Common Driving Range Mistakes

  • 4 months ago
In this video, Kit Alexander explains the 11 most common mistakes golfers make when going to the driving range. Whether it's starting your session with the driver or forgetting to put a basket under the ball dispenser we've got them all covered in this video.
00:00 We all know going to the driving range can be great fun and really beneficial for your game,
00:06 but only if you do it in the right way.
00:09 It's easy to make mistakes and do silly things when you're down at the driving range.
00:14 We've all done it, we all know how it feels.
00:17 We're going to have a little whiz through of the top driving range mistakes
00:21 to make sure you never ever make them again.
00:24 And wouldn't you just know it, over my shoulder,
00:27 here he comes strolling in and he has reached straight for the big dog.
00:32 Predictably, we've all done it, you go straight for the driver, the longest club,
00:36 in theory the most difficult to hit because of it and the one that takes the most effort.
00:40 No warm-up, no leading up to it and he's going to lash one away,
00:45 hit it terribly and now he's got an awful mindset.
00:50 Don't go for the driver first time, that is your number one driving range mistake.
00:57 Here comes mistake number two and I'm sure we've all been both people in this scenario at one time or another.
01:05 That's giving unsolicited advice.
01:08 Now we've probably been the person giving the advice, we know we're well-meaning,
01:12 we probably genuinely think we can help that person,
01:15 but if you're the one who's struggling at the range,
01:18 the absolute last thing you want is someone who isn't really qualified jumping in
01:23 and giving you advice when they have no idea about you, your game or any changes that you're trying to make.
01:29 Our advice, just stay out of it and focus on your own game.
01:32 Next up, it's a big mistake of hitting aimlessly on the range.
01:39 Most of us are fortunate to go to a nice facility, you've got flags, you've got nets to aim for.
01:44 Always have a specific target in mind.
01:48 If you don't, how do you tell if you've hit a good shot and what really is the point of being there?
01:53 Pick a target, have an idea of what you're trying to achieve
01:57 and then you can analyse how well that range session is going.
02:00 Next up is something that I personally do all too often when I'm in a driving range
02:06 and that's hitting driver from the wrong tee height.
02:09 Whether you can't get your tee into the mat to the right height
02:12 or you've got those electric ones that pop up and you can't quite get it right,
02:17 nothing good comes from hitting driver off a tee height that you wouldn't use on the golf course.
02:23 It's going to give you an incorrect idea of how you're hitting the ball
02:27 and possibly grain some bad habits as well.
02:29 You're either going to get down into it to try and lift it up off of a tiny tee
02:33 or feel like you're swinging a baseball bat because the tee is miles too high.
02:37 Whatever you do, if you practice any club,
02:41 make sure you do it in the same way you would use it on the course
02:43 and for a driver, number one thing to do that, make sure it's the right tee height.
02:48 Another common mistake is to hit the same club over and over and over again.
02:57 Now that kind of repetition might work if you're trying to groove a really specific swing change
03:02 but in general, throughout a round of golf, you're hitting different shots all the time,
03:06 changing clubs, changing targets, changing what you're trying to do.
03:10 If you can replicate that in the driving range, it will really help you when you get outside.
03:15 Adapt to the different length of club, to the different style of shot you're trying to hit,
03:20 to hitting off a tee, hitting off the deck.
03:22 Another really cool little tip if you're at the driving range
03:25 and this is just before you're going to play, so it's a warm-up session, not a practice session.
03:30 Play the first couple of holes in your head out on the range.
03:34 If the first tee shot's a driver, hit driver.
03:37 If that typically leaves you an eight iron into the green, then go to eight iron.
03:41 Maybe then have a chip in case you miss the green.
03:44 What's the next tee shot? It's a par three maybe, you know you hit five iron there.
03:48 Try that. Knowing you've just hit those shots successfully on the range
03:52 will fill you with confidence when you step up to the real thing on the course.
03:56 The next one is going to sound so simple but honestly, if you get this right,
04:02 it can make a huge positive difference to your game and it's all about alignment.
04:07 Make sure you use an alignment stick or even a club shaft on the ground
04:12 to ensure your feet and body are aiming exactly where you want.
04:16 When you go to the driving range, all of those bays, they can't all be aiming exactly
04:21 at the flags or the targets you want to be hitting.
04:24 You can overcome that by sticking an alignment stick or a shaft on the ground on your foot line.
04:30 Make sure you're aiming where you want and then you can see
04:34 if you're hitting it straight, a little bit left or a little bit right.
04:37 There's no way of accurately analysing your game at the range
04:41 if you're not aiming exactly where you think you are.
04:44 Next up, make sure you have an aim or a target for that session.
04:50 Whether it's something like you're working on a move your coach has given you
04:54 and you want to feel like you can really groove that,
04:57 just working through all of your bag, getting a gauge of your yardages
05:00 or something as simple as getting to a point where you hit the shot you want five times in a row.
05:06 Before you get there, have a plan in mind for what you want to achieve
05:10 and if you achieve it, stop the session right there.
05:13 That's where you've hit your peak, make sure you leave on a high.
05:17 The next big mistake is abandoning a swing change or something you've been working on
05:23 after a few bad shots.
05:25 We all know how easy it is to fall into old habits
05:29 and if you've got a swing that you know what it's going to do,
05:32 even if that's not the greatest golf shot in the world,
05:36 it can be so much nicer to see that repetitive action and ball flight.
05:40 But if you're looking to make changes, you're doing it for a reason.
05:44 Ultimately you want to get better and the driving range, well that's the place to do it.
05:49 Make your mistakes here, persevere with whatever it is you're working on
05:53 and then when you're on the course, you can trust that new swing.
05:58 The next big mistake is hitting the partition between the bays.
06:02 Always make sure you're aware of your surroundings,
06:04 whether that is the structure itself, your own bag, people walking by.
06:09 It happens occasionally, it's no good for your clubs or for you.
06:13 Make sure there's enough room either side and keep those clubs away from the metal.
06:18 Our next big mistake is rolling up straight from the office.
06:23 You've got your dress shirt on, some nice slick shoes
06:27 but they have got slippery bottoms and straight out onto the range you go.
06:32 You're not gonna be able to swing properly in a dress shirt,
06:34 those shoes are going to be slipping around all over the place.
06:38 If you can find a few minutes to get away from the office
06:41 or drop into the range on the way home, that's great.
06:44 But put a spare polo shirt in or at the very least, have some golf shoes in the car.
06:50 You really want to make sure you've got good grip, good traction
06:53 and you are wearing what you're going to be out on the course anytime you hit the driving range.
06:58 And finally, I can't tell you how many times I've witnessed this one.
07:03 It always makes you laugh when it's not you, but if it is, it's an absolute nightmare.
07:08 Please make sure you put your basket under the ball dispenser.
07:13 No one wants to be the guy scrabbling around to pick up golf balls.
07:16 So there we have it, the 11 biggest mistakes you can make on the driving range.
07:23 Hopefully by watching this, you can avoid any of them in the future.
07:27 If there's any you think we've missed, add them to the comments below.
07:30 Please remember to like this video and subscribe to the Golf Monthly channel.
07:34 We've got loads more great content coming your way.
07:38 We'll see you next time.
07:39 [Golf Balls Whizzing By]