The gay uncle sends a message to his nephews- El tio gay manda un mensaje a sus sobrinos

  • 5 months ago
Claudio -A gay man left his native country 20 years ago. Until now, none of his nephews/nieces know him.
Claudio, Un hombre gay, dejó su país natal hace 20 años. Hasta ahora, ninguno de sus sobrinos/sobrinas lo conoce.
Sus hermanos mayores,nunca lo han visitado en Estados Unidos, y nunca han hecho que sus hijos se pongan en contacto con él. El tío aquí explica por qué no ha podido escribirles y los traumas profundos que su familia le ha dejado desde que, en 1997, a la edad de solo 18 años, les dijo que era homosexual. Es un sobreviviente, habiendo superado un accidente de quemaduras, enfermedades y traiciones por parte de las personas que más amaba desde que tenía 11 meses. Abrió camino como una celebridad gay menor, actor adulto y conocido productor de videos de entretenimiento de culturismo en Estados Unidos, donde muchos aún reconocen y elogian su trabajo. Esta es la historia y las secuelas emocionales que todo esto aún significa para él. No hay paz sin verdad

Unknown Gay Uncle Segregated & Traumatized;
Claudio-A gay man left his native country 20 years ago. Until now, none of his nephews/nieces know him.
His older siblings have never visited him in the United States, and they have never encouraged their children to contact him. The uncle here explains why he hasn't been able to write to them and the profound traumas his family has left him with since, in 1997, at the age of only 18, he told them he was homosexual. He is a survivor, having overcome a burn accident, illnesses, and betrayals by the people he loved most since he was 11 months old. He paved the way as a minor gay celebrity, adult actor, and well-known producer of bodybuilding entertainment videos in the United States, where many still recognize and praise his work. This is the story and the emotional aftermath that all of this still means to him. There is no peace without truth.


