Caillou E076 - I want to be taller

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 [musique]
00:02 I want a cookie mommy
00:04 Caillou, cookies aren't for breakfast
00:06 Ok
00:08 Caillou wished he was tall enough to get his own cookies
00:14 But he just couldn't reach the cookie jar
00:17 Come on, it's time to get ready for the park
00:22 Look, it's André
00:30 Caillou hadn't seen his friend André in a long time
00:33 Hi Caillou, come play with me
00:36 Caillou wanted to do all the things André was doing
00:44 Wow
00:46 Wow
00:58 It's new, my other bike got too small
01:01 Wanna try it?
01:06 Well, ok
01:08 You're too small Caillou
01:13 Caillou wished he was big enough to ride André's bike
01:16 Hi Caillou, did you have a good time at the park?
01:22 I want to be like André
01:24 How come?
01:25 He's bigger than me, he can ride a big bike
01:29 Caillou, André is a little bit older than you
01:31 Besides, you've been growing too, you know
01:33 I have?
01:35 Let's take a look
01:37 See, you're a whole inch taller than the last time
01:40 An inch?
01:43 How big is an inch?
01:46 That's quite a lot to grow Caillou
01:50 Caillou was happy that he was bigger than before
01:53 I'm a big boy now
01:55 We'll measure you too, Rosie
01:57 You've grown too
02:02 See, you used to be that big
02:04 Now you're up here
02:06 And that's Caillou
02:09 Big
02:11 Caillou was proud to be Rosie's big brother
02:14 If you keep growing this fast Caillou, you'll be as big as André in no time
02:18 Caillou couldn't wait to be as big as André
02:21 How can I grow big faster?
02:23 The only way to grow big and strong is to eat well and get lots of sleep
02:28 That night, Caillou ate a lot more than usual
02:32 More, Caillou? I thought you didn't like meatloaf
02:35 I want to eat lots so I can grow bigger
02:41 Time for dessert, Caillou
02:46 Now you can have that cookie you wanted for breakfast
02:49 I'm too full
02:51 Come on, Caillou
02:52 You can work off all that food by helping me with the dishes
02:55 Hmm, looks like a problem with the pipes again
03:02 I'll look at it in the morning
03:04 Caillou thought if he went to bed extra early, he might grow faster
03:08 You're getting ready for bed already?
03:10 It's not even your bedtime yet
03:12 I want to get lots of sleep
03:15 Look, Caillou, I found an old picture of you
03:19 See how small you were then?
03:21 I was little
03:23 That's right, Caillou
03:25 Now you're a big boy
03:27 That night, Caillou dreamed he was big and strong
03:40 He could reach the high bar on the jungle gym
03:44 And he could ride André's bike
03:47 Caillou? Caillou, wake up!
03:50 When Caillou woke up, he was very happy
03:55 He was feeling much bigger
03:58 What are you doing?
03:59 I want to see!
04:01 See what?
04:07 I want to see!
04:10 See what?
04:12 Daddy, daddy, am I any bigger?
04:19 I'm afraid you're pretty much the same size as yesterday, Caillou
04:23 Caillou was disappointed
04:25 He felt like he'd never be as tall as André
04:28 No one grows overnight
04:30 You've got years to get bigger
04:32 What are you doing?
04:33 Fixing the sink
04:34 Let's see if it works
04:37 Oh, no!
04:39 Well, looks like it's time to call the plumber
04:47 We probably just need to replace that leaky joint
04:54 Can I see, daddy?
04:56 Sorry, Caillou, but this is grown-up work
04:59 Caillou decided to do some work of his own on the bathroom sink
05:03 Come on, daddy, help me fix that leaky joint
05:06 We may need your help after all, Caillou, if you aren't too busy
05:10 OK
05:11 See? We need to turn off the water for the plumber
05:16 But we're too big to fit in there
05:18 When the plumber gives the signal, you'll turn it off, OK?
05:21 OK
05:22 Now!
05:23 Now!
05:25 It's dark in here, daddy
05:29 I'm right here, Caillou
05:31 I'm right here, Caillou
05:33 I did it!
05:41 Thanks, Caillou
05:43 I could use a little helper like you more often
05:46 Caillou was very proud that he helped the plumber fix the sink
05:50 [Music]
06:03 Ah-ha! I see you, André
06:06 You win again, Caillou
