• 5 months ago
Antonio Ricci, an unemployed man in the depressed post-WWII economy of Italy, finally gets a job hanging up posters, but he needs a bicycle. When his bicycle is stolen, he and son walk the streets of Rome looking for it. Antonio finally manages to locate the thief, yet, with no proof he must abandon his cause. But he and his son know perfectly well that, without a bike, Antonio won't be able to keep his job.
00:01:49Jerry G
00:01:52Richie Richie
00:02:08I'm not what I want. No, but guess what? I'm not
00:02:24Don't worry about it. Yeah, I'm a big on me. Oh, yeah, but see you don't say boss. I'm not probably yet
00:02:30I'm part of that. Yeah, I'm gonna be system up with you to go
00:02:33You'll talk walk with
00:02:36A little bit of a fire. I reach a post and post up the kino
00:02:42They represent our centrifuge
00:02:45You daddy stuck out a bit about the libretto. So you enter the movie?
00:02:50Man that's all I'm easier. Oh, it's what the movie
00:02:53She's on the post you bet on the door you make it on the door. You don't say next time
00:02:56Oh, yes, I'm on the door. You don't think we got stuck. Yeah, but I'm off. Oh, I get the voice. Okay, I'll be
00:03:00Ready to go to report. I love you. See later
00:03:03Hey, it's a wall a bicycle. It's a stick to put it in
00:03:07La Bicicleta cello in a cello subito. No
00:03:14La poso a distra un po de giorno. No, it was subito. So no, I don't tell you. No, hey, no, no quali
00:03:19Sti primi giorni faccio il servizio a piedi
00:03:21Parlamos a caro riccia. La iluncia la esta bicicletta. Si non ce l'hai bisogna del posto un altro
00:03:26C'è l'olio la bicicletta e che c'era solo una bicicletta. C'è l'opera
00:03:30Ma tu sei moratore
00:03:32Siete un'altra categoria e cambia mia categoria ma non se può allora ricci sta bicicletta c'està o non c'està
00:03:38C'està c'està la mattina mi presento. Oh, no, fama coglionasse
00:03:42Se non te presenti con la bicicletta non c'è niente da fare e che sto aspettando altri due anni
00:03:46Mi presento con la bicicletta non c'è persa
00:03:48C'è cataldi ecco me manovare per due giornate al cantiere del tufferno si te va
00:03:53No, no
00:04:22Che c'è che è successo. Ma dimmi se non so disgraziare. Che c'è Antonio?
00:04:27C'è il posto e non lo posso prendere. C'è il posto
00:04:31Senti guarda che non ho capito bene che hai detto fermi tanto fermi del momento senti che hai detto c'è il posto
00:04:38E' buono pure municipale
00:04:46Mbè se rimedi Antonio che non se può rimediare
00:04:50Ma che te vuoi rimediare
00:04:52Ce l'ho la bicicletta
00:04:55Se non me presento subito il posto se lo pia un altro. Che se può fare allora?
00:05:00E che vuoi fare?
00:05:02Buongiorno signorita. Buongiorno signorita
00:05:06Non te la dovevi impegnare la bicicletta Antonio. E che te mangiavi?
00:05:09Mannaggia me quando son nato. Vi ha voglia di buttarsi al fiume. Vi ha voglia
00:06:09Leve tanto
00:06:20Ma che fai? Se puoi dormi pure senza lenzuola no?
00:06:40Sono lenzuola. Sei pezzi. Sono di lino. Lino e cotone. Roba buona
00:06:46Roba di corredo. Sono usati. Quattro sono usati
00:06:50Due sono nuovi. Quanti pezzi sono? Sei. Tre matrimoniali e tre a una piazza. E tre
00:07:01Settemila. Settemila
00:07:04Non se potrebbe fa un po di piu
00:07:07Sono usati. Sono usati
00:07:10Beh metti dentro sta roba
00:07:13Settemila e cinquecento
00:07:17Nome? Ricci. Ricci Maria. Dalmelaina. Scala H interno uno. Interno uno
00:07:25Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette
00:07:32Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque. Grazie. Buongiorno
00:07:44E una bicicletta
00:07:47E una bicicletta
00:07:55Seimila e cento. Perché? Interessi. Siamo al trentuno. Ecco
00:08:08E una Fides. Vicino a quella rossa. Ce lo so, ce lo so
00:08:12Vicino a quella rossa. Ce lo so, ce lo so
00:08:43Scusi impiegato, c'è ancora volto?
00:08:49Ehi, un momento
00:08:52E l'aura
00:09:11Dov'è il capo ufficio?
00:09:13Da là. E po, se la c'ha paura
00:09:21E posa sta bicicletta. Scusi
00:09:25Mi chiamo Ricci. Ricci Antonio
00:09:30Mi manda l'ufficio collocamento di Dalmelaina
00:09:42Prendi servizio domattina. Vai in magazzino e fatti dalla roba
00:09:45Grazie. Buongiorno. Buongiorno
00:09:51Ciao. Addio
00:09:57Domattina è sempre qua, hai capito? Non dubbi
00:10:00Com'è andata? È andata bene. Hai dovuto aspettarmi, ma tutto a posto
00:10:05Che c'è qua? C'è lavoro pure per te
00:10:09C'è da tingere il settorino del beretto, c'è me palla
00:10:16Vieni qua, guarda un po'
00:10:19Ognuno c'ha lo scomparto suo. Lo vedi quanto è grande?
00:10:34Pensa, prima davano pure le scarpe, però la quindicina è buona
00:10:40Seimila, più l'assegno i familiari, e poi ci scappa pure lo straordinario, dagli Maria
00:10:49Antò, che me fermi un momento in via della paglia?
00:10:52Che hai da fare?
00:10:53Niente, si tratta di un momento, devo passare da una che lavora
00:10:55Da una?
00:10:56Si, da una
00:11:08Fermati un po'
00:11:10Ma, chi ce fa qui?
00:11:12Te l'ho detto, quella. Faccio in un minuto
00:11:15Ma chi?
00:11:16Ma vengo
00:11:19Ma guarda, guarda
00:11:21Stricate, eh?
00:11:36È mio?
00:11:37No, è mio
00:11:40O vedi che è mio?
00:11:41No, ma guarda che è mio
00:11:42Dai, dai, dai
00:11:43Stavo cinque a tre, stavo
00:11:44Stavo cinque a tre, stavo
00:11:57Scusi, sta qui la santona
00:12:00La santona?
00:12:01Si, quella che vede
00:12:04Un oso?
00:12:07Proviamo il primo piano
00:12:17Sta qui la santona?
00:12:18Si, porta in fondo
00:12:36Ragazzi, fate guardi un momento
00:12:38Si, va bene
00:12:51Porta in fondo
00:13:05Quella si e quella no
00:13:07Dio mio, dammi la luce
00:13:10Dammi la luce
00:13:11Tuo figlio salterà dal letto prima che le foglie cadano
00:13:16Che vuol di' che cadono ste foglie?
00:13:19Vuol di'
00:13:20Vuol di' che il tuo figlio
00:13:21Vieni via
00:13:22In autunno salterà
00:13:27Andiamo via
00:13:31Andiamo, cammina
00:13:34Ma che stai a fare?
00:13:35Ma niente, io ho da da' 50 lire
00:13:37Andiamo via, via, non fa la scema
00:13:39Mi disse che il posto l'avresti trovato
00:13:41L'hai trovato e io voglio far dovere mio
00:13:43Ma vengo dentro e gli dico quello che penso
00:13:45Ma si, va bene, andiamo, andiamo
00:13:47Ma non è possibile che una donna come te, che ha due figli, la testa sulle spalle
00:13:51debba pensare a ste fesseria, a ste imbroglia, a ste fregnace
00:13:54Io non lo so
00:13:57E ma che fai?
00:13:59C'è proprio i soldi da buttar via a te
00:14:02Ma io non so che ti sei messa in testa
00:14:05Che razza di donna
00:14:06Ah, non te li puoi spendere meglio alti soldi?
00:14:08Beh, io so' riconoscente
00:14:10E che me l'ha fatto trova' lei il posto?
00:14:14Andiamo, va
00:14:15Cammina su
00:14:17Andiamo a casa, scema
00:14:30Sbrigate, Bruzzo, c'è le sei e mezza
00:14:32Non si può pulire la penna, non ci si vede
00:14:35Vieni qui
00:14:48Papà, hai visto che ci hanno fatto?
00:14:50Che ci hanno fatto?
00:14:51Una maccatura
00:14:52Che ci vo' fare? Magari c'era
00:14:54No, non c'era, questa è una botte che gli hanno dato
00:14:56Chissà come le tengono
00:14:58Io gli avrei detto
00:15:00Mi hai ripreso le riparazioni
00:15:02Ma te vuoi starci?
00:15:03Sì, mi sto zitta, io gli avrei detto
00:15:12E' pronto il berretto, Marie?
00:15:18Che ci hai fatto?
00:15:23Fa' te vede
00:15:25Mamma fede
00:15:26So' bello?
00:15:27Eh, me pari un poliziotto
00:15:30Sta' fermo, non che me fai male
00:15:32Sta' fermo, ai
00:15:34Sta' buono, che mi sfila, ragazzino
00:15:45Che è, Bru?
00:16:28Ciao, mamma
00:16:29Ciao, Marie
00:16:59Ciao, Bru, se vediamo stasera alle sette, aspettami qua, eh?
00:17:19Ciao, papà
00:17:22Ciao, papà
00:17:59In maniera che il manifesto viene stirato e senza grinse, hai capito?
00:18:27Una ragazza
00:18:28Because if you leave us any evidence,
00:18:31the inspector, if he finds out, he'll fine you.
00:18:34Do you understand?
00:18:37You see, Ricci, to do this job, you need a lot of intelligence.
00:18:41You need eyes and ears.
00:18:45Here they are. Let's go.
00:18:47Let's go.
00:18:56See you later, Ricci.
00:18:58Thank you.
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00:19:47© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:20:38What is it?
00:20:47Okay, I'll call you tomorrow.
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00:21:47© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:21:52© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:22:22Let's go.
00:22:28What is it?
00:22:29It's yours, the commission.
00:22:31But you have to understand.
00:22:32No, I changed it.
00:22:33You understand, but I'll continue.
00:22:34It's yours, the commission.
00:22:48It's our turn.
00:22:49Let's go.
00:22:53Can I help you?
00:22:55Do you have time to look for you?
00:22:57Do I have to go around Rome?
00:22:59I can tell you that I don't even know her.
00:23:02But if I give you the registration?
00:23:05You'll understand.
00:23:06The whole mobile team would only want to look for bicycles.
00:23:10So what do I do with this complaint?
00:23:13Tomorrow you'll find her in the middle of the street.
00:23:16Call an agent and you're on the right track.
00:23:19Any news?
00:23:20No, nothing.
00:23:21I'm going to buy a bicycle.
00:23:22Thank you.
00:23:23Good morning.
00:23:25So I have to take care of myself?
00:23:26That's fine.
00:23:27You made the complaint.
00:23:28That's fine.
00:23:29Good evening.
00:23:30Good evening.
00:23:52It would be convenient.
00:23:53It would be convenient.
00:24:22What are you doing?
00:24:24What are you doing?
00:24:37Your father's seven and half now.
00:24:38I came with the bus.
00:24:39Let's go.
00:24:43Can I buy a bicycle?
00:25:12Is it broken?
00:25:13Yes, it's broken.
00:25:38Go inside, I'll come later.
00:25:41Go, go.
00:26:00It's not a matter of placement commission.
00:26:02If there's no work, people don't move in.
00:26:05Besides, we, as a cell, have introduced the thing to the section and the chamber of work.
00:26:10Those subsidies don't solve anything.
00:26:12The subsidy humiliates the worker,
00:26:14it's consumed in a moment and leaves the time it finds.
00:26:17Here we need a big program of public works.
00:26:20And at the end, even today at the commission, what did they say?
00:26:23The same thing.
00:26:24You can't expect miracles from us.
00:26:27We are always with our eyes open.
00:26:29Be quiet down there.
00:26:31It's him.
00:26:32As soon as there's a chance to fix it, we don't let it go unnoticed.
00:26:37Yes, I know, you're right.
00:26:39The essential is to find work.
00:26:42When one works, the world begins to move.
00:27:17All right.
00:27:37What are you doing?
00:27:39I was looking for you. I have to talk to you.
00:27:41What's up?
00:27:42They stole my bike.
00:27:45They stole it.
00:27:47Where did they take it?
00:27:48To Florida.
00:27:50While I was attacking.
00:27:51How did you do it?
00:27:53You have to help me, Paiolo.
00:27:57I have to find this bike.
00:28:01It's a word.
00:28:03Excuse me a moment.
00:28:04Paiolo, listen to me, or we'll be here all night.
00:28:07I hear you, I hear you.
00:28:14Be quiet!
00:28:15Don't make me shout at people.
00:28:17I understand.
00:28:19People, people, people.
00:28:21What am I doing? I'm not stupid.
00:28:23You try, I'll be right back.
00:28:25Damn it.
00:28:33There's nothing left but Piazza Vittorio.
00:28:35I have to get there at night because I need to be the first.
00:28:38My parents will get mad and won't come home.
00:28:41There's nothing to try there.
00:28:50It's true.
00:28:52Let's not start with Agnes.
00:28:53I came to your house and you don't hear Agnes.
00:28:57Who does Agnes?
00:28:59Isn't that the news every day?
00:29:01You did something.
00:29:03You looked for her.
00:29:05Don't cry.
00:29:07She's a young girl, I think.
00:29:09She's not the first one to come back.
00:29:11She'll change the saddle and the handlebar.
00:29:13She'll do that on the market tomorrow morning.
00:29:15If she's there, we'll take her home, Antonio.
00:29:19Maybe you'll sleep a little less tonight.
00:29:22But the important thing is that we find her.
00:29:24Don't worry.
00:29:26Miss, could I have an hour to know what she's doing today?
00:29:29I'm going for a walk with my friend.
00:29:30But couldn't you come for a walk with me?
00:29:31No, because she's going.
00:29:34No, that's not right.
00:29:36Either you go or we go.
00:29:38Either we try or we talk.
00:29:40You tell him, Meniconi.
00:29:41But he's right.
00:29:42Now that you're telling me, I'm going.
00:29:45What are you going to do after this test?
00:29:48Come here, Lucia.
00:29:49You'll see, something will be done.
00:29:51See you tomorrow.
00:29:52Good evening.
00:29:53Good evening.
00:29:54Please, sir.
00:29:55Good evening.
00:30:03Good evening.
00:30:04Good evening.
00:30:05Good evening.
00:30:06Good evening.
00:30:07Good evening.
00:30:08Good evening.
00:30:09Good evening.
00:30:10Good evening.
00:30:11Good evening.
00:30:12Good evening.
00:30:13Good evening.
00:30:14Good evening.
00:30:15Good evening.
00:30:16Good evening.
00:30:17Good evening.
00:30:18Good evening.
00:30:19Good evening.
00:30:20Good evening.
00:30:21Good evening.
00:30:22Good evening.
00:30:23Good evening.
00:30:24Good evening.
00:30:25Good evening.
00:30:26Good evening.
00:30:27Good evening.
00:30:28Good evening.
00:30:29Good evening.
00:30:30Good evening.
00:30:31Good evening.
00:30:32Good evening.
00:30:33Good evening.
00:30:34Good evening.
00:30:35Good evening.
00:30:36Good evening.
00:30:37Good evening.
00:30:38Good evening.
00:30:39Good evening.
00:30:40Good evening.
00:30:41Good evening.
00:30:42Good evening.
00:30:43Good evening.
00:30:44Good evening.
00:30:45Good evening.
00:30:46Good evening.
00:30:47Good evening.
00:30:48Good evening.
00:30:49Good evening.
00:30:50Good evening.
00:30:51Good evening.
00:30:52Good evening.
00:30:53Good evening.
00:30:54Good evening.
00:30:55Good evening.
00:30:56Good evening.
00:30:57Good evening.
00:30:58Good evening.
00:30:59Good evening.
00:31:00Good evening.
00:31:01Good evening.
00:31:06Américo, can you make some money, we had to leave this morning.
00:31:24What year was it?
00:31:25Fidesz, July 7th, 1935.
00:31:28You could say he knows it better than I do.
00:31:30Well, thank goodness, at least we can split the work,
00:31:32because, you know, here they disassemble everything.
00:31:34Ah, Bagotti, let's go this way.
00:31:36Ah, no, let's go this way, it's better.
00:31:39So, you two take care of the tires,
00:31:43you of the frames,
00:31:45and the boy, the pumps and the bells.
00:31:47Come on, let's go.
00:31:49Frame Fidesz!
00:31:50I understand.
00:31:51Here it is.
00:31:52Now let's look with patience, piece by piece.
00:31:55When we've found them all, we'll put them all back together.
00:32:01Bagotti, wake up, the bell's ringing.
00:32:03Here it is.
00:32:05Here's the frame, but we don't care.
00:32:08Now we walk like this, between the benches on this side,
00:32:12without showing that we're doing investigations, eh?
00:32:15We walk like this, indifferent.
00:32:19Here we go again, they're putting everything back together.
00:32:29What a mess they've made.
00:32:31It's better that I'm the one who finds them.
00:32:33I'm the one who eats the liver, you know.
00:32:41Ah, Bru, you take care of the bells and the pumps, and nothing else.
00:32:45If you find anything, whistle, eh?
00:32:48Remember, you're here, you come with me.
00:32:51Let's go.
00:32:52Ah, Bru, take care, eh?
00:32:54If we find it, I'll go crazy.
00:32:57Bianchi 25, Bianchi 25, Bianchi 25.
00:33:06This is a new car, I bought it three days ago.
00:33:12Hey, guys, wait, wait.
00:33:24Don't sleep, baby.
00:33:26Come here.
00:33:44How are you, Bra?
00:33:46Where's your mother?
00:33:56Come here.
00:34:02Let me work.
00:34:03You're ugly.
00:34:04Don't talk.
00:34:06What's up with you?
00:34:07What? Did you come here to work?
00:34:09Let me have my fun.
00:34:11I'm nervous.
00:34:12Let me work, come back, and let me live.
00:34:14I was here before you.
00:34:15No one can see, you know.
00:34:17You want to fight, then.
00:34:18Come here.
00:34:20We're all here together.
00:34:22Look at the wheels.
00:34:25I'll take care of the wagons, the fences, the masks, the bombs and the bells.
00:34:55I'll take care of the wagons, the fences, the bombs and the bells.
00:35:25We aren't allowed in, is that right?
00:35:28We'll have a situation, Viola.
00:35:30It's the load that will cause it.
00:35:32He snatched the risk, Viola.
00:35:34It's been divided in half.
00:35:36Divide it in half, who's got it?
00:35:38Cut it to pieces!
00:35:41It means we're on the wrong side of the lines,
00:35:44on the bank of the River Aunty.
00:35:47Here's the locking mechanism.
00:35:50Yes, and maybe not, because Rome is not a robot, Rome is not a number, you idiot!
00:36:03What brand is it?
00:36:04Why? Do you want to buy it?
00:36:06What are you looking at? Don't you see it's fresh paint?
00:36:08Yes, but I only have to look at the license plate number.
00:36:10And what do you do with the license plate number?
00:36:13What do you buy? It's the number.
00:36:15No, you don't buy the number, but you see the number of the frame.
00:36:18And if I want to see it?
00:36:19I'm going to call the police and then we'll see.
00:36:21And go call whoever you want, go.
00:36:28But why? What is stolen stuff? Who said it was stolen?
00:36:31You have the obligation to show the number to whoever wants to see it.
00:36:34And you show me the number of the shoes you wear? No!
00:36:36And I don't show you the number of my neighbor?
00:36:38But who pays for the numbers?
00:36:40Do you gamble?
00:36:41No, I don't gamble.
00:36:43You really don't want it, Campanello?
00:36:45But listen, I've been here for half an hour.
00:36:48Buy it, Campanello.
00:36:50Do you want it?
00:36:52Tell me, how much does a bell cost?
00:36:55150 lire.
00:36:56Do you want it?
00:36:57Listen, listen how good it is.
00:36:59Listen, buy it.
00:37:00Are you done with the complaint or are you done?
00:37:04Let me see this frame.
00:37:06Let's go tell him, take this swindler away.
00:37:08If he can't work in peace anymore.
00:37:11Don't you trust me either?
00:37:20Is it yours?
00:37:24The frame got dirty.
00:37:26But it's not a matter of trust.
00:37:28A wretch who stole his bicycle has the right to look at it, right?
00:37:32And look, who are you to say that?
00:37:34You can also make mistakes.
00:37:50Hey friend, at Piazza Vittorio there are all honest people.
00:37:54Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:37:58And there I'm lost.
00:38:00Pile, remember Pile.
00:38:02What are you doing?
00:38:04But where is my son?
00:38:06He must be near the police station.
00:38:08I think there's nothing left to do here.
00:38:10It's difficult.
00:38:11It's difficult.
00:38:12It's difficult.
00:38:14Do you want something else?
00:38:17You don't have to move from me anymore.
00:38:19Let's go.
00:38:26Now you're accompanied by him to Porta Portese.
00:38:29We'll stay here and have another look.
00:38:31I say it's better here.
00:38:33If it's Porta Portese, we have to go there this morning.
00:38:35Go there right now, go there right now.
00:38:38Come on.
00:38:39Go with me, go.
00:38:41Slowly, slowly.
00:39:10It's useless.
00:39:11There's nothing to do.
00:39:12It's Sunday, Friday night.
00:39:13Monday at 1 o'clock it's your turn to lock the house.
00:39:14I think I'll win, look.
00:39:15I don't like this cinematographer.
00:39:16I don't like him at all.
00:39:17Look at this.
00:39:18Look at how it falls.
00:39:47No one under the car will see you.
00:39:48Just go, gotta go back to your hot Eli!
00:41:38But what are you doing?
00:41:40I'm loaded!
00:41:42Here, clean it up.
00:41:44No, I don't want to get my arms wet.
00:42:09Thank you.
00:42:11Thank you.
00:42:13Thank you.
00:42:35You know, I can tell you, I'm really...
00:42:37Isn't that right, Franz?
00:42:40We've had bad weather again.
00:42:41The Salzburg snowstorm is nothing compared to that.
00:42:43I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:42:47And every time I feel so good, I really...
00:42:50And in the end, I still come home, right?
00:42:52Yes, well, coming home is also a matter.
00:42:55I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:43:23I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:43:51I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:44:19I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:44:21I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:44:49I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:45:09I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:45:37I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:46:05I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:46:33I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:01I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:03I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:04I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:05I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:06I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:07I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:08I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:09I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:10I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:11I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:12I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:13I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:14I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:16I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:17I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:18I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:19I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:20I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:21I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:22I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:23I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:24I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
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00:47:26I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:27I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:28I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:29I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:30I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:31I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:32I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:33I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:47:34I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
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00:50:20I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:21I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:22I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
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00:50:26I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:27I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:28I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:30I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:31I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:32I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:33I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:34I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:35I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:36I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:37I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:38I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:39I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:40I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:41I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:42I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:50:43I can tell you, I was really better off when I came out.
00:51:01What do you eat?
00:51:03Pasta and potatoes.
00:51:08So, will you tell me?
00:51:12Look, if they take you to a worse place, will you stay there?
00:51:16Where are you?
00:51:18Well, on Via della Campanella.
00:51:21What number?
00:51:24Damn it!
00:51:26The misery! My father was fifteen.
00:51:31So, will you go with me?
00:51:34Yes, you.
00:51:35I can't go alone.
00:51:36No, either you take me, or I'll take you with the guards.
00:51:38Because I'm tired of being here praying.
00:51:40Do you understand? Yes or no?
00:51:42Silence, silence!
00:51:43If you don't shut up, I'll have you thrown out of the church.
00:51:55So, will you go with me?
00:51:57Yes or no?
00:51:58I'm not going anywhere.
00:51:59Go, I'll let you see.
00:52:00You're going to put me back?
00:52:01Yes, I'll let you see.
00:52:02I'm losing my patience.
00:52:03You're losing your patience because you think you're better than me.
00:52:06I can't kill you.
00:52:07Go away.
00:52:08I'll take you with the guards.
00:52:09Take me with the devil, who's after you, who's worse than me.
00:52:14I'll take you with me.
00:52:18You have to cry, or the devil will make you cry.
00:52:20Come on, walk.
00:52:21Get up.
00:52:22Let me see you.
00:52:23Come on, walk.
00:52:24Let me see you.
00:52:25Don't come near me.
00:52:27I'll show you.
00:52:28Don't come near me.
00:52:29Let me see you.
00:52:30Come on, walk.
00:52:31Let me see you.
00:52:32Come on.
00:52:37At least, the devil will make you cry.
00:52:39Yes, okay, but I'll take you with me.
00:52:41Come on.
00:52:42This time, what can a Christian do?
00:52:45Stop them.
00:52:46Hey, where are you going?
00:52:47You can't go.
00:52:48I'm going with this one.
00:52:49Go and see my wife.
00:52:58Wait here.
00:53:13Ladies, have you seen anyone?
00:53:14No, no one has come.
00:53:15And it's not time yet.
00:53:17Girls, put a little more on there.
00:53:20Like this.
00:53:21A little less on that side.
00:53:22But, in short, you can know what you want.
00:53:24I want to go out.
00:53:25It's closed.
00:53:26You can't go through there.
00:53:27You call the lawyer and then you make me
00:53:29the pleasure of not doing anything.
00:53:31Because here we are in church.
00:53:32In church.
00:53:33You have to...
00:53:35Do you want to go away?
00:53:41This is not the way to stay in church.
00:53:43Come away.
00:53:44Come away.
00:53:46I must find him.
00:53:47He's here.
00:53:48I must find him.
00:53:57I must find him.
00:54:10But what do you want?
00:54:12I'm looking for an old man who lives here.
00:54:15I'll tell you later.
00:54:25I have to find him.
00:54:29Where is he?
00:54:31Where is he?
00:54:32Do you see him?
00:54:33I don't see him.
00:54:40I don't know where he is.
00:54:42Stop crying.
00:54:51He didn't fly away, did he?
00:54:57He wouldn't have let me go.
00:54:59Shut up!
00:55:07What are you doing?
00:55:09Come on, let's go.
00:55:10No, I don't want to go.
00:55:11Come on, let's go.
00:55:13Do you want to come or not?
00:55:15No, I don't want to come.
00:55:17Come on, let's go.
00:55:19Look at him!
00:55:22Why did you give it to me?
00:55:23Because you deserved it.
00:55:25Come on, let's go.
00:55:26No, I don't want to go.
00:55:27Let me go.
00:55:28Come on, let's go.
00:55:30Yes, yes.
00:55:35You're a pig.
00:55:38Yes, okay.
00:55:39I put the pig in.
00:55:41At home, I tell mom.
00:55:43At home, we do the math.
00:55:49You wait for me at the bridge.
00:55:50Don't move.
00:55:51Do you understand?
00:55:56Go look for the old man.
00:56:07Bruno, wait for me.
00:56:09I won't let you go.
00:56:11Don't you take him.
00:56:14I won't.
00:56:15I won't.
00:56:16You take him.
00:56:17You wait for me.
00:56:18You help me.
00:56:19I won't.
00:56:21What is it?
00:56:22What is it?
00:56:26What happened?
00:56:27What happened?
00:56:28You don't have a dad.
00:56:29You don't have a father.
00:56:30You don't have a son.
00:56:32Is it true?
00:56:34Is it true?
00:56:36Bruno! Bruno! Bruno!
00:57:36Come on, come on!
00:57:43Did you do anything?
00:57:44No, we didn't do anything!
00:58:06Bruno, put on your jacket, you're sweaty.
00:58:13Put it on.
00:58:18Come on.
00:58:23Come on.
00:58:37Are you tired?
00:58:40Sit down.
00:58:42What do you want to do?
00:58:43Now let's go home.
00:58:45Sit down.
00:59:01It's a good team, Modena.
00:59:07Are you hungry?
00:59:21Would you like a pizza?
00:59:30Let's go.
00:59:32Let's go.
00:59:33Look at this.
00:59:34Dead, killed, dead, killed.
00:59:36Who can do it?
00:59:37This team.
00:59:38Let's go.
00:59:58Come on, put on your seatbelt.
01:00:03Let's not think about anything.
01:00:05Let's get drunk.
01:00:10Sit down, please.
01:00:15Half a liter?
01:00:16No, a liter and a pizza.
01:00:18They don't make pizza here.
01:00:19What do you mean?
01:00:20This is a trattoria, not a pizzeria.
01:00:22Well, then I want to eat.
01:00:25Why don't you eat?
01:00:26What do you want?
01:00:30Do you want a mozzarella and a carrot?
01:00:33Two mozzarellas and a carrot, no doubt.
01:00:36Now we eat these two mozzarellas,
01:00:38and I'll bring you the dessert.
01:00:40Are you happy?
01:01:03What do you want?
01:01:04A pizza and a carrot?
01:01:06I want a pizza and a carrot.
01:01:09Why don't you drink?
01:01:10Drink, drink.
01:01:14If your mother sees you, I'll make you drink.
01:01:20Let's do what we have to do.
01:01:32We'll do what we have to do.
01:01:36We'll do what we have to do.
01:01:54Let's eat and go.
01:02:02I don't know what to do with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
01:02:07I don't know what to do with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
01:02:32I don't know what to do with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
01:02:52To eat like those people, you have to earn a million a month.
01:03:03Eat, eat.
01:03:06Do you like it?
01:03:08Eat, eat.
01:03:24And you, what are you doing?
01:03:27Do you realize that with the extraordinary, there is a lot of ruin?
01:03:3812,000 a month.
01:03:4212,000 a month.
01:03:46Here, write a little.
01:03:5212,000 a month.
01:03:55Plus 2,000 extraordinary, plus family allowance.
01:04:03They make 800 lire a day.
01:04:07800 for 30.
01:04:10What more do you want?
01:04:12It's better this way.
01:04:14And one has to give up.
01:04:16I don't want to give up.
01:04:18You understand that you have to find it.
01:04:20Because if you don't eat, what can you do?
01:04:24You have to take care of yourself every day.
01:04:27Because we have to find those there.
01:04:30Yes, those.
01:04:33Those are no longer to be seen.
01:04:36Nor can we find them with your mother's candles.
01:04:39Nor can we find them with the saints.
01:04:50Sports news.
01:04:52Today, Sunday, as usual, on all football fields in Italy,
01:04:56the teams will meet for the games on the calendar.
01:04:59The audience is naturally turned to the Serie A football team.
01:05:04Here are the games that will be played today.
01:05:07In Rome, Modena will meet Roma at the National Stadium.
01:05:13But I'm afraid.
01:05:15What do you want me to say?
01:05:17That it's worse this way?
01:05:19But I'm afraid.
01:05:21I'm sorry for this boy.
01:05:23Maria, don't be afraid.
01:05:25Don't be afraid.
01:05:26You have to say, like a confessor, and you'll see.
01:05:30Maybe I was.
01:05:32Holy Mother of mine.
01:05:41That yes, and that no.
01:05:44Seeds in another field.
01:05:47Do you understand me?
01:05:49Do you understand what I mean?
01:05:51No, I don't understand.
01:05:52But how can you not understand, dear boy?
01:05:55It's so easy to understand.
01:05:57What's the point of plowing if the land is ungrateful?
01:06:03You plow and don't harvest.
01:06:05Do you understand?
01:06:10I really don't understand anything.
01:06:12That doesn't suit you, you have to forget it.
01:06:19You're ugly, my son.
01:06:22You're ugly.
01:06:26There are so many women in the world.
01:06:28You plow and seeds in another field.
01:06:31Do you like it?
01:06:37Mama, are you cold?
01:06:46Good morning.
01:06:47Good morning.
01:06:48Good morning.
01:06:49Good morning.
01:06:50Good morning.
01:06:51Good morning.
01:06:52Good morning.
01:06:56Papa, come here.
01:06:58Come here, Papa.
01:06:59Come here, Papa.
01:07:00Come here, Papa.
01:07:01Papa, come here.
01:07:02Come here.
01:07:03Come here.
01:07:04Excuse me, sir, but why are you going?
01:07:06Sorry, but we have to respect the shifts.
01:07:08There are people who have been waiting for two hours.
01:07:10I think so.
01:07:11Excuse me, sir, but why don't you respect the shifts?
01:07:13I'm in a hurry.
01:07:14All right, we're in a hurry too, if you don't mind.
01:07:17Do me a favor, let me pass.
01:07:19We want to ask them a favor in here.
01:07:22What are you doing?
01:07:23Be good.
01:07:24All right, but it's not my house.
01:07:26Look, first there are these women.
01:07:28Then there's me.
01:07:29Then there's the marshal.
01:07:30Be good.
01:07:31That's right.
01:07:32I serve everyone.
01:07:35That yes and that no.
01:07:39My God, give me the light.
01:07:42Give me the light.
01:07:47And you.
01:07:55What did they steal from you?
01:07:57The bicycle.
01:07:58The bicycle.
01:07:59What do you want me to tell you, my son?
01:08:02I can only say what I see.
01:08:05Listen carefully.
01:08:06Either you find it immediately or you won't find it anymore.
01:08:10Do you understand?
01:08:11Either you find it immediately or you won't find it anymore.
01:08:15Do you understand?
01:08:16Either you find it immediately or you won't find it anymore.
01:08:19Do you understand?
01:08:20Immediately, where?
01:08:21I don't know anymore.
01:08:22What do you want me to tell you?
01:08:24I don't know what to say.
01:08:25Go and try to understand me.
01:08:27Either you find it immediately or you won't find it anymore.
01:08:43Thank you.
01:08:44Good morning.
01:08:45Good morning.
01:09:15Good morning.
01:09:16Good morning.
01:09:45All right.
01:09:47Thank you.
01:10:04How does it work?
01:10:06I don't understand.
01:10:07I don't understand.
01:10:08I don't understand.
01:10:09He's drunk.
01:10:10He's drunk.
01:10:11He's drunk.
01:10:12He's drunk.
01:10:13You can't go in there.
01:10:14Where are you going?
01:10:15I'd like to know where you're going now.
01:10:17Get out of here.
01:10:18Get out of here.
01:10:19Let's go.
01:10:20Where are you going?
01:10:21Where are you going?
01:10:22Where are you going?
01:10:23The law here is the same for everyone.
01:10:25Do you understand?
01:10:26Let's go.
01:10:29Where is he?
01:10:30How should I know?
01:10:31There he is.
01:10:32On the stairs.
01:10:33Get down.
01:10:34You can't go to the cell.
01:10:35You don't know.
01:10:36Get out of here.
01:10:37Leave me alone.
01:10:38You scoundrel.
01:10:39Leave me alone.
01:10:40In the dining room.
01:10:41Get out.
01:10:42Get out.
01:10:43Get out.
01:10:44Get out.
01:10:45Get out of here.
01:10:46I want to talk to him.
01:10:47Call the police.
01:10:48Who knows you?
01:10:49I'll show you if you know me.
01:10:50Get out.
01:10:51Get out.
01:10:52Call the police.
01:10:53Let's go.
01:10:54Call someone.
01:10:55Get out.
01:10:56I have a headache.
01:10:57I want to talk to you.
01:10:58To me.
01:10:59Alfred, leave her alone.
01:11:00Leave her alone.
01:11:01To me?
01:11:02Yes, to you.
01:11:03Here I am.
01:11:05Let's go.
01:11:06Finish her.
01:11:07You have to give me back my bike.
01:11:08Put your hands down.
01:11:09I told you to leave her alone.
01:11:10Get out.
01:11:12Get out of here
01:11:15Get out.
01:11:16Get out.
01:11:17Get too far.
01:11:20Get out.
01:11:21I want to talk to you.
01:11:24Get out.
01:11:25Ladies rest.
01:11:26Let's go.
01:11:27While we're at it, let's storm
01:11:31I'll show them.
01:11:33I don't care.
01:11:35Leave here alone.
01:11:39Get out.
01:11:40Let's go, Lupin.
01:11:41Let's go.
01:11:44Lupin, what are you doing?
01:11:48You have to give me back what you took from me.
01:11:50What did I take from you?
01:11:51Look at me.
01:11:53What did I take from you?
01:11:56You took my bicycle.
01:11:57What bicycle?
01:11:59What bicycle?
01:12:00I'm not a thief.
01:12:04No, don't go.
01:12:05I'm going to kill you if you don't take it out.
01:12:12Do you want to shoot?
01:12:13I'm not moving from here.
01:12:14You take it out.
01:12:15Look at what's going to happen to me.
01:12:16A madman who's going to chase me.
01:12:17Let me go.
01:12:18No, I won't let you go.
01:12:19Let me go.
01:12:20What did I do to you?
01:12:21Let me go.
01:12:22You're compromising me.
01:12:23I'm not moving from here until you deserve what you took from me.
01:12:24What did I take from you?
01:12:25Yes, I'm not moving until you deserve it.
01:12:26The bicycle.
01:12:27The bicycle you stole from me yesterday in Florida.
01:12:28Who was there yesterday in Florida?
01:12:29You were there.
01:12:30You were there.
01:12:31You were there.
01:12:32You were there.
01:12:33You were there.
01:12:34You were there.
01:12:35You were there wearing that hat.
01:12:36Who else was there?
01:12:37We were there.
01:12:38I shouldn't have to accused you of this.
01:12:39You can put your glasses on again.
01:12:40Let me go, mother.
01:12:41No, I won't let you come here again.
01:12:42You understand that I won't let you come here again?
01:12:43Get away from me, foolish murderer.
01:12:44Alfredo, come here.
01:12:47Mom, let me go.
01:12:51Put those hands down.
01:12:52Yesterday he was at the General Merchants.
01:12:54He's a good man.
01:12:56Don't worry, he's a good man.
01:12:58He's a good man.
01:13:00He's a good man.
01:13:03Tell me,
01:13:05would a cyclist have robbed you?
01:13:07Yes, a cyclist robbed me.
01:13:09First you have to be careful, are you sure?
01:13:11How can I be sure?
01:13:13And where would he have robbed you?
01:13:15Near Florida.
01:13:16If you're so sure, why don't you go to the police station?
01:13:18What are you waiting for? He lives here.
01:13:20What are you waiting for? Get out of here.
01:13:22Let's go, we're wasting time.
01:13:24What are you waiting for? He's still here.
01:13:26Let's go, get out of here.
01:13:28I'm here, there's nothing to hide.
01:13:30No, you're not going anywhere, I'm not stupid.
01:13:32Do you understand that you're not going anywhere?
01:13:34Then don't touch me. Who has ever seen you?
01:13:36Take him away.
01:13:44Look, you'd better go.
01:13:46You've done a good job.
01:13:48I have to be sure.
01:13:50You can't accuse people impunity.
01:13:52Watch your head.
01:13:54Don't hit your head.
01:14:00Look, you'd better go.
01:14:02When you accuse someone, you have to be sure.
01:14:04Because apart from being a crook,
01:14:06there is also the danger of war for slander.
01:14:12Get out of here, I'll kill you.
01:14:14Get out of here, I'll kill you.
01:14:16My son,
01:14:18bless your mother's soul.
01:14:20Get out of here, I'll kill you.
01:14:22Before you talk,
01:14:24are you sure of what you say?
01:14:26If you're such a coward,
01:14:28now you're going to be a coward too.
01:14:30Get out of here, I'll kill you.
01:14:32What are you doing?
01:14:40No, I want to give calories to that one.
01:14:42No, I want to give calories to that one.
01:14:54Where's the guy on the bike?
01:14:56What are you doing?
01:14:58There he is, making a scene.
01:15:00What scene?
01:15:02What scene?
01:15:04Don't you see this poor guy?
01:15:06Let's go.
01:15:08I told you, let's go.
01:15:10What does he have against my son?
01:15:12My son is uncensored.
01:15:14Everyone knows him here.
01:15:16He says he has a German hat.
01:15:18That's what he is.
01:15:20Get out of here.
01:15:22Let's go.
01:15:24Hurry up.
01:15:26He's in the hospital more than outside.
01:15:28Then you go with us.
01:15:30For God's sake.
01:15:32It's the house of good people.
01:15:40Let's go.
01:15:44I would give him that one for inflammation.
01:15:46What do you want from that girl?
01:15:48She never made me sick.
01:15:54Here you can see everything.
01:15:56The house is all here.
01:15:58And there was a guy.
01:16:02He sleeps here.
01:16:04Look under the bed if there are bicycles.
01:16:06Here is my daughter,
01:16:08another girl and me.
01:16:14Instead of being offended,
01:16:16give a place to that poor guy
01:16:18who has been looking for a job for a long time.
01:16:20Blessed soul.
01:16:28The blankets of my brother-in-law.
01:16:30A thousand and one that he had.
01:16:32He rented.
01:16:38Look, look under the bed.
01:16:40Look if there are bicycles.
01:16:54Do you have anyone who can testify?
01:16:56I can testify.
01:16:58But you.
01:17:00Come here.
01:17:06Do you want to go out for a moment, ma'am?
01:17:10Speak in an hour, two, three,
01:17:12and bring it to me.
01:17:16Alone you can be wrong.
01:17:18Are you sure you recognized him?
01:17:20And how not? Yes, I recognized him.
01:17:22Come here.
01:17:24Look a little.
01:17:34Those are all testimonies in his favor.
01:17:36You lose time and I see these stories
01:17:38every day.
01:17:40But did you really see him?
01:17:42Yes, I saw him while he was running away.
01:17:44From behind then?
01:17:46No, I took the time to see him because ...
01:17:50There were people?
01:17:52Yes, there were.
01:17:54And you can not trust anyone as a witness?
01:17:56I had something else to do
01:17:58in the name of the people.
01:18:00What can you do then?
01:18:28You did not see him right in the face.
01:18:30You have no one else to recognize him.
01:18:32What can you do? You can be right,
01:18:34but you lack proof.
01:18:36And if by chance he is innocent,
01:18:38they are pastries. These or you take them on the fact
01:18:40or you find the reprisal. If not, there is nothing to do.
01:18:42But I break his face.
01:18:44Then you should end up inside you.
01:18:48If I knew what this story meant to me.
01:18:58Come here.
01:19:06Are you happy? What did you find?
01:19:08What did you find? Nothing.
01:19:10I am censored.
01:19:12What's your name?
01:19:14Alfredo Catelli.
01:19:16Do you want to make a complaint?
01:19:18He is censored, my son.
01:19:20He is censored.
01:19:22You better go.
01:19:46Come on.
01:26:36I don't want a penny, leave it. Good day to you all and thank you.
01:26:39Nice stuff to teach your son.
01:26:41He's not even ashamed.
01:26:43He's lucky he found that book.
01:26:45If he'd let me, I'd take it inside.
01:26:47Go home, he told you well.
01:26:49Go, go.
01:26:50Pull, pull.
01:26:51It's better that you go, go.
01:26:53Thank God, go.
01:27:06No, no, no, no.
01:27:15The referee whistled, the referee whistled.
01:27:45It's all right, it's all right.
01:27:47It's all right.
01:27:48It's all right.
01:27:49It's all right.
01:27:50It's all right.
01:27:51It's all right.
01:27:52It's all right.
01:27:53It's all right.
01:27:54It's all right.
01:27:55It's all right.
01:27:56It's all right.
01:27:57It's all right.
01:27:58It's all right.
01:27:59It's all right.
01:28:00It's all right.
01:28:01It's all right.
01:28:02It's all right.
01:28:03It's all right.
01:28:04It's all right.
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01:28:06It's all right.
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01:29:40It's all right.