These Riddles Will Make You Forget About Your To-Do List

  • 5 months ago
Hey there, brainiacs! Ready to put those thinking caps to the test? I've got a challenge for you—some seriously tricky riddles that'll have you scratching your head and flexing those mental muscles. So grab a snack, get comfy, and let's dive into the ultimate riddle-solving adventure. Think you've got what it takes to crack the code and solve the mystery? There's only one way to find out—let's get puzzling! #brightside

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00:00 In Middleton High School, a teacher decided to play a game with students.
00:04 She wrote a riddle on the board, and the first student that got the answer correctly would win a big prize.
00:10 The riddle she wrote went like this.
00:12 "I am clean when I'm empty, and I'm dirty when I'm full. What am I?"
00:17 Barbara immediately knew the answer to this one and won the prize.
00:21 Can you guess what she answered?
00:23 [Ticking]
00:30 [Ding ding ding]
00:31 It's a chalkboard!
00:33 The answer was right in front of her all along.
00:36 Gabriel is an experienced trekker.
00:38 He went for a three-day trek in the beautiful forests of Spain when he was captured by a mythical creature.
00:44 The creature took him to a hidden realm and took away his backpack and all his belongings.
00:49 After he took everything he needed, he left Gabriel in a dark cave all by himself.
00:54 To leave the cave, Gabriel was supposed to choose one of three tunnels.
00:58 The first tunnel had thousands of pointy crystals that could hurt him if he stepped on them.
01:03 The second tunnel was filled with shadowy creatures that were eager for some of Gabriel's vitality.
01:08 And the last tunnel had the belongings of an ancient wizard, his cape and some of his potions lying around.
01:14 Which tunnel should he choose?
01:16 [Ticking]
01:23 [Ding ding ding]
01:24 I'd say the last one, right?
01:26 Since it only has the wizard's belongings, the wizard himself is nowhere to be seen.
01:30 Hmm.
01:32 Oh no! The third tunnel was a trap after all.
01:35 It took Gabriel to the wizard's tower.
01:37 When he walked into the tower's only room, he got locked inside it.
01:42 To make things worse, when he looked down, he saw that the tower was on fire.
01:47 The room had no doors and only a small window.
01:51 Thankfully, he found there were three magic potions that could help him escape.
01:55 The first potion had the power of giving him incredible physical strength.
02:00 With the second potion, he could summon any animal he wanted to help him.
02:04 And the last potion would turn into a vampire.
02:06 Which potion should Gabriel choose?
02:09 [Ticking]
02:16 [Ding ding ding]
02:17 Well, no animal could help him escape the tower.
02:19 And even if he had all the strength in the world, he wouldn't be able to beat the fire.
02:23 But if he turned into a vampire, then he could transition into a bat and fly away through the little window.
02:29 So the third bottle it is.
02:33 Maya was exploring the realms when she opened a door that took her to Rainbowland.
02:37 This world was filled with flying unicorns and colorful fairies.
02:42 But they were mischievous creatures that liked playing pranks with outsiders.
02:46 So, they held Maya hostage until she could figure out the answer to their riddle.
02:51 They asked her, "I'm a color you can eat, what am I? Can you help Maya figure out the answer to this riddle?"
02:57 [Ticking]
03:04 [Ding ding ding]
03:05 It's an orange!
03:07 Way to go, Maya!
03:09 But the fairy people were in the mood for playing more games.
03:12 So they continued with their riddles.
03:14 They asked Maya, "I make two people out of one, what am I?"
03:19 Maya had to think for a while to answer this one.
03:22 But she got it correctly.
03:23 What did she answer?
03:25 [Ticking]
03:32 [Ding ding ding]
03:33 A mirror!
03:35 Taylor was walking through the streets of New York City when she tripped over something, fell down, and hurt her head.
03:41 When she woke up, she was at the hospital with doctors asking her a bunch of questions to see if she was alright.
03:47 The funny doctor, who is known for his riddles, asked her, "What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?"
03:55 Can you help Taylor out here?
03:57 [Ticking]
04:04 [Ding ding ding]
04:05 It's a penny!
04:06 You can see how this riddle is misleading, but hey, you got it right!
04:10 Three people decided to spend their vacations in Antarctica.
04:15 Bianca had some trouble with the harsh weather, but felt it was worth it in the end.
04:20 Pablo had a great time photographing the penguins for his social media page.
04:24 And Helena got to do some fishing while she was there.
04:27 On the last day of their trip, passing through airport security, one of them got caught trying to take a penguin with them in their backpack.
04:35 Take a look at the picture. Can you tell who it was?
04:38 [Ticking]
04:45 [Ding ding ding]
04:46 Let's see what we have here.
04:48 Well, is that a penguin's feet poking out of Helena's backpack?
04:52 It sure is.
04:53 Guess she did more than just fishing during her vacation.
04:57 Kailani was swimming in a dark underwater cave when she found a gold lamp.
05:02 She rubbed the lamp, and a powerful merman came out of it.
05:05 The merman told her he would grant her heart's truest wish, and asked her what it would be.
05:10 The young mermaid was confused about what to wish for, so she went to ask her family what they wanted most.
05:16 Her father said he wanted to be king.
05:18 Her mother said she wanted to have a pet shark.
05:20 And her brother said he wanted to marry the love of his life.
05:23 The powerful merman granted Kailani one wish, but all of her family members got what they wanted.
05:29 Can you guess what Kailani wished for?
05:31 [Ticking]
05:38 [Ding ding ding]
05:39 Kailani wished that her father, the king, attended her brother's wedding to the love of his life,
05:45 and that her mother's pet shark be the one that carried the rings down the aisle.
05:50 Smart girl.
05:54 Bob was blindfolded and put into a shaky van.
05:57 When he woke up, he was alone in a dark, empty room.
06:01 There was nobody there, but there were three envelopes on the floor.
06:04 A post-it on top of the envelopes said, "Each envelope contains a red capsule and two statements.
06:10 In one of these envelopes, both statements are false.
06:13 In another envelope, both statements are true.
06:16 You have to choose the correct capsule to get out of this alive."
06:20 He opened the first envelope, saw a capsule, and the messages.
06:24 "1. Don't take this pill."
06:27 "2. Take the pill from the second envelope."
06:31 On the second envelope, the notes said, "1. Don't take the pill from the first envelope."
06:37 "2. Take the pill from the third envelope."
06:40 The last envelope said, "1. Don't take this pill."
06:43 "2. Take the pill from the first envelope."
06:46 Which capsule should Bob take?
06:48 He should trust the pill from the third envelope.
06:59 Let's see why.
07:01 The first message of the first envelope is true, while the second is false.
07:06 Both messages from the second envelope are true.
07:09 This leaves us with two false statements on the third envelope.
07:13 It's the finale of the Big Money Buzz show, and Natalie is faced with a difficult task.
07:19 There are three fish bowls, each one of them containing a different amount of gold bars inside.
07:25 If she manages to put her hand inside one of the bowls and take it out, she can keep the gold bar.
07:31 The first bowl has scalding hot water inside of it.
07:34 The second is filled with flesh-burning acid.
07:37 And the last bowl has a couple of venomous scorpions walking around.
07:41 Which bowl should she choose?
07:43 Natalie should just wait until the water cools down and grab the gold bar from the first bowl.
07:55 Nova wanted to be part of the Binary Bandits.
08:00 They were an elite cyber security group that protected the internet world from hackers.
08:04 She sent several emails to the group's members, but she was completely ignored.
08:09 Until one day, she got an encrypted message with a mysterious riddle.
08:13 It said that if she could answer this riddle,
08:15 she would be interviewed by a member of the bandits and get a chance to be part of the group.
08:20 The message said,
08:22 "Invisible I am, but through circuits I flow.
08:25 Harness my power and watch your knowledge grow.
08:28 A key to the future, a virtual seed.
08:30 Decipher my code and all secrets you'll heed. What am I?"
08:34 Nova's answer was a four-letter word, and she got it right.
08:37 Can you guess what she answered?
08:39 She answered "Data".
08:48 That seemed obvious, huh?
08:50 That's it for today.
08:53 So hey, if you pacified your curiosity,
08:55 then give the video a like and share it with your friends.
08:58 Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
