Pablo the Little Red Fox Pablo the Little Red Fox E010 Pablo’s Playground

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 ♪ Have a run in the wind and the rain and the sun
00:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:31 Chut, Pablo, you wake him up.
00:34 It's Poppy, she's too ticklish.
00:37 Get off, you big lump!
00:39 Ow! Hey, careful with those prickles, Helena!
00:43 Sorry, Mr Red Fox.
00:45 This den is too small for your games.
00:48 It'll be dawn soon. If you want to play, you must play outside.
00:52 Good idea, Dad. Last one out is a stick of rhubarb!
00:57 Bye, Mr Red Fox.
01:08 Let's go to the playground. You can roll me all the way there.
01:13 It's great, but how do we get in?
01:25 We just dig a tunnel.
01:27 How about this way?
01:36 Oh, dear.
01:38 Oh, oh, oh!
01:41 The children have fun like this.
01:52 Look out, here I come!
01:58 Hang on, Pablo!
02:03 Oh, no!
02:05 Are you all right?
02:14 Hey, look at me! I'm flying like Gingo!
02:20 Wait for me!
02:31 Oh, no!
02:33 Fall off!
02:37 Help me! I'm stuck!
02:40 Very funny, Pumpkin.
02:42 No, honest! I'm stuck! I'm really stuck!
02:47 He's not joking. He is stuck.
02:54 I'll get him out!
03:00 Oh, no!
03:02 Les jeux des gens sont bien, mais les jeux des fous sont les meilleurs.
03:13 Où es-tu venu, père?
03:17 Derrière les arbres. J'ai joué à "Find the Fox Cubs".
03:21 C'est temps de rentrer chez nous.
03:24 Oh, père!
03:28 Mais avant de partir, nous avons un jeu pour les fous.
03:32 Quelle est-il?
03:34 Jouer au jeu de la mort!
03:37 Allons-y, les fous!
03:56 Allons-y, Pumpkin!
03:58 Allons-y, les fous!
04:01 Sous-titrage: difuze
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04:37 *musique*
