• last year
Dive into the emotional making of the much-anticipated series finale of CBS' beloved show, Young Sheldon, brought to life by creators Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro. Join the exceptional cast, including Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Annie Potts, Reagan Revord and more, as they bid farewell in this behind-the-scenes journey. Relive the laughter and warmth of Young Sheldon by streaming it on Paramount+!

Young Sheldon Cast:

Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Reagan Revord, Jim Parsons, Annie Potts, Craig T. Nelson, Matt Hobby, Emily Osment, Craig T. Nelson, Melissa Peterman, Wyatt McClure, Wallace Shawn, Sarah Baker, Dan Byrd and Ed Begley Jr.

Stream Young Sheldon now on Paramount+!


00:03 How old were you?
00:04 I think I just turned eight.
00:05 I really was like, he's so little.
00:07 It's sort of fun to see that transition,
00:09 like, well, Sheldon's this way.
00:11 I've seen that because I watched "The Big Bang Theory."
00:13 But he's this way when he's younger.
00:15 It's pretty crazy to watch old episodes
00:17 and my voice sounds so high and I'm so little.
00:18 He was so arrestingly charming immediately.
00:22 Just couldn't take your eyes off of him.
00:23 Some people are going to be intimidated by you
00:26 because of how smart you are.
00:27 Or maybe they'll recognize my intellect
00:29 and make me their leader.
00:30 It became such its own thing, not just the writers,
00:33 but what Ian did with it.
00:34 He managed to channel Jim's performance,
00:36 but also make it his own at the same time.
00:39 We were blessed to find somebody like Ian.
00:41 If you can't cast that part, you just don't do the show.
00:44 I'd like to be humble in this moment, but yes, that's me.
00:47 We're shooting the series finale.
00:49 It's been a really wonderful experience and one
00:53 that feels just really rare.
00:55 Our core cast is this amazing ensemble
00:57 of actors that are so much fun to just show up to work
00:59 and watch them perform.
01:00 I feel like it's just a big family around here.
01:02 Yeah.
01:03 Ever since we started.
01:04 It feels like it's been so long and also so short.
01:06 It's kind of flown by, but it has been half my life.
01:08 Montana feels like the best older brother in the world.
01:10 Reagan really feels like a real sister to me.
01:12 Why do we need the camera?
01:13 So people in the future can see your transformation.
01:16 It's literally felt like a second home.
01:18 I'm an only child, so being able to grow up
01:21 having an older brother and a twin, it's been special.
01:24 Of course I love the children and it's been really fun
01:27 to play with them as they grew.
01:28 They're not my real grandchildren,
01:30 but they sort of have become that.
01:32 I love you.
01:34 I love you too.
01:35 The things that I will always remember
01:37 are the family moments.
01:39 I hope I'm as good at that as you are.
01:41 Don't try to butter me up.
01:42 I think it's going to wrap up in a way where you're crying,
01:44 but you're also feeling fuzzy inside.
01:47 And there's some stuff that "Big Bang" fans
01:48 will know very well.
01:50 We're making an appearance in it.
01:53 Yeah, and it's a reveal of sorts.
01:54 This is the most beautiful coda to getting
01:56 to come back and see each other again.
01:58 Like a grace note to the whole experience.
02:00 It's very meaningful.
02:01 It's a beautiful way to land the plane.
02:04 (upbeat music)
02:07 [MUSIC]
