The Ruff and Reddy Show The Ruff and Reddy Show E049 – Rescue In The Deep Blue

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Ruff and Gizmo saw that Reddy was in trouble, cause the sub was going down, and Reddy can't swim.
00:06Luckily, the ever-faithful seal saw that Reddy needed help.
00:11So he took off like a torpedo, and pulled his pooped pal to shore.
00:16What's more, he revived the waterlogged Reddy, but their luck didn't last.
00:21Saltwater Daffy is still determined to get both of them.
00:25Gotcha! No silly seal's gonna outsmart old Saltwater Daffy!
00:30Now squirm, you little worm!
00:33Oh, no you don't, you slippery seal!
00:38Well, laughing boy asked for it, but this is no laughing matter now.
00:45Saltwater Daffy is headed straight for Davy Jones' locker.
00:49The smart little seal knows that the best way to get rid of a barnacle is to scrape him off.
00:54So here goes nothing!
00:58Watching these undersea shenanigans is a worried Reddy.
01:01He can't see the seal anywhere.
01:04Yikes! Now cut that out!
01:07But Reddy's really glad to see his little friend.
01:10And so is the Daffy one, but for a different reason.
01:14That guy won't be so giggly when I bop him on the noggin.
01:17Go get a rope and we'll tie up the dope.
01:20I hope.
01:21Who is gonna tie up who? Or is it whom?
01:25Drop that gun, son, or I'll toss this harpoon. Soon!
01:29You shouldn't have said that, friend.
01:37That sure is a keen pistol you got, master.
01:40You ain't seen nothing yet.
01:43This time I ain't gonna miss.
01:46That's my cue to skidoo.
01:51Shucks! I missed him.
01:54Well, Reddy and the seagoing seal don't miss old Smiley, that's for sure.
02:00Steady, Reddy. Don't push your luck.
02:03And as Reddy ducks led, Captain Greedy dunks for gold at Dabloon Lagoon,
02:07with Professor Gizmo, as usual, forced to do Captain Greedy's dirty work.
02:12He did? What a kid!
02:15Flattery will get you nowhere. Keep digging!
02:19Poor little ruff, all alone in the treasure trapper,
02:23dropping to the bottom of the ocean to grab gold for the greedy Captain Greedy.
02:28But luckily, Reddy and the little seal are luckier.
02:31Captain Greedy left the big iron gate to the hideout open,
02:34so Reddy and his pal head for Dabloon Lagoon to help ruff and the professor.
02:38But their luck didn't last long.
02:41They've got company. A sneaky shark.
02:44My, what devilish dentures on this demon of the deep.
02:48It's lunchtime in Sharksville, and guess who will be the lunch?
02:52The shark!
02:55Sharksville, and guess who will be the lunch?
02:58Don't miss A Whale of a Tale of a Tale of a Whale, the next episode of...
