أشهر صفعة في التاريخ

  • 4 months ago
تعرفوا على قصة حقيقية مذهلة حدثت في إحدى القرى الألمانية في القرن السادس عشر، حيث برز طفل عبقري يُدعى جاوس. كيف تحوّل درس الرياضيات إلى مواجهة حامية بين جاوس ومدرسه؟ وكيف اكتشف جاوس قانونًا جديدًا جعله واحدًا من أشهر علماء الرياضيات في التاريخ؟ شاهدوا القصة الكاملة لهذه اللحظة التاريخية المثيرة!
00:00This is a true story that happened in a German village in the sixteenth century
00:05Where there was a child named Gauss
00:07He is a very smart student
00:09Some called him a genius
00:12Gauss quickly answered all of the mathematics teacher's questions
00:17His answers were always correct
00:19Which deprived his colleagues of the opportunity to think about the teacher’s question
00:24one day
00:25The teacher chose a very difficult question
00:28To challenge Gauss
00:30However, Gauss answered him very quickly
00:34Which increased the teacher's anger
00:36The teacher decided to punish Gauss for his selfish behaviour
00:40He gave him a complex mathematical problem
00:44He was asked to find the sum of numbers from zero to one hundred
00:49It was the teacher's goal
00:51The teacher's goal was to occupy Gauss with this problem
00:54To give room for the rest of the students to answer and learn the lesson.
01:00But only five minutes later
01:03Gauss said excitedly
01:07The teacher slapped Gaus' face, saying:
01:11are you kidding ?
01:12What are you saying ?
01:14Where are your accounts?
01:16Gauss replied simply:
01:17I discovered a relationship between numbers from zero to one hundred
01:21When we add the numbers one hundred and zero, or ninety-nine and one
01:25Or ninety-eight and two
01:27We find that the sum of each pair equals one hundred
01:30And so on until I reached fifty-one and forty-nine
01:34Then, I discovered that there are fifty pairs of numbers
01:38The total of each is one hundred
01:40Only fifty remain
01:42Therefore, the total is (50 x 100) + 50 = 5050.
01:48Hence, Gauss discovered a new law to calculate this problem
01:53The teacher was amazed by the child's genius
01:56He did not know that he had been slapped at that moment
01:58The great scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss
02:00One of the three most famous mathematicians in history.
