Bob Good Rails Against Liberal Witness: You Want To ‘Let Lawlessness Reign’

  • 4 months ago
On Wednesday, Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) questioned witnesses on the continued entrance of immigrants into the U.S. during a House Budget Committee hearing.

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00:00 your line of thinking and comments and associate myself with them. And now we're going to continue
00:08 on the Republican side with Mr. Bob Good from Virginia for five minutes.
00:15 Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I appreciate all of our witnesses who are here today.
00:21 I have a question. I would like to try to get four succinct answers. I go down the row,
00:25 starting with Ms. Kirshner. What percentage, in your opinion, estimation, your research,
00:31 what percentage or what number of the world's non-U.S. population would come to America if
00:37 they could? In other words, we've got roughly 350 million Americans, some 7 billion plus people who
00:43 don't live in the United States. So if they could, what percentage of the world's population or what
00:48 number, which is just kind of a guesstimate based on, would come here if they could?
00:53 Yes, sir. I'm a fortunately I didn't know it would be a pop quiz, but I know Gallup.
00:57 I didn't know there would be math in this. No, no, no. I do know Gallup has done some surveys
01:01 and I know it's I think it's probably a third. So you're saying somewhere in the 2 billion range,
01:08 I'm just assigning a number to a third, maybe 2 to 3 billion, something like that.
01:11 No, that would be my guess. You couldn't get me to it.
01:15 Okay. Mr. Blair, if you had to guesstimate a number, if they could, the world's population
01:22 that would come to the United States if they could. The US is the greatest country in the world,
01:26 so I would probably put it maybe 50 percent or more. Okay. You're saying 3, 4 billion. Mr. Smith.
01:32 I'm making it close to 70 percent. Close to 70 percent. So you're saying in the 5 billion type
01:39 range and then down at the end, Mr. Beer. Oh, it's certainly be over 100 billion,
01:45 but we can focus on the people who have already gotten the process.
01:48 We don't have 100 million. You meant 100 million. You're saying only 100 million.
01:52 You think we could. You're saying only 100 million. Well, that's about what Gallup.
01:56 Only 100 million. Yeah. What's the population of Africa? What's the population of South America?
02:01 What's the population of Asia? And you think only 100 million of them. There's what,
02:06 5 billion between those just roughly making it up. So you're saying in the range of 2 percent
02:11 would come here. 2 percent would come here if they could. I mean, wages equalize over time. So look
02:17 at what we have. Okay. Thank you. I think you know where I'm going. Thank you. I reclaim my time.
02:22 Thank you. Okay. All right. So how many should we let come to America? I think that's a fundamental
02:29 question. How many should we let come to America? Meaning legal, illegal, someone to mix the two
02:36 together, which is offensive. I wish Mr. Glencott was still here. How many should we let come?
02:44 Yes, sir. We believe that current immigration rates are about as much as we can sustain as
02:53 a nation. We would, however, advocate that those immigrants be skilled. We think for the national
03:00 interest, it would benefit. Respectfully, I'm going to apologize because I've only got two
03:04 minutes and I'm going somewhere. I apologize, Mr. Christian, for that. I think the question,
03:08 okay, what percentage would come if they could? How many should we let come? And what number would
03:12 make us no longer America? And is it worth preserving what makes us distinctly, uniquely
03:18 America? Is that worth preserving? The fundamental question relative to the illegal
03:24 alien invasion, or for those who support the illegal alien invasion, first of all,
03:29 as others have said, there's no such thing as illegal immigration. Immigration is a legal,
03:34 lawful process. For that matter, legal immigrants are Americans, aren't they? Legal immigrants are
03:41 Americans, of course. They wanted to be Americans. They earned their citizenship.
03:45 They pledged their allegiance. They learned our language. At least everyone that I have
03:49 interacted with at the naturalization ceremonies they have the privilege of going to has learned
03:54 our language. They've had the means and the ability to contribute to our economy and our
03:58 society to make us stronger, make us better. In fact, this Friday, two days from now, I look
04:02 forward to welcoming another group among the million or so that we legally allow into this
04:06 country every year. I'm going to welcome them at Patrick Henry's Red Hill Home in my district. I
04:12 have the most historic district in the country, I would submit. So the fundamental question for
04:16 those who support the illegal alien invasion is, does everyone around the world have the right
04:23 to come to America? Or does America have the right to decide who gets to come to America?
04:30 How about those two questions? Does everyone around the world have the right to come to America? Or
04:33 does America get to decide who has the right to be in America? Ms. Kirchner.
04:38 Americans should be able to decide the future of their country. Thank you, sir.
04:42 Americans should decide. Mr. Smith.
04:44 Same. Mr. Beir.
04:46 America should decide, but there should be a presumption in favor of liberty.
04:50 And that's the question that does indeed make us very far apart from what Lloyd said.
04:55 Because what many on the other side believe, and I would submit Mr. Beir believes this if he was
05:01 being honest with us, that they believe that because of the statements that he said in his
05:05 opening remarks, they believe they have the right to be here. And then the ranking member talked
05:10 about the triangle countries coming here. You know, we cannot, and he said the problem is we
05:15 got to go fix those triangle countries. So they don't want to come here anymore from Guatemala,
05:19 Honduras, and El Salvador. The only way we can do that is to let lawlessness reign,
05:24 destroy our economy, defund and undermine our police, you know, destroy our institutions,
05:29 so that we become as bad as some of these countries around the world. And then the
05:32 journey and the cost of the journey, the difficulty is no longer worth it. I submit
05:36 that's Democrat policies carried through. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I submit, I yield back.
