00:00 George Washington is an American think tank who won the British Empire in the Great Depression.
00:11 George Washington, a think tank and the first US President.
00:27 George Washington was the first US President from 1989 to 1992.
00:37 According to American history and some of his battles, he was the first US President.
00:47 Life and Career
00:51 George Washington died on February 22, 1932 in Westmoreland, Virginia.
01:01 His father's name was Augustine Washington, also known as Mary Ball Washington, who was the second wife of the Emperor.
01:10 George Washington's father was a bricklayer with a lot of money.
01:18 George Washington was the youngest of six brothers, but his brothers were replaced by a younger brother.
01:28 There were also two younger brothers in the family, named Laurent Washington and Augustine Washington Jr., who was the first wife's son, named Jane Barstow.
01:43 George Washington was a young man born in Kansas.
01:49 He started his first education at home with many teachers, but later went on to study in a boarding school for a period of 2 to 15 years.
02:01 His father passed away in 1943, giving him the opportunity to study abroad.
02:12 After his death, his younger brother named Laurent Washington, who was a good man and a well-known man, became his future father.
02:23 In 15 years, George Washington graduated from college.
02:29 Later, his younger brother, who spent his life in the Navy, wanted to find a job in the military.
02:39 But that dream had to be fulfilled by his father.
02:42 Later, he began to work as a land and sea engineer.
02:48 In 1551, George Washington made his first trip to the United States, when he sent his younger brother, named Laurent, to the state of Barbados, hoping that Augustine would be able to help his younger brother.
03:08 The Death of George Washington
03:11 Laurent Washington, who was George Washington's youngest brother, died in mid-1552 due to a serious heart attack, named Mount Vernon, to his youngest daughter, Sarah.
03:30 But when Sarah died in the second month of October, George Washington, who was only 20 years old at the time, became the king of that era.
03:40 In the first half of 1552, the world was established as a state that was a major power in the Virginia Republic.
03:52 In the 1950s, Laurent began to dig a lot of land in a place called Pennsylvania.
04:03 On October 31, 1553, an Englishman named Robert D. Windy, who was the governor of Virginia, invited George Washington to build a fort on the hill that now stands in Waterford, Pennsylvania.
04:22 From there, the world prepared to let the ore out, claiming that the land there was British property.
04:31 When the ore was dug out, George Washington returned to the city of Williamsburg, which was then the state of Virginia.
04:40 When he arrived at this position, Robert D. Windy invited him to return with a lot of peace and told him to set up a fort in the town of Cresmeada, which is now a fortified town in Pennsylvania.
04:57 When George Washington arrived in Cresmeada, the world saw that the ore had been mixed with an anaconda and had formed a unit.
05:08 In that period, his unit was established on the hill of the fort in Fort Dukes Faith on October 28, 1554, allowing the unit of 10 slaves to form a fort called Coulomb de Jumonville, while the rest were made prisoners.
05:31 In 1555, although there was a kingdom in the province of Fort Necessity, George Washington had to be established as a governor and appointed as a governor to protect the integrity of the fort.
05:47 Under his appointment, the governor of the city of Cresmeada worked many times to make sure that he had a name, and to play two roles to be a creator and a planner.
06:00 In 1558, George Washington resigned from his position and returned to the founder Mount Vernon as his successor to serve as the founder and planner.
06:15 Over the years, he built a 2,500-acre land plot of his own, which is 3,200 hectares with a total of 5 buildings.
06:27 Initially, he planted only the pine trees, but in 1566 he began planting lettuce and changing his production line before moving to another location in the Ananikum Land.
06:44 In the future, he also created fish, meat, and pork production and agriculture. Later, in 1590, he created a fishing village.
06:57 In 1558, he joined the army of Virginia to lead the Frederick army and served there until 1574.
07:11 From the 1660s, he became a prominent figure in the English colonial policy and the strong influence of the American people.
07:23 In 1565, when the Townsend Act was enacted, Washington had to take an important role in the fight against the Ananikum. In the summer of 1565, he signed an agreement to have the English colonial policy carried out, but the Act had to be revoked.
07:48 In 1574, he joined the First Revolutionary Army, which was formed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the same period as the Revolution in Virginia.
08:02 In 1575, he was appointed as the Secretary of State for New York. In the second revolutionary period, which was passed in the following months, he was appointed as the Secretary of State for all.
08:20 The American emperor Washington was appointed to the Continental Army in the middle of 1575, during the time of the siege of Boston.
08:35 During the 18 years of the Sino-American War, he showed his bravery as a hero to defeat the enemy and defeat the enemy and defeat the enemy.
08:50 During the war, the emperor Washington fought more than anyone, but he continued to fight without losing his pride. His pride at that time was to continue the English colonial policy.
09:06 In the 18th century, he was the first to declare war on Britain, and he was the first to declare war on Britain. He was the first to declare war on Britain.
09:27 In the 19th century, he was the first to declare war on Britain. He was the first to declare war on Britain.
09:40 The emperor Washington, after being appointed as a general, was deposed and signed the Paris Agreement on March 3, 1583. Then he was deposed from office and returned to his hometown of Mount Vernon.
10:00 Becoming the first American president, after his retirement, George Washington hoped to continue his life as a military officer.
10:10 However, he still relied on the policy and in 1585, he built a house in his hometown of Mount Vernon.
10:23 In 1586, he did not join the Annapolis League, but during the Human Rights League in 1565, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he was appointed as the president.
10:44 He was a man of great courage, who encouraged the people to make a difference in the United States, believing that the people were the only ones who were willing to be the first American president.
10:56 On March 2, 1585, the first presidential election was held, and Washington won the election, winning all the votes.
11:10 On March 30, 1585, he was deposed and held in New York City.
11:18 In 1592, he won the election as the second president of the United States, and at the end of the year 1596, he returned to Mount Vernon and decided to be deposed again.
11:37 The President was a good wife and a good man.
11:41 George Washington worked with a two-woman maid named Martha Dengreed Custis on March 6, 1559.
11:52 His wife was a good person, wise, and a good person who changed the world.
12:00 We can say that he was a good man with a good wife.
12:06 Although the two did not have children together, they lived together in harmony.
12:13 The world adored both children of his friends as well as his own children.
12:18 When his son named Percy died in 1573, the world was very sad and abandoned all his family and friends, leaving him with a friend for 3 months.
12:34 His second child, named John, died in 1581, and he was buried with two missing children.
12:45 The character of George Washington
12:48 1. Living alone is worse than living with a bad person.
12:54 2. Human nature is so important that I can't help it.
13:02 3. Being a good person is to give a good hand to those who are struggling and good people.
13:10 4. My biggest wish is to see the sun rise and the earth fall.
13:17 5. When the sun rises, it is like a tree that is falling down quickly.
13:26 6. Preparing for the sun is a way to have a good health.
13:33 7. 99% of the population is made up of people with a lot of hair.
13:40 Thanks for watching!