• last year


00:00Thank you for the invitation.
00:02The General Proposal is a natural step in the company's journey,
00:05which extends for more than 10 years.
00:07This Proposal is in line with our goals to strengthen the position of the marketing company
00:12in front of the legislator, in front of the contributors, in front of our clients.
00:18Therefore, this is a natural step in the company's journey.
00:22It also opens up doors for us in the financial markets in case the company needs it.
00:27The proceeds of the Proposal will go to the contributors.
00:31The company will not get any of the proceeds of the Proposal.
00:34The company has the financial capacity to provide the necessary liquidity for its operations.
00:41Yes, Mr. Adnan, based on what you said that the company has strong financial liquidity and capacity,
00:47let's talk today about the size of the liquidity available to the company,
00:52especially since you also have expansion plans and access to various sectors.
00:59The company's capital is 400 million Saudi Riyals.
01:02The company has financial liquidity and operations that are financed internally.
01:06One of the strongest features of Samasko is its ability to create cash flows from its operations.
01:12Samasko, as well, enjoys the advantage of low capital expenditures.
01:21How much is the size of the cash flows, Mr. Adnan?
01:25The cash flows reach an average of 150 to 160 million Saudi Riyals per year.
01:37Mr. Adnan, do you expect that the Proposal will be approved within a specific date and period?
01:43Also, for individuals, you only proposed 10% as a share for individuals.
01:48If the Proposal is approved by individuals, is there a plan to increase the percentage or date?
01:55Samasko is a company with strong financial capacity.
02:00It is a new investment for individuals and companies.
02:0490% of the shares were allocated to companies and 10% to individuals.
02:08The percentage of allocation will be studied by the proposal consultant based on the coverage of the Proposal.
02:15Mr. Adnan, how many employees do you have today?
02:21What are your goals for increasing the number of employees?
02:24What sectors do you focus on and provide for employees in the Kingdom during this period?
02:33Currently, we have nearly 37,000 employees.
02:38We always strive to increase the number of employees.
02:41We serve the sectors of business and individuals.
02:44In the sector of business, we serve all the main sectors in the Saudi economy,
02:49from the construction sector, the medical sector, the petrochemical sector, the distribution sector, and the logistics sector.
02:55In the sector of individuals, we provide services to individuals in all geographical areas of the Kingdom.
03:02Which sectors represent the largest percentage of your will among these sectors?
03:09The sector of companies accounts for 70% of the company's will,
03:12and the sector of individuals accounts for 30% of the company's will.
03:15The sector of companies is distributed among the industrial sectors
03:18with similar percentages to achieve a balance in the stock market.
03:23Mr. Adnan, with the organization of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
03:28and the World Cup coming up,
03:31the demand for the workforce may increase significantly.
03:37Do you have a plan to meet this demand?
03:42Our strategy is always to expand our services to the sectors of business and individuals.
03:48We are able to provide the required numbers.
03:52We have a wide network of recruitment agencies
03:55in approximately 40 countries,
03:58150 recruitment agencies in more than 40 countries.
04:01We have the ability to meet the increasing need for human resources in the sectors of companies and individuals.
04:08We would also like to know the size of the contracts,
04:12if there are contracts with the Saudi government or with similar government companies.
04:17Are the targets expected by 2024?
04:23We started in 2024 with a good start.
04:26We have approximately 3,000 new job applications for all sectors.
04:31We are working with all sectors.
04:34We are working with government sectors and other companies
04:37that are building these huge government projects.
04:41Excuse me, Mr. Salah.
04:43How big are the government contracts for the company in the first quarter?
04:48We are dealing with a number of jobs.
04:51We started in 2024 with approximately 37,000 jobs.
04:55We have job applications for approximately 3,000 new jobs.
05:00Our intentions are based on the number of jobs,
05:03and the number of jobs is the main driving force for the company's intentions.
05:06Mr. Adnan, what is available to us is financial data for the end of 2023,
05:11which is the growth of the company by about 11%
05:15compared to the expected growth in the first quarter,
05:19especially in terms of revenues at the end of last year.
05:22Do you expect an additional growth in revenues?
05:26We expect a growth in revenues in 2024.
05:29Our revenues in 2023 amounted to 1.8 billion.
05:33This is an excellent number.
05:35The company's revenues amounted to 166 million.
05:39This is a relatively high profit margin in the human resources sector.
05:44Today, if we talk about your market share in the Saudi economy,
05:49how big is it?
05:50Is there any intention to expand outside the Kingdom?
05:54According to independent studies,
05:5714% of our workers' sector is a market share,
06:00and 16% of individuals' sector is a market share.
06:03These numbers are special numbers.
06:05We are in the leading position in the market share in the human resources sector.
06:09Currently, our operations are extended inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
06:13to more than 55 cities and provinces.
06:15We are currently expanding outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
06:20Going back to writing in the case of coverage,
06:24are there any dates expected to be implemented directly?
06:30The implementation is expected at the end of the regular procedures for writing.
06:37It is expected to be implemented in June or June 6, God willing.
06:41One last question.
06:43In light of the expansion and the work you are doing,
06:47and in light of the fact that the company has cash flows,
06:52is there any liability on the company at the moment?
06:57One of the characteristics of Samasko is its ability to create free flows of operations.
07:02As I mentioned, it has a limited need for capital expenditures.
07:06The other thing is that Samasko operates in an environment free of debt from its foundation.
07:11These social factors have led to a high ability to pay high profits distributions to contributors.
07:16Therefore, we have no intention of taking out a loan,
07:19because we have enough capital to pay the distributions required by the contributors.
07:24How will the distribution policy mechanism be for you after the implementation?
07:29We have a clear strong policy for distribution of profits.
07:3275% of the company's profits are distributed annually.
07:36This is confirmed by the general consensus when reviewing the financial results of the company.
