I Hate to love you. My Demon CEO (Part-1)

  • 4 months ago


00:00 Mom, I've loved Warren for over a decade, but I never thought we'd actually get married.
00:07 Chloe, Old Anderson just sent a message. Your wedding is scheduled in three days.
00:16 What? I thought that engagement had been called off.
00:19 This is Old Anderson's decision, okay? Besides, I thought you and Warren liked each other.
00:24 But six years ago he told me he had feelings for someone else and I haven't seen him since.
00:29 Well, that's the case. You consider it for your mom?
00:34 What do you mean? Look, the truth is, I'm deeply in debt because
00:38 of your mother's treatment. Your grandfather sacrificed his life to save Old Anderson.
00:43 It's time for that kindness to be repaid. I can work, Warren.
00:46 Chloe, save it. Just save it, okay? Look at these bills. Look at them. Your salary is
00:52 just a drop in the bucket. If you don't go forward with this wedding, I'm going to be
00:57 forced to end your mother's treatment. I see.
01:04 Wait. I'll get married. Just promise me that you'll keep paying for her treatments until
01:13 she recovers. I promise.
01:24 Congratulations. Wise decision. Thanks for your cooperation, dear. I'm in secret
01:30 wedding. She gets to keep her last name. Who cares? As long as they get married right.
01:37 Where's Warren?
01:40 You must have been looking forward to this day, Chloe. After dreaming of it for so long,
01:52 it's time for you to wake up. What are you talking about?
01:56 You killed my sister, and today marks the beginning of your atonement.
02:01 Warren, your sister's been missing for 20 years. I have no idea where she...
02:07 She's dead, Chloe. Because of you. You took everything from her.
02:10 If you believe this, then why were you kind to me for so long?
02:14 I just hate myself for not discovering the truth sooner.
02:17 I have no idea where your sister...
02:20 [phone rings]
02:22 Hi, Chloe. Um, Mira, I finished things early on my end.
02:27 That's great. I'm at the Lugder Hotel, waiting for you.
02:30 This must be a surprise.
02:46 [woman screams]
02:48 Stop hiding!
02:50 Wait. Is that Warren?
02:52 Oh no. That drink was spiked. And it's spinning.
03:00 A couple. Wrong target. Carry on, you two.
03:04 How did my wedding night turn out like this?
03:15 [sighs]
03:17 [phone rings]
03:21 Hey. I need information on a woman by tomorrow morning.
03:25 Warren. Interesting.
03:34 Ms. Mira, it seems someone has beaten you to the treats that you promised me.
03:42 Don't worry. I'll send the photos. But remember, do me a favor.
03:50 What happened?
04:09 [music]
04:11 My mother's necklace.
04:17 [woman screams]
04:21 [phone rings]
04:24 Hey, Chloe. It's me, Larry.
04:26 Larry, you're back?
04:28 Yeah. Where are you right now? Let's meet up.
04:30 Um, I'm a bit tied up right now. Um...
04:34 You sound tired. Is something wrong?
04:36 Oh, no. I'm, um... I'm just about to start my shift at the hospital.
04:41 Alright. I'll see you there.
04:43 [phone beeps]
04:45 It hurt.
04:50 [phone chimes]
05:00 Who sent me this anonymous email?
05:04 [music]
05:06 Good morning, Chloe.
05:09 Where were you last night?
05:11 What do you mean? I waited for you.
05:14 Did you go to the wrong room or something?
05:16 Mira's been my best friend since college. My mind is hazy.
05:21 But could this really have been an accident?
05:24 The personnel meeting got moved up. Why aren't you guys there yet?
05:28 Yeah, I heard our big shareholder suddenly joined this meeting.
05:32 You're kidding! You mean the handsome and wealthy Mr. Anderson?
05:35 Warren Anderson?
05:37 Dr. Haynes, everyone knows that the hospital director intends to promote you during this meeting.
05:44 You are going to be in the spotlight.
05:46 Six years. I never thought we'd meet again in this situation.
06:01 Why is she here?
06:03 Since we're all here, let's get straight to the point.
06:05 The final choice for chief position is Dr. Miller.
06:11 But Dr. Haynes has always been the top professional in our hospital.
06:18 Agreed. That position should be filled with the best doctors.
06:21 And this is my decision. Dr. Miller is an outstanding doctor.
06:24 She's more than capable of fulfilling the role. Any objections to that or...
06:28 I disagree.
06:31 Mr. Bloomberg, what brings you here?
06:33 Did anyone specify only one shareholder could be at this meeting?
06:36 That's not what I meant.
06:38 Well, since Mr. Anderson made his recommendation of Dr. Mira, I'd like to make my own recommendation.
06:44 Chloe, she's my nominee.
06:46 Ershman, between the two of them, which one do you choose?
06:49 Think very carefully before you speak.
06:52 No need, I'll quit.
06:54 But you deserve it.
06:56 I acknowledge your wisdom in this decision.
07:00 I don't think that we should appoint leadership without integrity.
07:03 Watch your words.
07:04 It's okay. Treating patients and saving lives is what's important.
07:07 Being chief physician is not.
07:10 All right, let's end the meeting here.
07:15 Good job, everyone.
07:17 So, what is this? You falling in love with another woman?
07:23 That's none of your business, Larry.
07:24 I don't think so. You know, both of us used to hold Chloe very close to our hearts.
07:30 Well, at least I did.
07:32 Why'd you come back?
07:34 Of course. To give you my blessing. Don't forget, we grew up together.
07:40 You always knew she worked here, didn't you?
07:42 Oh, Warren, you are getting smart.
07:43 She's my wife.
07:44 For now.
07:45 Warren, I don't really care about the history you've had with Mira or Chloe.
07:49 The point is, I chose to step back once I heard about your engagement with Chloe.
07:54 Now, since I clearly don't care about her anymore, I'm gonna win her back.
07:59 Back? What have you had her for?
08:02 You'll see.
08:03 I'll remember that.
08:04 Enjoy your divorce.
08:07 Wait, Chloe. I didn't mean for it to end up like this.
08:13 Oh, don't blame yourself. You're my best friend. I'm genuinely happy for your promotion.
08:17 Thank you. So I'll see you at my party tomorrow?
08:20 Larry? Didn't expect to see you here.
08:24 Mira. Long time no see.
08:27 Oh, you two know each other?
08:29 Chloe, do you remember my parents' charity foundation they founded ten years ago?
08:33 I'm grateful for their help. Aren't you busy this morning?
08:36 Right. Oh, go now.
08:38 Larry, do you want to grab a bite?
08:42 Uh, I will pass.
08:45 You know, actually, I think I see your benefactor coming towards us, so, uh, better thank him first.
08:50 Hey, Chloe. Wait up. Let me walk with you.
08:53 So, Mira's an orphan?
08:57 Yeah. She's actually the first orphan my parents sponsored.
09:00 I never knew that. I guess I should have been a better friend to her.
09:03 Hey, come on. Don't be too hard on yourself. Someone's already done that for her.
09:08 Right. Who would have thought that Warren would be in love with my best friend?
09:12 Yeah, that part.
09:14 Mr. Anderson, thank you for everything in there.
09:17 I should be thanking you. How can I ever repay you?
09:19 What?
09:20 Maybe you could marry me?
09:22 Maybe you could marry me?
09:25 Marry?
09:26 I know it's a lot to take in, but think about it. Call me.
09:36 A wealthy heir's proposal? God, you're finally on my side.
09:41 Chloe, how can you so effortlessly get everything and everyone I want?
09:50 I'm gonna take everything from you. One by one.
09:57 Are you sure that Ms. Miller was the woman from yesterday?
10:01 Yes, sir. Her name was on the hotel room reservation. As per the assassin, we're still investigating.
10:05 Well, hurry it up.
10:06 Do you need me to prepare anything to thank Ms. Miller, sir?
10:09 There's no need. I already proposed.
10:11 Proposed? Sir, don't you think that's a tad hasty? You may have forgotten, but your wedding was just--
10:17 You may have forgotten to shut your damn mouth. Next time you bring it up, you're done. You got me?
10:21 Sorry for speaking out of line, sir.
10:29 Chloe and her father, their goal was always my family's wealth.
10:35 And had I not heard that conversation, I'd be dead right now. You understand that?
10:41 Why didn't you tell the old man at the time?
10:43 He's old. That's why.
10:45 How am I supposed to tell him that the fire from 20 years ago was man-made?
10:50 That it wasn't an accident?
10:56 My parents, my sister, they all went in that fire. You forget that?
11:00 Sir, Ms. Arianne's body was never found at the scene. Don't you think that in some way she could be--
11:05 That's impossible! We've been over this. That fire engulfed everything.
11:09 Nothing could have survived.
11:12 Which shall be done about old Anderson.
11:14 I've got a plan. I'll take care of it.
11:17 Of course, sir. In the meantime, we need to tend to you.
11:20 Surgery inquiry has already been accepted on the black market. Now, let's see those wounds.
11:26 We'll get you changed. We have an appointment for later today.
11:30 It's risky, but I have to do it for my mom's treatment.
11:52 The woman's necklace? It must have took it into chaos.
11:55 You understand what the black market order represents?
11:57 Complete the task that's required of you, or else you'll find a dead end awaiting you.
12:01 I know the rules.
12:03 Don't say a word.
12:06 Can we get this rolling? What's taking so long?
12:12 Can you lift up your arm?
12:14 Fresh wound, hiding his identity intentionally, and he sounds familiar.
12:20 Oh, shit.
12:21 Are you allergic to anesthesia?
12:22 No.
12:23 It must be the same person.
12:25 Gotta admit, one surgeon was very professional.
12:33 Want me to check out her real identity, just in case?
12:36 No need. You got anything on the assassin, though?
12:39 The assassin was sent by refines and your aunt.
12:42 They were hoping to kill you on your wedding night so they could claim the inheritance for themselves.
12:46 My aunt, huh? Guess it makes sense.
12:50 Both my parents are dead, so if I die, she and her son become the primary heirs.
12:57 And send them a gift on my behalf.
13:00 Her son's club? That's her primary source of income.
13:03 I understand, boss. What about refines?
13:06 No need to rush.
13:08 I don't expect them to have figured out that we uncovered their plot.
13:16 [sigh]
13:18 Let them celebrate their victory for a few days.
13:21 Enjoy eavesdropping?
13:34 I didn't hear anything.
13:35 If I learn that you leaked anything you heard today, I will kill you.
13:40 I have no interest. Here's your medicine.
13:42 Make sure to apply it on time.
13:45 Vanes, I let you down again.
13:53 Well, Warren Anderson didn't die.
13:57 And surprisingly, he is quite lucky to be alive.
14:00 What would have been better killing him for both of us, for sure.
14:03 Rest assured, I have another plan to secure his inheritance.
14:08 Look, I've noticed that he's fallen for Chloe.
14:12 Who's there?
14:18 I know everything's fine.
14:22 Chloe?
14:23 Don't worry about her. I mean, she is my daughter.
14:26 Chloe. If only you weren't Fane's daughter.
14:30 And actually loved me.
14:35 Madam, where did you go last night?
14:38 Why are you so concerned about me, when who knows where my groom is?
14:41 Congratulations, Chloe. Everything is going exactly as you wished.
14:51 So you're just going to barge into my room?
14:53 It's my house. I can do what I want.
14:55 Fine, Mr. Dictator. Is there something that you need?
14:57 No being sarcastic now.
14:59 Oh, we're being rude now.
15:00 Watch your tone, Miss Haynes.
15:03 So then who am I talking to?
15:05 The grandson of a rich man?
15:09 A friend who swore to protect me for the rest of my life?
15:12 Or a husband...
15:14 who was absent on my wedding day?
15:17 It was indeed him last night.
15:19 Which role would you have me play?
15:23 How about you stop acting, Chloe?
15:25 Did you really think that I was just unaware of the schemes that your family's putting together?
15:30 What do you mean?
15:31 What do I mean? That you should know better than me, right?
15:33 I mean, honestly, did you really believe that marrying me would secure your position as Elizabeth Anderson?
15:39 I never thought that way.
15:41 Okay.
15:42 You better not.
15:44 You know, if not for your shameless father whispering into my grandfather's ear, we wouldn't even have a marriage.
15:54 Then why marry me? I haven't seen you in six years.
15:56 Grandfather's old.
15:59 I did it to fulfill his wishes. Nothing more, nothing less.
16:03 Don't flatter yourself.
16:05 I see.
16:08 Enjoy.
16:12 Hey there, beautiful. Why don't you come have a drink with us?
16:15 I'm fine, thank you.
16:16 You bitch. Don't act so innocent. Look where you work.
16:20 Help me hold her down.
16:21 Stop!
16:22 Let her go.
16:23 Trying to lose your life?
16:25 [music]
16:30 Charlie.
16:31 Let's get out of here.
16:34 [music]
16:39 Thank you.
16:40 Warren, this is a cruel twist of fate.
16:43 Even if you don't know it's me, you're still saving me from danger.
16:47 What, you're unwilling to sign?
16:49 Warren, I think it's time we have a real conversation.
16:52 There's nothing left for us to talk about, Chloe.
16:54 We're at the Leicter Hotel the night of our wedding.
16:57 [whoosh]
16:59 (whooshing)