BGMI live TDM Victory @Gameplay 2024 #bgmi #live #visvabgmi #top100 #bots

  • 2 months ago
Depends on your skill level and opponent level.

When you like to rush in and take fights head on you need split second decision and need to kill the opponent faster than he/she kills you.

M 762. Good round off gun. If you like to provide back up or take head on fights. Good at short range and across the warehouse kind of range. Moderate recoil and you can literally keep on firing without need to stop. Good for prefire when you know the opponent is behind the boxes.

UZI devastating at close range. Not that great at longer ones. Match up with opponent with similar skills you will win most of your interactions.

Fire rate is a little too high. You miss aim and before you know your are out of bullets reloading in the middle of warehouse right in opponents face.

Vector. - Literally no recoil. Better than UZI at moderate range. Needs precise aim cause will less bullet capacity you'll need to reload sooner.

Kar 98 - Literal sledge hammer. You hit a shot (scope or no scope) high probability you will get a kill. But if up close and you miss you are a sitting duck.

S12K - Mini sledge hammer at close range. I have seen players destroying teams with this beauty.

Most effective at close range. Usually in warehouse. Just the firerate needs to be managed.

M416 - Jack of all trades. Easier to handle in AR section. Not optimal for rush players cause will lose in comparison to M762 or even ScarL in head to head with similar skills opponent.

AKM - after playing quite a while this is my favorite gun at the moment.

I use to play with double M762 with red Dot and like rush play.

With aim getting better and able to trace enemy movement I gave AKM a try and realised it is devastating up close and mid.

Few precise shots and you will win literally most of the interactions.

Have moved from consistent 12–15 kills to 18–20kills (highest 24).

Have to remember to use AKM in burst to control recoil. When facing multiple opponents when M672 or infact any AR ( except M249) I use to die taking out one. Not more than once I can clear out multiple enemies thanks to this beast.

Finally what will make your gun the best is

Your movement and aiming skills. You stop and you die. Literally.
Your tracking ability using foot step sound and teammate interaction.
Your team mates skill level and Coordination. You might be a champ but you will lose if your team sucks or you don't get any backup
