Per il terzo anniversario del transito di p. Emidio Alessandrini, presso la basilica di s. Antonio al Laterano in via Merulana a Roma è stato presentato il volume ‘Notae de Miraculis – Opera inedita sui fenomeni straordinari e magico-superstiziosi’ di Prospero Lambertini (futuro papa Benedetto XIV), un’edizione critica che riprende integralmente la tesi dottorale di p. Emidio Alessandrini. Tra filtri amatori, magia, potere delle creature angeliche, inganni del diavolo, miracoli, lupi mannari, morti tornati in vita e necromanzia, si viene condotti ad una seria esplorazione dei cosiddetti fenomeni di confine, che da sempre affascinano l’uomo.
For the third anniversary of the passing away of Fr. Emidio Alessandrini, at the basilica of St. Antonio at the Lateran (via Merulana, Rome) has been presented the volume 'Notae de Miraculis – Unpublished work on extraordinary and magical-superstitious phenomena' by Prospero Lambertini (future Pope Benedict XIV). This volume is a critical edition which integrally presents the doctoral thesis of Fr. Emidio Alessandrini. Dealing with amateur filters, magic, power of angelic creatures, devil's deceptions, miracles, werewolves, dead people brought back to life and necromancy, we are led to a serious exploration of the so-called 'borderline phenomena', which have always fascinated mankind.
For the third anniversary of the passing away of Fr. Emidio Alessandrini, at the basilica of St. Antonio at the Lateran (via Merulana, Rome) has been presented the volume 'Notae de Miraculis – Unpublished work on extraordinary and magical-superstitious phenomena' by Prospero Lambertini (future Pope Benedict XIV). This volume is a critical edition which integrally presents the doctoral thesis of Fr. Emidio Alessandrini. Dealing with amateur filters, magic, power of angelic creatures, devil's deceptions, miracles, werewolves, dead people brought back to life and necromancy, we are led to a serious exploration of the so-called 'borderline phenomena', which have always fascinated mankind.