they shouldn't have been on the field with
01:12:39and then they run through the losers bracket and they go 12 straight and then they win the tournament
01:12:43so like i i i would just prefer them go five and all but i agree i think if sunnies can put it together
01:12:52like i think i think they're just you know not spaced out but i think if they could get their motivations together
01:12:59they could beat them um once again oh back to how good everything is you got straight play you got bay areas
01:13:09cheap suits and dirty vegas we keep forgetting like little dark horses that can't get did we not just see uh cheap suits
01:13:18put the whooping on everybody in that second duel in florida like y'all they were whacking it like bro i mean
01:13:26this is your perfect game never mind but like it was one of those things where like the rest of the time that it's like yo
01:13:31like uh i play both sides i like to see what's in the middle i wanna say
01:13:41the thing is that like i also have nitro at second place like i don't know why i have them at second place
01:13:48i see them in the championship but i don't see them winning it and then like i don't know it's like uh
01:13:55that's a good royal rumble right there between nitro sunny rufus and resmondo
01:14:01juno has so many guys that are so good every time i see don walsh come up to bat i see everybody back all the way up
01:14:08jojo's amazing to watch all the time and who could forget the jack dumbledore whenever you see brian harvey come up
01:14:15you're excited you don't every time he's at the back everyone stops and you watch every time like it's a it's a it's a reflex
01:14:21so it's like they just need something going on i don't know what's going on over there but yeah i kind of have nitro at second
01:14:32and then i like to put uh i'm gonna put i'm gonna put sunny's at third and then i'll put resmondo at the top yeah
01:14:44i see them i see them coming out of the that baseball field i see them turning it on or getting mad at something
01:14:51see i don't know because they could also just hit somebody's pitcher and then they all get sparked up again
01:14:55and they score 15 runs out of the gate so i mean they do have a lot of revs coming into the tournament
01:15:01so really it's a good time for them to get high um moving on to tyler uh what's your thoughts on the tournament
01:15:07obviously you're going to be room for you guys but uh from your head since joel has us going oh and two apparently
01:15:14no um you know i i don't i don't dislike juno in that second game against masta you know there's something to be said about
01:15:23having a month off you know that's that's tough a little over i mean yeah almost a full month off of no softball as a team
01:15:30you know and then your second game is going to be against a major team a team that's needing to win that's kind of back against the wall
01:15:38if you will not saying that that's that's necessarily the case over there in that in that camp that's probably not the case
01:15:45but i mean just as an outsider you know you're thinking like all right like we didn't have the showings we wanted
01:15:50you know juno needs to win that game so that could be i don't want to call it an upset because it's two major teams
01:15:56but you know a month off and then i like juno in that second game um that's not saying that sunnies isn't gonna you know
01:16:04beat him in five but i'm just picking there and i think resi walks through that lower half of the bracket there's just no one there
01:16:10that can compete with them and then the king seat game you're going to be looking at a nighttime game tons of home runs
01:16:16probably max out all 32 if i had to guess unless the wind's just doing something crazy
01:16:21so we'll just go ahead and put resi in that king seat game for sunday and you know i i think you could see a final three
01:16:30that features two major teams in a double a team and i think straight play makes a run i think straight play proves that
01:16:37you know they can play with the big guys on the big fields and it's probably what you're going to get but i mean i'm always
01:16:44going to go with with my boys and my dugout because i know that they want to prove everything to everybody that
01:16:52you guys being there too like they don't they don't have they want to prove you don't have to be six foot four 260 pounds
01:16:59you can play a different brand of softball and win on big fields so you have unlimited singles i'll go i'll go us and resi
01:17:06in the finals and then from there it's just a wait and see i'll give you the final two is us and resi and i think we see
01:17:13straight play monsta and juno in that realm
01:17:20pw thoughts yeah so we're in phoenix arizona actually mesa arizona um arizona athletic fields i think it's called the park
01:17:32it got bought uh the men are playing on baseball fields in a park very similar to viera in that it's artificial turf
01:17:43325 down the lines 365 to the gaps 385 to center or it might be 355 to the gaps i have to check that uh during the day
01:17:54it's gonna be in the 90s uh from noon to like four it's gonna be like 96 97 the sun is going to hurt so you have that
01:18:06and then at night it's just like viera it gets beautiful usually this the wind dies down and you're gonna have great games
01:18:14but those three major teams in the top of the bracket because they're seating by points off of 2024 points you have
01:18:22juno playing sunnies to get to rufex and that's we're talking round of 16 round of eight so i think juno loses those games goes deep
01:18:35into the loser bracket you have to play the rest of the day on saturday if you lose that game and i think rufex beats sunnies
01:18:42to win the top of the bracket i would i'd say nitro third straight play fourth with rismando beating rufex in the finals either one or two games
01:18:56i will say i heard i haven't heard from anyone at u triple s a on this i have other questions into u trip so it's hard for me to ask small questions
01:19:05when i have big questions that need answering so i heard they're using the hardcore ball which to me is a mistake and here's why
01:19:17when you hit that ball it's round you hit it it goes it squishes as it gets over the shortstop it pops back in the shape and then it just knuckles all over the place
01:19:29so to me it's not it's not real softball and you throw in you throw in the turf there which doesn't use rubber pellets it uses something else really weird bounces
01:19:44so you have really weird bounces massive knuckling and if you give as hard as rismando hits the ball how are you going to defend that
01:19:54i will say that out in arizona playing there many times uh it's a dry heat which uh compared to being in florida the ball is going to fly better in my opinion um probably by by decent margin um but also also like when it comes to a lot of those local teams too
01:20:17i wouldn't be shocked if some of those teams have upsets just from playing there a lot they play there you know basically like in every weekend you know it's kind of like when you play the florida teams down in florida
01:20:27uh but yeah i agree with you with the bracket i think i think it could be one of those things where this is kind of you know you see nitro kind of come alive too with some of the power that they have but um yeah i think we're kind of across the board rezzing there so um
01:20:42final thoughts guys i guess we're we're at the end of the uh segment here uh we're going to go around the room just talk about final thoughts anything else you'd like to say as you close out we'll go ahead and start with uh tyler
01:20:55oh no man thanks for having me on i always enjoy coming on here and talking softball you know it's the best way to grow the community and try to show everybody that just regular guys playing a really really silly game but it is a lot of fun and there is a community for it and the community keeps growing and you know that starts at the top so just trying to interact with everybody more and remember that the masses of this game
01:21:25don't play at this level the masses of this game play e through c ball and that's where we should be trying to help out and that's why i do those videos on youtube you know hitting with the nation i try to make sure that everybody sees what we're doing and what we're working on and
01:21:41just try to make the game better than when i found it and shout out to all the sponsors that love this game and love trying to win tournaments and enjoy the travel and the camaraderie of it all so shout out to mark patterson i've been with him for i think this is my fifth year you know he's one of the best guys i've ever met he's been you know like family to me and my wife and can't say enough good things about him i'm looking forward to this year of softball and i think there's a lot of good stuff to come and
01:22:10you know it's going to be it's going to be interesting to see how everything finishes out as the year unfolds a lot of good tournaments coming up a lot of good competition and i'm sure there's going to be some guys that make a name for themselves this year because if you can stand out with this bunch then you're going to be you must be a really good ballplayer so
01:22:32i'll see you on air well
01:22:38yeah no i was i was i'm a little biased on half the people that you brought up like joey camford like jacob hoskins like all the boys dagmar pena those are all my boys my best friends i'd be the worst coach sponsor ever because there'd only be my best friends on the team we'd go over to every weekend but i got my favorite people there that's why i do one job specifically it's just mine
01:23:03um number two is like the sponsors like there's toxic players and you just get rid of them but there are some toxic sponsors that they feed you like they own you uh let's put a stop to that very very soon sometimes it takes a little longer than other players to realize what's a bad place for you
01:23:23like we can go we can get behind that a little bit to all the younger cats that feel stuck somewhere and yo yeah everyone does play a little e to c so everyone forgets at this level it's okay to say this game's hard i don't care if the ball comes in this angle over here this way it's still hard it's very hard okay if it was easy everybody would be on res mondo all right
01:23:52it'd be like all types of res mondos everywhere okay and that's not the deal go out there hit your teamwork hit your bp it is cool to try hard it's never cool to give up on your teammates it's never cool to powdy pow throw your bat i mean it's fun to watch if you want us to make fun of you later i'll be your number one fan i promise you however for the rest of the guys out there let's be adults let's be boys
01:24:21have fun it's cool to be like hey great shot even if you don't personally like that guy like god leave the game better than you found it i like showing up with my wife and my kids and having my wife hit me with who's that really big guy that plays first base he has that crazy mustache i'm really oh that's tyler irvine i like him he's funny i like that that has nothing to do with softball and that was awesome you know so like
01:24:49fellas oh and there's also if you do have some reservations with other people on the other team that's cool too larry bird never liked magic johnson and magic johnson never liked larry bird until they stopped playing okay so what happens is if you don't like the other guy just make it a competitive like vendetta keep it on the field all right and i freaking die i just love you guys too i like seeing everybody in the same place i like seeing uh trey
01:25:15trying to see who's better at playing softball it sounds funny but yo it's hard it's hard
01:25:25no awesome stuff joel um dw i'll give it to you before i give my final thoughts yeah and joel's subject of keeping it not compete competing on the field instead of fighting i guess there were some fights in softball this week in ohio and georgia
01:25:43we if you were tuning in to hear about that stuff i honestly don't know the details so check out the videos online uh shout out to robby sphere and keith baloli who had some health issues down in florida hope they're feeling better
01:25:59hope to see them soon and then finally i had made a comment somewhere maybe in a report or something about uniforms you know everybody wearing gray on saturday white on sunday and black on friday night which made for bad video bad condensed games bad people play live
01:26:21shout out to rufax they were wearing white on friday i think it was and then uh it just seemed like the teams mixed it all up so that we had good colors so let's keep that going uh into phoenix this week and thanks to steve for for a host on the day
01:26:42now i uh i really appreciate you uh inviting me on uh very much enjoyed this enjoyed talking to all you guys learning more about the game uh it's great to see you on the field but it's also great to kind of get together and just be loose and you know not take things so serious you know we we do that enough um the only other plug i want to make in is uh you know from from a person that's coaching and everything else and seeing player personalities uh mental health is a really big thing for me
01:27:11um we got some we got folks that are dealing with mental health that's in our utrip let's say community especially at the conference level i see it probably more so there than we do anywhere else because it tends to get out more you know i would just say like if you see somebody that needs help
01:27:27push push to get them help um you know we we have a few people that are dealing with things that i know that are that not necessarily friends but people that that require help to work uh we're trying to push them in that direction but something to kind of keep in mind we all deal with different things in life um coming from a military background family background that i come from you know there's nobody's better than anybody else so if you see somebody struggling push them to get help this game does not mean anything to them
01:27:57to you 20 years from now um i can't stress that enough to anybody that's listening so it's great to play this game it's great to be a part of it but it's not your life in my eyes um your life is more important so just make sure that you're getting the help that you need or if you need to see somebody that's doing that push for that
01:28:15um other than that i also want to thank like our sponsors we have amazing sponsors player sponsors that that really really separate those jobs and i'm very thankful to be part of that and i-57 uh beachies as well as um the company i work for royce geo and squared away takes care of our apparel needs but uh want to give that plug in there other than that i look forward to seeing you guys again tyler good luck out and uh at the major this this weekend um i'll be tuning in watching uh
01:28:44joelle we'll see you in memphis buddy um so looking forward to that and dw i'll give it back to you yeah real quick i just want to tell everyone that's watched on you triple sa live.com and had issues with a smart device getting kicked off they we believe they fixed that problem so we should be good this week so but if the live feeds bad it's your fault right we should all blame you collectively yeah you can hit me up and we'll see
01:29:14and you you you went right into my last plug uh thanks to dw for everything that he does i i still don't think he gets enough credit um it's a lot of work uh just watching it you know i i think he needs all the help in the world from us just because it's a lot to put together so when it comes to complaints anything like that i i don't listen to any of that in fact i say the complete opposite so um thank you for everything you do and also thanks to bernie for
01:29:42me triple say for allowing us to come on here and share our thoughts on the game shout out man no one no one really cares about softball outside the softball community and they really wouldn't care if you didn't put the videos out so
01:29:56appreciate you do a lot of work all supports take hours so yeah i appreciate i appreciate all the support you know what it is to be the condensed game and be like oh he didn't get my at bat oh it's hilarious
01:30:13all right thanks guys good show and uh we'll be back on for a hit and sit 39 in a few weeks thanks
01:30:48yes the all blacks uh all black genesis one piece was my signature bat when i first came back
01:30:53that was just quite amazing up until present the bats have just been top notch they've been just at
01:30:59the top of the game we brought back that one piece genesis and it was like a light switch went off
01:31:04night and day it just it was such an amazing bat everybody jumped back on to Louisville Slugger
01:31:09knowing that the product they were getting were just going to be amazing and that was
01:31:12the start of what we have now which is just unreal bats
