रानी ने खोला अभिषेक और ऐश्वर्या का गहरा राज़ | Rani Mukherjee Talking About Aish & Abhishek

  • 2 months ago
#ranimukherjee #aishwarya #abhishek
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00:00 (Music)
00:15 Hello, hello.
00:17 Hello.
00:19 Thank you everybody to spare a special, you know, special time to come here this evening.
00:25 It really means a lot to us.
00:28 My name is Siddharth.
00:30 I have directed the film and co-written it.
00:33 This film has been very, very important to all of us.
00:40 Very, very important to all of us.
00:42 And as you all know, it's been based on a book,
00:45 front of the class, which Brad Cohen had written.
00:50 And like in Brad's life or Naina Mathur's life,
00:54 it took her a long time, it took her, it took them six years to get a job as a teacher in school.
01:00 For me as a, you know, a co-writer, a director,
01:03 it also took me that time to get this film made.
01:07 It took me over six years to find someone who will not only talk the talk,
01:12 but also walk the walk with me.
01:15 So without much ado, I'm really fortunate that I'm standing here today.
01:19 I would have never imagined it in my wildest dreams.
01:21 Let me call the man who actually walked the walk with me,
01:25 our producer Manish Sharma.
01:27 Manish, can you have you?
01:29 Hi, good evening everyone.
01:47 Thank you for being here.
01:49 It's actually a very humbling, very special moment for all of us,
01:55 for the whole team of Hitchki.
01:57 We're getting good news right now.
02:00 People have liked the film.
02:02 The audience is coming to the hall.
02:04 And one thing I just want to say is,
02:08 whenever we start making a film,
02:12 everyone expects the film to be accepted.
02:15 We want to say that we like the film.
02:18 And the response we're getting right now,
02:22 I just want to thank every audience who has turned up for the content,
02:28 who has turned up for the story that is there,
02:31 who has turned up for the character,
02:33 who has turned up for the kids,
02:35 who has turned up for the thought,
02:37 who has turned up for the relevant issue that the film is trying to address.
02:42 And yeah, it's a great moment.
02:46 I'm glad we are rejoicing here together.
02:49 And let me please call the woman of the moment,
02:54 our Naina Mathur, Rani Mukherjee on stage please.
03:14 Hi everybody, thank you for turning up here.
03:17 When we did the pre-interviews,
03:20 I had spoken to all of you and said that I want feedback.
03:23 I want to know what you guys think of the film.
03:26 And I'm so happy to be sharing this day with you guys
03:30 to celebrate our success.
03:33 It's not only the team's success,
03:36 it's a success that you guys have also shared with me.
03:39 So thank you so much for being there with me
03:42 on the 60-day marathon interviews that I did with all you guys.
03:47 So thank you to the media.
03:49 Thank you all of you guys for being there for me,
03:52 for encouraging me.
03:54 And so many of the people who I can now make out.
03:58 Nandip, thank you for your love my darling.
04:01 Thank you all of you guys.
04:03 You'll have been so so special.
04:05 Raghu, thank you for always being there and giving me encouragement.
04:09 Thank you and one of the other faces,
04:12 I can't even make out the rest of them.
04:14 But thank you guys for being there.
04:16 Without you guys, this wouldn't have been possible.
04:18 And of course, most importantly, my audience, my fans,
04:22 all the Ranians who are there across the globe,
04:26 thank you so much for recognizing this film for what it truly is.
04:33 It's a special film, which I kept saying, pre-release.
04:36 And now I'm sure you all believe why I said it's a special film.
04:40 Because it not only entertains, but it does more than that.
04:45 So thank you.
04:47 It means a lot to me, especially because I'm coming back after having my baby.
04:52 So obviously there were so many questions.
04:55 I'm happy that you all have accepted me with open arms
04:59 and have told me very very categorically that my marital status,
05:04 the fact that I'm a mother does not bother you guys.
05:07 What you really want is me in movies and good content films.
05:11 So thank you so much.
05:12 Thank you so much for all the love.
05:14 And of course, my favorite favorite favorite, my students.
05:18 My kids, make some noise.
05:22 My 9F is also here to celebrate the success with me.
05:25 So I'm so so happy.
05:27 And of course, I would like to take the opportunity to thank my team
05:30 that stood like a pillar of support for me.
05:33 All the guys here who are standing.
05:35 They are actually the front runners, though they are standing on the side now.
05:39 So guys, just pan the camera to them.
05:41 They are the main guys.
05:42 Thank you.
05:43 All the all the claps to my team as well.
05:47 Thank you, Prithvish.
05:49 Thank you, Manan.
05:50 Thank you, Yvonne.
05:51 Thank you, Lysa.
05:52 Ankur, you're the writer.
05:53 You need to be up here with us.
05:54 Come, come, come.
05:56 You are the main guy.
05:57 Come, come, come.
05:58 Come, Ankur, come, come.
06:00 Shoaib, all of you all.
06:04 All of you guys, you have all been very, very special.
06:07 Monica, who's holidaying in Goa right now.
06:10 Thanks to you too.
06:14 And everybody else who's been part of my journey,
06:18 who have made this.
06:20 Of course, Sonam and I don't know their names.
06:24 Richa, Resha.
06:27 Resha, all of you guys.
06:28 Thank you.
06:29 Thank you for being there.
06:30 And all the team, who have been solidly there.
06:35 And don't think they're there because I'm married to Aditya Chopra.
06:39 They do this for all the films.
06:41 There's no bias here.
06:43 Okay.
06:44 So now should we take questions?
06:46 Yes, please.
06:47 Come on.
06:48 All right.
06:50 Okay.
06:52 Rani, hi.
06:55 Hi.
06:56 How was it handling the AF class, you know, off screen?
07:01 Off screen?
07:02 Off screen, I think they'll be able to tell you better.
07:07 But no, I would say that there are a bunch of very, very talented boys and girls,
07:15 as I kept saying during the pre-interviews, pre-release interviews.
07:19 I don't think I've ever come across such talented and such talent before.
07:24 They were so prepped.
07:26 They were so all there during the shoot that they in fact helped me go back to my daughter soon.
07:33 Because if they had taken a lot of retakes, I don't think I would have been able to go home on time.
07:38 So they were like bang on point.
07:39 They were like really, really good.
07:42 Hi, Rani.
07:43 Hi.
07:44 Web Duniya.
07:45 The picture is beautiful.
07:46 What?
07:47 The picture is beautiful.
07:48 Thank you.
07:49 I'm going to tell you that in all the schools around me, every day on the 5th or 6th, you're being hiccupped.
07:55 Oh, how lovely.
07:56 It is really good to see kids going and watching it.
07:59 Okay.
08:00 I have a question.
08:01 Although you have played the role of a mother many times, but this time when you became a real mother,
08:05 how easy and how understanding was it to see new kids or kids in a different way?
08:13 I won't lie, but a mother's child is special.
08:19 So I didn't see them like my own kids.
08:25 I looked at them as professionals.
08:29 I looked at them as kids who know what they want to do in life.
08:36 I think they were absolutely clear as to how they wanted to perform.
08:42 I think they had done a lot of prep with Siddharth and with Prashant.
08:47 Atul and Prashant.
08:50 So I think when they came on set, they were really, really prepared.
08:54 I think they were more prepared than even me.
08:56 So that's definitely the thing.
08:58 They were really, really prepared.
09:00 And they were awesome.
09:01 Hi, Rani.
09:03 Hi.
09:04 How are you?
09:06 Very well.
09:07 Thank you very much.
09:08 Thank you for coming.
09:09 Congratulations.
09:10 Thank you.
09:11 Rani, we have been repeatedly asking you when we met you pre-release that, you know,
09:16 how would you, like I asked you, how would you map your journey now?
09:20 So you said that it will all depend upon this movie.
09:23 So now that it's become a big success, so what thoughts on next?
09:27 I think I'll just keep coming.
09:29 I'll keep doing these comebacks sooner.
09:33 No, definitely I'll be doing more films because that's always been something that I love doing.
09:39 But obviously it was a huge, I would say, like I wanted to see how Hitchke does.
09:46 It's very important to know whether an audience wants to see you back on screen.
09:50 Because there was a gap of four years that I took between my marriage and having my baby.
09:56 So when I was back, I wanted to see if people are still keen to watch me or no.
10:00 But now that I know that they are more than keen and more than happy to see me on screen,
10:04 I'm sure the projects that I kept on hold till the release of Hitchke,
10:09 I think now they'll all see the light of the day.
10:12 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
10:14 Rani here to your left.
10:16 Yeah. Hello, how are you?
10:18 Hi.
10:19 Many congratulations, Rani.
10:21 Thank you.
10:22 Like you said, it was a treat to watch you on screen.
10:24 And like you said, people would like to see you more.
10:27 So what kind of films will you do in the future?
10:30 And you must have received many compliments for this film.
10:34 One compliment that was very special for you.
10:37 Actually, everything is special for me.
10:39 Like she said, all the teachers are taking different grades of students.
10:47 One day fourth grade, one day fifth grade, one day sixth grade.
10:50 All the students are going to watch the film.
10:52 I think for me, there can be nothing better than that.
10:55 The fact that teachers have actually understood what the film stands for,
11:01 you know, and it's inspiring them.
11:03 And the fact that they are inspired to take their students to see this film.
11:07 I think for us, that's the biggest victory.
11:09 Because as I said, the film is a tribute to all the teachers.
11:13 And when the teachers have accepted the film so wholeheartedly,
11:17 I think there can't be a bigger compliment than that for us as a team.
11:22 So I think that has been the icing on the cake.
11:29 With the teachers and the principals and all the, I would say,
11:33 the education makers or the people who make a change for our students.
11:39 They are the ones who are making Hitchki their own film.
11:44 And they are actually promoting the film in their own way.
11:48 They know we need to show the film to the kids.
11:50 So they are owning the film the way we have owned the film.
11:53 So now this film is not ours, it's theirs.
11:56 So I think that is very, very special.
11:58 And coming to your first question, what was your question?
12:03 What films?
12:06 What films? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember.
12:09 See, I've always been very instinctive in terms of choosing my scripts.
12:14 Right from the start of my career to now, these last 22 years,
12:19 I think I've always chosen scripts which have been emotionally connected to me.
12:24 Where I have felt that this is a story that needs to be told, A.
12:27 Secondly, the character that has been offered to me,
12:33 is that character is something that I can relate with as Rani the person.
12:37 And if I can relate with the character emotionally,
12:40 I'm sure the audience will too because I'm also an audience.
12:43 So for me it's very important to relate with the character
12:48 and with the story emotionally.
12:50 And then whether it's any genre, whether it's romance, whether it's drama,
12:53 whether it's comedy, thriller, I would say all these genres,
12:58 genre doesn't matter.
13:00 What matters is what my role and what the film and the story is.
13:04 Okay, one more question.
13:05 Does Adira know that her mom is a super mom?
13:08 When you went for the shooting…
13:10 She will know in a few years.
13:12 When you went for the shooting, what kind of reaction did you get?
13:15 Because till then she was with you.
13:18 When I was shooting for the film, she was 14 months old.
13:22 So she was just taking her first steps.
13:24 And I clearly remember on one of the shoot days in April,
13:28 when I came back from the shoot, she actually took her first steps.
13:32 And for me that is one of the moments that I felt so relieved as a mother
13:36 because I didn't ever want to miss any of her milestones.
13:39 And that was one milestone that I was like so nervous that,
13:43 "No, what if I'm shooting and what if she takes her first steps and I'm not there?"
13:47 So I think those were probably the times where she was still not talking so much
13:54 and she was still not understanding
13:56 because by the time she would understand her mother's not there, I would be back home.
13:59 So I had kept my shooting time in such a way that I would be back before lunch time.
14:04 So I think that's the way I balanced it.
14:07 Now she kind of understands that I go for work thanks to the promotions
14:11 where these people have… I will not say the next word.
14:15 But the 65 days of promotions is what was really challenging for me
14:21 because my director helped me a lot during the shoot.
14:25 He left me before lunch.
14:27 Now during the marketing, these people took a lot of advantage of me.
14:31 So now my daughter understands that I'm going for work and coming back.
14:36 So when I come back home, she says, "Mama, please remove your makeup."
14:40 She says, "Mama, remove your makeup."
14:42 So she understands now that I do put…
14:44 She doesn't like makeup.
14:45 She doesn't like makeup, just like her father.
14:47 That's exactly what her father also tells me.
14:50 So that way the DNA is working absolutely fine.
14:53 Hello Rani.
14:55 I'm running towards your center.
14:57 Congratulations first and foremost for such a convincing comeback.
15:01 Thank you, sir.
15:03 And most importantly, this particular protagonist character of this,
15:07 of this Pouret's syndrome,
15:10 what was the preparation because it was so convincing.
15:13 Because you have to keep on doing it again and again and again.
15:16 Practically every situation, every scene and every dialogue.
15:19 And Siddharth, next question to Siddharth.
15:23 How was it, Kalyan, handling the whole show for the whole shooting period
15:28 after Rani answers and Manish,
15:30 for yourself being a creative person,
15:32 you being the producer of the film,
15:34 what was your contribution towards the film as well?
15:36 Okay, so let's go A, B, C.
15:38 One, two, three.
15:40 So I'll start.
15:42 Okay, so my preparation was mostly emotional.
15:46 Because for somebody who has Pouret's syndrome,
15:49 you do have the motor tics and the sound tics.
15:52 So it was very important for me to come out with tics of my own.
15:57 Because they have to be something which comes out from me.
15:59 Because as you rightly said, I had to do it in every scene,
16:02 every frame.
16:03 And I had to balance it to not make it look like an act.
16:07 So I had to do it very organically and naturally.
16:10 When I met Brad through Skype,
16:13 I had a lot of conversations with him.
16:15 Where I observed him, I spoke to him about
16:18 what his experiences were from childhood.
16:21 And what were the milestones in his life.
16:23 How did he react to a particular situation?
16:25 How was his relationship with his mother, his father?
16:28 So I kind of really, really spent a lot of time with him to understand
16:32 when is he ticcing, how is he ticcing,
16:34 what are his emotional graphs.
16:36 So that's something that I observed.
16:38 Secondly, the tics I had to develop,
16:40 some tics that Naina Mathur would have.
16:42 I couldn't copy somebody else's tic.
16:44 Because then it would look forced.
16:46 And it would not look organic.
16:48 So I kind of developed certain sounds
16:51 and certain gestures which were,
16:54 which would come naturally to me, as my own.
16:58 Siddharth?
16:59 For me to manage the show was,
17:02 I've been living with the tics and the Tourettes
17:05 and this film for five years.
17:07 So for me, I've been living, breathing,
17:10 drinking this film for a long time to have it set.
17:14 And in the process of, you know,
17:17 Manish, me, Ankur, Hosea,
17:20 all of us working on the drafts of the script
17:23 before we went into final production.
17:25 I think before we finally shot the film,
17:29 we had seen the film.
17:31 And hopefully with Rani and me,
17:33 we were seeing the same film.
17:36 We were always seeing the same film.
17:38 So also that helped in leaving her on time
17:42 because we were always bang on.
17:46 Of course, she is a brilliant actor,
17:48 an outstanding one.
17:50 But we were always,
17:52 because we were seeing the same film,
17:53 we were clear in what we wanted.
17:55 And their preparation helped a lot.
17:58 Prashant sir, his contribution was immense
18:01 to get them all from raw,
18:04 really raw talent to come to face her
18:08 and to face Neeraj Kapi.
18:10 So all that just came together.
18:13 Actually, the unit and the synergy,
18:15 positive energies of everybody
18:17 just came together and we were blessed.
18:19 And that's exactly how,
18:20 it's the blessings that followed.
18:22 Manish?
18:23 So sir, you were asking
18:26 what I did in the film.
18:28 Yes.
18:29 So...
18:30 What did you do, Manish?
18:33 Tell us.
18:34 I'll figure it out.
18:36 So, as a producer,
18:39 first of all,
18:41 there are many types of scripts
18:43 that are pitched to you.
18:45 This was one such script that
18:47 I felt that it had a great quality
18:49 that it's not just one,
18:51 it's a story of two types of underdogs.
18:54 One, the character of Naina Mathur,
18:58 she's dealing with her hiccups.
19:00 And there's a hiccup of the society,
19:02 a hiccup of the education system.
19:04 So I really liked that idea
19:06 when Siddharth narrated it to me.
19:08 I have directed some films myself,
19:12 but I do believe film is a director's medium.
19:14 So, rest all is a teamwork,
19:17 spearheaded by the director.
19:19 So, now I'm a team member.
19:21 In this case, I'm in the producer's capacity.
19:23 The rest of the process of the film,
19:26 everyone works together
19:28 with the final call being the director.
19:30 Can I answer for you?
19:31 Yes, please.
19:32 Manish is actually the creative producer of our film.
19:35 So, creatively, he has brought in the music.
19:38 The music of the film is all thanks to him.
19:41 He's also actually put together the entire team,
19:44 which is the technical team of the film,
19:46 which is basically choosing the director of photography,
19:50 choosing the editor, choosing the art director,
19:53 all, like the production designing.
19:55 So, everything is what Manish has done with us.
19:57 He's been with Siddharth,
20:00 you know, together worked on the casting with Shanu.
20:04 He was there like a father figure,
20:07 if I may say so.
20:08 Though you're not yet turned into a father,
20:10 but since I'm a mother,
20:11 and let's bring the father figure
20:13 and all of those words here.
20:14 So, he was like a father figure to the film.
20:17 And yes, so Manish's contribution has been immense
20:20 in Hitchki, not only as a capacity of producer,
20:23 but as creative producer also.
20:25 Hi, Rani.
20:26 Now we'll ask, we'll answer.
20:28 Okay.
20:29 So, congratulations to all of you
20:31 for giving us such a tremendous film.
20:33 Rani, we have been talking about
20:35 your role as a teacher in Hitchki.
20:37 During the shooting also,
20:38 you have lived a life of a teacher.
20:41 But now, when CBSC has given this thing
20:45 that the exams are going to get up again.
20:48 So, what is your idea on that?
20:50 What do you think,
20:51 as you have lived with the students too,
20:53 so what do you think,
20:54 they have the kind of pressure,
20:56 or as a teacher, what idea do you have?
20:59 See, I feel that if the students
21:01 have already prepared for the exams,
21:03 so whether they give the exams again,
21:04 it doesn't matter,
21:05 as long as the papers should be the same.
21:06 If the papers change,
21:07 I guess if they've already prepared
21:09 for the entire term,
21:11 then it should not be a problem.
21:12 Problem happens when you are like,
21:14 you know, mugging up,
21:15 and the syllabus changes,
21:16 or something of that sort of thing happens.
21:19 But if they've been studying that syllabus
21:22 from day one,
21:23 like for the entire year,
21:24 to give the exams again,
21:26 I don't think should be that much.
21:28 Of course, yes,
21:29 it changes their vacation plans a bit.
21:32 So, you know, parents who are taking their children
21:34 for a vacation,
21:35 or planned all of that,
21:36 that might take a beating, I guess.
21:38 But in terms of the students,
21:39 I'm sure they're all very, very bright,
21:42 because, you know,
21:43 whatever percentage and marks
21:46 that you see of students getting today,
21:48 they're all like above 80 and above 90,
21:50 and they're very, very bright.
21:51 So, I don't think for them,
21:52 giving examinations is that much of an issue,
21:55 but I think the plans in terms of holidays
21:58 and those things might, you know,
22:00 become a problem, I guess.
22:01 Hi, Rani, here.
22:02 Rani, here.
22:03 Hi.
22:04 Hi.
22:05 How are you? Congrats.
22:06 How are you? Thank you.
22:07 It's a long time.
22:08 I just wanted to congratulate you first,
22:11 and secondly, just give an observation
22:13 that wherever four of your most powerful performances
22:17 have been,
22:18 there have been no romantic heroes opposite you.
22:20 Starting from your first film,
22:21 Raja Ke Aayegi Barat,
22:23 Black, Mardani, and this film.
22:25 And, you know, there was not a...
22:27 There has been romance with the audience, you see.
22:30 And I told Siddharth also today
22:32 that I didn't find an extra frame in the film,
22:35 you know, which can be removed
22:37 without making a difference.
22:39 There was no such frame also.
22:41 The last time I remember a Hindi movie like that
22:44 was Sarfarosh, which was ages ago.
22:46 Anyway, my next question is for Siddharth.
22:48 Tell me something about how this journey went,
22:52 because for her, it's just another of many comebacks
22:56 in her future...
22:59 what she said.
23:00 For me, I'll tell you about something interesting.
23:02 Yeah, something deep, you know,
23:04 deeper into your...
23:06 what you felt through all these years.
23:08 What I felt through all these years?
23:10 Come on, be honest,
23:12 what you felt all these years, Siddharth.
23:14 Say it to the media.
23:16 I've only felt hunger and the need to
23:19 expand further and further
23:21 to tell this story.
23:22 But when I finally got the opportunity
23:25 to pitch here at Yashraj,
23:28 this is an interesting story and a true one.
23:31 I narrated to Adi.
23:33 After Adi, Adi said, you know,
23:35 he was busy with Befikre, he said,
23:36 narrate it to Manish.
23:37 And I narrated it to Manish
23:39 and he liked it.
23:41 And then he called me and said,
23:42 "Let's meet."
23:43 So I said, "Let's meet."
23:46 My whole family was anxious,
23:47 "Let's do it, it's a big opportunity."
23:49 And Manish calls me, smiles and says,
23:51 "There's a thought."
23:53 So I said, "Yes, tell me."
23:55 He says, "If we make it female..."
23:57 It was always a male-centric film.
23:59 It was never supposed to be a female-centric film.
24:02 In my mind, for five years,
24:03 I was looking at heroes.
24:04 I was saying, "This hero, that hero."
24:06 So this was a hiccup in my mind.
24:08 So at that point, it was like a rock that hit me.
24:12 I was like, "What's this?
24:13 Where did this heroine come from?"
24:15 And went back, thought about it,
24:18 looked at the script,
24:20 and, you know, we finally made the changes.
24:24 And today, you know, we're celebrating the success.
24:27 And it's all thanks to this man here
24:29 because if this man had not come up with that idea,
24:31 I would have never been blessed and got her in my life.
24:34 So...
24:35 So Rani, about who was in your mind for the hero's role...
24:38 Sorry?
24:40 Now that Rani is there,
24:41 but who was in your mind,
24:43 who always in your mind for the hero's role?
24:45 You think of everybody, and I'll say everybody.
24:47 I wanted to make this film.
24:49 When a struggling director wants to make the film,
24:51 he's saying, "I have a script. Someone take it."
24:54 Hello.
24:56 Hi, how are you?
24:57 Siraj. Hi. Siddhu?
24:59 Yes, sir.
25:00 I'd like to ask you
25:02 whether these students in the film
25:04 are all from one school or one bunch,
25:08 or are they from various schools auditioned separately?
25:12 Secondly, how many did you have to audition to get so many?
25:16 And lastly, how did you make them gel with each other?
25:18 And why did you decide that
25:20 "This one will rap, this one is a bright student."
25:24 How was that done?
25:26 So basically, the...
25:28 I think the first journey for them,
25:30 they do belong to different places,
25:33 they don't belong to one school,
25:35 they are from different schools.
25:37 When we got into the process of casting,
25:40 Manish, Mir, Adi, all of us knew that
25:43 9F, without them,
25:46 there's Rani and there's 9F, there is no hero.
25:49 So we need to have them very, very strong.
25:53 Shanu Sharma, our casting director,
25:56 and I have a very, very, very strong
26:00 and lovely assistant director team.
26:02 All of them were like a backbone,
26:06 my spinal cord,
26:08 who really, really went out there,
26:10 made it their film.
26:12 And Ankur, who's here,
26:14 he was breathing the script with me
26:16 at every single moment.
26:18 Avinash.
26:20 Avinash is the soul mate for me.
26:22 So Avinash is permanently attached to me.
26:25 So Avinash is the DOP, of course.
26:28 But during the casting process,
26:32 we sent our ADs into different areas,
26:36 different schools, and we must have auditioned
26:38 over, I would say, 20-30,000 children.
26:42 30,000?
26:43 Yeah, so it must have been easily that much.
26:45 Easily that much of just
26:48 seeing each and every test.
26:50 They were just talking to each other.
26:52 And we were not even making them do anything,
26:54 they were just talking.
26:55 You talk to each other, we'll record on camera.
26:58 And as we watched,
27:00 finally we came down to 10,000, 5,000,
27:03 finally we came down to about 50.
27:05 And then at that point of time,
27:07 I showed those 50 to him.
27:09 And from there, we got Prashant,
27:12 Atul Mongia, and
27:14 and as we kept doing it, we finally
27:16 landed up to the final 9F.
27:18 And that's exactly, and we let them be some.
27:22 Children with people,
27:24 some of them who have not faced the camera before,
27:26 some of them have.
27:28 The only way for them to grow and to emerge,
27:31 which we've learnt through this process,
27:33 is let them be
27:35 like Benjamin over here,
27:37 he's a rapper in real life.
27:38 Kalai is a beatboxer in real life.
27:40 So we had to adapt to them instead of
27:44 them adapting to us.
27:47 So that's exactly what we've learnt
27:49 through all of us as teamwork.
27:51 And that's what we did to 9F.
27:53 And that's how these were chosen.
27:55 Thank you.
27:57 Hello. Siddharth?
28:04 Hi.
28:06 First of all, heartiest congratulations to Rani.
28:08 You know, she's always excelled in such roles.
28:11 Like, I remember Black way back, you know.
28:13 And now it's H.K.
28:15 Siddharth, the music is rocking.
28:18 You know, it's kind of yet another highlight of the film,
28:21 is the repeat value, is the brilliant music.
28:24 So what were the hitch keys that you faced
28:26 in the musical scores or the situations?
28:29 On this film?
28:30 Yeah.
28:31 The complete and sole credit
28:33 goes to only one man, Manish Sharma.
28:36 He is the man who actually is responsible
28:38 for the beautiful music.
28:40 He is the one who's actually helped me
28:42 because when we were shooting the film,
28:44 he is the one who's, you know,
28:46 he spotted Jasleen.
28:47 I didn't spot her.
28:48 It was him who spotted, you know,
28:50 got the thing together.
28:52 So, you know, where the credit is completely due,
28:56 it's him.
28:58 It's this man who's...
28:59 Credit also goes to Jasleen, the music director,
29:01 and the lyricists who have, you know,
29:03 done a very good job.
29:04 So...
29:05 No, no. I was just talking about the person
29:07 who got it together, of course.
29:09 Music director is the music.
29:13 But we are happy to know that
29:15 the music is going well now.
29:17 I think there was only one philosophy
29:20 vis-a-vis the music of the film.
29:22 That it should be more integral to the characters
29:25 and the storyline and the situations.
29:27 Somewhere, there is an honesty in the script.
29:32 A...
29:33 A very true story is being told.
29:36 So, it was very important to blend the music with it.
29:40 It was very important to be in the lyrical writing.
29:42 So, I think the only thing, you know,
29:45 we as a team went for was to...
29:48 To be honest to the story of the film.
29:50 And not necessarily...
29:52 Nowadays, there is a trend of
29:54 having a song like this or a party number.
29:56 Which is not wrong,
29:57 but this film didn't have a place for it, I guess.
29:59 So, yes.
30:01 I mean, I'm really glad that music...
30:03 I think music is being accepted more after the film came out.
30:06 Because people now have a context of the film's music.
30:09 So, yeah, it's very...
30:11 It's very humbling that people are liking the music as well.
30:14 I think it's also reflective of that they are liking the film a lot.
30:18 Rani, what was your first reaction
30:22 when you saw the film for the first time?
30:25 When I saw the film for the first time?
30:29 Actually, I saw the film in parts.
30:32 So, I don't remember seeing it fully at one go.
30:37 Because I think I saw the first half first
30:39 and the second half later and then the whole film together, right?
30:42 Huh?
30:43 Yeah.
30:44 So, what was my reaction?
30:46 What was my reaction? I don't remember.
30:48 What was my reaction?
30:49 I would like to tell you that
30:52 when a film is completed
30:54 and you show it to your actor who has done this kind of work,
30:59 you feel like, "I don't know what's going to happen today."
31:01 So, Siddharth and I were waiting with a bated breath.
31:04 We didn't even watch it together.
31:05 We went to the room and stood outside.
31:07 And when the film was over,
31:10 I can safely say that Rani came out of it expressionless.
31:14 And we thought that we don't know what all we would get to hear.
31:20 But we realized that the silence had to do with how affected she was
31:25 with the way the film had come about.
31:29 And she was emotional.
31:31 After that, she gave us some comments about the film.
31:35 And we fixed it a little bit.
31:39 But I think it was okay that she gave us a walkout after seeing her reaction.
31:45 So, we were very, very relieved at that point.
31:48 Yes.
31:50 Yes.
31:52 How much more time will you make us wait for the next project?
31:55 Yes, sorry. I didn't understand the last part.
31:58 After the return.
31:59 How much more time will we have to wait for the next project?
32:02 Not much, hopefully.
32:04 I will pray to God that no one has to wait for too long.
32:08 Because I don't want to wait myself.
32:10 So, I will try to watch it on screen as soon as possible.
32:16 That's good.
32:17 It would have been great if the kids in the film could have come on stage.
32:20 We are calling them.
32:23 And it would be great if the music director comes.
32:25 Who?
32:26 The music director who gave us the music.
32:27 Is Jasleen there?
32:28 Jasleen is not here.
32:29 Jasleen is on a shoot today.
32:31 She is shooting.
32:33 We will definitely call the writer.
32:35 Ankur Raja.
32:36 Can we have 9F on stage for a photo op?
32:39 Come, 9F.
32:40 Come on.
32:41 Come on, boys.
32:42 Girls.
32:43 Woohoo.
32:44 Woohoo.
32:45 (upbeat music)
32:47 (upbeat music)
32:50 (upbeat music)
32:52 (upbeat music)
32:55 (upbeat music)
32:58 (upbeat music)
33:01 (upbeat music)
33:04 (upbeat music)
33:06 (upbeat music)
33:09 (upbeat music)
33:11 (upbeat music)
33:14 (upbeat music)
33:21 (upbeat music)
33:26 (upbeat music)
33:32 (upbeat music)
33:38 (upbeat music)
33:40 (upbeat music)
33:45 (upbeat music)
33:50 (upbeat music)
33:56 (upbeat music)
34:06 (upbeat music)
34:08 (upbeat music)
34:14 (upbeat music)
34:20 (upbeat music)
34:25 (upbeat music)
34:34 (upbeat music)
34:36 (upbeat music)
34:43 (upbeat music)
34:49 (upbeat music)
34:55 (upbeat music)
35:01 (upbeat music)
35:04 (upbeat music)
35:14 (upbeat music)
35:25 (upbeat music)
35:28 (upbeat music)
35:37 (upbeat music)
35:43 (upbeat music)
35:49 (upbeat music)
35:56 (upbeat music)
35:58 (upbeat music)
36:04 (upbeat music)
36:10 (upbeat music)
36:16 (upbeat music)
36:25 (upbeat music)
36:28 (upbeat music)
36:33 (upbeat music)
36:39 (upbeat music)
36:45 (upbeat music)
36:51 (upbeat music)
36:53 (upbeat music)
36:58 (upbeat music)
37:03 (upbeat music)
37:14 (upbeat music)
37:21 (upbeat music)
37:24 (upbeat music)
37:28 (upbeat music)
37:33 (upbeat music)
37:38 (upbeat music)
37:47 (upbeat music)
37:50 (upbeat music)
37:55 (upbeat music)
38:00 (upbeat music)
38:05 (upbeat music)
38:11 (upbeat music)
38:13 (upbeat music)
38:23 (upbeat music)
38:33 (speaking in foreign language)
38:37 (speaking in foreign language)
38:41 (speaking in foreign language)
39:09 (audience cheering)
39:12 (speaking in foreign language)
39:19 (upbeat music)
39:31 (upbeat music)
39:33 (singing in foreign language)
39:40 (audience cheering)
39:58 - Thank you so much, thank you so much.
40:01 Hi everybody, my name is Vikrant Soni.
40:04 (speaking in foreign language)
40:08 (speaking in foreign language)
40:13 (speaking in foreign language)
40:17 (speaking in foreign language)
40:21 - So thanks to YRF, thanks to Siddhartha,
40:44 thanks to Manisha, and thanks to Ankur sir.
40:48 (speaking in foreign language)
40:52 - From the beginning only,
41:04 (speaking in foreign language)
41:09 (speaking in foreign language)
41:14 (speaking in foreign language)
41:17 (speaking in foreign language)
41:21 (speaking in foreign language)
41:25 (speaking in foreign language)
41:29 (speaking in foreign language)
41:33 (speaking in foreign language)
41:37 (speaking in foreign language)
41:42 (speaking in foreign language)
41:47 (speaking in foreign language)
41:51 (speaking in foreign language)
41:56 (speaking in foreign language)
42:01 (speaking in foreign language)
42:05 (speaking in foreign language)
42:09 (speaking in foreign language)
42:14 (speaking in foreign language)
42:18 (speaking in foreign language)
42:39 (speaking in foreign language)
42:43 (speaking in foreign language)
42:48 - Hi, I'm Sparsh, and it's always a pleasure
43:01 to have a collaboration on something
43:03 that leaves you with something
43:06 that you take back from the theater.
43:09 We don't really, I wouldn't say it's the plight,
43:14 but it is the condition of today's cinema
43:17 that we rarely make films that leave us
43:20 with a part of that film throughout,
43:23 and I'm really glad to be associated with a film
43:27 that has put an effort to do that,
43:31 and I couldn't have been happier
43:33 to have got this opportunity to have worked with Sir, Ma'am,
43:38 and they are brilliant as persons.
43:41 Ma'am has always been the teacher, by the way, on sets also.
43:45 She was always there to tell us,
43:47 (speaking in foreign language)
43:49 and we were always encouraged when we did good work,
43:53 so she was quite Nana Ma'am on set.
43:56 So she's been there with us throughout the journey,
44:00 helping us, making us better.
44:03 I don't know if we've taught you,
44:05 but we have learned certainly from you,
44:06 and we should because you're so experienced,
44:09 and this film is special for the entire cast,
44:14 but it also is special for the teachers and for the students.
44:19 All my friends, and especially my teachers who are older now,
44:22 they always call me and tell me,
44:25 (speaking in foreign language)
44:30 this is special and will always remain special,
44:35 so I'm really glad to be a small part of this project.
44:39 (audience laughing)
44:43 (speaking in foreign language)
44:49 (speaking in foreign language)
44:53 (speaking in foreign language)
44:57 (speaking in foreign language)
45:01 (speaking in foreign language)
45:05 (speaking in foreign language)
45:32 (audience applauding)
45:36 (speaking in foreign language)
45:41 (speaking in foreign language)
45:54 (speaking in foreign language)
45:58 (speaking in foreign language)
46:02 (speaking in foreign language)
46:06 (speaking in foreign language)
46:10 (speaking in foreign language)
46:15 (speaking in foreign language)
46:19 (speaking in foreign language)
46:23 (speaking in foreign language)
46:27 (speaking in foreign language)
46:35 Thank you so much, guys, thank you.
46:45 (speaking in foreign language)
46:51 Thank you.
46:52 (speaking in foreign language)
46:56 They are just so well prepared when they came on set.
47:01 (speaking in foreign language)
47:04 And I think for an actor, it's very important
47:08 (speaking in foreign language)
47:12 and we need to keep our innocence intact throughout,
47:20 and then it's easier to play characters.
47:22 (speaking in foreign language)
47:27 (upbeat music)
47:44 (upbeat music)
47:47 (singing in foreign language)
47:54 (singing in foreign language)
47:58 (singing in foreign language)
48:01 (singing in foreign language)
48:05 (singing in foreign language)
48:09 (singing in foreign language)
48:13 (singing in foreign language)
48:17 (singing in foreign language)
48:21 (singing in foreign language)
48:45 (singing in foreign language)
48:49 (singing in foreign language)
48:52 (singing in foreign language)
48:56 (singing in foreign language)
49:00 (upbeat music)
49:18 (upbeat music)
49:21 (singing in foreign language)
49:31 (singing in foreign language)
49:44 (singing in foreign language)
50:11 (upbeat music)
50:14 (speaking in foreign language)
50:35 (upbeat music)
50:38 (upbeat music)
50:40 (upbeat music)
50:43 (upbeat music)
50:46 (upbeat music)
50:48 (upbeat music)
50:51 (upbeat music)
51:15 (upbeat music)
51:18 (speaking in foreign language)
51:37 (upbeat music)
51:40 (upbeat music)
51:43 (upbeat music)
51:45 (speaking in foreign language)
51:52 (upbeat music)
52:10 (upbeat music)
52:12 (speaking in foreign language)
52:38 (upbeat music)
52:41 (speaking in foreign language)
52:49 (upbeat music)
52:51 (speaking in foreign language)
52:56 (upbeat music)
52:59 (speaking in foreign language)
53:05 (speaking in foreign language)
53:10 (laughing)
53:12 (upbeat music)
53:18 (upbeat music)
53:20 (speaking in foreign language)
53:24 (upbeat music)
53:27 (speaking in foreign language)
53:39 (upbeat music)
53:41 (speaking in foreign language)
54:03 (upbeat music)
54:05 (speaking in foreign language)
54:12 (upbeat music)
54:14 (speaking in foreign language)
54:27 (upbeat music)
54:29 (speaking in foreign language)
54:35 (upbeat music)
54:38 (speaking in foreign language)
54:49 (upbeat music)
54:52 (speaking in foreign language)
55:03 (upbeat music)
55:06 (speaking in foreign language)
55:12 (upbeat music)
55:15 (speaking in foreign language)
55:20 (upbeat music)
55:27 (speaking in foreign language)
55:35 (upbeat music)
55:38 (speaking in foreign language)
55:43 (upbeat music)
55:47 (speaking in foreign language)
55:59 (upbeat music)
56:02 (speaking in foreign language)
56:07 (upbeat music)
56:12 (speaking in foreign language)
56:17 (upbeat music)
56:21 (speaking in foreign language)
56:28 (speaking in foreign language)
56:33 (speaking in foreign language)
56:38 (speaking in foreign language)
56:42 (speaking in foreign language)
56:46 (speaking in foreign language)
56:50 (speaking in foreign language)
56:53 (upbeat music)
57:02 (speaking in foreign language)
57:10 (upbeat music)
57:13 (speaking in foreign language)
57:20 (speaking in foreign language)
57:25 (speaking in foreign language)
57:30 (upbeat music)
57:33 (speaking in foreign language)
57:39 (speaking in foreign language)
57:44 (upbeat music)
57:47 (speaking in foreign language)
57:52 (upbeat music)
58:06 (speaking in foreign language)
58:12 (upbeat music)
58:16 (speaking in foreign language)
58:20 (speaking in foreign language)
