Dive deep into the heart-pounding action of ABC's crime drama, Will Trent, masterfully crafted by the acclaimed Karin Slaughter. Follow the riveting exploits of an ensemble cast led by luminaries like Ramón Rodríguez and Jake McLaughlin as they untangle the labyrinthine mysteries that define the Will Trent universe. Feel the pulse-pounding tension, the raw drama, and the relentless intrigue as you become ensnared in this gripping series. Don't miss out—stream Will Trent Season 2 now on ABC and immerse yourself in the unfolding drama firsthand!
Will Trent Cast:
Ramón Rodríguez, Iantha Richardson, Jake McLaughlin, Sonja Sohn, Erika Christensen, Jennifer Morrison, John Ortiz, Brandon Stanley, Kevin Daniels, Todd Allen Durkin and Isaiah Stratton
Stream Will Trent Season 2 now on ABC and Hulu!
Will Trent Cast:
Ramón Rodríguez, Iantha Richardson, Jake McLaughlin, Sonja Sohn, Erika Christensen, Jennifer Morrison, John Ortiz, Brandon Stanley, Kevin Daniels, Todd Allen Durkin and Isaiah Stratton
Stream Will Trent Season 2 now on ABC and Hulu!
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